(NaturalNews) Donald Trump has been found guilty of falsifying business records with the intention to influence the 2016 election, marking the first time a former… Source Views: 0
Posts Tagged ‘rigged’
Rigged court convicts Trump of ginned-up “crime” that’s nothing more than a common non-disclosure arrangement

Philly Mobster Who Rigged 2020 Mail-in Votes Flipping on the Deep State?

So Says Gianni Russo from ‘The Godfather’ (1972) > Claiming Evidence Has Gone Straight to the US Supreme Court • Source Source Views: 0
Tucker Carlson: ‘I Have Conclusive Evidence 2020 Election Was Rigged’

Tucker Carlson says he has seen conclusive evidence proving that the 2020 election was “100 rigged” against President Trump. In an interview with podcaster Lex Fridman, Tucker explained why he believes the election was stolen […] The post Tucker Carlson: ‘I Have Conclusive Evidence 2020 Election Was Rigged’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source […]
ALREADY RIGGED: The Atlantic tells Democrats to NOT certify Trump’s expected 2024 election win

(NaturalNews) In the event the Supreme Court allows Donald Trump to remain on the ballot for the 2024 election and he actually wins, The Atlantic is urging… Source Views: 0
This Looks ‘Very Bad’: How the 2020 Election Was Rigged 7 Months In Advance

Censorship expert Mike Benz made a damning case on Tucker Carlson Uncensored that the rig was in for the 2020 election seven months ahead of time. This involved, as Benz described, “a government-coordinated mass censorship campaign spanning every single social media platform on earth in order to pre-censor the ability to dispute the legitimacy of […]
Latest MAGA Conspiracy: The Super Bowl Is Being Rigged to Help Taylor Swift Help Joe Biden

More evidence that anything can be turned into a conspiracy theory to manipulate MAGA activists: MAGA political operatives are ranting that the NFL has rigged this year’s Super Bowl to help pop music superstar Taylor Swift help President Biden win election. The media’s infatuation with the relationship between Swift and Kansas City Chiefs star tight end […]
The NFL is Rigged

(Superbowl half-time shows and knee-taking are dedicated to the Cabalist Jewish God, Satan) Why Does the NFL Genuflect to Satan? Because most of the owners are bloodsucking Cabalist Jews Commie Jews are destroying professional sport, and everything else. “Do you know what the NFL has in common with pro wrestling and roller derby? The NFL […]
RFK Jr. to continue his presidential run as an INDEPENDENT candidate after ditching rigged DNC

(NaturalNews) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) on Monday, Oct. 9, announced his independent candidacy for president, officially ending his effort… Source Views: 0
New York’s prosecution of Trump being RIGGED by dishonest, bad faith judges and prosecutors

(NaturalNews) If you have been keeping up with the witch hunt prosecution of former President Donald Trump in New York, you may have noticed that just about… Source Views: 0
BREAKING: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. throws down the gauntlet on rigged DNC, promises to “look at other options” if democrat party bosses won’t allow a fair and free election

(NaturalNews) In a live town hall event that took place Sunday, September 17th, 2023, hosted by Stand For Health Freedom, US presidential candidate Robert F…. Source Views: 0
RFK Jr. says Democrat Party has already “rigged” nomination for Biden by EXCLUDING everyone else

(NaturalNews) Even though he is arguably the best candidate running, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a tough battle ahead for the White House, especially since the… Source Views: 0
‘Rigged’ US tax code blamed as wealthy see major retirement account gains

“It is unacceptable that taxpayers are forced to spend billions of dollars subsidizing the retirement accounts of the wealthiest people in America,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders. Source Views: 0
RIGGED: Members of the British media have already written articles blaming Russia for a dirty bomb attack in Ukraine that hasn’t even happened yet

RIGGED: Members of the British media have already written articles blaming Russia for a dirty bomb attack in Ukraine that hasn’t even happened yet British media outlets have already written articles claiming that Russia is the culprit of an expected dirty bomb incident in Ukraine. This is according to award-winning British journalist and Daily Mail correspondent […]
RIGGED: Silicon Valley Bank gave its employees bonuses just hours before it collapsed

(Natural News) Employees of Silicon Valley Bank were given their annual bonuses on Friday just hours ahead of the seizure of the bank by regulators. The payments were reportedly bonuses for work conducted last year and were already being processed in the days ahead of the collapse of the bank. In the past, the bank […]
Is the IPCC Rigged? – Questions For Corbett #096

Corbett • 02/20/2023 • 0 Comments https://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/qfc096-ipcc.mp3 Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Today James demonstrates the proper way to formulate a question about someone’s research if you want to get a useful answer. And, as an added bonus, you’ll learn how the UNFCCC was rigged from the outset and how the […]
The Game-Changer Book About 2020 Election Fraud: “Rigged” by Mollie Hemingway, 5 Amazon Stars Out of 3200 Reviews

5 Amazon stars out of 3200 reviews is quite a feat for a book on anything as contentious as the 2020 presidential election. Just published this June. Reading the Amazon reader reviews is fascinating. “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections“ CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE Read Next… Will Adam Laxalt […]
POLLING: Americans Give No-Confidence Vote to Rigged Two-Party System

The 2022 Congressional midterms are around the corner. Based on historical precedent and the state of the union, they should be a slam-dunk for the GOP. Source Views: 0
Google Rigged The 2020 Election

Senior Google engineer, Zach Vorhies, leaked 950 pages of internal documents that prove Google used censorship, blacklist, and machine learning algorithms to rig the 2020 election. KanekoaTheGreat Sep 21 2022 For many of us, using the internet means using Google. As the number one visited website in the world Google receives 5.6 billion searches per day controlling […]
Get Ready for a Bunch of Sore-Loser Republicans Claiming 2022 Is Rigged

Former President Donald Trump embraces Republican candidate for governor Kari Lake at a ‘Save America’ rally in support of Arizona GOP candidates on July 22, 2022 in Prescott Valley, Arizona. Nearly two-thirds of Republicans in key midterm races won’t commit to accepting their election results if they lose, an ominous sign that attacks on the […]