The Fall of Al Gore, Obama Birth Certificate News & More: Infowars Nightly News

Aaron Dykes
Infowars Nightly News
September 15, 2011

Infowars Nightly News - Obama's Social Security Number Doesn't Check OutIn this Thursday, Sept. 15 edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex speaks with investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, of the Wayne Madsen Report, back from Indonesia and hot on the trail of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and the related issues.

He examines the apparently fraudulent social security number that has been linked with the President and brought under heavy scrutiny. Further, Madsen discusses the lingering impact of radiation now many months after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown and explosion. Populations are in exodus from Tokyo and other major cities, as those who can are moving to Southern Japan to avoid deadly health effects.

Later, Alex is joined by Marc Morano, of the Climate Depot, to discuss the fall of Al Gore as his phony climate change empire crumbles. The latest resignation of a Nobel Laureate Dr. Ivar Giaever from the American Physical Society over its promotion of Man-Made Global Warming only seeks to further illustrate that the science was never in, and that the tenants of AGW have only been used to clamp down on human activity and impose carbon taxes (that directly benefit Gore, the Rothschilds and others).

Alex then covers more on the plunging economy, and the laughable denial from our U.S. officials that everything is fine and that jobs will be created while conditions continue improving. These blatant lies from Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and others are nothing more than paper-thin attempts to keep the lid on the already too-far-gone global collapse.

Snitch Act - Infowars Nightly NewsIn a news blitz, Alex discusses the latest in UNpatriotic legislation being introduced in Congress, H.R. 963, the See Something, Say Something Act which encourages citizens to snitch on their neighbors for any “suspicious” behaviors without immunity against lawsuits for frivolous reports. Also in the news is the latest scare about (naturally-occurring) arsenic in apple juice, while real dangers over genetically-modified foods, BPA and more are ignored and their manufacturers protected.

France’s Nicolas Sarkozy and Britain’s David Cameron are now meeting in Libya and giving open support to the al Qaeda rebel leaders who’ve taken over Tripoli and seek to build a post-Gaddafi Libya. Meanwhile, the outrageous nanny state in the UK has begun registering children as young as three in a database branding them “racist” or “homophobic” for using politically-incorrect terms the children likely don’t even understand. Then, new information on the cause behind the crash of Swissair Flight 111 only seeks to demonstrate government’s propensity to cover-up the truth at any cost.

Tune in tonight at 7PM CST at Prison and watch the show. If you’re not a Prison member, please consider subscribing. We depend upon viewer support to keep the program alive and growing.

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82 Responses to “The Fall of Al Gore, Obama Birth Certificate News More: Infowars Nightly News”

  1. “They (the Jews) work more effectively against us than the enemy’s armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in. It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pests to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America.”

    Source: Maxims of George Washington by A.A. Appleton Co.

    • Benjamin Franklin on Jews:

      “I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. That menace, gentlemen, is the Jews. In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation was founded by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within a state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal.

      “For over 1700 hundred years, the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine. But, gentlemen, did the world give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only amongst themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race. If you do not exclude them from these United States in the Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land, and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives, our substance, and jeopardized our liberty.

      “If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves. Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics, let them be born where they will or how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American’s, and will not even though they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitutional Convention.”

      Franklin’s remarks were recorded in “Chit Chat Around the Table During Intermissions,” a section of the Diary of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney of South Carolina. Pickney (1746-1825) attended the Convention as a delegate, and took down excerpts of some of the outstanding addresses and discourses, which he later published in his diary. Perhaps the best proof of the Franklin prophecy—as with any prophecy—lies in its actual fulfillment. What Benjamin Franklin foresaw as an ominous possibility in 1787 has today—a little over two hundred years later—become painful reality.

  2. Ok, I live in Japan and just came to say that there’s no “exodus from Tokyo and other major cities”.

    I dont know where you get this misinformation from, you should check your sources.

    • wayne madison is the source, are you omni present in japan? are you waiting for your admitted lying media to say its true. im not saying your wrong but if i had 2 brain cells functioning in tokyo id get the eff out

  3. This is old news….
    I can not understand why Obama has not been impeached for fraud.
    As far as Gore? Who cares? His plan never even got off the ground.
    So, what the hell are we supposed to do with this crap?
    I suggest that Alex writes a letter to Congress.

    • soetoro/obama/davis whatever his name is cannot be impeached. He is not legally president. And unless your congressman is Ron Paul, writing congress is completely useless.

  4. Poor Japan, they are so fucked !
    They have lost the use of Northern Honshu Island for 500 years !!!
    and 3500 Terabacquerells of Ce 137 has gone into the Pacific Ocean,
    poisoning their ocean food source for at least the next 50 years,
    until it settles to the seabed and gets entombed in a sedimentary layer.

    The world weeps for Japan and the Ocean.

    • god be with them.

  5. It’s not going to be easy but we are going to win this battle. I just went to Ron Paul’s site and registered as a volunteer for his campaign. Visit me at and let’s discuss what we can do to take the fight to the Federal Reserve, the head of the New World Order Beast in America. Brian B.

    • Good for you, man. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their Constitution. If we don’t defend it, no one will, and putting Ron Paul into Presidency is but a significant step towards protecting it from the special interests who would rather we crawl at the ground for table scraps than rise and realize our potential as free humanity.

      This is a real fight, but we have people like Marc Morano, Lord Monckton, Alex Jones, Ron Paul, Sheriff Mack, Lindsey Williams, Webster Tarpley, G. Edward Griffin, Wayne Madsen, Chuck Norris, and thousands of other prominent senators and private citizens who see the writing on the wall.

      It’s time to stand up and be the activist our Founding Fathers asserted was necessary to maintain our Republic. It’s time to understand the political structure and break it down from within; it’s time to run for every political office where corruption is evident and rout the scum out.

      It’s time to wake up.

      • Thanks and you’re right. Everybody has to take action now or the Federal Reserve and the people who control it win. But at least we can zero in on the most important head on the 7 headed hydra. The Fed has to be taken out and the first step is getting everyone informed. Then getting the informed millions organized into a single focused action. But first we have to wake the people. Start meetings, rallies, blogs, whatever you can do. Ron Paul 2012! Brian Burton@

  6. HYATT REGENCY SPECIAL INVITE, 51 -PRO ZIONIST RANT- *Summary, index, concordances, special thanks, reviews, group discussions post slide show, w/author autograph session and photo with donations

    What really boggles me beyond comprehension, is that SOMEHOW- these “Protocol” cults are ABSOLUTELY 100% POSITIVE that the New World Order is Jewish, and the pure untainted bloodline of Abraham.
    How do they KNOW this for certain? Do they have a magical scrying device? A crystal ball? The keys of Enoch?
    Did the break the code of the Grimiore of Honorius?
    The Necronomicon?
    The Codex Gigas?

    Did they have a “vision from the Lord” in which he revealed the bloodline?

    Was it web bot?

    Fucking ancestry .com? Who the FUCK KNOWS.

    What is for certain, is that they believe “The Jews are behind it all” 1000%, and they absolutely know it, and can prove it, without any room for doubt or dissension whatsoever.

    And Hitler knew it too. When he wasn’t busy reading Helena Blavatsky…..

    • Maybe they had Joseph Smiths golden plates n spectacles….
      sorry, i’ll try to stop….

      • BITCH DON”T STOP!!

    • Does the ADL directly pay you for your propaganda posts? Or do you have to slink around and collect your ill-gotten gains in dark alleyways?

      Elite Jewry has played a huge role in establishing the New World Order. Anyone who doubts this fact just hasn’t done their research.

      • i agree check out the movie missing links.

    • Answer to 51 : none of those taken separately but preponderance of evidence – the whole mountain of it.
      P.S. You forgot the Voynich manuscript.

      • 51 LETS PLAY!!



      51 says:
      September 13, 2011 at 9:44 pm
      The Protocols? Are you fucking serious? The Protocols are a fucking joke. Authored by the Jesuit Illuminati to demonize Jews and misdirect the public with disinformation. Read the Holy Bible old testament Torah, and tell me ONE FUCKING THING the stupid “protocols” have in common with that. Answer=


      You would know that if you bothered to study history or read the damn book. The stupid fucking protocols are about as viable as the posters and literature of Nazi Germany depicting the “Jews” as the offspring of Eve and Satan. Alex don’t talk about the protocols that much because they are a joke. I think the MJ-12 documents have more credibility than the stupid fucking “protocols”.
      Rothschilds own “NIMROD” holdings. Clue: Nimrod wasn’t a fucking Jew. And Solomons thousand demon god bitches weren’t Jewish either. Not withstanding, Saphardic Jews are not Hebrews, nor are Khazars. And the nwo comprises much more than that. Long story short-

      evil is not race specific, nor skin deep

      By the way, Jesus was a Jew, so were his disciples

      edomsthorn says:
      September 14, 2011 at 12:01 am
      Foul mouth ADL TROLL. One sure way to draw a troll out is talk about the Protocols.
      I wasn’t going to reply to your earlier post YOU said “My strength is made perfect in weakness.”- Jesus” That is no where in the bible that I can see CITE a source,book chapter verse!
      The Jesuits were around in 1550s! The Illuminati was not until 1748 by Adam Weishaupt. So that is three times your foul mouth was wrong!! The Jesuits were JEWS that converted to Cathalocisim. What kind of grades did you get in History? ”
      “Saphardic Jews are not Hebrews, nor are Khazars.” Well you got that one correct.
      MJ12? I will look into!
      The Zionist Talmudist are the Jews I am concernd with.
      Mrs. Nesta Webster in Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, writes:

      “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion have been marvellously correct as prophecy, foreshadowing all of this in a remarkable way, whatever their first origin, before Maurice Joly used part of them in 1864.”

      February 17th, 1921, Henry Ford Sr.
      “The only statement I care to make about the PROTOCOLS is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. THEY FIT IT NOW.”
      Henry Ford’s Dearborn Independent – which publicized the Protocols in America around 1921 – that the work was “too terribly real for fiction, too well-sustained for speculation, too deep in its knowledge of the secret springs of life for forgery”.

      The Jewish writer Bernard Lazare said, “it is certain that there were Jews even at the cradle of Freemasonry — Cabalistic Jews, as it is proved by certain existing rites . . . The Jew is also a builder: proud, ambitious, domineering, he tries to draw everything to himself. He is not satisfied with de-Christianising, he Judaises; he destroys the Catholic or Protestant faith, he provokes indifference, but he imposes his idea of the world, of morals, and of life upon whose faith he ruins; he works at his age-old task — the annihilation of the religion of Christ!”

      I think the Protocols deserve our attention! The fact that you and the A.D.L. are so strongly opposed to us talking about them should in it self be proof that their is something to it! Nice try IDIOT!

      AND that Jesus is a JEW bit is a JEW LIE!

    • You are absolutely right. Alex dismissing the Protocols as a Mickey Mouse book is total denial. You can argue who is the real author, but I also believe it is a Jewish plot.
      Regarding Hitler and Nazis, they either were part of the plot to bring about the establishment of Israel or truely concerned about the Jews or a mix of true German uprising and high finance banking manipulation. Remember, Germany was broke in 1920, and all of a sudden come the Nazis and build the greatest Military force Europe has ever seen in a few years.

      One thing is clear. The holocaust is a hoax. That’s why you can’t sit on the fence on the issue. AskaNAZI Jews are not even Semites and do not return to their homeland. Ashkanazi means German in hebrew, what a coincidence.

      I saw Glenn Beck’s speech in Jerusalem today on Triniti. He is getting the Christians ready to support and fight for Israel.

      All the way, the most famous Christians Jesus, even the Founding Fathers spoke bad about the Jews. Not because they were racists, but they were sick and tired of them. Study the Talmud. There you find the Globalist mind set. How they see us as animals etc.

      • A few corrections…The Germans did not build the greatest military force Europe had ever seen in a few years, this is mainstream myth. The truth is that the English, French, and Russians started building up their military power before Germany ever became a military threat. After all, it was the English and French who started WWII, not the Germans as mainstream historians would have us believe. The Germans started rearming later on, after they realized that the allies were gearing up for war. The reason the Germans were broke is because of the Treaty of Versailles, written by a Jew. One of the English representatives at the treaty agreement said the treaty would lead to WWII because it was designed to destroy Germany economically.

        As for European feelings towards Jews, yes, they were viewed in a very negative light and justly so. They lived a parasitic lifestyle based on usury and deception. They’ve been kicked out of every European nation at least once, in some cases more then twice because of their predatory nature in regards to money and usury. There are numerous documented cases in history where the Jews put money above all else and tried to completely destroy their host nations and take over from within. And they have no qualms about sacrificing their own people for monetary gain.

  7. Well said. Remember, corruption and thus absolute power calls no soil home and will cloak itself behind any nation of a majority to ensue more conflict.
    It is interesting how the nuclear non proliferation treaty didn’t apply to the Israel power, and yet no one “went” in to destroy the WMDs… but lies were good enough to level iraq. It’s clear that there is a force ruling our “leaders” with an iron fist and invisible strings. In the “grand” geo-political game of chess, they must have pawns at their disposal to keep true freedom in check. If we play the game of hate by the name of a country only… then you have played strait into their playbook. Divide and conquer is their motto and the precision in our language is the sharpness of our blade. The bonds of unity through our empathy for those who we were once like is how we can lock arms and stand together – instead of being set at war with ourselves over our interpretations of misinformation.
    “Bombs aint bad for business” – especially when you own a company that makes war consumables or has contracts to rebuild.
    These scum never let tragedy or scarcity go to waist…. And when they don’t get it… THEY MAKE IT HAPPEN.
    Each has what each gives.
    I empathize for all the people in every country who want nothing to do with the “leaders” agenda. It’s almost everyone I meet now.
    Yes, there is elitist/globalist/fascist out there. They are the few. We are the many.
    With 9/11 – Most people now are at least suspect that there’s a lot more to the “event” than the “official” report. Many of these people just need to see a movie like truth rising or blueprint for the truth. On these films they get to see people who were actually there and/or people who have a great understanding in the hi-tech architectural feat that was executed on that day. These films are very effective in waking people up. At least, it usually raises questions in them which were not answered with the “official” report….. and remember it was a REPORT….NOT AN INVESTEGATION. Remember the investigations were ordered to back off on the bin laden family and finding out who funded it “was of little consequence”. Many come to the question… “Why would they do that to there own people?”… The fact is – they always have and always will as long as we put up with it.
    The war is on the mind because the mind interoperates our reality.
    Fight for health.
    Go for gold.
    Seek the truth.

    • Yes, STT 911. I am AGAINST the “leveling” of any country, or it’s people’s. The people of all nations are just pawns in the game, and victims of this. Including the common peoples of Israel.
      It is the leadership of nations that is the real problem.

      • I agree, the “Jewish” people are not responsible but their leadership is. They run the media and have engineered and degraded our culture. They also control world banking, less then ten Jewish families run it all. Follow the money, who benefits?

      • There seem to be very few jews who are genuine innocent victims and they often coincide with those who oppose the zionazis.



    We often hear the claim that our nation is a democracy. That wasn’t the vision of the founders. They saw democracy as another form of tyranny. If we’ve become a democracy, I guarantee you that the founders would be deeply disappointed by our betrayal of their vision. The founders intended, and laid out the ground rules, for our nation to be a republic
    The word “democracy” appears nowhere in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution — two most fundamental documents of our nation. Instead of a democracy, the Constitution’s Article IV, Section 4, guarantees “to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.” Moreover, let’s ask ourselves: Does our pledge of allegiance to the flag say to “the democracy for which it stands,” or does it say to “the republic for which it stands”? Or do we sing “The Battle Hymn of the Democracy” or “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”?

    • I feel like I am sitting beside you in a candle lit revolutionary war period tavern, sucking suds out of a tall steel stein. “Here, here! God save the Republic!” lol.

      • It’s not clear whether you seem to realize how close to the truth is your observation , except the period now is pre-revolutionary.

        • Agrred. I feel the zeitgeist changing. The fight is on. All or northing.

  9. A man of scripture, the Bible upon Jesus return (Rev 19) describes God wiping out the Beast, False prophet, and combined armies of the earth, and everyone who took the mark of the beast.

    I find it difficult to believe, that the combined armies of the whole world are only “Jewish”. Or for that matter, that a sea of people who took the mark are only “Jewish”. And I don’t recall the chapters of Revelations, or Daniel, which describe Jesus destroying “The Jews” upon his return. I am pretty sure Obama isn’t “Jewish” either.

    Since Jesus and his disciples are themselves, “Jewish”, the sales pitch becomes increasingly challenging- outside of a kkk rally that is.

    • No, Jesus’ disciples were not “Jewish” as you claim, they were Israelites, major difference. Jesus was from the tribe of Yahuda and was a resident of Galilee but not a “Jew”. A Jew was a resident of Judea. Who were the disciples in fear of? You got it, the “Jews”. Read the New Testament. Who did Jesus Christ call a den of vipers and sons of Satan? Who did Jesus say was responsible for all of the innocent blood shed in the world? The “Jews”.

      If you study history the term “Jew” is quite a recent invention. Find out who the “Jews” actually are before claiming otherwise. It’s a lot of history to take in and think about and it certainly doesn’t make someone a K.K.K. member. You go where the facts take you, you don’t base your world view on political correctness or fear the real racists who control the media.

    • According to the Bible,the armies that come together against Israel are going to be the combined armies of China,Russia,Persia(as well as the rest of the middle east) and Turkey.

    • @51:
      They are not jewish, just jewish sub-serving lowlifes, whether due to subhuman morality making them willful accomplices, subhuman intellect making them unwilling accomplices unable to see the truth or worse yet subhuman instincts forcing them to slave for satisfaction thereof.

    • The Jews aren’t Jewish either, but Jew-wish.

      King James Bible
      Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
      Revelation 9:3

  10. It’s not like obama is going to get re elected.

  11. 51 -PRO ZIONIST RANT- to “buddhaway” continued… PART II

    A historical study of the Catholic Church, and the Vatican, will reveal it to be one of the most vicious and evil fronts for Satanism in recorded history.

    Emperor Constantine, as the first pope, INVENTED modern anti semitism, on behalf of the satanic priesthood, co opting Christianity and separating it from the true Mosaic covenants and laws. This successfully integrated pagan practices with Christianity, such as Sunday worship and Easter.

    Not as easily trumped as the Templars, “The Count of Monte Christo (Counts of Christ)” is actually a secret tribute to the triumph of the Jesuit order over the Vatican. With the help of their newly forged illuminati, established the new order of Luciferianism which had been mostly unchallenged since the Concordact of Worms between Callixtus II, and Henry V.

    • I agree. The hierarchy of the Catholic Church is indeed evil. They have carried out Satanic/Luciferian rituals inside St.Peter’s Cathedral and the Vatican many times over. No, Constantine did not invent modern antisemitism because he didn’t live in contemporary times. It wasn’t just Constantine, it was also Eusebius. They did indeed co-opt Christianity, and they slaughtered true Christians by the hundreds of thousands and the millions. Judaism is not the same “religion” of the Ancient Hebrews and the Prophets. Who did Jesus say murdered the prophets?

      Fast-forward to today; The “Jews” work hand in hand with the Vatican and the Black Nobility of Europe. The common thread that ties them all together is Freemasonry which is simply a system that developed by combining all of the philosophies of the ancient mystery religions. All of the Secret Societies, regardless of names and membership, worship Lucifer. All of the pagan “gods” were just different incarnations of Lucifer.

    • “Emperor Constantine, as the first pope, INVENTED modern anti semitism”

      It was not him, Jesus called his jewish persecutors Synagogue of Satan, now known as B’nai B’rith.

    • I agree. But Jews are not Israelits. The Catholoc Church, the pope and the Jews are all in this together to imposter Jesus Christ in the case of the pope and the Israelites in the case of the Jews and European Christians who believe they are the lost tribes.

  12. Maybe I`m deluded,but to hear Jennifer Harper spout about human rights for her husband on the tail of Guantanamo is a thing that makes me laugh out loud! There`s a mirror real close to you…check out your reflection, and share your arrogance

  13. Yay, CNN banned me for another year! Barry, go back to Kenya where you belong.

  14. Why is this not surprising? Despite massive resources, our government, and the msm for “some plausible reason” can’t Sherlock Holmes this stuff.

    No. And so who has the guts and moral fiber to ferret out this stuff? Men like Wayne Madsen, Jerome Corsi, and a cadre of patriotic die hards who refuse to just “let it go”. And of course Alex, who takes the lashings of constant criticism without complaint.

    The alternative media: AKA “THE REAL NEWS”

    • Love your comment, but dig, dig, and dig some more

  15. betcha he is not worried what you all think. mission accomplished. he has victory in the office. all you conspiracy theorist are fear mongering. hail obama!

    • that’s good way to put it –hail obama … hail Hitler….the nasty dictator rules with his DHS brown shirts…………..he will not last………because basically he’s a just a thug…running guns to mexican drug cartel……helping his cronies swindle tax payers….allowing the FEDS to committ treason and walk free……he will not last….he is a monumental fraud….

  16. If they fix then maybe I can watch the live show…

  17. I was shocked when Alex allowed that PATRIOT to read some of the Protocols of Zion on todays show! I have to say here that I think Alex has gone a long way to wake people up and bring us tons of good info. But I Find Alexs’ dismissal of them as “reads like a comic book” to be “trite” and down right dishonest. That is how the A.D.L, Zoinist media and their mind controled puppets and the “sheeple” does. Whiether one think they are a forgery or a Anti-Simite creation in NO WAY takes away from the fact that they mirror Exactly what the N.W.O. has ‘been’ putting in place.
    If you read it you will at least admit that it doesn’t read like a COMIC BOOK! It is every bit as disturbing as G. Orwells 1984, (I’ve said for years “if you haven’t read it you shouldn’t be allowed to vote!”)
    Alex reads a “passage” as he put it, from HIS do all say all globalist hand book today, starting at page 217 read it again. The word he was fummbling with was”soipism” it means “the theory that self is the only reality”.
    Much of the thoughts and premises’ in 1984 are clearly magnified in the Protocols. I don’t beleive that is by accident. Further more if you look up some qoutes from the Talmud you will find the Protocols magnifies the Talmud.
    Alex is always saying read it in their own words, and I agree. he read from Albert Pike today also worth reading are the words of Adam Wisehaupt, the Demonic sob that Illiumnated Masonry. They are not Characters in a comic book, more like villains in the N.W.O PLOT!
    I.ll be even more shocked if this is allowed to be posted! If it is you will see what good TROLL BAIT this is!

    Protocols#5:8. In all ages the people of the world, equally with individuals, have accepted words for deeds, for THEY ARE CONTENT WITH A SHOW and rarely pause to note, in the public arena, whether promises are followed by performance. Therefore we shall establish show institutions which will give eloquent proof of their benefit to progress.

    9. We shall assume to ourselves the liberal physiognomy of all parties, of all directions, and we shall give that physiognomy a VOICE IN ORATORS WHO WILL SPEAK SO MUCH THAT THEY WILL EXHAUST THE PATIENCE OF THEIR HEARERS AND PRODUCE AN ABHORRENCE OF ORATORY.


    11. The second secret requisite for the success of our government is comprised in the following: To multiply to such an extent national failings, habits, passions, conditions of civil life, that it will be impossible for anyone to know where he is in the resulting chaos, so that the people in consequence will fail to understand one another. This measure will also serve us in another way, namely, to sow discord in all parties, to dislocate all collective forces which are still unwilling to submit to us, and to discourage any kind of personal initiative which might in any degree hinder our affair. THERE IS NOTHING MORE DANGEROUS THAN PERSONAL INITIATIVE: if it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more than can be done by millions of people among whom we have sown discord. We must so direct the education of the GOYIM communities that whenever they come upon a matter requiring initiative they may drop their hands in despairing impotence. The strain which results from freedom of actions saps the forces when it meets with the freedom of another. From this collision arise grave moral shocks, disenchantments, failures. BY ALL THESE MEANS WE SHALL SO WEAR DOWN THE “GOYIM” THAT THEY WILL BE COMPELLED TO OFFER US INTERNATIONAL POWER OF A NATURE THAT BY ITS POSITION WILL ENABLE US WITHOUT ANY VIOLENCE GRADUALLY TO ABSORB ALL THE STATE FORCES OF THE WORLD AND TO FORM A SUPER-GOVERNMENT. In place of the rulers of to-day we shall set up a bogey which will be called the Super-Government Administration. Its hands will reach out in all directions like nippers and its organization will be of such colossal dimensions that it cannot fail to subdue all the nations of the world. (League of Nations and subsequent United Nations Organization – Ed.).

    • physiognomy =Character

    • The Protocols? Hell, don’t quit now! Throw in the Talmud to boot. I’m sure the “evil Jews” wrote that too huh? Frankly, what evils are the Jews not responsible for on this earth? My guess would be, none?

      Once I went to a church of Jews who believed in Jesus. They all seemed like pretty nice people to me, and the treated me with welcome. What a sucker I am, huh? They probably all secretly owned banks!

      • People don’t realize that the evil ones have set this up to look like Jews fault through the Rothschild Zionists criminal ring, the main stream Israelis are no more guilty than the main stream christians……..

      • @51:

        Those pretty nice people have apparently nothing to do with the “evil Jews” as you put it. Your argumentation is bordering on pathos.

      • I am sorry did I leave out the Taulmd? NOT really! THE ZIONIST BABYALONION TALMUD is magnified in the PROTOCOLS! TROLL STOOL!

    • And since Jesus and his disciples were Jewish, I guess they were all evil and owned banks too.

      • Read my post above this one, you are dead wrong.


        • I wasn’t speaking to you…Who’s the idiot now?

    • Google Judea Declares War on Germany – Boycot German Goods.

  18. Where is the reporting on Libya? Where is the reporting on the fact Syria is already being lined up to be next? I followed sites like infowars/democracynow/the realnews, but you know what…you are all full of it….keep your eyes peeled for some real real sites….you`ll know them when you see them, they won`t advertise tangy tangerine….sellout!

    • It runs in the family… What about all the other illegal wars?

      Impeach Barry!

      • Don`t misunderstand me….I`m an old granddad, looking at the world i brought people I love into, and their offspring. I don`t like what I see for a minute of any day. My role now is to fight for the real truth so the generations to come stand a chance, and understand what is required to take humanity over economics….all the way across the world

  19. I remember in the 1980′s I think it was Meryl Streep spoke out about apple juice processing caused the juice to have the same chemical makeup of jet fuel. She was really sounding the alarm about chemicals in the food chain and how only eat organic.

  20. We will always know and hear how Obama is a phony, I’m not surprised but can’t wait to hear the report. Al Gore is a laughing stock and is full of shit! If the people of Japan had any sense and especially the city of Tokyo, they would get as far away from that nuclear reactor as possible. If I was a Japanese citizen I would have already moved off that island for good.

  21. This really matters huh alex????
    Everytime something is really going on, here comes one of these stupid REPEATED articles about bammys birth cert SSN. It’s all SHOW!

    They fool you with this crap so you aren’t paying attention to REAL MATTERS!


    Alex waited 3 weeks to say ANYTHING ABOUT FUKUSHEIMA!

    • X2 josiah

    • These are REAL MATTERS —the president is a monumental fraud –what could be more important that proving that and getting him and his criminal cronies out of the WH —-he’s a totally manufactured president compliments of the dark side of the CIA………he wasn’t born here and he is not a citizen, his SSn is from CT –a state he never even lived in…..this is a metter that shoud stay front and center until he’s totally outed and removed from the world stage…………………after that we can point the finger at the CIA as far back as murdering JFK and their involvment in 9/11 —which was most certianly an inside job…………once we clear that up we can arrest everyone involved in the Federal Reserve and put them away for a long time—-and all the debt piled on the American public —it’s 85% fraudulent debt from criminal banking schemes……………the whole house of cards needs to be pulled down and prosecuted……………only then will Americans regain their freedom………….

  22. Correction: Save your files BEFORE doing the clean install! Otherwise, you will lose them.

  23. We the People, in order to protect our privacy and establish risk free communication as we band together to fight the NWO, recognize both the urgency of owning computers and the urgency of blocking malignant data-mining strategies.

    Seeing the need to improve our previous posts on this subject, we studied up a bit and came up with the following.

    Buy two computers. Use one ONLY for personal data files, use the other ONLY for internet. Be extremely cautious doing file transfers from one computer to the other!

    Rumors as to remote reading your computer, such as from satellites or FBI trucks parked outside, are probably true, so you may want to run your computers deep in the basement with appropriate shielding.

    Start fresh. Take everything off your hard drive, including the registry and operating system, and reinstall these in virgin condition. This is called, in Windows, a “Clean Install”.

    You don’t want to trash your files. Virus check all of these (not applications) and copy onto external hard drives and/or flash USBs. Next, purge all conversation histories, such as in Yahoo Messenger. And in the future, check the “Do Not Archive” box.

    Do a clean install of your operating system. Then reinstall all your applications. Your personal files computer will likely contain graphics and word-processing programs and other specialty software suited to your needs. Your internet computer will need browsers and utilities that support the browser, such as chat and mail programs, Java, PDF readers, Quicktime, etc. NEVER use Adobe online for creating PDF files! That kind of cloud computing puts your info before the eyes of the whole world!

    Next, do an Image Save for both computers onto at least two external hard drives. Put these into another folder in case you have to go back to basics. Incidentally, Image Save will probably not be successful if you interchange computers.

    The Image Save is fantastic. No need to waste money on anti-virus programs once used correctly! Some major anti-virus programs, like McAfee, can actually take charge of your computer and mouse and doing anything that you can do. Yes, they ask permission first, but the CIA won’t! Further, we should not conclude that any anti-virus program has no hidden routines or back doors to access your data secretly. We would not put it past Bill Gates to program a time-bomb into your hard drive, triggered at some point in time, such as during a revolution or martial law, when you go online. With Image Save, you can always get your system back, even if the internet goes down. And being less throttled by obsolete registry accretions, your computer will probably run faster.

    Next, for both computers, get all updates ONLY FOR TRUSTED PROGRAMS, but DON’T USE THE INTERNET FOR ANYTHING ELSE YET!

    At this point, you should have all needed applications on your personal files computer. Should you need to add more or update anything, do this: Recover the latest Image Save that you know to be safe, and go online to download the trusted material. Immediately, do another Image Save, and archive it in another folder.

    You are now set to go about your business. For extra security, do a SYSTEM RESTORE (using the IMAGE SAVE on your external hard drive) immediately before and after going online. Takes about an hour on average, but what’s most important… or time?

    Other steps: On your internet computer, set up a LIMITED USER account that locks out ADMINISTRATOR ACCESS. Use this account only when going online. For extra security, never click on email attachments or links. Many such come as spam and contain horrible viruses. All spam should be purged immediately. Avoid bit-torrent, file sharing utilities, and registry cleaners like the plague!

    If uploading sensitive files to the internet, do so only from public internet cafes in distant locations, using an assortment of Ids. Don’t go to places with surveillance cams or which ask for your ID.

    Summarizing, your two strongest steps to safety are: 1) Using Image Save and System Restore to return your computer to pre-internet condition, and 2) use two computers, one reserved exclusively for online activity and which NEVER contains any of your sensitive personal files. One more thought, don’t keep sensitive files on your computer hard drives. Keep them only on external hard drives or flash USBs. We have four of each! Find hiding places for these, not next to your computer, because sudden, warrantless Fed break-ins are on the rise.

    It will help us all if others more computer savvy can contribute corrections and additional suggestions!

  24. I`m getting really tired of this bullshit charade….I keep hearing the Saudis are implicated in the events of 9/11…..Look at the facts! Who in the region systematically attacked since that event had most to gain….9/11 was an inside job….inside collaboration between the US administration in power, and Israel….Wake the fuck up!

    • Shameful foul mouth moron, can’t you even TYPE without using a curse word, guarantee you can speak without one. IDIOT!

      • That`s your argument? My vocabulary?

      • You really will need to do better than that…I`m here all night to answer any intelligent thing you feel you can level at me

        • Please feel free to set me straight Josiah….I can`t wait

        • That`s what I suspected….all mouth no substance

        • Josiah is right about your foul language. Your foul mouth in a public forum such as this one gives Ron Paul and his supporters a bad name. The same goes for many others on this website who don’t conduct themselves very well. I’m sure Ron Paul would not approve of the foul language coming from his supporters, because he is a gentleman.

          When Rush said that Ron Paul supporters were “nuts on parade” he is at least partially correct when considering the comments and bad manners exibited on this forum.

          I hope everyone here does their best to prove Rush wrong by showing some manners, courtesy, and class.

    • How much sway does Israel have on the US administration? Sure, count foreign policy, but look closer to home within your own administration

      • per capita the results are very interesting…

        • I mean this is the purpose of infowars right? THINK FOR YOURSELF

        • Isn`t it interesting, that the words “jew”, or “Israel” provoke submission….May I remind you, you`re going back 70 years….does it still fly….really? Never forget, and never take your eye off the ball of today…

      • You’re right Buddha, ignore the propagandists.

    • buddhaway. What part of “globalist” do you not understand? The New World Order is offended by posters as yourself, minimizing their elaborate ingenious grand conspiracy down to such a pathetic cookie cutter “nationalistic” mainstream pictorial.
      The sheeple, (99.9% of the populations) of Israel, and America, or any other “nation” for that matter have not ONE SINGLE SOLITARY SQUAT FUCK to do with anything besides being pawns on the chessboard.

      The requirement for membership in the New World Order is NOT being “Jewish”, it is being useful. Britain was used to put Israel back on the map to bait WWIII, as outlined by Pike in morals and dogma. The Satanic families run the conspiracy through a network of secret societies and institutions.
      The main power centers being the Vatican, London (the city), and Washington DC- each it’s own independent nation.
      Solomon’s 1000 pagan demon worshiping bitches don’t quite qualify as pure Hebrew lineage, nor does claiming Nimrod or fallen angels/annunaki a proud heritage.

      Today, the power players are high level Satanic worshipers, witches, Jesuits, illuminati, knights of Malta and Columbus, the Vatican Roman cult, Rosicrucians, Skull Bones through the Skeletal frame/onion of Freemasonry.

      • It wasn’t outlined in “Morals and Dogma” Mr. Know-it-all, it was outlined in a letter Pike wrote to Mazzini in 1871, a letter that has yet to be verified as authentic. Though I agree with on some points your constant apologetics towards Israel is getting old. Why would you want people to ignore a major faction of the New World Order? Most intelligent people separate the “Jewish” elites from the rest of the “Jews”. It has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with factual evidence.

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