The Hijacked Mind: Healing a Society in Trauma

Healing the Hijacked Mind - Artwork by Arturo Leal via artlc.deviantart.comHealing the Hijacked Mind - Artwork by Arturo Leal via

20th March 2016

By Jennifer Deisher

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The hijacking of our minds and our consciousness with fear-based societal manipulation is the foundation for many of our most deeply rooted beliefs and perceptions. The institutions of our society are designed to produce fear, stress and trauma via manufactured systems of power, governance, education, religion and finance (just to name a few) — all of which serve to propagate institutional instead of personal power. And, while we are spiritual beings having a human experience, we are human after all, and our psychology and biology play compelling parts in our behavior and reactions to those manipulative stimuli.

By having an awareness of how the hijacked brain works, we can learn how to heal and recover these sensitive “fear based” areas, deepen our awareness of our own personal evolution, and help to heal a society in trauma.

Amygdala Hijacking

There is an area of the brain known as the Amygdala, which is responsible for creating our flight/fight response to perceived threats and overwhelming situations. It is a necessary evolutionary tool for our survival, creating an immediate emotional fear response that steers us clear of genuine threats. But it does not react only to the present, it reacts to the possible future, the threat of what may happen, the worst case scenario.

We do not fear the unknown… We fear what we project onto the unknown.

There is also a term used in psychology known as an “Amygdala hijacking” which is described as a way of deliberately eliciting “emotional responses from people which are immediate and overwhelming, and out of measure with the actual stimulus because it has triggered a much more significant emotional threat”. Or in simpler terms, keeping people afraid. In the natural world, fear is a temporary response that causes us to remove ourselves from (flight), or change (fight), a certain circumstance. Fear hijacking, however, creates a sustained fear response, by continually stimulating the Amygdala’s perception of the threat.

In this article, I want to talk about what happens when Amygdala hijacking becomes a permanent situation — a situation we and our society find ourselves in today — and how we can begin to heal from our own worst fears and nightmares.

Indeed, much of this has to do with biology and our natural “fight or flight” reactions, which are beneficial tools to help keep us alive, but it also helps to understand how our environment and conditioning plays a role in stimulating the fear-wired portion of our brains. Once we begin to understand and make peace with our own fear triggers, we can begin to clear and purify the damage caused by widespread institutionalized Amygdala hijacking, and take conscious control of the part of brain that may be clogged with intentionally fear-inducing outside stimuli.

Objectifying Fear

Like all unresolved emotions, a clogged “fear filter” in the brain can cause energetic build-up and blockages in the biological body; which may result in dis-eases such as depression, anxiety, addiction, substance abuse, anger, tension, guilt, shame and apathy (just to name a few).

The problem with the cold and heavy emotion of fear is that fear itself also has “consciousness”, intruding on our experience of self, depending on how we filter fear through our psyche and our bodies (including the physical body.) We subconsciously hold onto fear, even defend and protect it. It fuels our addictions, anxiety, depression, and negativity in general, especially if we still hold the tension of unresolved emotion in our physical (cellular) body.

To overcome our fear, to take away the power of fear consciousness, we have to learn to “objectify” it. It’s important to understand that fear has its use, to warn us of impending danger – such as fire, wild lions, or moving vehicles – however we’ve learned to live with an unnaturally elevated level of this natural emotion, due to outside manipulations. Through the mainstream news media, we are exposed to stimuli daily that encourages us to live in fear; of impending war, of environmental disaster, of terrorism, of crime, of financial crisis, of disease, and even of each other. And most of all, we are taught to fear death, and therefore, to fear life itself. We adhere to countless rules, knowing our livelihoods depend on it, and see signs constantly throughout the day warning us of this and that. Then, many of us wind down by scaring ourselves rigid with a movie, or a thrill ride, or a kill-or-be-killed online game. As a result our bodies, our subconscious, and our consciousness are constantly responding to an unnaturally high level of fear-inducing stimuli.

Healing the Hijacked Mind 2Healing the Hijacked Mind 2

Stimulated by the distorted focus of the ‘reality’ presented to us, the Amygdala’s reaction is to initiate flight/fight responses in the body, and because we can neither flee what we fear nor fight it off, the energetic and subconscious result is a background hum of unresolved fear. Although most of us have got used to it, the biological fear response alters our perceptions and keeps us “on edge”, coloring our emotions and our choices. In this way, prolonging a general sense of fear in people is a perfect tool of would-be controllers.

The Natural State

When we go against Natural Law, intentionally or otherwise, we create emotional imbalances. Today, such imbalances are deliberately instilled; an escalating consequence of the individual and collective “fear hijacking” that compels us as a society to live outside the bounds of Natural Law. For reasons we barely comprehend, we create plastics for short-term use, which never break down. We turn to chemical poisons instead of ancient natural remedies in hopes they will improve our health. We poison our air, soil and water supplies with toxic industry and agriculture. We declare war our own species over the differences in our spiritual/religious experience, and over non-renewable energy and resources, while suppressing non-polluting energy sources that might replace them. And we consume more of the Earth than the Earth herself can sustain.

Our natural state is not to live in such “dark”, imbalanced energy. And as we continue to consume of the Earth, ignoring the principles of Natural Law, our energetic imbalance consumes us, and also consumes our planet; our Mother.

We live in an electromagnetic universe. Our unresolved and imbalanced emotions are a huge part of the chaos we see all around us. And it’s our responsibility to clean up our own “energetic” mess! If we look at the biology of our elevated “fight or flight” dilemma, and understand it as a consequence of fear hijacking, then we can begin to see the need for emotional clearing, so we’re able to clean up our energetic mess from the inside out.

It’s a confronting process and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly, but this is our karma; we all have this responsibility to our Self, each other, and Planet Earth. Our trauma and shadowy experiences tend to hold on for a reason — they hold a lesson for us — so it’s a profound and healing journey to get to the root of our actions and reactions.

In this process, it helps to focus not on the negative — on why we have been influenced with this fear, or who is responsible — but on the positive — on taking responsibility for our own well-being, happiness, and the embodiment of our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical journey. The who and why of the mass fear hijacking of humanity become irrelevant when we take control of our own being; when we face the root of the fear at its source instead of band-aiding our traumatic and unreleased, imbalanced experiences.

The Tree of Life

Our bodies are an intricate design of brilliant architecture and none of it is by accident. It is through the physical and energetic body that we access the unseen and connect to the “unified field of Consciousness”; the universal library of information known throughout time, culture and religion as The Book of Life, The Akashic Record, The Tree of Life, or the Unified Field of Consciousness.

Healing the Hijacked Mind - The Tree Of LifeHealing the Hijacked Mind - The Tree Of Life

When we think of the unseen — our collective psyche, stored experiences, emotions and unresolved “traumas” — as being stored beneath the roots of our proverbial trees, in the Earth herself, we can begin to imagine that we, through our physical “seen” bodies, are the key to accessing these depths… with caution and care. By accessing the Tree of Life, we activate our connection to the vast unseen, beyond fear and trauma, and begin to find balance and heal our wounds at the roots.

When we begin to examine our fear response, what we find at the roots of our own personal tree is a deeply motivating force that underlies our entire life experience, including dis-ease of the mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical “bodies”. But, if we can build an understanding of how we experience fear in its many faces and forms, we can begin to undo the cellular and energetic damage caused by our subconscious, biological reactions to fear.

Conditioned as we are, seeing our fears from a new perspective is something that we have to actively look for, at least at first — but when we do, we can begin to affect our unseen energetic roots, which in turn affects how we bloom ‘above ground’. Inside our roots — our DNA — is all of the genetic knowledge that has accumulated over all of our respective lifetimes, both individually and as a collective. The wisdom of the Tree of Life is embedded within you, waiting to be discovered and expressed.

Our inner voice is always there if we choose to listen, but listening is also learning to quiet the blocks created by the unprocessed fear that needs clearing in the first place. The “catch” is also the chase. When we (finally) emotionally connect with the root of our fear, there will be a clash of energy and the base emotions of grief. When this energy begins to move, we often look for a replacement or we tend to go back to our fearful patterns, until we find a place of fearless acceptance.

A gratitude practice, meditation, or journaling (or a combination thereof) are all greats way to begin to appreciate the depths of our emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical nature. Where we find resistance is where we need to nurture ourselves and our perspectives with more loving intention.

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