The Reality of Ancient Atlantis & “Extraterrestrial” Contact – A Discussion That’s Gaining More Credibility

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When it comes to human history, we are, as author Graham Hancock once coined, a species with amnesia. We have a hard time putting together the pieces of the puzzle, and the explanations for what took place at various points throughout human history still remains, for the most part, a mystery. On top of all this confusion and lack of understanding, comes indoctrination via education. Scientific and religious dogma still dominate, and despite the fact that new discoveries are being made every single day, and more “missing links” continue to pop up in the mainstream, most of the world is still unaware of these discoveries and their implications. One of these discoveries is the idea of advanced intelligent ancient civilizations who once roamed the Earth, and the evidence to back it up.

History is not always as it’s told, which is why critical thinking and investigation is important if one is passionate about such subjects. Relying on basic “education” can mislead us and misinform us in some cases. Another important point to make note of is the classification of information. According to the best estimates of some historians, the U.S. government alone classifies more than 500 million pages of documents every single year. For a historian looking to archive the history of the United States, this would be nearly impossible to do so in an accurate manner.

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A lot of information  from the past contradicts much of what we’ve been told today.

It seems, in the fields of human history, archaeology and our understanding of ancient civilizations, new discoveries seem to be popping up every single day.

Related CE Article: The Hidden Origins of Human History: These Giant Skeletons Challenge Human History

From the teachings of the  Sumerians, Mayans, ancient Egyptians, Greeks,  all the way to Atlantians and more, there are facts that still remain unacknowledged when piecing together the mystery that is human history. These topics, and several examples can be found doing some simple independent research, but for a more in-depth look with multiple examples that come from our ancient world, I suggest you start off with the work of author Graham Hancock if you’re really passionate about lost ancient civilizations.

Related CE Article written for us by Graham:

Lost Atlantis, Noah’s Ark & Gobekli Tepe – A Curious Thread of Evidence That Connects Them All

This article will focus in on Atlantis, and the possible extraterrestrial activity that occurred in those times.

It’s quite odd that, when it comes to the works of Plato and others who lived in times we know very little about, we ourselves choose to label what is real and what is mythological. We do this almost instinctively, and it seems to be based on what conflicts with our ingrained belief systems at the time. When new information is presented which goes against the grain, and has the potential to shift ones own or the collective paradigm, it’s not always easy to accept and even easier to ridicule, even in the face of strong evidence.

“Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught falsehoods in school. And the person that dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and fool” – Plato

Plato, and other scholars who came before and after him, as shown in the literature, discussed at length human history, the origin of the human species, and the true nature of reality. How Plato, and those before and after him, were able to discuss aspects of space and physics which were only recently confirmed in modern history remains a mystery – similar to what we see with Buddhism and quantum physics. So much knowledge has been shared from the fraction of documents and text we have from that era, that it is truly mind-altering to contemplate the accuracy of their thoughts when you compare it to modern day knowledge.`

In many instances, our modern day world is trying hard to catch up to ancient wisdom.

One topic of interest among some of our ancients, is the lost land of Atlantis. Plato is one who wrote about it, and he lived in a time closer to the period in question. He wasn’t the only one to do so, but why is it that when ancient documents and ‘influential’ figures who describe aspects of ancient society like social norms, financial structure and education, they’re taken extremely seriously, but when speaking of an advanced ancient civilizations and spirituality, they’re words are considered mythical?

Many people have tried to piece this mystery together. A more modern day example would be M. Pierre Termeir, a member of the Academy of Sciences and Director of Service of the Geologic Chart of France,  who gave a lecture regarding the Atlantean civilization.  He makes a compelling case for further study of this lost city, which was the subject of significant importance for researchers at the Smithsonian Institution, as emphasized by their Annual Report of the Board of Regents of The Smithsonian Institution for the year ending June 30th, 1915.

In the report, author M. Pierre Termeir,

After a long period of disdainful indifference, observe how in the last few years science is returning to the study of Atlantis. How many naturalists, geologists, zoologists, or botanists are asking one another today whether Plato has not transmitted to us, with slight amplification, a page from the actual history of mankind. No affirmation is yet permissible; but it seems more and more evident that a vast region, continental  or made up of great islands, has collapsed west of the Pillars of Hercules, otherwise called the Straight of Gibraltar, and that its collapse occurred in the not far distant past. In any event, the question of Atlantis is placed anew before men of science; and since I do not believe that it can ever be solved without the aid of oceanography, I have thought it natural to discuss it here, in this temple of maritime science, and to call to such a problem, long scorned but now being revived, the attention of oceanographers, as well as the attention of those who, though immersed in the tumult of cities, lend an ear to the distant murmur of the sea.

You can read this full report here, starting on page 219.

According to Plato, Atlantis was inhabited by ‘earth-born’ and ‘primitive’ human beings. One of them was wooed by the god Poseidon, who interbred with the human beings, and they eventually bore five children. This interbreeding between gods and humans is a common theme in many historical texts found throughout the world.

Was it really interbreeding between beings from another planet?

The land was divided into concentric zones of land and water. Two zones of land and three zones of water surrounded the central island, which had warm springs of water and cold springs of water. The land became an established country, with a wise government and an industry that saw them soar to advanced technological heights, beyond anything we’ve reached today.

According to Plato, Atlantis was full of large and beautiful palaces, temples, docks, and a network of various bridges and canals that united different sections of the kingdom.

His description was very precise. For example, when describing the construction of public buildings, he explains:

“They circumscribed each of the land zones with a wall, the outer wall being covered with brass, the middle with tin, and the inner, which encompassed the citadel, with orichalc. The citadel, on the central island, contained the palaces, temples, and other public buildings. In its center, surrounded by a wall of gold, was a sanctuary dedicated to Cleito and Poseidon.” (source)

“The part of Atlantis facing the sea was described as lofty and precipitous, but about the central city was a plain sheltered by mountains renowned for their size, number, and beauty. The plain yielded two crops each year, in the winter being watered by rains and in the summer by immense irrigation canals, which were also used for transportation. The plain was divided into sections and in time of war each section supplied its quota of fighting men and chariots.” (source)

Atlantis was massive, ruled by multiple kings who all had control over their land. Their relationships with the other kings were governed by an original code of ethics that was engraved by the first ten kings. “The chief laws of the Atlantean kings were that they should not take up arms against each other and that they should come to the assistance of any of their number who was attacked.” (source)

Eventually, Atlantis fell due to greed, ego, and black magic. Qualities not rare among ‘men.’  It’s these qualities that still exist today which the human race, on a collective level, that we need to let go of.

To read in more detail how Atlantis fell, according to Plato, you can read the article linked below:

The Lost Land of Atlantis & The Real Reason For Its Downfall – According To Plato

The Extraterrestrial Question 

“Yes, there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered… We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.” –  Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell (source) (source)

As you can see from above, Plato’s description of the ‘Gods’ and how they assisted, as well as inbred with the native human populations, is nothing new.

Were these Gods extraterrestrial? It’s not an uncommon thought, which is probably made most evident by popular mainstream TV shows, like Ancient Aliens.

Another strong point to entertain this thought (the extraterrestrial hypothesis) is the fact that Plato’s (among others’) description of ancient Greek society, the Romans, historical accounts of various events (like the burning of the Library of Alexandria) , and more (which are all used to teach people about ancient Greek society today), are all extremely accurate.

Why then, is it so hard to believe accounts given by Plato, in the exact same manner of description and enthusiasm, to be true?  Because it doesn’t “line up” with our belief systems?

What makes this thought so relevant now is all of the information which has emerged within the past couple of years alone regarding the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon.

Pop culture sensation, Tom Delonge, seems to be at the forefront of a United States disclosure movement. He’s started what’s called the To The Stars Academy, and joining him are high ranking Department of Defence officials, like Louis Elizondo, an ex CIA director, and technological geniuses like Steve Justice, a recently retired 30-year director of Lockheed Martin Skunkworks. (Read more about this in the article linked below).

They’ve come together, in partnership with the US government, to let the world know that the UFO phenomenon is real, that objects are commonly tracked on radar and visually confirmed, objects which travel at speeds and perform maneuvers that no known air-craft on Earth can. They (the Pentagon in partnership with To The Stars)  recently released a video of one of these technologically advanced craft. The people at To The Stars have mentioned on more than one occasion that there is good evidence to believe we are not alone.

Despite the fact that this is now being presented to the mainstream, it’s not a new phenomenon and these types of encounters have been documented for decades.

You can view the video and our discussion about it in the article linked below:

US Department of Defence Released Video of a UFO Rotating In Mid Air For The Very First Time 

Sure, UFO doesn’t mean extraterrestrial, but when you have objects travelling and performing technical capabilities that defy our laws of physics, it’s not something to ignore.

On top of that, the extraterrestrial hypothesis as on of several possible explanations for the UFO phenomena does have, what some scientists consider to be, strong evidence behind it. You can read more about that discussion in the article linked below:

It’s official, we now know that UFOs or UAP Are Real, So Are They Extraterrestrial or Not? 

This recent acknowledgement by the US government regarding UFOs does raise a lot of questions, especially given the fact that western governments have been deceiving us on several topics for a long time.

Related CE Article:

Is A False Flag Alien Invasion In The Works? Wernher Von Brauns Colleague Seems To Think So

When it comes to Atlantis, and ancient Greece, Delonge (of To The Stars)  mention some interest stuff in his recent Podcast with Joe Rogan. Whether or not you chose to believe it or not is up to you, but keep in mind, the UFO phenomena is not a reality, and the extraterrestrial hypothesis is (and has been) backed by some of the most notable scientists throughout human history, as well as high ranking Defence employees like the ones Tom has gathered together with.

“It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and that they are space ships from another solar system. I think that they possibly are manned by intelligent observers who are members of a race that may have been investigating our Earth for centuries.” –  Herman Oberth, one of the founding fathers of modern rocketry. (source)

Many scientists, astronauts and employees from within has said, time and time again, that they know many of these unknown objects are indeed extraterrestrial.

Tom states in a Podcast with Joe Rogan:

“I went and met a former director of the CIA and NSA…Right when I sat down and told him about the book you know what he says to me? He goes, “I didn’t read much science fiction when I was a kid but I read a lot about Greek mythology”…The sixth biggest defense contractor in the world is a company called Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)…and in the front of the building (SAIC’s headquarters) you have an obelisk coming out of a fake leg and two Atlantians on thrones, and they’re both holding pyramids and one says the past and one says the future, and they’re 8 foot tall statues.”

Quite an interesting observation. He also mentioned that “Gods” in this time were extraterrestrial, beings from other worlds and/or dimensions guiding and pushing humanity along with little pushes here and there. These types of figures are described by several ancient cultures throughout the world, more so prior to the Roman empire, when gods became “God.”

So, it is indeed interesting to ponder, were these ‘Gods’ actually extraterrestrial?

I’ll leave you with this video, as I’ve done countless times before, so I apologize if you missed it. Contrary to popular believe, just as there was evidence for the now verified UFO phenomenon, there is evidence that does support the extraterrestrial hypothesis, and a lot of it.

The clip below is from the Thrive documentary.

To read all of our archived articles on the UFO/Extraterrestrial topic, you can visit the Exopolitics section of our website.









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