The Three Deadly Components of Entitized Lebanon Heading Towards Collapse

كيف دعم المسلمون انطلاقة لبنان الكبير؟ | اندبندنت عربية


The Three Deadly Components of Entitized Lebanon Heading Towards Collapse

By George Haddad

A hundred years after the establishment of the “State of Greater Lebanon”, owned by the invading French General Henri Gouraud, this combination has miserably failed to achieve the fundamental geostrategic objective for that it was created in our view, which is the creation of a “Zionized Christian nationalist homeland”, in which the interests of French imperialism and the global European monopolistic financial bloc converge and merge with the interests of global Judaism; and in a race with the creation of the “Jewish nationalist homeland” in Palestine, in which the interests of universal Judaism converged with those of British [and later American] imperialism and the global monopolistic Anglo-Saxon Protestant financial bloc.

And in vain, colonial France is now trying to save the dismantled entitized Lebanon from drowning. The closest to historical logic is that colonial France itself will drown, before it can save the entitized Lebanon from drowning. The majority of analysts are now unanimously saying that the current Lebanese crisis is not a temporary crisis, but rather an existential one, entitled: Will the current entitized Lebanon remain or not?

And that’s why the sectarian heads of the entitzed Lebanon – terrified to the bone – degenerate to the point that they refuse the oxygen provided by Syria to help those affected by the coronavirus pandemic, destroy thousands of tons of flour provided by Iraq to help the Lebanese people, refuse to buy fuel in Lebanese pounds from Iraq and Iran, and refuse to accept the large unconditioned development offers made by China and Russia. All these crimes against the Lebanese people are committed in the name of the so-called “Lebanese sovereignty” and the preservation of Lebanon’s western “civilizational” identity.

This is why Lebanese entitized sectarians, instead of all of the aforementioned, have raised the so-called “neutrality” slogan and separated Lebanon from its Arab surroundings and affiliation, except through normalization regimes with “Israel” and even to demand the “internationalization” of Lebanon and call for foreign occupation of Lebanese territory on the pretext of preserving Lebanon’s “neutrality” and so-called “Lebanese sovereignty”.

And whatever the exits of the current crisis of forming a government in Lebanon may be, this will not eliminate – but it will further emphasize – the existential nature of crisis of the entitized Lebanon. Any scientific-historical and objective analysis of this crisis must take into account and start from the three cancerous components from which entitized Lebanon was formed, which are fundamentally hostile to the existence and life of the Lebanese popular masses of all categories and sects. These cancerous components are:

1-            Sectarianism

2-            Treason

3-            Corruption

It must be emphasized that these three “qualities” do not exist separately, but are organically related. Every sectarian is at the same time a traitor and a corrupt – corruptor. And every traitor is a corrupt and a sectarian. And every corrupt is a sectarian and a traitor. These three filthy channels pour into the swamp of association and dependency with colonialism, imperialism and Zionism.

Entitzed Lebanon found in these three cancerous components, not by coincidence, and not a defense or guarantee of the interest of any Lebanese group or community, but rather a key tool and means for the production of the “nationalist Christian Zionized homeland” project, its supplements from other communities, under the slogans of “Coexistence”, “National Pact” and “Consensual Democracy”. And the presence of the entitized Lebanon is in conjunction with the presence of its components. If these components fall, the entitized Lebanon will inevitably fall.

Perhaps it is necessary to look at the nature of the existence of this Lebanese entity, through each of its existential components:

First, the entitized Lebanon was based on a “fundamental principle” which is sectarian quotas, while giving a “preference” to Christian denominationalism in its western wing, because the leading elite in Western Christian denominationalism has a historical relationship with the colonial West. And everything in the Lebanese entity, even the installation of sidewalk tiles on any street in any Lebanese city or village, is linked to sectarian quotas. And of course, they call this “Christian-Muslim coexistence”, “religious brotherhood” and the “message to the world” conveyed by Lebanon, mentioned dozens of times in the Torah!! Belonging to the entitized Lebanon is synonymous with belonging to the sectarian quota system. There is no existence whatsoever for “their Lebanon” without the existence of the sectarian quota system, taken from the Ottoman system of “millet”, which is the system that was enshrined, “modernized” and “constitutionalized” by French colonialism and its partners and successors.

Second, the entitized Lebanon was founded on a second “fundamental principle”, which is subordination and employment to colonialism. The upper-hand in the “State of Greater Lebanon” was given to Lebanese politicians [the founding fathers of the Lebanese State] who contributed to the formation of the “Army of the Levant” in the French Army, that is the “French Armed Force” comprised of Lebanese and Syrian volunteers, and it is the same legion from which the armed forces of the “independent” Lebanese State later emerged. The “Lebanese volunteers” fought alongside the invading French forces at the Battle of Maysalun in August 1920, following which the “independence” of the “State of Greater Lebanon” was declared. They also fought in the French colonial forces during the Great Syrian Revolt [1925 – 1927], which extended to some “Lebanese” areas.

Hassan Hamadeh wrote in “Al-Akhbar” newspaper on September 17, 2019, that in 1938, the President of the Lebanese Republic, Emile Edde and Prime Minister Khair al-Din al-Ahdab supported the project of the “Jewish Agency for ‘Israel’” to settle Jews fleeing Nazi Germany in the area between Saida and Tyre, where this area must join the planned “Israel” in return for sums of money.

خير الدين الأحدب Archives | التاريخ السوري المعاصر
The Presidents Of Lebanon Since Its Independence In 1943

This project was supported by Jewish French Prime Minister Léon Blum. But then French High Commissioner De Martel, who opposed the expansion of the British influence at the expense of France’s, disrupted the project and scolded Emile Edde and Khair al-Din al-Ahdab.

The scandalous WikiLeaks also published English reports on the Lebanese families of top landowners who sold thousands of acres of land in Palestine to the Jews. These families include: the Sursock family, the Salam family, the Tien family, the Tueni family, the Khoury family, the Qabbani family, Madam Omran, the al-Sabbagh family, and Muhammad Bayhm. And Khair al-Din al-Ahdab [the Prime Minister], Wasfi al-Din Qaddura, Joseph Khadij, Michel Sarji, Murad Dana [a Jew] and Elias al-Hajj established a company in Beirut, specifically on 19 August 1935, to buy lands in southern Lebanon and Palestine and sell them to Jews.

During the “Israeli” invasion of Lebanon in 1982, the traitorous “sovereign” entitized Lebanese marched in the ranks of the occupiers and fought alongside them in Beirut, the South and all of Lebanon, and committed the Sabra and Shatila massacre.

When “Israel” failed to defeat the Resistance in 2006, Lebanese traitors shed tears over “Israel’s” defeat.

Today, on the verge of the historic defeat of American and Western imperialism, “Israel” and Zionism in the region, entitized traitors do not hesitate to call for the foreign occupation of Lebanon, under the slogans of “internationalization”, “neutrality” and so-called “Lebanese sovereignty”.

Third, in the era of foreign rule in the Arab region [including Lebanon] – in the Ayyubid era, the Mamluk, then the Ottoman – the prevailing socio-economic system was a feudal, oppressive, eastern-style system, where the and authoritarian State is a separate and strange to the people, and the oppressed people are separate and strange to the State. The relationship of the State with all its local followers [princes, governors, the Pashas, the Beiks, and aghas, etc.] and the people, was a relationship of tyranny, murder, looting and plunder. Beyond this scourge, the masses of the people were living in a closed family and village natural economy, ruminating or re-producing themselves from generation to generation. Fair and ethical trade-offs, social integration and interdependence prevailed in public relations: farmers, craftsmen, macaroons and small traders. In that system, corruption was widespread among the State apparatus and the ruling and wealthy classes associated with it. As for the poor and oppressed popular masses, they maintained the values of honor, dignity and genuine Eastern and Arab morality.

With the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the eastern feudal tyranny system, in Lebanon, collapsed forever. And with the establishment of the “State of Greater Lebanon”, the French colonial administration worked to restore the capitalist system in Lebanon in its ugliest and lowest form based entirely on corruption, corrupting, fraud, lying, bribery, con, scam and theft. Within a few years, capitalism [with all its decadent morals] entered all aspects of political, economic, social, educational and cultural life in Lebanon. The geostrategic goal was to facilitate the project of transforming Lebanon into a “second ‘Israel’”, by weakening the national and cultural moral strength or immunity of the Lebanese people, and turning them into a torn “ragged rag” that global monopoly capitalism, namely imperialism, could control as it wanted.

رياض سلامة عاد الى ملجأ mtv

The blind can see today that all of Lebanon’s current complex crises: the formation of the Government, the criminal financial investigation, the price of the bread bundle, are linked to corruption, to the dollar and to the Governor of the Central Bank, that is, to the capitalist system that French colonialism has imposed on the entitized Lebanon.

The historical question today is: Can this entitized Lebanon continue to exist without its basic components: sectarianism, treason, and the corrupt capitalist system? Can the masses of the Lebanese people continue to live by the existence of this entity that is organically associated with American imperialism and global Judaism?


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