The White Ethnostate: Putting the Cart Before the Horse

There is a lot of discussion taking place in the white nationalist community regarding the formation of an ethnostate — be it as a result of a split of the US, or by other means. The problem with this discussion is the near-total lack of attention being given to the extensive steps absolutely essential to realizing this goal. Comprehensive analysis and planning have apparently gone into this hypothetical scenario, with many essays on the subject laying out concrete rules and regulations to assure the success and long-term viability of the project. This analysis has been done, though, without regard to the arduous task of getting there in the first place. One can assume with relative certainty that should we find ourselves in a position to realistically establish this ethnostate, the most challenging work and problematic obstacles have already been conquered. As a matter of fact, I would say this is all but indisputable. So why is the conversation continually centered around where we go after we triumph, rather than how we triumph in the first place?

It is critical that those who strive to bring such an incredible victory to fruition fully understand what stands in the way, and the true nature of their current, seemingly unbreakable stranglehold over every facet of American society. Government, the judicial system, finance, pharmaceuticals, media, film, education, to name a few, have been fully subverted and taken over by the Judaic cult, and without the removal of the Jew from all of these institutions and positions of power and influence, an ethnostate is a pipe dream.

It is curious (and somewhat baffling) that — from my experience — most, if not all, of these blogs, groups, writers and others in the pro-white movement, fail to emphasize the Jewish question when discussing the subject of a potential white ethnostate. The fact of the matter is, every last obstacle standing in the way of realizing this future is one of Jewish doing, Jewish character, and Jewish opposition. How, without addressing this situation, would we be able to appropriately formulate the steps needed to realize this goal? It is the Jew and the Jew only that stands in the way, and analyzing the character of this ethnostate without first formulating a plan to remove these subversives from their positions of control, is 100% pointless. It is, without question, putting the cart before the horse.

So with that said, how do we go about extracting these parasites while they are so deeply entrenched in the American establishment? I don’t claim to possess the answers for that. A whole hell of a lot would have to go right for us in order to even make that stand. However, seeing as planning the ethnostate itself at the moment is little more than a dream, outlining the actions that must be undertaken to even have a hope of being successful in that venture, as unlikely as they seem, must be the first and most crucial part of the discourse.

First and foremost, these purveyors of the ethnostate idea must come to terms with reality, and subsequently begin to include this Jewish problem to enlighten their audience. Whatever the motivations for evading this aspect of the conversation, it must be accepted by white nationalists across the board if they expect to identify ANY quantifiable progress whatsoever. Ignoring this only makes this goal even less attainable. And if enough of us collectively make this reality known to more and more of those sympathetic to our cause, the louder our voices become, and the better chance we have of tweaking the dynamic currently in play which ruthlessly restricts our ability to lay groundwork for change. There is so much work to be done, and if that work is going to produce any sort of change in the trajectory of the desperate state of our nation, it has to begin and end with identifying the real problems we face. Otherwise our entire movement is an exercise in futility.

The steps required to move forward — however impossible they may seem — must be brought to light. If we as white Americans are going to reclaim our nation, here is a short list of what must be done:

  • Jews must be identified in all sectors of the American establishment and society. Lobbyists, financiers, Jewish activist groups, foreign agent spy groups such as the ADL, politicians, media moguls, Hollywood film-makers, and Jews in every other position of influence. They must be identified, exposed for their misdeeds, and removed. By any means necessary and without misgiving.
  • Jews with Israeli dual-citizenship must all be targeted, and ultimately deported to Israel, with absolutely no exceptions. These people are, for all intents and purposes, spies living on American soil.
  • Laws must be passed banning Jews from pursuing careers in the most important sectors of American society; namely, finance, academia, politics and education. Current Jews holding positions in these fields would be immediately removed.
  • Jewish organizations of all varieties must be shut down and subsequently banned from operating on American soil moving forward. The ADL would be first to go. All those currently working with the organization would need to be deported ASAP. If Israel cannot accommodate all those without dual-citizenship, they are to be interned until further notice.
  • Jews who resist these measures and create unrest as a result should be rounded up and interned in our many empty FEMA camps around the country; they are now treated as a threat to national security.
  • Jewish enclaves such as Brooklyn, NY, Miami/Hollywood, FL and Lakewood, NJ are to be systematically dismantled with Jewish residents given an opportunity (under some sort of emigration/transition plan) to relocate to Israel, or any number of other locations, without their money and belongings being seized. Should these types of arrangements not be possible for one reason or another, the remainder left here will also be interned until further notice.

This is just for starters. These are events and measures which are damn near impossible to imagine coming to fruition, yes. But without them, an ethnostate will never happen. Keep in mind, though, there is precedent for this — a true hero who was viciously attacked and ultimately brought down along with the annihilation of his country — and who knows if someone like Hitler could once again rise to power. Even if that’s what it takes, I don’t consider it completely outside the realm of possibility. Let’s not lose sight of the fact, though, that in order for a leader of that stature, ambition and courage to rise to the occasion, conditions among the public must be favorable, and that is in our hands.

The role of the Jew in steadily and systematically transforming our nation into the cesspool and ticking time bomb that it is must be brought into focus by all writers and others with a voice in the WN movement. Their deliberate destruction and bankruptcy of our once-great nation has to be emphasized and capitalized on to recruit support for finally removing the parasite from this host. Those who are cowardly or in some fashion reluctant to bring these truths to the attention of a wide audience have no choice but to start putting the greater good over their personal situation and fears, for if they do not, they are useless to this movement and might as well call it quits.

In order for an advantageous climate to continue to develop, there must be a zero-tolerance policy for allowing Jews to play a role in this movement (the same can be said for post-manifestation of said ethnostate; a strict no Jew policy must be enforced to ensure the survivial of the project). Far too many pro-white commentators hold a wishy-washy position on these matters, even going as far as taking a stance that certain Jews can actually help our cause. This notion is 100% false and it must be abandoned immediately. Jews are, by their very nature, subverters and any allowed to exist within the planning framework pre or post-inauguration of a white ethnostate will doom it all to failure. The rot must be thoroughly and meticulously cleaned out. Any white nationalist arguing to the contrary should be subsequently viewed as a threat to the cause and potential infiltrator themselves. Zero-tolerance policy. Zero exceptions.

Expanding on the cultivation of an environment that’s favorable to our cause, and therefore taking practical steps towards the culmination of an ethnostate, it is incumbent upon us all who have been awakened to make it known we are not going down without a fight. The nation-wreckers must be made to feel unwanted, reviled, and uncomfortable on a day-to-day basis. The faster we can get them to leave the better, and the potential opposition consequently shrinks. These people don’t belong, and they most definitely do not deserve any kind of pass or omission from our examination and assessment of the current state of things, as they have too often been afforded by the voices of white nationalism who are already making plans for our collective rise to power. The nation-wrecking Jews must be shamed and driven away by all legal means possible.

Granted, this uphill battle seems near-insurmountable, but it isn’t until this battle starts being waged in a practical manner, where the prospect of an ethnostate is discussed as contingent upon a dramatic, dedicated and fearless effort to making the opportunity possible in the first place; rather than a utopian vision devoid of tangible scenarios for how to arrive there. The chances of any of this happening are, of course, slim at best. What’s more relevant here, is that with the way these ethnostates are discussed, gives the impression its commentators are almost waiting for this to be given to them. It won’t be. And if you can’t identify who and what stands in your way — because you’re a coward or just straight stupid— your discourse is no more serious than a couple of school kids playing superheroes.

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