Trump Card

I had originally wanted to write about my current obsession with landmine presses, or how excited I am to have finished my plate shelving in the Underworld. Or I could have written about oatmeal recipes. Or discuss the intricacies of my mother’s housebound Galli Domesticati (house chickens.) I had even conjured up a thought train about regulating vanity to our disposal.

But I can’t focus. I keep forgetting that I live in the Animated States of America and that reality is, in fact, a cleverly scripted cartoon for small, fat, alien children living in their spawn-sire’s basements. Cthulhu, Heil!

I’ve got the Don Fever. I can’t shake it. I’ve been trembling in my boots, I’ve got a clammy, cold feeling about my fingertips. It’s been going on a week living in the Kingdom of Emperor Trump. (Reluctant representative of the Provence of Maine, just call me Gauleiter Morse.) Yes, a whole week of Empire. Joy of joys! The Trumpocalypse has been almost as much of a letdown as the last conflagration my formerly fat, white ass has lived through. (2012: the only world that ended was my backyard fence due to inclement weather. Otherwise, cosmic letdown.)

Everyday, every customer: Trump, Trump, Trump. Every Renegade, Trump-a-Dump, Dump. Every trip to the Grocer, Trump-diddily-ai-diddily-do. Sweet Jesus, will it ever end?

Why, oh why, are we pretending this one is going to be any different? Trump: less of a criminal than Clinton – 2016. Oh proud Americans, rejoice! We have voted in the theoretical lesser evil.

My, my – don’t I sleep well at night.

But I realised something. One good thing, and one good thing alone has come of this for Paulie Positivity. I, a White, middle class American, get to have a card. Not a Race Card, not a Communist Membership Card, and not even a Sam’s Club Card. (Can’t afford it on my salary.) I can play the TRUMP CARD. Yessuh!

Here is my Trump Card.


Trump is irrelevant. To anyone with a racial impulse, please understand, the flavour of leadership makes no difference. A serving of synthetically flavoured icecream typically has the same caloric count per ounce regardless of additive. Politicians are the same thing.

Trump will change the existing system, to suit his whims, his legacy – one way or another. This is Trump’s America, just as for the last eight years it was Obongo’s (ahem, Obama.) Who was president before then? Does anybody remember? How about that Bush, or that Clinton? They tell me Reagan was pretty cool. I mean, come on! What about Nixon, and Ford? Kennedy! Each one helped make America a greater place than they left it!



What do my life savings have to say about this? I have maintained roughly $1,018usd in life savings since I started saving. It fluctuates because I have to do things like; fix my truck, pay bills – what-evah.

No net gain here.

I can vote, but wait, that doesn’t change.

Hmm… when I really sit down and consider; my life has not changed at all, regardless of President in charge.

I wonder why that is.

Because America is a Corporation. Because it is an economic enterprise dedicated to foreign interests. My taxes help ship niglets here. My taxes help build goddamn Jew nursing homes. Has any President altered this?

You want me to get loose around the hips for a President? Give me a man that will allow me to vote, and pay according to my conscience. Is Trump going to give me freedom of conscience to refuse to pay into Jew ethics, refuse to be replaced economically by a bunch of negro savages intent on turning Maine into their half-literate playground?

Do I believe Trump is going to be deciduously harmful to me? No more than any other. Less than Clinton? No better, no worse. No different. No different.

I hope I am wrong. Truly. Please – anyone from the general Alt-Right, Hard Right, what-ever-right reading; gib me dat hope. Not Obongo’s hope, Trump’s.

I will, however, ask a pointed question; how does Trump change your outlook within Nationalism?

Another; does Trump change your existential duty to your race?

Another; does Trump elevate or accentuate White culture?

Another; does Trump bring endurance, erudition, or evolution to our platform?

Another; does Trump alleviate the burden of damage done to our interests?

Another; does Trump help to visually consolidate our interests?

Another; does Trump warrant excitation given his official presidency is not concrete, yet?

If the answer to any of my questions is “no”,  then too much speculation is premature. We, Nationalists, should continue as before – bringing awareness, discomforting the comfortable, humbling the smug, reminding the forgetful – making our presence known. Now, more than any other time, is the time to get loud. Talk, point out the iniquities. Make your concomitant associates think.

If Trump turns out to be an asset: wonderful. If Trump turns out to be an enemy: we will endure. If Trump turns out to be more of the same: we will be prepared. We must not change our internal dialogue now. Our own evolution must continue unabated in the face of shifting System. This is critical.

If we can use Trump’s policies and his persona as leverage, fine. This is the name of the game. Leverage. We must use anything we can to our potential advantage. We are entering a window in which the sleeping giant of White America and White Europe stir in the collective slumber. Naptime is interrupted. Before the toothless giant rolls over and breaks wind in your eye, fill their head with knowledge.

In this window, potential converts will be won. Just as during the shock of Obama, converts were won, now is another opportunity. We must draw our people in. We cannot afford to fully daemonise the Trumpettes, but they must be informed, educated. However frustrated they are. Trump is a stone in the river that can alter the canoe’s trajectory toward the lake or the waterfall.

The issues Trump has awakened will become talk of the town. Receptivity to issues will grow, for a limited time. Whether the people show their stripes or not is irrelevant; they are psychologically impressionable.

You, Nationalist, are our representative. Remember this in all your dealings. Present well, you must have confidence, not condescension, you must have wisdom, not arrogance, you must have dialogue and exchange, not instruction and lecture. People will silently consider your words. If they are to be won, they will come to us. Those that cannot bent, will eventually be swallowed up by the cost of their complacence – but in the event that there is a cosmic, karmic law – I will not be responsible for letting my ego get in the way, for self-satisfaction, self-defeat, what-ever, acting as a bar toward spreading the message.

Stay on point. Remember our objectives. Always ask: what does this do for White solidarity? How does this encourage Unity – Einheit?

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