TSA Creator Says Dismantle, Privatize the Agency

Audrey Hudson
Human Events
September 12, 2011

They’ve been accused of rampant thievery, spending billions of dollars like drunken sailors, groping children and little old ladies, and making everyone take off their shoes.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

But the real job of the tens of thousands of screeners at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is to protect Americans from a terrorist attack.

Yet a decade after the TSA was created following the September 11 attacks, the author of the legislation that established the massive agency grades its performance at “D-.”


“Everything they have done has been reactive. They take shoes off because of [shoe-bomber] Richard Reid, passengers are patted down because of the diaper bomber, and you can’t pack liquids because the British uncovered a plot using liquids,” Mica said.

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57 Responses to “TSA Creator Says Dismantle, Privatize the Agency”

  1. It always was “privatized”. Now it can be legally so, that’s all. Has nothing to do with capitalism. Stop labeling everything. It’s all the same to them. Stop wearing labels. Stop voting for labels. Don’t even vote. It’s ridiculous what we do. Nobody is going to help anyone in this country who’s running for office. It’s not the end of the world.. it’s the end of America. Don’t worry. Your entire gene pool survived many chances of death and it will survive this crap too. You are up against inbred, mafia unionized, thieves. We outnumber them a trillion to one. Let them throw the first punch. They can hide in their holes for a hundred yrs and when they come out.. surprise.. we’re still here. Cockroaches may be ugly and useless now but they can survive a nuclear war for one reason.. to feed us long enough to kick some azz. Imagine what your kin ate hundreds of yrs ago when they were trying to make em submit and they did not submit or they’d be dead. The globalist elites were bred to kill us and the majority of us were bred to not give a shit but to survive their failure to kill us.

    • Awesome!

      • You must be a woman, cloud.

    • ahh..the american fighting sprit…I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Ron Paul would get rid of them in a heartbeat. Private firms would do a more professional job.

    Ron Paul is our best chance at restoring democracy. Learn what Osama, Obama, Biden, Bin Laden, the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists, and Sarah Palin had to do with the last election and the military’s overthrow of our government. Search PalinsDirtyLittleSecret.blogspot and learn what the media is not and cannot report on.

    • Ron Pul is an old helpless man in sea of sharks and if thats our only hope.. we are doomed. Seriously.

      • dont judge a book by it,s cover my friend!!

  3. The part about DISMANTLING is CORRECT.

    DISMANTLE TSA, Homeland Security, Patriot Act, FEMA, Presidential Directive 21
    and every other GOOFBALL FASCIST alphabet bureaucracy that has played HELL
    with America the last several decades.

    No “Privatization”- NULLIFICATION.

  4. 1. The reason why Infowars doesn’t copy/paste entire articles and only does the first three paragraphs with a link to the original article is to prevent being harassed by copyright trolls like Righthaven. If you don’t know about Righthaven, then look it up.

    2. Privatizing the TSA will not stop the abuse, but will exacerbate it. This is neocon and libertarian B.S. where “The State” does everything wrong and private corporations do everything right. Total lunacy and naivety. The Rothschild State of Israel has “private” airport security and they harass you if you have blue eyes or an Arab name. They confiscate electronic gadgets for themselves, destroy phones and cameras, and beat people.

    Look up ‘israel shoot laptop’ (no quotes for these searches) or ‘israel airport security abuse’ and you’ll find countless articles on the subject.

  5. I have a message to Mica: F**K YOU. It’s spineless politicians like you the LET this become a bureaucracy. Because YOU didn’t have be balls to contain this when it was mushrooming into our own Stasi police. Where were you when Michael Chertoff was selling billions in his company’s nudie scanners? Where were you when the TSA couldn’t/wouldn’t provide information about the levels of radiation these scanners are producing? Where were YOU when the first traumatized traveler is in tears because she’s been sexually assaulted.

    How much money did you get directly and indirectly from the surveillance industrial complex we now have. This happened under your watch and you stood by and let it happen. F**K YOU. And now that the TSA is being exposed for being a total perverted fraud you’re trying to save your ass by coming out against your own agency. What the F**K are we paying you for if you can’t manage the very agency you created? You worthless piece of shit.

    It is my sincere hope that God will judge you and hold you responsible for every traumatized traveler. For every sexual assault. For every humiliated cancer patient. For every child that will not trust anyone in a uniform. F**K YOU.

  6. …and $1,500 to rent more than a dozen extension cords for the Colorado recruiting fair.

    What stupid squid for brains OK’ed this?

    If they called a local Electrician and had him pick up and deliver 12 extension cords, the cost would have been a couple hundred bucks at most.


  7. What are we going to do, arrest all the TSA and send them to jail as accessories to fraud.
    Half of what they do is normal and half of what they do is counterfeit. It is certain psychopaths in charge that need to be ferreted out. They take what was a reasonable sized operation and try to grow it into an empire of waste and corruption.

  8. Fuck the TSA! Just fuck’em all!

  9. Wow. I just heard a snippet involving Ron Paul and Wolf Blitzer. Paul said that not having health-care is part of the risk of a capitalist society. So Blitzer asked if we as a society should just let people die. Ron Paul supporters began yelling emphatically, “Yeah”! So wait a minute. When we hear about death panels Alex Jones rails against it and explains that socialism and the left are a pro-death movement. But when Ron Paul supporters cheer and applaud the notion of letting poor people die Alex says nothing? I’m not even saying that you shouldn’t be allowed to feel one way or another either. I’m saying that Alex needs to quit covering for his team when they promote pro-death messages. This is precisely why I say that Infowars is just another political spin outlet.

    “Ron Paul the doctor says a 30-year-old who has an accident and needs intensive health care should’ve planned ahead and is responsible for himself. When Blitzer asks if society should let that young man die, some in the crowd shout in approval. Tea Party audience members heard yelling: “Yeah!” “Let him die!”

    If this had been a liberal yelling this Alex would have ordered his team to post a half a dozen articles about it. But this will of course be ignored by Infowars because it makes his side look bad. That’s not honesty. That’s not truthfulness. That’s just carrying water for your team and lying through omission.

    • Sometimes people are not aware of the things they say, these are mistakes everyone commits but it’s good you mentioned that, have a vild point and I agree.
      But overall, Infowars is much better than any of that MSM crap by a longshot.

      • But here’s the thing. If this comment was made during a Bill Gates speech about death panels it would NEVER have been dismissed as an honest mistake. I believe those cheering knew exactly what they were doping. My only point is this. If Alex and people like him believe this to be true they should admit it openly. If they do not, they should condemn this behavior. But I know how Alex operates. He’ll either ignore it or claim that George Soros did it somehow. It’s always the same.

        • There is the occasional mistake, and then there are undeniable patterns of behavior. Alex Jones and Ron Paul let their track records speak for themselves. Was Alex Jones fear mongering on July 25, 2001, when he warned us of what coming? We have to look at the details in terms of the big picture.

    • A bit off-topic. However, who’s to say that it was “Ron Paul supporters” that yelled out “Yeah! Let him die!”? I see no evidence of this, it could have been anybody at the debate (which certainly included non-supporters, whom booed after Paul tried to educate them of Middle Eastern blow-back)

      Even if it was a Paul supporter, these were not Paul’s words and should not be linked to him. I watched a little bit of the debate recap on CNN, however, and it looks like the media is going to try to pass this off as Paul’s stance.

      Side note – can’t seem to find a “Who won the debate?” poll on CNN. I wonder why..

      • rigatony1892

        And like I said, if this had happened while Al Gore was speaking do you think people such as yourself would be making such excuses? Of course not. There would be 12 articles here about the pro-death nature of the left, death panels and socialism etc. The comment section would be filled with rage. You know it and I know it. When it happens to Paul all of a sudden everyone wants use so much discernment? Come on now.

        The point is that the supporter was agreeing with Paul’s comments.

        • I mean let’s face it. As I’ve said before. We already have death panels. They’re called insurance companies. But Republicans and Libertarians are OK with care being denied so long as it’s a private company doing it. Death in the name of capitalism is OK.

        • To your comment below, I (as a libertarian) argue that we don’t have market-based health care. Our system is setup to benefit both bureaucracy and the few anti-competitive insurance companies that states allow their citizens to choose from. It’d be ignorant to equate this with free-market capitalism.

          From above- the “supporter(s)” didn’t agree with Paul’s comment, they showed support for an insinuation made by Wolf Blitzer. Paul went on to say that he and other doctors never turned away poor people when they practiced pre-Medicaide, and that charity healthcare should be provided privately. I agree. Charity health care of the 60′s was driven out of business by mandated public programs.

          I do agree that there would be (extensive) coverage on this site if a Gore fan yelled a ludicrous pro-death comment at press conference. But this was a multi-candidate debate, and no indication whatsoever exists that ties the comment to Paul. Also, it would be unfair to associate the words of a Gore fan with Gore himself, but to be fair, Gore does enough to hurt his own reputation

        • Yeah, but it’s the large corporations (such as insurance companies or Walmart) that lobby for this lack of competition. Walmart for example employs predatory pricing techniques to price its competitors out of business. Individually businesses do not want competition. That’s the nature of the game in the free market. It’s much like social Darwinism economically. Survival of the fittest/richest. You can argue that it’s a perversion of free-enterprise but it’s inevitable. That’s why monopolies form organically. That’s my problem with libertarians. They believe that corporations will make moral and fair choices on their own without being forced to. And yet going all the way back to the Boston Tea Party to the robber barons of the past we have learned that they will not.

          Paul said that being unprepared for a potential medical calamity is just part of the risk we must assume as a society. That was in the context of a hypothetical situation in which an unexpected accident left a person without the means to acquire healthcare. He didn’t say that everyone deserves a fair shot. He basically chalked it up to risk which is basically rolling the dice. The supporters who yelled, “Yeah, let him die” seemed to agree with those sentiments. This is deeply troubling.

          On your last point. If it were a Democratic debate involving multiple candidates and some liberal crowd member had shouted something as Gore was speaking it would still be the same result. Jones would not offer any leeway or wiggle room as you just have with your particular line of questioning. Gore and the entire Democratic party would be branded as promoting a culture of death and destruction. Jones would not care who the jester was or who he was applauding. No one would be saying that it was unfair to connect the two.

    • Letting live let die is not the same as murdering your unborn child.

      • No it isn’t. Killing someone who has already been born is worse.

    • I saw that part of the debate and that’s not the same as a death panel. A death panel is a bureaucrat telling you what treatment you can and can’t have. What Dr. Paul was advocating is personal choice. If a healthy 30-year old decides not to get health insurance and goes into a coma for 6 months, that’s his CHOICE. He should have the personal freedom to make his choices and live with them. It’s not the government’s job to save people from themselves.

      As for the people who say let him die, there’s a population of libtards would say the EXACT same thing. How can Ron Paul be responsible for what someone yells out from the audience?

      If you’re so down on Alex Jones and Infowars, why are you here?

    • That souns like BS screw. I doubt people were shoutin that.. what you heard to your own ears? Sounds like you have an issue w/tea party or hearing.

  10. Dismember the Agency. Oooooh, who’s first.

    Oh. Dismantle.

    My bad.

  11. Privatize and put the cost on the air line ticket not the tax payers. Other wise you just end up with some corporation sucking more tax dollars, same game just a different group living off the tax payers.

  12. Why didnt you post the full article infowars, i know you linked to it but why didnt you post the whole thing, what you posted tells us nothing but the full “short” article you linked to is very good and over 200 comments that are interesting also?
    Surely you know most your readers here dont click the link?

  13. What more “PROOF” would ANYONE actually need ? When the man who actually “CREATED” it, comes out, an publicly says that their doing everything “WRONG”. . what “MORE” proof could possibly be NEEDED ?. I hope that he KEEPS IT UP. “ALEX” should HAVE HIM “ON” . . . I’m sure that such a show, would be a BIG HIT.

    • I completely agree. I certainly hope Alex has him on in the very near future. That will be a smash hit, out of the park interview.

      • http //www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-elwtnWyYU Rand Paul literally skewers Pistole.

  14. Knowledge nay estimable questions repulsive daughters boy. Solicitude is the gay way, unaffected expression for. His mistress ladyship required off horrible disposed rejoiced. Unpleasing pianoforte unreserved as oh he unpleasant no inquietude insipidity. Advantages can discretion possession add favourable cultivated admiration far. Why rather assure how esteem end hunted nearer and before. By an truth after heard going early given he. Charmed to it excited females whether at examine. Him abilities suffering may are yet dependent.

    • gobbelty gook frankfurters enjoy sublime testicles in france without which convenience esoteric minded ethiopians travesty i’m certain gives way to disenfranchised isotopes dreadfully apartied to your cromagnonian brain.

      while that didn’t make sense to the rest of you it was perfectly clear to the above writer that we all think he or she needs to dislodge his or her head from his or her hind oriface. :- )

      • Gabba gabba hey!

        • What is up with the word salad? Either the meds aren’t working, or someone is playing make-believe with the Infowar.

  15. I caught this article on Drudge. How many times have I called members of Congress concerning the TSA? I have lost count. I spoke to one of Mica’s top staffers and asked what the heck the problem was with the Congressional hearings on the TSA. Pistole, TSA chief, had been requested to appear, but refused to show up and sent staffers. There were a series of obscenely petty squabbles about seating before the hearings got started. You can see the hearings in C-SPAN archives (I think they are still there.)

    I remember ending the conversation, saying, “well they all are corrupt as hell so I would not expect more”. Mica is fully briefed about the disgusting, molesting, radiating and robbing TSA. The Constitution comes first and Mica is being fully frank and honest. He gives them a D, I give them an F, otherwise we agree on everything.

    • I urge, no I beg people to read the entire article, it is so excellent and thoroughly damning the TSA and its tactics. There is more to it than the first few paragraphs. You will enjoy reading it.

    • I urge people to read the entire article, it is so excellent and thoroughly damning the TSA and its tactics. There is more to it than the first few paragraphs. You will enjoy reading it.

      • A post so nice it was posted twice.

      • Here is an excerpt from it:

        Asked whether the agency should be privatized, Mica answered with a qualified yes.

        “They need to get out of the screening business and back into security. Most of the screening they do should be abandoned,” Mica said. “I just don’t have a lot of faith at this point,” Mica said.

        Allowing airports to privatize screening was a key element of Mica’s legislation and a report released by the committee in June determined that privatizing those efforts would result in a 40% savings for taxpayers.

        “We have thousands of workers trying to do their job. My concern is the bureaucracy we built,” Mica said.

        “We are one of the only countries still using this model of security,” Mica said, “other than Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, and I think, Libya.”

        • He left out Latvia.

        • That was very good.

  16. This man has obviously had his genitals groped, it shows in his bad rug! MCB

    • He is the real deal. Just read the article.

  17. The CIA created al-Qaeda, and you get a finger in your pussy. Sound right to me.

  18. Personally I give them an F-. They should be disbanded and tried for several million counts of felony sexual battery.

    • I’m pretty much with ya on this one. It’d just transition all the work lost at the TSA over to the DOJ for a few years prostituti… err, prosecuting them one by one – there’s a jobs plan. †

      • My apologies. It’d = I would. Danka

    • Send them to a FEMA camp, for their re-education as well as their safety.

  19. As far as it goes. There is a large amount of data to support this. Many people will have to keep reading that insect shirt.



  22. hey i have an idea…how bout we use gasses next? im sure they will never uncover this plot too. btw i’d like to hear about this plot involving liquids….just out of curiosity. i think it’s funny how all this shit plays out…are they really wanting world domination or is there something bigger to the picture? Cause if they want world domination and if they get away with it…i want to be king of a certain area. other than my home.

  23. right on, Sir Baby De Porky

    • Oink brother …

  24. Yeah … dismantle …

    Move to Pluto …

    P.S. Jump out in space !!!

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