America, we as a nation have some real soul searching to do. We are truly standing on a precipice 0f fundamental transformation, which if fully realized, will leave our nation forever changed. While there are many, many Americans who view this shift to socialism as a positive thing, it is only because they are severely misinformed, and have had their analytical thinking skills completely destroyed by the communist controlled education system. It is my belief that if the average leftist really understood what it was in the Bill of Rights they stood to lose, by advocating for “change,” they would snap out of their trance and get with reality. As a writer and a patriot, I have spent a great deal of time trying to get this message out, trying to draw a sharp contrast between the America our founders had envisioned for us and the “social democracy” Obama and the United Nations have in mind. This article will continue on this theme.
Throughout the past couple of weeks there have been numerous internet articles concerning the spotting of U.N. vehicles being transported across the country.
To many Americans, this is alarming because we know one of the stated goals of the U.N. is to disarm America and merge her into the one world government envisioned by the global elite. Our own government has also signed onto the U.N. Small Arms Treaty, and while it has not been ratified by the US Senate it seems the U.N., and those advocating for world governance, are intent on seeing through with its implementation. While many on the left would scoff at any conservative being concerned about such a thing it should be noted that the treaty contains language authorizing the U.N. to disarm opposing factions in times of crisis. If you can’t see by now that this crisis is being intentionally fabricated by the left, using the classic Hegelian “problem, reaction, solution” formula, then there is little hope for you.
Again, many people in America actually believe the U.N. should be the head of a world governing body, and that America should give up a little of her sovereignty in order to make things more fair in the world. More specifically, these people are for outright gun confiscation and believe that confiscating guns from law abiding American citizens is the only way to end gun violence.
(For people who yet don’t believe the U.N. intends on forcing gun confiscation upon us, I suggest you check out this job posting listed by the U.N. Perhaps you should pay special attention to the part about people from foreign militaries and police forces having preference.)
What I find the most astonishing is that we have people in this country calling for gun control at a time when our government should be telling us to remain vigilant and perhaps even calling us to arms. The Middle East is set to become the next holocaust, and with our borders wide open amidst the current immigration crisis, we are virtually sitting ducks as these Islamofascists are vowing to bring their reign of terror here. I say thank God for the Second Amendment! Unfortunately, it seems as if our own government and other anti-gun groups, would rather see good people defenseless in the face of such violence. In fact, this brings me to the whole point of this article. There are people out there who do not believe that self-defense is an inherent human right. A 2006 U.N. human rights council report, written by a Barbara Frey, refuses to acknowledge that human beings have a right to keep arms for self-defense. Furthermore, the U.N. is claiming that governments that don’t impose severe restrictions on the rights of individuals to own firearms are guilty of human rights violations.
America, the U.N. is coming.
The whole point of the United States Constitution was to establish a system of government where the sovereignty of the individual was supreme over government, and the government’s sole function was to protect liberty. The Second Amendment was written specifically to protect life against the murderous onslaught that is currently underway in the Middle East, and to protect individual sovereignty against a government run amuck. The very fact that we have our own government pushing for gun control at a time such as this should be viewed as treasonous by all Americans. Especially, seeing as though we have Muslim Brotherhood operatives working within the administration. Far too many American have drank the collective “kool aid” and are literally brain dead when it comes to having the ability to do an honest assessment of where we stand.
What needs to be stressed here is that the Constitution was written by people who believed in God, the Judea Christian God of the Bible that is. People are created in the Image of God with free will, and they are fully capable of living independent lives, are capable of showing love, being responsible, providing for and caring for others, and most importantly, they are born with an inalienable right to defend themselves and their loved form evil.
Conversely, those on the left generally don’t believe in God, at least not the Christian God anyway. The U.N. is doing nothing in the face of worldwide Christian persecution, and, in fact, they seem to be facilitating it! The left tends to believe in evolution and false science, and they typically see Christians as standing in the way of progress with their “outdated, superstitious” beliefs. Remember, the basis for evolution is that mankind was merely an accident with no special purpose for existence, and because the left believes in the creation of a state run “utopia” (communism) there is no moral wrong in eliminating those who stand in the way. This was the continuing theme of the twentieth century as the sickness of Marxism/Darwinism spread across the globe and governments killed nearly 160,000,000 of their own citizens in the name of peace and progress. More people were killed in this period of history than in all of the world’s wars in man’s history. Yet, because we have an education system that has been taken over by the communists, trying to convince someone of these facts has become an arduous chore.
America, the very fact that we have a government professing we don’t have a right to self-defense is because they have an agenda they know we will fight against. It isn’t because they care about the children. If they cared about peace and humanity they would be overseas stopping the unnecessary annihilation of Christians at the hands of the Islamonazis, who have also vowed our destruction. Instead, we have the U.N. here hiring people to assist in disarming operations in America; it should be the people cutting off people’s heads that should be disarmed, not law abiding citizens! We need to decide if we believe we have a right to protect ourselves and our loved ones from evil, or if we will leave it in the hands of those who would have you believe you don’t. What type of world do you want to live in?
David Risselada is a freelance writer and researcher. David served in the United States Marine Corps from 1995-1999 and the US Army from 2001-2006. In addition to contributing to, he writes at Radical Conservative. Follow David on Twitter.
Courtesy of Freedom Outpost.
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