‘US efforts breeds terrorism in Yemen’

The US-Saudi backed plan replaced longtime ruler Saleh with his deputy in an effort to put an end to the popular uprising in the country and avert similar demands in neighboring countries, namely Saudi Arabia itself.

Press TV has talked to political analyst Sara Marusek, from Beirut for further feedback on the issue of Yemen’s popular uprising and the US role helping and supporting the Saleh regime.

What follows is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: What Mr. Rushton, our other guest, calls Saleh-ism… what actually is keeping that in place right now? What is the biggest impediment to the people reaching their total goal, which is the removal of the total regime of Saleh?

Marusek: Well, of course the situation in Yemen is going to be very complex and so it is going to be difficult to achieve change no matter what happens, but certainly the impediment as you asked is the international community, particularly the United States as well as the Persian Gulf nations.

Really, they are interfering in Yemeni’s politics to change nothing, to make a cosmetic alteration on the leadership but to actually not dismantle any of the structures of repression and on some ways actually things maybe quite worse for most of the Yemeni people.

United Nations Children’s Fund [UNICEF] just announced that half a million children are going to die this year from hunger and a further 750,000 are actually malnourished. And this is all while this is happening -Saleh is staying at the Ritz-Carlton in New York.

It just shows that the priorities of the Saleh administration and also of the Obama administration are really not looking to meet the demands of the Yemeni people, but are just to ensure that America has some sort of ally to “fight the war on terror”, which is also a complete manufactured scenario because…

Until recently the war on terror did not really exist in Yemen and it is existing now because of the massive drone strikes that are attacking civilians and are attacking human beings without any sort of fair trial, without any process, including American citizens and this is just another demonstration that the international community is failing the Arab people.

Press TV: How long can the US prop up these systems? How long, how many resources do they have – how long can they continue doing this?

Marusek: Well, up until now they could do it for as long as the autocrats maintained power, but the problem, as we see, is that people in these countries are no longer are willing to take the suppression and they are standing up for their rights like your other guest said.

And I think this makes it much more difficult for the US to continue to support authoritarian governments and they have to, like I said before, manufacture reasons to use an iron fist to clamp down on populations and right now this whole narrative of al-Qaeda in Yemen is serving this purpose because really al-Qaeda was not in Yemen up until recently and that they are only there as a response to US military engagement.

When it comes down to the United States is at war in Yemen. Recently they had another strike that killed 12 Yemenis and again there is no due process allowed to any of these individuals; they are accused of something, but there is no evidence shown to anybody in America – not congress; not the American people.

And so we have no idea who these people are that are being killed and the villagers the local people in Yemen are reacting to their brothers, sisters, fathers; everybody getting killed and this is radicalizing them and helping them to, if not side with al-Qaeda, to at least tolerate al-Qaeda so that it can operate in their country and so this is an extremely dangerous game that the United States is playing.

We’re actually creating another potential attack against our own people by fomenting this kind of problem in Yemen when it could be so much easier to just put faith into the Yemeni people, they deserve it; and for them to take care of their own country and to have multiple countries if that is what they decide.

But right now the situation in Yemen is only going to get worse not only for Yemeni’s, unfortunately, but also for people in the neighboring countries because, as your other guest said; this is a great threat to Saudi Arabia so Saudi Arabia, the government there, is going to clamp down even more against peaceful demonstrators like they have been over the last year.

So, it is not a good situation right now and it certainly is not sustainable.

Press TV: As we said at the top of the show, we have Ali Abdullah Saleh now in the United States. People want him to stand trial for killing almost 2.000 people and stealing from the treasury for decades and decades; but then we see the United States taking him in. Aiding and abetting is a crime in the United States, what about this – The United States, allowing someone that has blood on the hands; in the country and basically mum’s the word – how much of responsibility do they have in all of this?

Marusek: The United States has a huge responsibility because not only are they aiding and abetting and hiding this war criminal and protecting him from justice, but they also helped him commit these crimes. The US gave five hundred million dollars to Yemen’s government over the last five years to help them “battle this war on terror” and in the meantime, like I said before, Yemeni’s children are dying.

This is just the most corrupt and most disgusting effort by the United States to again repeat the situation in Iraq, for example, where because of the sanctions millions of people died. Millions of people are dying in Yemen now and so of course we are utterly culpable of the most heinous crimes that Saleh has committed and we unfortunately are not being held accountable.


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