What Bill Nye Gets Wrong About Vaccines & Alternative Medicine

As an adolescent, I loved ‘Bill Nye the Science Guy!’ His iconic show was inspiring to me because he made learning fun. However, after watching his new series Bill Nye Saves The World on Netflix, I’m now questioning whether I ever really learned anything from this man. His new show is full of propaganda and misinformation as he takes a biased, unscientific approach when discussing many topics.

This article is part 2 of our first article regarding the series Bill Nye Saves The World. Check out the first article here:

Why Bill Nye Is Not A ‘Science Guy’: What He Gets Wrong About GMOs

This article will specifically focus on a couple of the episodes in the series where Nye discusses alternative medicine and vaccines, specifically episodes 2 and 6.

Episode 2: Tune Your Quack-O-Meter

The second episode of the series is all about alternative medicine. He starts by explaining that “alternative medicines aren’t tested” and makes fun of them by saying “What do you call alternative medicine that’s proven to work? You call it medicine!” That statement is very wrong, as there have literally been thousands of studies on alternative medicine such as cannabis, essential oils, and tons of other naturopathic remedies.  

Much of this episode is about sound healing, as one of his “correspondents” goes to visit a sound healer. Nye and his correspondent continuously make fun of sound healing, explaining that it’s not real “healing.” What he fails to address is the science and ancient knowledge behind sound healing. He only associates it with spirituality and religion, which isn’t wrong per se, but there’s a lot more to this subject, including the scientific studies on it.

Dr. Herbert Benson, Professor, Author, Cardiologist, and Founder of Harvard’s Mind/Body Medical Institute, studied how sound healing, specifically mantric chanting, can help induce the Relaxation Response. The Relaxation Response is defined as an individual’s ability to prompt their body to release chemicals and brain signals that cause muscles to relax, respiration to slow, and blood pressure to drop.

The Relaxation Response can reduce symptoms of IBS and counteract the physiological changes of stress and the fight or flight response, including muscle tension, headache, upset stomach, racing heartbeat, and shallow breathing.

Dr. Ranjie Singh, a neuroscientist, writer, businessman, and global educator, found that chanting specific mantras releases the hormone melatonin, and this in turn offers many benefits, including tumour shrinkage and enhanced sleep.

Chanting has been found to oxygenate the brain, reduce heart rate, improve blood pressure, and calm brainwave activity. It can even cause the left and right hemispheres of the brain to synchronize.

Jonathan Goldman, American Author, Musician, and Teacher in the fields of Harmonics and Sound Healing, says:

Dr. Alfred Tomatis has utilized the sounds of Gregorian Monks to stimulate the ears, brain and nervous systems of clients. His work is very important with regard to the scientific and medical uses of sound and chant. He found that certain sounds that are particularly high in vocal harmonics will stimulate and charge the cortex of the brain and the nervous system. Some years ago, there was a very popular recording of Gregorian chanting that occurred just when this research was being made public. I know that many other types of chanting from different traditions have very similar effects. These are just a few of the hard physical phenomenon of mantric chanting that have been observed. There certainly are others, as well.

But, instead of addressing the science behind sound healing, they mock it. In the show, the “sound healer” goes on to explain that sound healing has been used to heal numerous illnesses, and in some cases, even cancer. He explains that cancer can manifest as a result of emotional blockages, which sound healing can help alleviate. Nye and his correspondent treat his claim as a joke, brushing it off with laughter, but in reality there is some truth to this.

It is scientifically proven that chronic stress can increase your risk of many diseases including cancer, meaning that cancer can manifest in the body as a result of emotional trauma/blockages. According to the American Psychological Association, trauma is defined as, “the emotional response to a terrible event.” This emotional response could be heightened stress, which could cause cancer. Radiation oncologist Dr. Carl Simonton and his wife Stephanie Matthews-Simonton, a Psychologist, wrote the book Getting Well Again: A Step-by-Step Self-Help Guide to Overcoming Cancer for Patients and Their Families. The book explores how people can affect their disease process through healing their emotions and one of the recommended ways to do so is through meditation.

Louise Hay is another well-known author who discusses the emotional causes of cancer in her book You Can Heal Your Life. A cancer survivor herself, she cured her disease in only six months using a combination of affirmations, visualization, nutritional cleansing, and psychotherapy. According to Hay, cancer is simply the manifestation of deep hurt, secrets, longstanding resentment, grief and/or hatred.

I’m not saying that sound healing can cure all cancer, but I am suggesting that it can be used to improve human health. Another study performed in 2006 looked at the effects of transcendental meditation (TM), a form of meditation whereby the practitioner continuously repeats a mantra or chants, and concluded that TM can improve blood pressure and cardiac autonomic nervous system tone and decrease risk of coronary heart disease.

Nye also discusses the concept of “auras” briefly, treating it again as if it’s a joke and only associating it with the spiritual community. What he doesn’t discuss is that science has actually proven the existence of the human aura, and that our hearts have their own auras too! All of our bodies emit an electromagnetic field, commonly referred to as an “aura,” which plays a very important role in understanding our biology and the interconnectedness we share with all life.

Dr. Deborah Rozman, the President of Quantum Intech, explains the heart’s electromagnetic field and how it affects everyone and everything around us:

Research findings have shown that as we practice heart coherence and radiate love and compassion, our heart generates a coherent electromagnetic wave into the local field environment that facilitates social coherence, whether in the home, workplace, classroom or sitting around a table. As more individuals radiate heart coherence, it builds an energetic field that makes it easier for others to connect with their heart. So, theoretically it is possible that enough people building individual and social coherence could actually contribute to an unfolding global coherence.

You can learn more about this and the research the HeartMath Institute is conducting on it in the following CE video:

It’s fascinating that so many people, including Bill Nye, dismiss alternative medicine without even looking at the science behind it. Big Pharma has created such a large stigma surrounding the subject, which is very beneficial for these companies because they cannot profit off plants and sounds in the same way they profit off pharmaceuticals. I wonder if Big Pharma played a role in creating the dialogue on this episode?  

Episode 6: Do Some Shots, Save The World

The theme of episode 6 is vaccines, and there’s no debate on what side Bill Nye is on. Nye is extremely pro-vaccines, and he takes a very condescending tone towards anyone who questions them. This is an overwhelming issue when it comes to North American science: it’s no longer socially acceptable to question everything. However, isn’t that exactly what science is, questioning everything until we establish the truth?

This is the issue when it comes to vaccines: people declare that they’re “pro” or “anti” vaccinations, which only provokes argument. The fact of the matter is that the science cannot be argued regarding vaccines. It’s very clear that vaccinations are associated with a number of health risks (which are obviously dependent upon the vaccine), yet Nye addresses none of these.

Instead, the episode focuses mainly on the polio vaccine and how it helped eradicate the disease from India. A number of families who were affected by polio in India were interviewed, tugging at viewers’ heartstrings. Individuals were asked whether or not they would ever consider not getting vaccinated, and of course, they said no. They’ve likely only seen what this specific disease looks like; they haven’t been educated on the risks of all different types of vaccines. These people were told a vaccination could end suffering, and so they gladly took it, much like the rest of the population.

When it comes to Polio, it’s not quite as “dangerous” as the show makes it out to be. Dr. Sheri Tenpenny, one of the leading researchers of vaccine safety and effectiveness, explains:

“Polioviruses are transient inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract. Up to 95% of all polio infections are completely asymptomatic. Approximately 5% of polio infections consist of a minor, nonspecific illness consisting of an upper respiratory tract infection (sore throat and fever) and gastrointestinal disturbances (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea). This influenza-like illness, clinically indistinguishable from the myriad of other viral illnesses, is characterized by complete recovery in less than a week with resultant lifetime immunity. Less than 1% of all polio infections result in paralysis. Most importantly, the vast majority of individuals who contract paralytic poliomyelitis recover with complete—or near complete—return of muscle function. Any weakness that is still present 12 months after onset of paralysis is usually considered permanent.”

Plus, polio vaccines are not foolproof, as people with the vaccination can still get polio. Despite a program that immunized 87% of Oman children by age one year, in 1988 a large number of vaccinated children still got polio and contributed to the widespread transmission of it.

Of course, Nye didn’t include any of this information in the episode. We’re now starting to understand the risks associated with different types of vaccines and the dangerous ingredients within many of them, including mercury and aluminum. Nye chose to ignore this science, taking a very one-sided point of view on vaccines, and frankly, the unscientific side of it all.

Perhaps the most controversial element of vaccines is the link they have to autism. The vaccine-autism link gained a lot of traction after CDC scientist Dr. William Thompson publicly apologized for falsifying research, much of which was considered “pro-vaccine.”

Dr. Thompson explained, “The CDC has put the research 10 years behind, because the CDC has not been transparent. We’ve missed 10 years of research because the CDC is so paralyzed right now by anything related to autism. Really what we need is for congress to come in and say, give us the data.” (source)

He then pointed to a specific CDC study he co-authored in 2004 that determined:

“The evidence is now convincing that the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine does not cause autism or any particular subtypes of autism spectrum disorder.” (source)

In regard to the 2004 study, he said:

I regret that my co-authors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article. . . . I have had many discussions with Dr. Brian Hooker over the last 10 months regarding studies the CDC has carried out regarding vaccines and neurodevelopmental outcomes, including autism spectrum disorders. I share his belief that CDC decision-making and analyses should be transparent.” (source)

In an attempt to right his wrongdoings, he stated:

“It’s the lowest point in my career that I went along with that paper and uh, I went along with this, we didn’t report significant findings. I’m completely ashamed of what I did, I have great shame now that I was complicit and went along with this, I have been a part of the problem.” (source)

The correlation between vaccines and autism is very real, and has been proven in regard to many vaccines, including the MMR vaccine. A study published by Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD and previous CDC scientist, in the peer-reviewed journal Translational Neurodegeneration found up to a 340% increased risk of autism in African American boys receiving the Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. You can read more about this specific study in our CE article here.

The vaccine-autism link has even held up in courts, giving parents peace of mind and punishing Big Pharma companies. In one case, the Italian Health Ministry admitted that the MMR vaccine specifically caused autism in a 9-year-old boy. You can read more about that case in our CE article here.

A paper published in 2012 by Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, argues that severe adverse reactions to the chemicals (like aluminum) within vaccines are linked to life threatening conditions that are associated with the heart and brain. The paper goes on to argue that there is a relationship between autism and acute adverse reactions to vaccinations.

Dr. Seneff explains, “several signs and symptoms that are significantly more prevalent in vaccine reports after 2000, including cellulitis, seizure, depression, fatigue, pain and death, which are also significantly associated with aluminum-containing vaccines. We propose that children with the autism diagnosis are especially vulnerable to toxic metals such as aluminum and mercury due to insufficient serum sulfate and glutathione. A strong correlation between autism and the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine is also observed, which may be partially explained via an increased sensitivity to acetaminophen administered to control fever.” (source)

Another paper published by Professor Christopher Shaw and Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic of the University of British Columbia showed that vaccines with aluminum adjuvants increase the risk of developing autism, autoimmune diseases and neurological problems later in life. A demonstrated neurotoxin, Aluminum, is the only approved adjuvant in the US. Its use presents the risk of brain inflammation, autoimmunity and other adverse health consequences. (source)

Perhaps one of the most dangerous and popular vaccines on the market is the HPV vaccine Gardasil. Dr. Bernard Dalbergue, a former physician who worked directly with Gardasil’s manufacturer, Merck, stated:

The full extent of the Gardasil scandal needs to be assessed: everyone knew when this vaccine was released on the American market that it would prove to be worthless. Diane Harper, a major opinion leader in the United States, was one of the first to blow the whistle, pointing out the fraud and scam of it all. I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all time because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine, technical and scientific feat that it may be, has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers. Gardasil is useless and costs a fortune! In addition, decision-makers at all levels are aware of it! Cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, paralysis of the lower limbs, vaccine-induced MS and vaccine-induced encephalitis can be found, whatever the vaccine.

You can read more about that in our CE article here.

Dr. Dianne Harper, one of a select few specialists in OB/GYN who helped design and carry out the Phase II and Phase III safety and effectiveness studies to get Gardasil approved, told CBS that these vaccines are essentially useless, explaining that “the benefit to public health is nothing, there is no reduction in cervical cancers, they are just postponed, unless the protection lasts for at least 15 years, and over 70% of all sexually active females of all ages are vaccinated.”

Dr. Harper goes on to caution their dangers:

Parents and women must know that deaths occurred. Not all deaths that have been reported were represented in Dr. Slade’s work, one-third of the death reports were unavailable to the CDC, leaving the parents of the deceased teenagers in despair that the CDC is ignoring the very rare but real occurrences that need not have happened if parents were given information stating that there are real, but small risks of death surrounding the administration of Gardasil.

The number of injuries sustained as a result of vaccines are countless, especially when it comes to the Gardasil vaccination. For example, this young man was paralyzed as a result of the Gardasil vaccine, and these 18 girls suffered adverse side effects from it.

Nye also argues that people who don’t vaccinate pose a huge risk to those who do and that unvaccinated children shouldn’t be allowed to attend schools. Nye makes it seem like everyone needs to get vaccinated or else everyone is susceptible to the disease, but that’s not actually how herd immunity works. According to the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, as low as 40% of the population could be vaccinated in order for herd immunity to be achieved. However, our bodies can do this even more effectively in some cases and for free through natural herd immunity, which you can read more about here.

To learn more about why unvaccinated children do not pose a threat to vaccinated individuals, read the following CE article:

Why Unvaccinated Children Are Not A Threat To Vaccinated Children & Seniors

Final Thoughts

Bill Nye seems to look at people who question the safety of vaccines as ignorant, when in reality it would be ignorant to turn a blind eye to all of this evidence. It is very clear that many vaccines require further testing or should be halted altogether. To be clear, this article only covers a very small amount of the evidence that proves the risks associated with vaccines, so I encourage you to conduct your own research.

We need to stop arguing with one another over whether or not vaccines are safe and start looking at the facts. There is concrete evidence that suggests numerous vaccines and particularly those containing mercury and aluminum pose safety concerns. Instead of fighting about the validity of this, which is really indisputable, we need to figure out how to fix this in order to prevent any future injuries.

Related CE Article: The 6 Reasons Why Parents Should Never Be Forced To Vaccinate Their Children



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