The above meme is from this savvy Lady! (They must be getting some negative feedback, because Jootube makes you sign in to confirm your age, which they didn’t 3 days ago)
Youtubes latest kiddie porn. This is sickening, couldn’t watch all of it, just enough to verify. Check out the alias of one of these pedos, PPCOCAINE which has a library of porn.
And just in time for the shut-down mandated by govt. CDC Wall Street.
Wall Street gangsters have over 1.5 QUADRILLION in sour CDS bets imploding.
Which is around 150 TRILLION, so they can’t print enough worthless FED notes to cover this massive swindle, just enough to let the thieving bastards who set-off this WMD to get rewarded with OUR money.
So when the economy goes up in smoke, those thieving fucks will fly to their private island or remote villa and wait out the storm. BTW, this latest bailout is immune to the FOI. Freedom of Information Act. Nice, rob Americans of trillions and be exempt from questions.
Remember, posting trashy porn vids is OK on JEWtube, just don’t speak any truth about a certain race of gangsters.
Have pedos infiltrated all levels of govt?
Kay Griggs, Former Marine Colonel’s Wife Talks Again About Military Assassin Squads, Drug Running, Illegal Weapon Deals And Sexual Perversion Deep Within The Highest Levels Of U.S. Military And Government
P.S. Be sure to read some of the comments.
The Kay Griggs Story: Understanding who “THEY” are–maybe the most earth shattering interview you’ll ever hear
To understand who “they” are, which many of us unconsciously always refer to is defined in the Kay Griggs tapes. She names who “they” are and paints a picture behind the veil of American politics that nobody wants to believe…
The courts are stacked against us. The military is not so friendly to the concept of American freedom and Constitutional obligations and we do have a shadow government that is running it all, and the way to get into their club is described by Kay Griggs…
There is a war against family structure, there is a marketing ploy at the highest levels to expand sexual deviancy and perversions, and there is a desire to control the world by an aristocratic government elite by destroying all individuals that might resist the attempt by dirtying them up at their very core—so they won’t have the strength to fight them later one.
These sick fucks mean business. They will not stop until they take over the govt and turn the USA into anudda’ slaughterhouse. Who will protect your kids when your dead or locked up in some FEMA Gulag?
Remember, Good Goys and Girls don’t ask questions about our Treasury being looted AGAIN by the same gangsters that run the WH, Congress and a large majority of the corrupt, beyond repair MSM.
Why that would be anti-Semitic.
“Sit boy, SIT. Good Goy. Now go out and protest against whitey, while we clean out the Treasury.”
Source Article from
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