Archive for December, 2016

The Insanity of Opening a Restaurant

  December 31, 2016 Something light for New Year’s.  (See Comments below from restauranteurs who agree)  (From April 15, 2015)by Henry Makow Ph.D. If I were starting out in life again, I would become a psychologist instead of a writer. I would specialize in the peculiar mental derangement that causes people to open a restaurant. […]

Israel’s Descent Into a Moral Abyss

Trumps’s Deal With the Devil Ironically, Americans have had to accept a President beholden to Israel in order  to advance their own national interest.  Via their Nazi proxies, Zionists ethnically cleansed European Jews to justify the creation of Israel.  Then they did the same thing to Palestinians.  The Zionist agenda has always been a “Greater Israel.”  The West […]

13 Year-Old Boy Permanently Disabled from Chicken Pox Vaccine Wins His Case in Vaccine Court

A young man was recently awarded compensation in the United States Court of Federal Claims Vaccine Court, for injuries he sustained after being administered the hepatitis A and varicella vaccinations in 2009.  After five long years of litigation, Health and Human Services (HHS), the Respondent in all vaccine injury cases, conceded that the varicella […]

Your smart meter is very secure (against you) and very insecure (against hackers)

In On Smart Cities, Smart Energy, And Dumb Security — Netanel Rubin’s talk at this year’s Chaos Communications Congress — Rubin presents his findings on the failings in the security of commonly deployed smart meters. It’s not pretty. The meters are designed to treat their owners as attackers: you are […]

Report: Governments Shut Off Access to the Internet More Than 50 Times in 2016

Source: Breitbart There have been more than 50 government shutdowns of the Internet in 2016, costing the respective countries hundreds of millions of dollars and choking citizen freedoms during crucial moments. According to a report from the Brookings Institute, strangling the internet cost $2.4 billion over the course of 2016. Senior Global Advocacy […]

Iran has banned Clash of Clans for promoting violence and tribal conflict

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More Bullsh*t Fake News from Washington Post

I was laughing the moment I saw the Washington Post headline story Russian hackers penetrated U.S.electricity grid through a utility in Vermont. I did not touch the story because I thought it was BS. And it was. Glen Greenwald at the Intercept has the details in Russia Hysteria Infects WashPost Again: False […]

The First Step Towards Building the Third Temple: A Synagogue on the Temple Mount

“A synagogue is the first step towards building the Third Temple.” — Yaakov Hayman, the newly-elected head of Yishai (an NGO dedicated to reinstating Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount) What we see here is prophecy, slowly, being fulfilled before our very eyes. Will Trump’s pro-Zionist policies push these plans to reality? All signs point […]

Scenes from Gaza on the last day of 2016

About Mohammed Asad Mohammad Asad is a photo journalist based in the Gaza Strip where he has covered three wars, and nearly a decade of blockade. He is the 2015 winner of the United Nations World Humanitarian Summit photography “Spirit of Humanity” award, and the 2014 winner of the Abdel Razzaq Badran Photography Award, among […]

Alan Dershowitz has threatened to leave the Democratic Party if Keith Ellison becomes chair

Hurrah! Another Israel-firster and anti- justice goon gone! Happy New Year, Adam! Source Article from

Resolution for 2017: Stop substituting ‘the occupation’ for ‘Zionism’

Without a doubt, my most painful memory of my short trip to Palestine, over ten years ago, is the conversation I had with two friends at a checkpoint.  I told myself at the time that I must never forget that moment, and indeed, I haven’t, and I still hope I never do. It was a […]

Join us in gearing up for 2017’s battles — and check out the top stories of 2016

Are you ready for 2017? Like many people, we at Mondoweiss are happy to say good riddance to 2016—but we don’t take this symbolic turning of the page as a moment to let down our guard. The struggles in the year to come will be set by fascistic leaders and movements in Israel, the United […]

Happy New Year, Fam

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer December 31, 2016 So, we didn’t do any sort of end of the year recap. My time has really been limited lately. I am working literally all the time. In fact, my New Year’s resolution is to work a little bit less. Don’t worry, it probably won’t happen. Honestly, I can’t hardly […]

Italy Joins War on “Fake News” (Fake News is a Codeword for True Information)

First it was the US, then Germany blamed much of what is wrong in society on “fake news”, and not, say, a series of terrible decisions made by politicians. Now it is Italy’s turn to call for an end to “fake news”, which in itself would not be troubling, however, the way Giovanni Pitruzzella, head […]

None of the Sluts Who Accused Trump of Sex Assault are Suing

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer December 31, 2016 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. So is you be saying, women would lie about rape? Wow, this is just like – wow. What’s next? Moslems lying about being refugees? Daily Caller: In the lead up to President-elect Donald Trump’s election, 12 women came out and said that the New […]

1993 Looks Magazine VHS Clips

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer December 31, 2016 In 1993, I was 9-years-old. Better days. But don’t worry. Even better days ahead. It’s nearly current year. Source Article from

Pure Skin Hate: Old White Man Shoots Black Robbers

Daily Stormer December 31, 2016 smdh in 2016 white ppl still shoot da black man, ain’t do nothing. Source Article from

2017 – A Return to the Path, A Return to the Sacred

Dylan Charles, EditorWaking Times With the dawn of a new year, as we move beyond the winter solstice and the days again begin to grow, reflection on life and events past offers an opportunity for course correction and for re-plotting our purpose on this priceless journey of life. We are all bound together on this […]

News that shaped 2016: Trump, Brexit, Russia’s Olympic ban & more

Zika virus outbreak Zika has been known about for almost seven decades, so when the World Health Organization declared it a “public health emergency of international concern” in February, the most alarming aspect was just how little was known about the disease, which was spreading “explosively” through the world. For decades, it had been regarded […]

UN Security Council approves Russian-drafted resolution on Syria ceasefire

Russia submits resolution on Syrian ceasefire to UNSC – Russian UN envoy Security Council members welcomed the agreements reached through the mediation of Russia and Turkey, and stressed the importance of its “full and immediate implementation.” The Security Council also expressed its support for the “efforts taken by Russia and Turkey and aimed at stopping […]

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