The Plague was the Jews

Plague spread by Jews

The Black Plague killed 2/3 Christian Europeans Equating to more European deaths than all world wars combined.

In the first case of mass biological warfare Jews “Poisoned the Wells” resulting in hundreds of millions of deaths.

Rabbis confesses to their crimes and Jews were expelled from vast swaths of European lands for hundreds of years.

>1664 Charles II gives Jewish merchants the right to live and trade in London.
>1665 Great Plague arrives in London


The Plague was the Jews

The Plague was the Jews


Jew author – Arthur Koestler stated that a Tartar captain catapulted dead bodies with the plague onto European shores, thus spreading the disease.

Nations didn’t just blame the Jews, they were justified in blaming the Jews. But the Jews were expelled hundreds of times and not killed. So the authorities were not as harsh as the Jews keep whining about.

The Hidden Cult The Jewish Ritual Murder

The Plague was the Jews


‘Place the Material in the Wells’: Docs Point to Israeli Army’s 1948 Biological Warfare

For decades, rumors and testimonies swirled about Jewish troops sent to poison wells in Arab villages. Now, researchers have located official documentation of the ‘Cast Thy Bread’ operation

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On April 1, 1948, David Ben-Gurion wrote in his journal about “the development of science and speeding up its application in warfare.” A month and a half later, he wrote about “biological materials” that were purchased for $2,000. Only now, 74 years later, has a connection between these two entries come to light. The disturbing story behind them was recently uncovered by historian Benny Morris and historian and Israel Prize laureate Benjamin Z. Kedar following extensive archival research. Evidently, the excerpts from the diary of the man who would become Israel’s first prime minister are traces of his involvement in a secret operation to poison the drinking water of Arab communities during the War of Independence.


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One Response to “The Plague was the Jews”

  1. klaus says:

    THE NEW WORLD ORDER of ancient USURY 6.3.2022 makes a divide et impera.
    THE MAN IS GOD –interest– and he divided his impera of interest with SATAN ( THE WOMAN of his LOVE ) .
    in the golden Pyramid of the great pyramid of planet DEBT. SLAVES

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