USA Troops Protecting Opium Heroin
Zionist Bankers / Governments created the War on Drugs to control the supply, and the market.
Protect the Jewish Drug Trade or Die.
If Military speaks out.. you get suicided
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Zionist Bankers / Governments created the War on Drugs to control the supply, and the market.
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“Following the Anglo-Chinese Treaties of 1842 and 1858, which ended the Opium Wars, N M Rothschild & Sons moved to expand the Chinese links”. Earlier, Sassoon (the Jew opium kings) worked for David Rothschild. There’s always a Jew connection with any drug.
All “ALL” the atrocities of this world are easily traceable to the JEW !
It’s the Jews!
Its got to be the Jews. Goddamn it..the jews! The Jews. Man its the jews. ALL PROBLEMS COME FROM THE JEWS. I believe that if the Jews weren’t here then blacks and whites would go out into the street and pray, make love, and release doves.