USA Troops Protecting Opium Heroin

USA Troops Protecting Opium Heroin

Zionist Bankers / Governments created the War on Drugs to control the supply, and the market.


USA Troops Protecting Opium Heroin

Protect the Jewish Drug Trade or Die.

If Military speaks out.. you get suicided


USA Troops Protecting Opium Heroin

Vietnam War fighting for opium

USA Troops Protecting Opium Heroin

USA Troops Protecting Opium Heroin

Vietnam War fighting for opium

USA Troops Protecting Opium Heroin

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4 Responses to “USA Troops Protecting Opium Heroin”

  1. netanyahu1488 says:

    “Following the Anglo-Chinese Treaties of 1842 and 1858, which ended the Opium Wars, N M Rothschild & Sons moved to expand the Chinese links”. Earlier, Sassoon (the Jew opium kings) worked for David Rothschild. There’s always a Jew connection with any drug.

  2. James says:

    All “ALL” the atrocities of this world are easily traceable to the JEW !

  3. dink says:

    It’s the Jews!

  4. JewHater says:

    Its got to be the Jews. Goddamn it..the jews! The Jews. Man its the jews. ALL PROBLEMS COME FROM THE JEWS. I believe that if the Jews weren’t here then blacks and whites would go out into the street and pray, make love, and release doves.

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