Islam is Judaism.
Before the Turks converted to Judaism, they were Muslim.
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Views: 1287
Far from the truth. Judaism in it’s true unchanged form was Islam but Jews changed the scriptures they received and corrupted it. The message of God was corrupted and hence a new revelation had tk be sent and that was in the form of the Holy Quran sent to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). That is the last message that will be sent as God himself promised to protect it from any corruption and that still holds true. Jews as we know have spread corruption from the beginning of times and we can still see this in present day. Islam is the only religion that stands in their way as they have corrupted all other religions.
islam is absolutely not even an iota of a threat to the establishment. Go to any islamic country. YOU WONT SEE A SINGLE PROTEST AGAINST THEIR RELIGION! Pakistan literally legalised all forms of lgbtq trans stuff. Saudi Arabia is turning jeddah into modern day las vegas.
Far… so far away from the truth
As a Catholic. I guess we should not compare each religion. Just like Christianity and Catholicism
Does this actually convince people? I sure hope not
You goat herders don’t even know your own history.
Maybe a few hundred years and thats all.
Because you invented yourselves later down the track, just like the jews have.