Posts Tagged ‘australians’

The sinister web of deception by Freemasons detrimental to ALL Australians

The Anglo-Masonic system of governance over Australians is deeply rooted into this colony’s history, where it ultimately works only for the benefit of its members and to the detriment of the general population as a whole. From falsified tenders, ripping off the public purse to the tune of billions per year, to courtroom theatrics, it […]

Australians Abandon Failed mRNA Covid Shots

After climbing the world leaderboard during the initial Covid vaccine rollout to achieve over 95% vaccination coverage, Australians have turned their back on boosters, with the vast majority now ‘under-vaccinated.’ Just 1.7 million, or 8.5% of Australia’s 20.1 million adults have had a Covid booster in the past six months, according to the latest Australian […]

Australians Reject Globalist Plan to Use Aborigines to Disenfranchise Whites

” The “Voice to Parliament” would’ve enshrined an extra-parliamentary body, another arm of parliament in Australia’s constitution never intended by its founding fathers. In short, every matter brought before parliament likely would’ve required “consultation” from the “Voice to Parliament”, thus incrementally increasing its power to the point where every matter brought before parliament would’ve required […]

Indigenous Australians don’t have a ‘voice’? Not according to Indigenous Expenditure Report!

MANY Australians are led to believe that the Indigenous population does not have a so called ‘voice’ where a change to the Constitution is required. This is a deliberate misrepresentation of facts, or more simply put one huge lie perpetuated by the government and the mainstream media. Indigenous Australians do factually have a ‘voice’ where […]

Australians Celebrate Departure Of Covid Tyrant Premier Dan Andrews

Victoria, Australia, Premier Daniel Andrews has officially resigned after nearly nine years in office, the longest tenure of any Victoria Premier in history. Andrews was extremely unpopular for his treatment of citizens during the Covid pandemic and for his unapologetic nature and gaslighting in the aftermath of the chaotic time period. From hardcore “lockdown” measures […]

Senator Malcolm Roberts Exposes Crumbling Stranglehold on Australians with Maria Zeee on Infowars

mariazeee – August 1st, 2023 Senator Malcolm Roberts Maria Zeee guest hosting on The Alex Jones Show ( to break down how the Great Awakening is taking the power back from the government for Australians. If you would like to support Zeee Media to continue getting the truth out to more people, you can donate […]

MyGov Real Estate Theft. They are Stealing your Properties Australians Wake Up

liabilitymate – July 31, 2023 corporate fraud governments of Australia are stealing everyones land.Rod is showing what you MUST do to reclaim your land title so they cannotdelete it and thieve it.Never pay their extortion racket fines. with tyrants has a 100% failure rate people, whatever these tyrants say DO THE OPPOSITE…All State […]

Australians Smoke and Vape More During Early Stage of Covid-19, Researchers Say

Pandemic public measures such as lockdown may have made it harder for Australians wanting to quit smoking and even led people to resort to smoking as a way to reduce stress during the early stages of COVID-19. That is the speculation of a group of researchers from the University of Queensland’s Queensland Alliance for Environmental […]

Ancient Greeks and Indigenous Australians: Far Away, Yet So Close.

The cross cultural connections between Ancient Greeks and Indigenous Australians was the theme of a talk given last night at Sydney university by Dr Vassilis Adrahtas who presented the amazing array of similarities in the underlying hierophanics between the two cultural groups. The event, entitled: “Myths and Dreamings: Cross Hatchings between Ancient Greece and Indigenous… […]

In 2003 Australians Were Threatened With Prosecution For Claiming Face Masks Worked Against Viruses

Twenty years ago Australians who tried to sell surgical face masks on the back of claims that they worked against viruses, were threatened with prosecution and massive fines by the government. An article published by […] The post In 2003 Australians Were Threatened With Prosecution For Claiming Face Masks Worked Against Viruses appeared first on […]

Thousands of Cases of Abuse, Neglect of Disabled Australians Found in Report

Advocates are calling on the federal government to take immediate action on disability care homes after a watchdog report found thousands of reportable incidents in the past four years. The report (pdf) released on Jan. 16, by the National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Commission investigated seven NDIS-registered facilities. It found that since 2019, there had been up […]

Dendias’ Christmas message to Greek-Australians: “Your dynamic and prosperous community makes us proud”

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias has expressed his Christmas well-wishes for the “dynamic and prosperous” Greek-Australian community. In a message given to The Greek Herald, the Corfu-born diplomat stressed the “dynamic and prosperous” Greek-Australian are “now an integral part of Australian society and contributors to the progress and prosperity of Australia.” The foreign minister stressed… […]

Australians Want Government Intervention to Make Energy Affordable

As rising energy prices continue to hit ordinary Australians hard, a new national survey has shown that the country’s energy consumers want to see more government intervention in the energy market. Energy Consumers Australia (ECA), a national advocacy group that represents residential and small business energy consumers, has found in their latest Energy Consumer Sentiment Survey, that […]

Ancient Australians and Americans Ate Billions of Oysters Over Millennia!

Precolonial indigenous communities in Australia and North America harvested and gorged on vast quantities of oysters. Yet, this copious consumption did not cause oyster populations to crash and become endangered, Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Technology News History & Archaeology Read Later 

Australians Face Chaos in Sydney Airport as Easter Holidays Kick Off

Sydney International Airport has been in chaos as the reduced staff numbers are unable to handle the number of Aussies hoping to get away during the Easter holidays, with the queues for check-in and security ending outside. For many Aussies, it would be the first time they have flown since the borders opened after almost […]

Unvaxxed Australians can’t leave the country because of a WHO treaty

As Senator Rennick says: “I cannot for the life of me see the health risks in an unvaccinated person leaving the country.” Paul Kelly, Australia’s Chief Medical Officer explained that it was due to Australia’s International Health Obligations. That’s an international treaty we signed because we’re a member of the WHO. As far as a quick search […]

Fully Vaccinated Australians In Hospital For COVID-19 Surpass Unvaccinated

For the first time, New South Wales (NSW) has seen more fully vaccinated patients hospitalised with COVID-19 compared to the number of unvaccinated patients as the Omicron outbreak continues to edge toward its peak. Data published by the NSW government’s COVID-19 Critical Intelligence Unit has revealed that as of Jan. 9, 68.9 percent of COVID-19 patients aged 12 and over in hospitals […]

Unvaccinated West Australians told ‘Life Is About To Get Very Difficult for You’

Western Australia (WA) Premier Mark McGowan has given a clear warning that unvaccinated residents will suffer the consequences of vaccine passports once border restrictions ease next month. “If you, for some reason, have not had your first dose yet my advice would be to make a booking today, otherwise life is about to get very […]

79,000 Australians Had Adverse Reactions To COVID Shots: Taxpayers Will Compensate, Not Big Pharma

By Arjun Walia The Therapeutic Goods Administration, a regulatory agency of the Australian Government, has recorded approximately 80,000 adverse events linked to COVID-19 inoculations. So far, more than 10,000 people have registered to make a claim. The registration for this compensation program opened up last September. If each claim is approved, as of now the […]

Six Greek-Australians Among Country’s Top Young Entrepreneurs for 2021

Sydney, Australia. Credit: Benh Lieu Song/Wikimedia Commons/ CC BY-SA 4.0 A total of Six Greek-Australians ranked among Business News Australia‘s Top 100 Young Entrepreneurs list for the year of 2021. Although 2021 proved another difficult year for businesses across the world after dealing with lockdowns, restrictions, and variants, many young entrepreneurs took the challenges of the […]

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