Archive for the ‘Australian News’ Category

Russia Eliminated the TOP US Army General & 4 Senior Officers of the Australian Army in the Ukraine

XANDREWX – August 1st, 2023 Source

Senator Malcolm Roberts Exposes Crumbling Stranglehold on Australians with Maria Zeee on Infowars

mariazeee – August 1st, 2023 Senator Malcolm Roberts Maria Zeee guest hosting on The Alex Jones Show ( to break down how the Great Awakening is taking the power back from the government for Australians. If you would like to support Zeee Media to continue getting the truth out to more people, you can donate […]


thecrowhouse – July 29, 2023 https://thecrowhouse.comAudio Only: : Banned YouTube Archive on AltCensored: The Crowhouse Community Forums: Monthly Subscriptions the TheCrowhouse can now be received via Stripe or direct contributions can be made via Wise bank.If you would like to […]

MyGov Real Estate Theft. They are Stealing your Properties Australians Wake Up

liabilitymate – July 31, 2023 corporate fraud governments of Australia are stealing everyones land.Rod is showing what you MUST do to reclaim your land title so they cannotdelete it and thieve it.Never pay their extortion racket fines. with tyrants has a 100% failure rate people, whatever these tyrants say DO THE OPPOSITE…All State […]

Australian dollar soars on US Fed stimulus news

The Age – The Australian dollar has soared past 95 US cents, its highest level in three months, surging more than 1.5 US cents after the Federal Reserve surprised financial markets by keeping its stimulus program unchanged. The Australian dollar had risen to 95.28 US cents by 6.30am, from about 93.7 US cents about […]

Rights group to ask UN committee to condemn Abbott Government’s asylum seeker policy

ABC – The incoming Federal Government’s immigration policies are being brought before a United Nations Human Rights council meeting in Geneva, possibly as soon as tonight. The council is meeting this week and an item has been included in the general debate agenda which will openly condemn the new Government’s plans. A representative from […]

Australia – Territory to legalise same-sex marriage

2nd Great Depression additives & supplements Afghanistan & Pakistan Africa alcohol & drugs Arctic & Antarctica Asia Australasia banks big brother Brave New World censorship Central & South America children & maternity climate conspiracy & secrets corruption crime & law crimes against humanity debt & wealth deforestation / habitat loss disease & medicine education energy […]

Tony Abbott has not included a science minister in new Cabinet

HS – For the first time since the creation of a science portfolio in 1931, Australia does not have a science minister. The Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott announced today during his cabinet unveiling that the science portfolio would be shared between the Industry and Education ministries. Read article Source Article from

CO2 Polluter! Thousands flee Sumatra volcano eruption

ABC – A volcano on the Indonesian island of Sumatra has erupted, forcing thousands of people to flee their homes. Mount Sinabung, in Karo district, North Sumatra province, last erupted in 2010 but before that had been dormant for almost 100 years. Local officials say the volcano began spewing rocks and red-hot ash onto […]

Police Brutality in Sydney

People are quite nit picky on this site, I suggest looking up PINAC to see what actual police brutality is. This male fronted up to police and was belligerent, wanting a confrontation… which is what he got. He didn’t do ‘nothing’ and people don’t have to wait until a punch is thrown to defend themselves. […]

Incarceration rates in Australia

Incarceration rates in Australia 02/04/2013 0 Comments A new report says Indigenous people convicted of non-violent crimes should be sent to treatment programs rather than prison. Deloitte Access Economics compiled a report for the Australian National Council on Drugs which shows more than $100,000 could be saved each year if non-violent Indigenous offenders were placed […]

Taser Incidence in Australia

Taser Incidence in Australia 01/24/2013 0 Comments Leave a Reply Source Article from

Things are no better across the ditch…

Things are no better across the ditch… 12/23/2012 0 Comments In New Zealand, police are miraculously unable to ascertain the identity of an officer caught on a recording swearing, threatening to abuse his powers and intimidating a teenager. This is in a town whose total population is 14,450 and thus its Police complement is likely […]

NSW cop spared jail over Perth nightclub sex assault

While We have viewpoint the post, and also believe almost all of the writer’s propositions, the duplicate author provides offered me independently a lot to consider. We are rereading the material to be able to get more information. Source Article from

Australian dollar soars on US Fed stimulus news

The Age – The Australian dollar has soared past 95 US cents, its highest level in three months, surging more than 1.5 US cents after the Federal Reserve surprised financial markets by keeping its stimulus program unchanged. The Australian dollar had risen to 95.28 US cents by 6.30am, from about 93.7 US cents about […]

Rights group to ask UN committee to condemn Abbott Government’s asylum seeker policy

ABC – The incoming Federal Government’s immigration policies are being brought before a United Nations Human Rights council meeting in Geneva, possibly as soon as tonight. The council is meeting this week and an item has been included in the general debate agenda which will openly condemn the new Government’s plans. A representative from […]

Australia – Territory to legalise same-sex marriage

2nd Great Depression additives & supplements Afghanistan & Pakistan Africa alcohol & drugs Arctic & Antarctica Asia Australasia banks big brother Brave New World censorship Central & South America children & maternity climate conspiracy & secrets corruption crime & law crimes against humanity debt & wealth deforestation / habitat loss disease & medicine education energy […]

Tony Abbott has not included a science minister in new Cabinet

HS – For the first time since the creation of a science portfolio in 1931, Australia does not have a science minister. The Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott announced today during his cabinet unveiling that the science portfolio would be shared between the Industry and Education ministries. Read article Source Article from

CO2 Polluter! Thousands flee Sumatra volcano eruption

ABC – A volcano on the Indonesian island of Sumatra has erupted, forcing thousands of people to flee their homes. Mount Sinabung, in Karo district, North Sumatra province, last erupted in 2010 but before that had been dormant for almost 100 years. Local officials say the volcano began spewing rocks and red-hot ash onto […]

Australian dollar soars on US Fed stimulus news

The Age – The Australian dollar has soared past 95 US cents, its highest level in three months, surging more than 1.5 US cents after the Federal Reserve surprised financial markets by keeping its stimulus program unchanged. The Australian dollar had risen to 95.28 US cents by 6.30am, from about 93.7 US cents about […]

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