Posts Tagged ‘general’

Attorney General Garland Targets “Conspiracy Theories” After Launching “Election Threats Task Force” with FBI, Sparking Censorship Concerns

Some might see US Attorney General Merrick Garland getting quite involved in campaigning ahead of the November election – albeit indirectly so, as a public servant whose primary concern is supposedly how to keep Department of Justice (DoJ) staff “safe.” And, in the process, he brings up “conspiracy theorists” branding them as undermining the judicial […]

Dollar General To Eliminate “Vast Majority” Of Self-Checkout Due To Soaring Theft

Dollar General To Eliminate “Vast Majority” Of Self-Checkout Due To Soaring Theft By Nate Delesline of RetailDive Vasos said self checkout will remain in a limited number of higher volume stores. He added that the shift away from self checkout will drive increased customer engagement and should position the company to begin reducing “shrink”, aka […]

Inspector General: Biden’s State Dept Covered Up $11 Million In Payments to Taliban

Joe Biden has sent the Taliban at least $10.9 million in payments since he oversaw the disastrously mismanaged withdrawal of US forces from Kabul in 2021. Unsurprisingly, the State Department attempting to cover up the […] The post Inspector General: Biden’s State Dept Covered Up $11 Million In Payments to Taliban appeared first on The […]

SHOCKING: Washington State Attorney General’s Office Claims COVID-19 Shots ‘safe and remain effective’

Dr. Joseph Sansone The Washington State Attorney General’s Office responded to National ARM’s Grand Jury Petition claiming that COVID-19 injections ‘are safe and remain effective’. This shocking statement was put in an official correspondence with National ARM president David Meiswinkle, Esq. This statement was made on April 23, 2024! As more and more people are […]

Attorneys general sue Biden administration over revisions to Title IX

A group of six GOP state attorneys general sued the Biden administration over changes to Title IX on Tuesday, the fourth such suit over proposed revisions to the anti-discrimination protections in two days. Tuesday’s suit, led by Kentucky and Tennessee, claims that expansions to campus sexual assault rules overstep the president’s authority. It follows a… […]

GOP attorneys general petition against EPA’s use of civil rights law for environmental justice

The petition, if successful, could have dire consequences for communities living near industrial sites. Source

Missouri Republican Attorney General Bailey sues Media Matters using consumer law to censor the press

Image Credit: USA Today Network file photos Missouri AG Andrew Bailey is sponsoring an asinine ‘crusade’ (allegedly against consumer fraud), while claiming to ‘champion’ the free speech rights of selective billionaires (Elon Musk) and associated white supremacists and Nazi sympathizers. Bailey is suing progressive journalistic watchdog group Media Matters as he seeks to defend social […]

Netanyahu killed a top Iranian general in Syria to provoke a regional conflict — and the U.S. media is hiding his true motivation

Benjamin Netanyahu continues to raise the risk of a Mideast regional war which could draw in the U.S. — and the mainstream media is hiding the danger from its audience. Israel’s provocative aerial assassination of a senior Iranian military leader in Damascus on April 1 is only Netanyahu’s latest effort to expand the fighting across […]

Former Ambassador Craig Murray – General Election Candidate for Blackburn – Urgent Message re Gaza

pete fairhurst 2 says: He’s an intelligent, well educated and experienced ex diplomat who talks a lot of sense. He was particularly good in exposing Bliar and Jack Straw, and plenty more too. His stuff on Extraordinary Rendition was top notch, he experienced it first hand when he was ambassador to Uzbekistan. His whistleblowing got […]

Mike Peled, Israeli General’s son, explains the indoctrination of Israeli people from childhood

Mike Peled, Israeli General’s son, explains the indoctrination of Israeli people from childhood  Tue 9:18 pm +01:00, 2 Apr 2024   posted by danceaway Mike served in the military as all Israelis do; at about age 40 he began questioning. Now seems to live in the US. Speaks of what it was like as […]

Polish retired general – Ukraine has lost millions not hundreds of thousands since 2022

French media wargaming 20K troops. Russia Intel, 2K French troops Ukraine. EU panic, keep war going ( French army of 2,000 troops in Ukraine is neither here nor there.  More a political gesture.  If 20,000 French troops turn up then Russia would take them out. Macron distracting from his domestic troubles, and looking for get […]

The general public has now been firmly established as guinea pigs for Big Pharma

BY RHODA WILSON ON MARCH 16, 2024 • ( 5 COMMENTS ) Using the example of three drugs among the many that are causing growing concern, Dr. Guy Hatchard demonstrates how articles and studies raise crucial questions about the standards being applied to drug assessment and regulation. He reviews weight loss drugs Wegovy and Ozempic, which have become highly profitable in the […]

French army ‘ready for war’ – top general

Know how many Frenchman it takes to defend Paris? No one knows, it has never been tried. The French announce they have adopted a new battle flag. It is a white star on a white field. The French announce they are sending French Special Forces troops to Ukraine. They will teach the Ukrainians how to […]

NATO Troops Are Operating In Ukraine Disguised As Mercenaries, Russian General Claims

By Magyar Nemzet of Remix News A Russian general is claiming that NATO troops are in Ukraine, but they are being disguised as mercenaries to justify their presence, with a number of American and Polish bodies found in Avdiivka, the city recently captured by Russian forces over the last few days. In an interview with […]

German General – Russia is no threat. China?

USA is making a big mistake turning Russia into an enemy.  US fears Germany and Russia working as one.  Hence the Ukraine War was launched by the USA. Source

Florida Surgeon General Calls for Halt to COVID Shots

One government official who isn’t turning a blind eye to the devastating effects of the COVID shots is Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo. Early on in the pandemic, he published articles criticizing lockdown measures and calling for the adoption of early treatment.11 In March 2022, he recommended against COVID-19 shots for healthy children,12 making Florida […]

San Diego teachers sue California governor and attorney general for forcing them to conceal transgender status of children from parents

(NaturalNews) Two San Diego, California, teachers have taken legal action against California Governor Gavin Newsom and California Attorney… Source

U.S. General sounds alarm on Chinese border crossers: ‘They are coming here to kill us’

(NaturalNews) A retired Air Force general warned that America’s enemies, namely China, are laying the groundwork for an attack against the homeland by exploiting… Source

Was Zelensky’s Top General Just Whisked Off To Become Ambassador To UK?

Was Zelensky’s Top General Just Whisked Off To Become Ambassador To UK? The near future fate of Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhny continues to be subject of rampant speculation, after President Zelensky belatedly confirmed that he’s about to embark in a major shake-up of military leadership.  Already it’s been widely reported that Gen. Zaluzhny is resisting […]

Ukrainian politicians stealing Western aid – ex-Polish general

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