Posts Tagged ‘forcing’

DeSantis declares Florida WILL NOT COMPLY with new Biden rule forcing schools to recognize LGBTQ-identifying students

(NaturalNews) Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has declared that the Sunshine State will not comply with the White House’s new rules that provide protections to… Source

New FISA bill includes “vast” expansion of surveillance powers, forcing U.S. businesses to “become NSA spies”

(NaturalNews) While many Americans are distracted by wars and rumors of wars, along with constant bread and circuses, the U.S. Senate is readying to pass the FISA… Source

SUPER TRUMP wins 14 of 15 states on Super Tuesday, forcing Haley to withdraw from GOP presidential race

SUPER TRUMP wins 14 of 15 states on Super Tuesday, forcing Haley to withdraw from GOP presidential race Former President Donald Trump won several states in the GOP primary race on Super Tuesday, March 5. According to LifeSiteNews, the real estate mogul-turned-president won in 14 of 15 states that held primaries on that day. Meanwhile, […]

Every Political/”government” minion Forcing Fluoride On Americans Via Drinking Water are Violating the 1947 Nuremberg Code & Should Be Hanged

The minions who take orders from the elites to make war on Americans from DC have ALWAYS known Sodium fluoride added to drinking water does not fight cavities, causes harm to humans, birth defects, And most likely is the reason for mongoloid children. I have a book last published in 1977 which laid all this […]

San Diego teachers sue California governor and attorney general for forcing them to conceal transgender status of children from parents

(NaturalNews) Two San Diego, California, teachers have taken legal action against California Governor Gavin Newsom and California Attorney… Source

Liberal Schools Are Forcing Children To ‘Declare Independence’ From Parents

A liberal school in Maine is forcing children to confess their “unconscious biases” and “declare Independence” from “something problematic” in their lives such as “parents.” The controversial policy, assigned by high-school “social studies” teacher Sara […] The post Liberal Schools Are Forcing Children To ‘Declare Independence’ From Parents appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

BlackRock CEO on forcing behaviours on people

The CEO of BlackRock, an American multinational investment management corporation, Larry Fink (Laurence Douglas Fink), thinks that the way to go is to change people’s behaviours or more accurately as he states it “you have to force behaviors”, you know just like the Nazis. So there is no ‘free will’ of the person any more? […]

UK Parliament quietly approves a bill clearing the way towards forcing British citizens to have smart meters installed in their homes

From The Problem with Smart Meters -Worldwide Testimonies On Tuesday 5th Sep 2023 the UK Parliament quietly approved a bill clearing the way towards forcing British citizens to have smart meters installed in their homes and for individual electrical appliances including; fridges, dishwashers, and washers to be fitted with smart functions (Source). The key […]

Maryland elementary school in D.C. suburb once again forcing children to wear a mask for COVID

(NaturalNews) Parents of students who attend Rosemary Hills Elementary School in Montgomery County, Md., a wealthy suburban area outside of Washington, D.C.,… Source

MassAss yankee S#it Hole High Court Said Forcing Killer Jabs on Folks Is Legal” because It Protected Them From A Non Existent “Virus”

MassAss High Court Protecting the general public from a spread of a “pandemic” “caused” by “witches” The yankeeland city of Boston’s “Covid-19” Killer Jab mandate for city workers was legal, according to a March 30 ruling by the Massass High Court, after the city claimed that the ability to adequately combat the Non Existent Mythical […]

EPA Forcing Ohio Toxic Waste On Facilities Not Able To Process Dioxins/PFAS

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/22/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Tilda Swinton Blasts Hollywood: ‘They Tried Forcing Me To Wear a Useless Mask – NOT Anymore’

Hollywood actress Tilda Swinton has announced she will not be wearing a ‘useless mask’ while filming her next movie in Ireland. The actress, known for her roles in The Avengers: Endgame and Doctor Strange, revealed her decision while speaking to an audience at the SXSW festival in Austin, Texas. During a recent keynote speech at […]

Creating “Shock and Awe”: Cuomo Gave Deadly Order Forcing COVID Patients into Nursing Homes the Same Day Morgue Trucks Were Ordered for Media

As March approaches, so does the third anniversary the March 25, 2020 order from then-NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo which famously seeded the state’s nursing homes with COVID patients, despite an excess of space available in the converted Jacob Javits Center and the nearly empty Navy hospital ship the USNS Comfort in New York Harbor. Under […]

Christian Mother is Suing School For Forcing Her 4-Year-Old Son to Take Part in Gay Pride Parade

A born-again Christian mother is suing a primary school in the UK after her 4-year-old son was forced to take part in a gay pride parade. The lawsuit, brought by 38-year-old Izzy Montague, is the first of its kind in the country and underscores how deep LGBT indoctrination has penetrated the educational system. Heavers Farm […]

EXPOSE: Italy illegally forcing asylum seekers back into Greece …in metal boxes (VIDEO)

Italy has been found to be engaging in illegal pushbacks reports Al Jazeera after an investigation it conducted with Lighthouse Reports and other media partners revealed that ‘asylum seekers looking for shelter in Europe have been illegally forced to leave Italy and locked up in unofficial prisons at sea’. As per the media outlet, the… […]

Federal appeals court bars Biden admin from forcing religious hospitals to mutilate ‘transgenders’

(FOX News) — A federal appeals court on Friday permanently blocked the Biden administration from requiring religious doctors and hospitals to perform transgender medical services that violate their conscience, becoming the second court to do so. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit affirmed a lower court ruling in favor of the plaintiffs in Sisters of Mercy […]

Preserving Thousands of Years of Human Progress or Forcing the Donbas to Stay in Ukraine?

There has never been a time in human history when such an abundance of pleasures have been on-demand to people of nearly all income brackets. The wealthiest kings throughout history couldn’t have imagined the seemingly simple activities many take for granted today. Source



Yeshiva University Asks Supreme Court to Block Order Forcing It to Recognize LGBTQ Club on Campus

New York City-based Yeshiva University filed an emergency application with the U.S. Supreme Court on Aug. 29 asking the court to stay a lower court order forcing it to recognize an LGBTQ student club. The application comes as the high court has become increasingly protective of constitutionally protected religious rights in recent years. Last year […]

‘My Hope Died Forever’: Taliban Restrictions Are Forcing Afghan Women Out Of The Workforce

Khadija spent a few hours in the Taliban’s custody after she was arrested for attempting to organize a protest to demand the right to work in September 2021. She was questioned for hours by the Taliban and forced to vow not to provoke further protest. Since then, the Taliban have been keeping a close eye […]

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