Posts Tagged ‘university’

Mercenary or scholar: disrupting military-funded research at the University of California 

Militaries need universities to develop technologies of war. Student researchers who are vital in developing these technologies are uniquely placed to disrupt them. Source

Columbia University Hind’s Hall defendants reject deals in solidarity with the CUNY 22

Protesters arrested for seizing Hind’s Hall at Columbia University are refusing any deals unless protesters at CUNY are offered the same, and they stand in solidarity with those facing the most extreme repression in the movement.  Source

‘The generation that says no more’: Inside the Columbia University encampments for Palestine

Headlines about mass graves and dark-site concentration camps filled with innocent Palestinian prisoners have become routine. Elementary schools and hospitals in Gaza are carpet bombed daily, hovering armed quadcopters mimicking the sounds of crying babies are documented for the world to see on Instagram live, and war drums are Palestinian babies’ newest bedtime stories. What […]

Announcing the launch of the online Popular University for Gaza

As the death toll rises in the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza, San Francisco State University (SFSU) has once again decided to cancel its only Palestine course that Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi was scheduled to teach during this summer school. This abrupt and irrational decision seeks to criminalize the Palestine curriculum while dismissing and ignoring popular […]

Oxford University: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination, Not After COVID Infection

Oxford University: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination, Not After COVID Infection Source

A Tale of Two Commencements: How Gaza solidarity encampments are changing the way we see university education

Indiana University’s “Liberation Commencement” was a celebration of the students’ brave commitment to fighting powerful institutions and their involvement in challenging Zionism and the Palestinian genocide. Source

Boeing University: How the California State University became complicit in Palestinian genocide

The longstanding partnership between California State University, Long Beach and Boeing is a showcase of higher education’s complicity with US-Israeli militarism and the Gaza genocide.  Source

Thousands of Columbia University alumni sign letter vowing to withhold financial support over war in Gaza

(NaturalNews) Columbia University alumni have issued a letter threatening to withhold financial support over the Gaza war if the Ivy League school does not meet… Source

Princeton Alumni call on university to divest and end complicity in genocide

We stand alongside Princeton University students in demanding divestment, boycott, and an end to the university’s silence over the genocide in Gaza. Source

Gazans salute university students’ uprising for Palestine

As Israel’s invasion of Rafah begins, people in Gaza are holding out hope that international pressure will force Israel to stand down. Part of that hope is tied to the heroic actions of students across the U.S. rising up for Palestine.  Source

How Israeli university presidents are proving the case for boycott

Israeli university presidents condemnation of the Gaza solidarity protests in the U.S. is revealing Israeli universities’ complicity in occupation, apartheid, and genocide. Source

Open letter to University heads: Listen to your courageous students and divest from Israel

As people of faith we believe in a better way. It is not too late for you to change course and rid yourself of deadly investments in companies profiting from the Israeli occupation. Join your courageous students and divest now.  Source

University of Vermont cancels UN ambassador’s address amid Gaza protests 

The University of Vermont (UVM) has canceled United Nations Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield’s commencement speech amid pro-Palestinian protests on campus as protests sweep colleges across the nation. “We are looking forward to the upcoming Commencement ceremonies and the opportunity to celebrate our 2024 UVM graduates,” Suresh Garimella, the university’s president, said in a message to the… […]

University students on hunger strike in Sciences Po, protests continue

May 3, 2024 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English Student protests in support of Palestine have erupted at universities across the Americas and Europe, with actions ranging from tent camps and hall occupations to demands for academic boycotts and diplomatic actions against “Israel”. Student protests have been escalating and expanding over the past few weeks […]

‘We want the university to cut any ties to Israel’: a Cal Poly Humboldt student on the protests gripping the school

A Palestinian member of ‘Humboldt for Palestine’ talks about Palestine organizing at Cal Poly Humboldt, the recent police sweep of activists protesting the Gaza genocide, and what the mainstream media has missed. Source

Large police force invades Columbia University, as students ‘stay put’

July 01, 2024 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English Police have deployed to multiple universities in New York after pro-Palestine protesters occupied buildings. Police were heavily deployed at Columbia University, New York, on Tuesday and eventually crackdown on protesters participating in the pro-Palestine encampment.  Moreover, local organizers have said that New York police arrived at […]

Police in riot gear enter Columbia University to break up pro-Palestine protests

Hundreds of New York Police Department officers, many with batons and in riot gear, moved onto Columbia University’s campus on Tuesday evening as student protesters continued a largely peaceful occupation of a campus building in protest of the Israel-Hamas war. Student protesters barricaded themselves inside Hamilton Hall early Tuesday, escalating after more than a week… […]

COMING SOON: Stasi-like “antisemitism monitors” at U.S. college, university campuses, with the full support of so-called “free speech” conservatives

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COMING SOON: Stasi-like “antisemitism monitors” at U.S. college, university campuses, with the full support of supposed “free speech” conservatives

(NaturalNews) We are almost five months into 2024 and Congress has yet to do one single thing that benefits the American people – but its members sure are doing… Source

In the University of Manchester, ‘social responsibility’ means collaborating in genocide

The University of Manchester signed a £822,000 contract with BAE Systems, the company providing fighter jets to Israel in its ongoing genocide. Students, activists, and staff are fighting back. Source

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