Posts Tagged ‘uprising’

Gazans salute university students’ uprising for Palestine

As Israel’s invasion of Rafah begins, people in Gaza are holding out hope that international pressure will force Israel to stand down. Part of that hope is tied to the heroic actions of students across the U.S. rising up for Palestine.  Source

It Begins: Massive Japan Uprising Against Deadly mRNA, Bill Gates, WHO Pandemic Treaty, April 13, 2024

With organizers estimating a turn-out of 19,000 people who took 3 hours to stream out of a large Tokyo park, demonstrators in Japan on April 13, 2024 delivered a firm and clear message against “compulsory toxic vaccination” with what an Osaka University Medical Professor called “evil” and described as “pathogens…disguised as vaccines.” Excess deaths in […]

‘They’ve sparked resistance around the world’ — a Columbia ’68er salutes the ’24 uprising

Bob Feldman, who protested at Columbia University in 1968, on the student uprising today, “I would tell these students: people will always remember what you did today . . . and I believe they have accomplished much more in 2024 than we did in 1968.” Source

Israeli Universities Attacking Campus Uprising Uphold Israel’s Crimes Against Palestinians

Israeli Universities Attacking Campus Uprising Uphold Israel's Crimes Against Palestinians Update Here’s how they do it, and the reason why Palestinians call for a boycott of complicit Israeli universities. Academic Boycott Student solidarity May 1, 2024 By:  Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) Source

Palestinians salute the inspiring student uprising worldwide against Israel’s Gaza genocide and settler-colonial apartheid

Palestinians salute the inspiring student uprising worldwide against Israel’s Gaza genocide and settler-colonial apartheid BNC Statement Students and faculty across the world – from the US to Australia, from the UK to France – are rising up in what is rapidly escalating to a global mobilization focusing on Is Economic Boycott Academic Boycott Apartheid Free […]

EI live: The campus uprising

Join the Electronic Intifada livestream this afternoon for our ongoing coverage of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, and the Palestinian resistance to it. This afternoon’s lineup: We hope to speak once more to our contributor Abubaker Abed, live from Gaza, conditions permitting. We will speak to Zaid, an organizer on campus at Columbia in New […]

Global uprising: Protests erupt worldwide against economic support for Gaza conflict

Image Credit: Ayaka McGill/AP Pro-Palestine activists from around the world executed a day of direct action protests on Monday, aiming to “block the arteries of capitalism and jam the wheels of production” in response to what they describe as Israel’s ongoing genocidal assault on Palestinians in Gaza. The protesters, coordinated by the group A15Action, assert […]

From the ‘Unity Uprising’ to silence amid genocide: the political domestication of Palestinian citizens of Israel

Why have Palestinians with Israeli citizenship remained generally silent during the Gaza genocide? The answer is not only Israel’s forceful intimidation, but also the limits by which this community has sought to challenge Zionism in the Jewish state. Source

Interview 1856 – The Global WHO Uprising Has Begun! on CHD TV

via CHD TV: Dr. Meryl Nass returns from 27 days of international advocacy to catch up with James Corbett on evidence of the WHO’s house of cards is collapsing worldwide. It’s no wonder that countries like Slovakia, Estonia, Romania, New Zealand, South Africa + more are rejecting the IHR amendments amid the WHO’s December deadline, […]

Ex Hamas Leader Calls For Global Muslim Uprising Against Israel On Friday 13th

Former Hamas leader Khaled Meshaa has called for a day of jihad on Friday the 13th October. Calling on Muslims to mobilize for a global uprising against Israel and the West, Meshaal proclaimed Friday as […] The post Ex Hamas Leader Calls For Global Muslim Uprising Against Israel On Friday 13th appeared first on The […]

The Global Uprising Against CBDCs Has Begun!

Of course you’re not hearing about this CBDC pushback in the establishment media. Why would they tout their masters’ failures, after all? But, weirdly enough, you’re not hearing much about this pushback in the alt media either. Let’s correct that today, shall we? The post The Global Uprising Against CBDCs Has Begun! first appeared on […]

An Otter Keeps Stealing Surfboards as Great Ocean Uprising Escalates

Otter 841 steals a surfboard. Screenshot Hefti Brunold III / @hefti3 There’s a manhunt underway for a rogue otter who has been stealing people’s surfboards in California—the latest in a growing body of evidence of a sea uprising.  Known as Otter 841 (the lack of creativity no doubt insulting to the animal), the five-year-old otter has […]

Eight decades since the Warsaw Uprising, it’s time to honour and celebrate its heroines

Regardless of gender, faith, or creed, freedom can only come with equality. When we fight together, we are stronger than even the most nefarious of history’s evils, Revital Yakin Krakovsky writes. Source

Massive Dutch Farmer Uprising: Tens Of Thousands Stand Against WEF’s Attack on Small Farms

» U.S. Govt. Made Duplicate Payments to Wuhan Lab in China, Potentially Losing Tens of Millions of DollarsYesterday at 12:08 pm by PurpleSkyz » Two Spectacular Solar Eclipses will Cross the United States in 2023 and 2024Yesterday at 12:05 pm by PurpleSkyz » Bad-clown Rising – ASTRAL REALMYesterday at 12:00 pm by PurpleSkyz » Why Are More Children Identifying As Transgender & […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: White Uprising

 ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY 12/31!  For 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence grows, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a year-end donation to keep this critical work going. 3X-MATCH my donation of:  ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY […]

After Largest Anti-Racist Uprising, Historic Trials Provide Important Lessons

Above photo: Protestors in Midtown Manhattan call for an end to police brutality after Derek Chauvin’s guilty verdict. Vincent Tsai. In the year 2021, it was the turn of the US government, particularly its judicial system, to respond to the protests of 2020. In the summer of 2020, the people of the United States witnessed […]

Israeli Settler Violence In The West Bank Is Leading To An Armed Uprising

Last Saturday Palestinians endured a Christmas nightmare as Israeli settler lynch mobs attacked villages near the city of Nablus, injuring over 200. Attacks like these are not going away and are forcing West Bank Palestinians to take to extreme measures to defend their homes. 247 Palestinians were injured — 10 with live ammunition and 48 […]

Greeks hold peaceful march on deadly uprising anniversary

Some 20,000 people marched peacefully through Athens on Wednesday to mark the anniversary of a bloody anti-dictatorship uprising in 1973, police said. More than 5,000 police were deployed to keep order, as violence involving anarchist demonstrators has often marred the annual march to the U.S. Embassy. The event went ahead despite restrictions related to the […]

Uprising In Guatemalan Village As Protesters Kidnap Nurses And Destroy Experimental COVID Vaccines

(BBC) After residents in a village in rural Guatemala were injured after receiving experimental COVID vaccines, a large crowd of protesters attacked nurses who were trying to administer Covid-19 jabs, kidnapping and holding them for seven hours, according to a report by the BBC: About 500 people blocked a road and vandalised the team’s cars […]

Palestinians warn of uprising if Israel seeks to kill ‘beloved’ escapees

The dramatic escape of six prisoners from Gilboa prison in Israel is now in its fourth day with none of the prisoners captured, and the story is resonating around the world. Palestinians and their supporters celebrate an escape to rival those in Hollywood pictures. While Israeli authorities and media express humiliation and rage. Over 100 […]

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