Posts Tagged ‘student’

A professor on ‘authorities’ who order police to crush student protests

The students wanted a change in United States and Israeli policy and action to secure an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Source

Sanders and Senate Democrats push for strengthened student loan debt relief amid Supreme Court setback

This effort, lauded as “historic” by Sanders and his colleagues, aims to provide significant financial relief to millions of Americans burdened by student debt. Source

‘We have reached unprecedented levels of support for Palestine on this campus’: a student on Oxford’s Gaza Solidarity Encampment

Gaza solidarity encampments have spread across Britain, inspired by the wave of student organizing in the U.S. An organizer at Oxford University discusses student demands and how the U.K. protests compare to U.S. activism. Source

Supporting the student-led solidarity mobilizations in their demands for boycott and divestment and against repression

Supporting the student-led solidarity mobilizations in their demands for boycott and divestment and against repression BNC Statement Protecting the Palestine solidarity movement worldwide from police repression, sabotage and agents provocateurs. Academic Boycott Apartheid Free Zones Student solidarity May 14, 2024 By:  Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) Source

Global uprisings for Gaza: The moral triumph of student revolts

May 11, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Janna Kadri The student movement in the US is a moral victory for the working class that must be translated into a political victory. Pro-Palestine student demonstrations have been gaining traction in recent weeks. Footage of protesters being beaten up and tear-gassed has circulated across all social […]

GOP proposes grotesque new law to forcibly send student protesters to Gaza to DIE

(NaturalNews) House Republicans want to punish campus protesters by sending them to live in Gaza for at least six months.Any person, including students and… Source

I am a Jewish student at Columbia. Don’t believe what you’re being told about ‘campus antisemitism’

(NaturalNews) “Reprehensible and dangerous.†“Terrorist sympathizers.†“It’s not 1938 Berlin. It’s 2024, Columbia University, NYC.â€(Article by… Source

GOP Bill Aims to Designate Student Protesters As ‘Terrorists’ And Put Them On The No Fly List

AIPAC-funded senators Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Roger Marshall (R-KS) have put forward a bill seeking to designate student protesters as “terrorists” and put them on the No Fly List for protesting Israel. Wow! Sens. Roger Marshall (R-KS) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) have introduced a bill that would designate student protesters “Terrorists” and add them to […]

‘We are doing this in solidarity with the people of Gaza’: a Princeton student explains why he’s currently part of a hunger strike

“We’re prepared to starve ourselves on the lawn of the administration building,” Princeton divestment activist David Chmielewski tells Mondoweiss. “They’re ignoring the urgency of the situation, which is that there’s a genocide actively occurring.” Source

Student resistance to the Gaza genocide is spurring a crisis for Democrats and the progressive coalition

The student protests erupting across American universities represent something far beyond a cyclical wave of campus activism. They reflect a profound political crisis that has laid bare the fractures within the Democratic Party. Source

Pro-Palestine Student Protests Prove Who Truly Stands For Free Speech

The hysterical response from the establishment media, in addition to the US and Israeli governments, to the overwhelmingly peaceful student protests across the United States has propelled the issue into the spotlight and purposefully caused confusion on the nature of the demonstrations. Meanwhile, members of the alternative right wing media, who built their reputations on […]

Fox anchor pushes back on Mace’s claim of George Soros funding student protests 

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto pushed back on a claim by Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) that progressive billionaire George Soros has funded groups involved in pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses. “There’s a push right now on the part of some of these institutions to negotiate with the protesters, and to go ahead and put up… […]

‘I was arrested for trespassing on my own campus’: an Emory student on the school’s Gaza protest

David Meer was arrested during the brutal police raid on the Gaza solidarity encampment at Emory University in Atlanta. Meer talks to Mondoweiss about his arrest, the broad Palestine coalition on campus, and why he became involved. Source

‘We want the university to cut any ties to Israel’: a Cal Poly Humboldt student on the protests gripping the school

A Palestinian member of ‘Humboldt for Palestine’ talks about Palestine organizing at Cal Poly Humboldt, the recent police sweep of activists protesting the Gaza genocide, and what the mainstream media has missed. Source

Pro-Israel groups vs. student democracy at McGill

Liberal MP Anthony Housefather is clamoring for the violent suppression of McGill students protesting Israel’s genocide in Gaza. It is an odious escalation in the Israel lobby’s bid to suppress democracy at the prestigious university. Source

NYPD clears Columbia student occupation, arrests hundreds across the city

New York police arrested a total of 282 Palestine protesters across the city in what appeared to be a coordinated attack by the city government on student protest encampments. Source

PSYOP-PRO-PALESTINE-STUDENT-PROTESTS: NYC Man Speaks Out Against College Protesters

The anything but organic protests currently metastasizing across American college campuses is yet another example of the Ideological State Apparatus deploying ever more of their Hegelian Dialectic psyops across the most self-entitled, impressionable, and brainwashed demographic; namely, the useful idiot student. Source

GOP senator calls for deporting certain foreign student protesters

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) called for the U.S. government to revoke the visas given to international students who are Hamas sympathizers and deport them as college protests continue nationwide. “You cannot go around yelling ‘I am Hamas’ or ‘We are Hamas’ or ‘River to the sea’ and pushing out Jewish students and have the University not… […]

These Student Protests Against Israel Are the Most Important Political Movement of Our Lifetime

APRIL 23, 2024 ANDREW ANGLIN Things are really ramping up with the student protests are these various univeristies. Columbia, where it all started, is ground zero. The Independent: Columbia University faculty members are staging a demonstration in support of student pro-Palestine protestors as a rabbi warns Jewish students to leave campus. Students at Columbia ramped […]

Palestinians salute the inspiring student uprising worldwide against Israel’s Gaza genocide and settler-colonial apartheid

Palestinians salute the inspiring student uprising worldwide against Israel’s Gaza genocide and settler-colonial apartheid BNC Statement Students and faculty across the world – from the US to Australia, from the UK to France – are rising up in what is rapidly escalating to a global mobilization focusing on Is Economic Boycott Academic Boycott Apartheid Free […]

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