Posts Tagged ‘supporting’

Using Trump & Two-Party Politics To Trick Conservatives Into Supporting A Technocratic Control Grid

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/23/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Comrades in Ethnonationalism: Why the Israel lobby is supporting U.S. politicians friendly to India’s far-right

Zionism and Hindutva share ideological roots, and increasingly followers of both are finding common ground in propping up the same American politicians. Source

Jerry Seinfeld called out for supporting Israeli genocide in Gaza

(NaturalNews) Comedian Jerry Seinfeld was booed off the stage by several dozen protesters at Duke University’s commencement ceremony after students in support of… Source

Supporting the student-led solidarity mobilizations in their demands for boycott and divestment and against repression

Supporting the student-led solidarity mobilizations in their demands for boycott and divestment and against repression BNC Statement Protecting the Palestine solidarity movement worldwide from police repression, sabotage and agents provocateurs. Academic Boycott Apartheid Free Zones Student solidarity May 14, 2024 By:  Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) Source

Lloyd Austin, with No evidence supporting him, says Jewish Terrorists fully comply with law when murdering, raping kids, looting

Apr 09, 2024 The U.S. defense secretary’s remarks came after Sen. Elizabeth Warren and other law experts around the world asserted that Israel’s Gaza onslaught meets the legal definition of genocide. BRETT WILKINS U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Tuesday became the latest Biden administration official to deny that Israel’s six-month bombardment, invasion, and siege […]

ANYONE Supporting the Rothschild’s Private Fiefdom in Illegally Occupied Palestine is Demonically Possessed, Therefore a Soul-less Animal

In 0740 AD a kingdom in the steppes of modern day Ukraine and Russia peopled by a Turkmen Mongolian mongrel mix called the Khazarians mass infected with the Zionist Zombie Virus of the Babylonian Talmud inspired Pedophile’s End of Times Death Cult Virus. “This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major […]

Supporting Independent Journalism: Join the Blacklisted News Website Donation Drive

The Value of Independent Journalism Independent journalism serves as a crucial counterbalance to the narratives peddled by corporate media. By offering diverse perspectives and investigative reporting, independent news sources like Blacklisted News expose information that mainstream outlets may overlook or deliberately ignore. Our goal is to help empower readers to form their own opinions through […]

Tel Aviv police ban World Children’s Day event supporting “children living in the shadow of the war”

November 20 is celebrated as World Children’s Day in many countries to commemorate the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1959. As children pay a shocking price in lost lives and endless suffering in the current war, 14 civil society organizations united to organize an event in Tel Aviv under […]

DEM SPLIT: Rep. Tlaid blasts Biden for supporting “genocide” of Palestine, warns of political ramifications in 2024

DEM SPLIT: Rep. Tlaid blasts Biden for supporting “genocide” of Palestine, warns of political ramifications in 2024 A growing number of Democrats are unhappy with White House occupant Joe Biden’s support for the Zionist-led annihilation and takeover of the embattled Gaza Strip. In a statement, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) accused Biden of supporting Israel’s “genocide” […]

Zionist Warmonger Joe Biden Commits U.S. With Full Congressional Backing To Supporting Palestinian Genocide and Gaza Land Grab

READ HERE: No possibility of Gaza ceasefire – Biden   Source

Rashida Tlaib Accuses Biden of Supporting ‘Genocide’ of Palestinians

A video posted by Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) accusing Joe Biden of supporting “genocide” of Palestinians has garnered backlash. Source

Who is supporting these atrocious, demonic attacks against these children and innocent civilians? Evangelical Christians.

who is supporting these atrocious, demonic attacks against these children and innocent civilians? Evangelical Christians. The Zionism Cult: Christian Churches of Satan Total Views : 4,985 Top Left Image Source, Top Right Image Source, Bottom Image Source. This is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. […]

Tlaib asserts Biden is ‘supporting genocide’ in Gaza

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) criticized President Biden on Friday, claiming he “supported the genocide of the Palestinian people” over his administration’s support for Israel in its war against Hamas in Gaza. Tlaib posted a video to X, formerly known as Twitter, on Friday showing pro-Palestinian marches around the country with tens of thousands of participants,… […]

JPGs supporting Hamas?

Why are “Jews Pretending to be Goys” (JPGs) getting the spotlight for publicly supporting Hamas? Check out Lebanese JPG Mia Khalifa (The link is porn-free and is safe for work). The post JPGs supporting Hamas? first appeared on Cabal Times. Source

Russia Will “Pay The Price” For Supporting Gaza: Israeli Official

Renegade Editor’s Note: This is the “theater” of war. Putin has been Israel’s “Man of the Year.” Russia Source

Supporting Neo-Nazi’s

Jewish ADL Has Supported Fake Neo-Nazi Groups for Years By infostormer  – September 7, 2023 2 There’s an old video clip being shared on social media talking about how the Jewish Anti-Defamation League was caught planning a Neo-Nazi march in Philadelphia back in the late 1970s.   There’s also other materials being shared about the […]

You’re Not Supporting Ukraine Enough Until The Nuclear Blast Hits Your Face

READ HERE:   Source

IDF Supporting Nonce PAUL REUBENS, ‘PEE WEE HERMAN’, DIES – Oh Dear How Sad

PALESTINE 1945-1948 – British Deaths – Lest We Forget On 29 July 1947, in retaliation for the execution of three of their members, LHI kidnapped and hanged two British Army sergeants. They then booby-trapped the bodies so that the officer who cut them down was badly injured. 7/7 Bombings London Several important people were […]

For Anthropology, decolonizing knowledge means supporting the academic boycott of Israel

The Palestinian call for BDS is a challenge to colonial infrastructures of knowledge and an invitation to help remake them. This challenge is central to our work as anthropologists in moving past colonial social science. Source

Gavin Newsom Praises Video of Reagan Supporting CA Gun Control, Does Not Mention CA Is No. 1 for ‘Active Shooter Incidents’

On Tuesday Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) tweeted a video of Ronald Reagan praising California’s waiting period and background check legislation and claimed Reagan would be kicked out of today’s Republican Party for saying kind words about gun control. Newsom did not mention what gun control Reagan praised: a waiting period and background check on the […]

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