Posts Tagged ‘against’

Beshear becomes Harris’s top attack dog against Vance (But why the cultural marxist soyboy from Kentucky?!)

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The FDA’s Disastrous War Against Sleep

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Connecticut lawsuit against Exxon one step closer to trial in state court

Superior Court Judge John Farley said that by registering to do business in Connecticut, Exxon Mobil “has consented to jurisdiction” in the state. His decision puts the case one step closer to trial in state court. Source

Behind Hezbollah’s video warning ‘Israel’ against Lebanon invasion

22 Jul 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English Listen By Ali Halawi Hezbollah’s Military Media Unit showcases multiple operations destroying Israeli Merkava tanks and dozens of fighters armed with the Qaher anti-tank shell. The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah released a video titled “You will have no tanks left” as a direct warning to the […]


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Yemen carries out military operations against 4 ships

1 Jul 2024 Source: Agencies Listen By Al Mayadeen English The Yemeni Armed Forces carried out four operations targeting several US, Israeli, and British ships in continuation of Yemen’s declared operations aimed at halting the aggression on Gaza. The Yemeni Armed Forces announced on Monday that they conducted four significant military operations targeting ships belonging […]

Yemeni forces conduct ops against 4 ships in Mediterranean, Red Sea

June 29, 2024 Source: Yemeni Armed Forces – Military Media By Al Mayadeen English The Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) attacked four Israeli-affiliated ships and an American vessel in the Mediterranean and Red Sea, the spokesperson for the YAF, Brigadier General Yahya Saree announced on Friday.  Saree said that the YAF conducted a joint operation with […]

Four States Including Texas Join Kansas AG Lawsuit Against Pfizer for Misrepresenting Safety of Vaccine, Bill Gates Money Trail

Above: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, left, and Bill Gates at a meeting of the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland in 2022. A lawsuit filed this month by the Attorney General of the State of Kansas, Chris Kobach, against Pfizer for, among other things, destroying clinical trials data, and falsely claiming that its COVID vaccine […]

“I speak for assimilated Jews. We must come out boldly against Zionism, Communism, the WEF and the NWO”

It is impossible for a Babylonian Talmud pedophile’s End of Times Death Cult Member, called a Jew to assimilate into any society other than the Cult they are a member of. Jews come in all types, communist Zionist Child raping queer tranny perverts Mass Murdering Holocausters instigators of disarming Goyem so they can be murdered […]

Blasphemy Law Wielded against Christian in Pakistan

Locked door of one of the households that fled Christian Colony in Okara District, Pakistan after blasphemy accusation on June 23, 2024. (CDI-MSN) LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – Police in Pakistan on Sunday (June 23) arrested a Christian under blasphemy laws as part of his siblings’ effort to retaliate against him over a […]

“We are going to hurt you”: UC Santa Cruz chancellor unleashes police mayhem against student protesters

A brutal, nine-hour, multi-agency police assault against unarmed protesters at UC Santa Cruz shows the university would rather use violence against its own students than address demands to divest from genocide. Source

Garland defends DOJ against attacks: ‘This must stop’

Attorney General Merrick Garland called the increasing attacks against the Department of Justice “dangerous to our democracy” in a Washington Post op-ed published Tuesday morning. In the piece, Garland defended the DOJ against recent threats made by allies of former President Donald Trump to defund the work of special counsel Jack Smith, who is prosecuting […]

Brighteon Media lawsuit against Big Tech and Big Government a fight for FREE SPEECH in America

Brighteon Media lawsuit against Big Tech and Big Government a fight for FREE SPEECH in America The historic lawsuit against Big Tech and Big Government filed by the Health Ranger Mike Adams’ Brighteon Media is a fight for the right to free speech of every American. Adams himself asserted this during a recent discussion on […]

End Violence Against Women Now – Corrupt Cops Push Falsified Government Agenda!

The colony’s governments, that being federal and state have many false agendas in play against the good people of Australia. ‘Investigative’ journalists are no longer within the mainstream media, but rather agenda promoters or Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V keyboard monkeys. There is a nefarious agenda in action at the moment, that being against men, i.e. an […]

The Noose Cares Not Why The Rothschild’s Minion Did Treason Against America

The noose cares not why the Rothschild’s minion did treason against Humanity- Cares not why the evil one sold their soul to be possessed by demons leading to criminal insanity- Whether for 30 shekels, fleeting fame, perceived power or threats against one’s earthly body to be done- Threats against family members if the minion turns […]

Mike Stone – NFL Stands Against Heterosexuals

(Harrison Butker looking positively Christ-like) “NFL football is for trannies, homosexuals, the sexual mutilation  of children and more. By the way, they don’t just declare it,  they donate money to organizations that promote homosexuality  and trannyism.  “To support the NFL is to support little boys getting their penises chopped off and little girls getting their […]

Houthi Warns Saudi against Major Problem: Targeting Banks in Sanaa is an Act of Economic Aggression

May 30, 2024  Live News – Middle East – News – Top – Yemen Head of Yemen’s Ansarullah Movement Sayyed Abdul Malik Badreddine Al-Houthi stressed that there is no decline in the level of the Yemeni operations, but a decline in navigation and ship movements from the American and British sides, and an almost complete halt in Israeli movements. In a televised speech, […]

Brad Salzberg – Threats Against Trudeau Liberals Skyrocket

Liberal MP Dzerowicz took the vandalism of her office as a threat and  contacted police. “Toronto will burn,” is a threat, she said. Liberal MP Pam Damoff continues to complain about being harassed by constituents. Three recent articles from Canada’s National Post speak of a rapid rise in cases of Member of Parliament intimidation, particularly […]

CENSORSHIP FILES Expose the Socialist Agenda Against Free Speech of Both the Aspen Institute – and of Harry & Meghan!

by The Royal Grift TRANSCRIPT THE ROYAL GRIFT: This is your daily dose of all things Royal. Welcome back my gorgeous good-looking friends. You are looking at independent journalist Matt Taibbi and for those that don’t know who he is, he was one of the two journalists, with Michael Shellenberger who exposed the Twitter Files, […]

Every A$$ Hole Claiming To Be American Who Commits Treason Against America For Rothschild’s IsraHELL & IsraHELL’s Blackmailed & Bribed Bit#hes in DC & “State governments”, Must Be Given A Fair Nuremberg Tribunal Common Law Trial

No mercy, no forgiveness, no pardons. Galatians 6:7:7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”. Luke 3:7:“Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?”. Here and there an evil ass hole singing HOLY-HOLY-HOLY the loudest on Sunday morning in a […]

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