Posts Tagged ‘america’

Jewnited States of America


JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo Accounts Used in Alleged $92,000,000 Money Laundering Scheme: Report – The Daily Hodl

An alleged $92 million money laundering scheme went “right through” three of the largest banks in the US, according to a new report. Source

Vote For Which Party You Want To Sacrifice America’s Children To


If You Consider a 3ed World S#it Hole America Being Run By Israel Firster Pedophiles “Great”, Maybe So

This is the technique I use when servicing Nitwityahoo [embedded content] I suppose so if to Musk Great means a 3ed world shit hole where Americans are farmed like cattle, used as tax slaves, their children as sexual party favors and cannon fodder in pre-planned Rothschild wars. The Ole Dog! Share this: Source

The Noose Cares Not Why The Rothschild’s Minion Did Treason Against America

The noose cares not why the Rothschild’s minion did treason against Humanity- Cares not why the evil one sold their soul to be possessed by demons leading to criminal insanity- Whether for 30 shekels, fleeting fame, perceived power or threats against one’s earthly body to be done- Threats against family members if the minion turns […]


The Middle East – or what should more accurately be called West Asia – is a pivotal region of the globe. It is home to the primary source of the planet’s most important commodity: oil. Not coincidentally, it is also the epicenter of global conflicts. Since 9/11, the United States has launched a series of […]

America’s TOP-SECRET $745 MILLION stealth nuclear bomber takes off in first publicly acknowledged test flight

(NaturalNews) Recently released images of America’s top-secret $745-million stealth nuclear bomber showed the aircraft taking to the air for its first publicly… Source

Every A$$ Hole Claiming To Be American Who Commits Treason Against America For Rothschild’s IsraHELL & IsraHELL’s Blackmailed & Bribed Bit#hes in DC & “State governments”, Must Be Given A Fair Nuremberg Tribunal Common Law Trial

No mercy, no forgiveness, no pardons. Galatians 6:7:7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”. Luke 3:7:“Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?”. Here and there an evil ass hole singing HOLY-HOLY-HOLY the loudest on Sunday morning in a […]



Journey through an Exposed America

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Human societies naturally divide into groups or tribes. Human tribes rely on a shared pride of belonging, and a sense of otherness toward non-members. This provides their members with a cause or meaning, such as jointly building a better life, and a feeling of superiority or victimhood based on comparison […]

America’s Wars

The American Revolution against Britain was justified as Americans had the right to try to run their own show. They have not done a very good job at it, but they had the right to try. The war of 1812 was an attempt by the Empire Builders to take Canada from the British Empire and […]

Methadone Maintenance Ignited America’s Opioid Crisis

History Repeated: Forgotten Lessons of Narcotic Substitution In the shadow of the Netflix series Painkiller, combined with OxyContin documentaries—and the plague of fentanyl overdoses—lies an obscured chapter of America’s opioid epidemic: the 1965 “invention” of “Methadone Maintenance Treatment” (MMT) at Rockefeller University. Its immediately forceful promulgation by the public health establishment multiplied tenfold (!), within […]

GALLUP POLL: Immigration the most pressing issue in America for third straight month

(NaturalNews) The latest Gallup poll has shown that immigration is the most pressing issue in the United States for the third straight month.About 28… Source


SOTN Editor’s Note: There’s something very BIG going on across the USA yet very few folks get it.  Not only that, but all of officialdom appears to be on the wrong side of history. COLLEGE CAMPUSES ACROSS USA EXPLODE AGAINST HORRIFIC GAZA GENOCIDE & ISRAEL’S NEVER-ENDING PALESTINIAN HOLOCAUST Now, put all political positions and personal […]

How the New York Times fights America’s wars

The New York Times is not an unbiased fount of information, but a sophisticated ideological weapon. Our goal is to unmask the Times and expose the paper for what it is: a tool of empire encased in a liberal veneer. Source

America’s fourth leading cause of death is abortion at the hands of Planned Parenthood

(NaturalNews) What comes to mind when you think of the top causes of death in the U.S.? Many people’s thoughts immediately turn to killers like heart disease and… Source

April 25 – Why Does Russia Keep America’s Secrets?

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Why doesn’t Russia tell us what really happened on 9-11? Who murdered JFK and RFK? Who shot down MH 17 over Ukraine? What happened to MH 376 which disappeared in 2014? It’s obvious that Russia is in collusion with the NeoCons attempting to start WW3. This is why […]

Sam Altman Powers Up America With Clean Energy Startup Investment 

Sam Altman Powers Up America With Clean Energy Startup Investment  Sam Altman and venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz are betting on solar power and energy storage that can supply a low-carbon future to artificial intelligence data centers. Altman, the face of the AI chatbot boom, has also invested in nuclear power technology to fuel America’s powering […]

GLADIO GUN CONTROL MCE! Two Dead, 14 Wounded, shot at Memphis “Block Party”, part of America’s Lawless Leftist Cities

Two Dead, 14 Wounded, shot at Memphis “Block Party”, part of America’s Lawless Leftist Cities Source

Two Dead, 14 Wounded, shot at Memphis “Block Party”, part of America’s Lawless Leftist Cities

Two Dead, 14 Wounded, shot at Memphis “Block Party”, part of America’s Lawless Leftist Cities Source

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