Posts Tagged ‘invade’



China doesn’t need to invade to achieve Taiwanese unification

China is more likely to pursue a “short of war coercion campaign,” as we call it, centered on political and economic warfare accompanied by limited kinetic action than an invasion of Taiwan for three main reasons: Source

Controversial genetically modified tomato set to invade American gardens

(NaturalNews) A new genetically modified tomato seed has been released for sale to gardeners, despite receiving little scrutiny from the FDA. Critics worry that… Source

WOW!!! Biden Goes Off-Script and Admits Real Reason Why He’s Allowing Illegals to Invade US During Interview with Spanish-Language Radio Station (AUDIO)

Biden Goes Off-Script and Admits Real Reason Why He’s Allowing Illegals to Invade US During Interview with Spanish-Language Radio Station (AUDIO) Source

Netanyahu: Israel WILL INVADE Rafah with or without ceasefire and agreement to release hostages

(NaturalNews) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared that Israel will send troops into the southern Gazan city of Rafah whether or not it reaches… Source

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 159: Netanyahu vows to invade Rafah 

Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel “will finish the job in Rafah” despite growing international concern over an invasion, including from the U.S. Meanwhile, Israeli forces kill 5 Palestinians in the West Bank in the last 24 hours, including 3 children. Source

What a perfect way to further invade the USA with Israeli-trained terrorists and mercs under cover of Palestinian refugee status!


Does Israel wait until October 17, 2023, to invade Gaza, the day leaving 75 days in the year? This news comes on the day leaving 76 days in the year, October 16 (USA since 1776). Tomorrow, leaves 75 days in the year, and Israel is 75.World War III = 75Order Out of Chaos = 75New World Order = 75–Order = 75Catholic Church = 75Roman Catholic = 75Great Tribulation = 75 Never forget […]

Homeless people INVADE city of Casper, Wyoming, taking over vacant motel

(NaturalNews) Wyoming’s second largest city Casper has been besieged by a growing number of homeless people, who have damaged a local motel and dumped human waste… Source

‘Is That Not Ideal?’ Nick Fuentes Wants China to Invade the US and Start Killing Black People

Nick Fuentes is a racist, misogynistic, antisemitic, homophobic Christian nationalist who openly hates this country and wants to see government taken over by a fascist dictatorship. Fuentes’ unabashed racism and his love for murderous tyrants who use the power of the state to brutalize and imprison their perceived enemies was on full display during a […]

Busloads of Military-Age Male Migrants Invade Ireland

The United Nations’ globalization program to flood the developed world with third world migrants in the name of “diversity” has reached the shores of Ireland. Shocking video taken from Dublin show throngs of well-equipped and healthy military-aged male illegal migrants departing buses onto the streets. This comes two years after the government of Ireland announced […]

Buffalo descends into chaos as looters invade businesses following historic blizzard

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) As a winter snow apocalypse descended upon Buffalo, N.Y., ahead of Christmas Day, city residents faced another disaster: A looting and crime wave.Multiple posts on social media show the chaos as police worked like mad to contain the wave of business thefts as shops and stores closed down due to the inclement […]

Droughts, Not Gold, Drove Attila to Invade the Roman Empire

History has remembered Attila (c. 406 to 453) for having terrorized the Roman Empire with a campaign of violence as the ruler of a nomadic Central Asian and Eastern European people known as the Huns. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology History Important Events Read Later  Source

‘Enormous’ Hordes of Illegals Invade America

Illegal aliens are entering the United States in coordinated groups that continue to grow larger as the Biden regime does little to stem the tide, according to reports. More than 1,700 migrants swarmed Eagle Pass, TX, in three mass-crossings in the span of around 24 hours this week. On Thursday, approximately 700 illegal aliens streamed […]

Cultural Marxists Invade Qatar’s World Cup—WOW!!!


Moldova is Very Worried Russia will Invade their Country Next

Moldova’s Prime Minister has said she is very worried Russia will invade her country next, while warning that no country is safe from Vladimir Putin. Natalia Gavrilita’s warning came after Moscow’s forces made gains in Ukraine’s south and east, near to the Moldova-Ukraine border, in recent months. Analysts believe the Kremlin is trying to create […]

Ukraine Says It Might Use U.S. Weapons to Invade Russia — The Duran

Eric Zuesse In order to understand this matter, some fundamental background must first be briefly presented; and it is this (the remainder of this paragraph): Ukraine’s Government has consistently promised that it will retake Crimea, which had been part of Russia during 1783-1954 when the Soviet leader Khrushchev then transferred it to Ukraine, and which… Ukraine […]

Turkey’s President Erdogan Threatens to Invade Syria (Again)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday threatened to launch another military incursion into Syria, without warning, if he deems it necessary to neutralize Kurdish militia groups classified by Turkey as terrorists.

Israeli Settler Invade Al-Aqsa With A Huge Response Expected

This Sunday, approximately 70,000 ultra-nationalist Israeli settlers attended their annual racist “flag march” during which Palestinians, their properties, and Holy sites came under attack in Jerusalem’s old city. In an unexpected twist, however, no violent reaction came as was threatened. So what can we now expect? An unprecedented attack against Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim identity […]

Poll: 62 Percent of Voters Say Putin Would Not Invade Ukraine if Trump Were President

A majority of American voters believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if former President Donald Trump were still in office, according to a recent poll. A Harvard Center for American Political Studies-Harris Poll released Friday revealed that 62 percent of respondents believe Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Trump were […]

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