Posts Tagged ‘Putin’

Former Russian lawmaker wants to pressure NATO into assassinating Putin’s inner circle, overthrowing Russian government

(NaturalNews) Former Russian State Duma MP Ilya Ponomarev has declared his intention to pressure NATO leaders into targeting and assassinating members of President… Source

Putin Says The Biggest Danger To Europe Is The US

Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that Europe should maintain good relations with Moscow if it wants to retain its status as one of the centers of world development. Putin made the comments on Friday during […] The post Putin Says The Biggest Danger To Europe Is The US appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

President Putin: “I Will Stop the New World Order From Sparking World War 3′

Russia will do everything in its power to prevent the ‘New World Order’ from sparking World War 3, President Vladimir Putin pledged in his address to the Victory Day military parade in Moscow. At the […] The post President Putin: “I Will Stop the New World Order From Sparking World War 3′ appeared first on […]

In Response To Western Aggression, Putin Orders Tactical Nuclear Weapons Drills

Russian president Vladimir Putin has instructed the Russian Ministry of Defence to conduct a test of non-strategical nuclear weapons. Putin said the order was made in response to “Western aggression” and are aimed at protecting […] The post In Response To Western Aggression, Putin Orders Tactical Nuclear Weapons Drills appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Graham warns Putin ‘will not stop’ if successful in Ukraine

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday stressed the urgency of support to Ukraine, warning Russian President Vladimir Putin “will not stop,” even if successful in Russia’s war with Kyiv. “Here’s what I will tell you. If you give Putin Ukraine, he will not stop,” Graham said during an interview on “Fox News Sunday.” “This is… […]

Insiders: Putin Belonged to the Royal Arch Lodge

Bloggers claiming to be ex-Intelligence agentssay crazed MI-5 & MI-6 wreak havoc for the Illuminati (from May 28, 2009)  This 15-year-old article places Putin  squarely in the ranks of Freemasons. by Henry Makow Ph.D. Blogs by people claiming to be former  MI-5 and MI-6 agents paint a sordid picture of state terrorism, rape, torture, mind […]

Biden’s Jews Want Putin to Destroy the West

In a July 2021 interview no longer unavailable, C.J. Bjerknes and Adam Green analyzed videos by Kabbalist rabbis in relation to the Cabalist dogma that the destruction of civilization is a prerequisite for the return of the Messiah.  A dedicated reader, Z, provided an Introduction and a synopsis: “Tikkun Olam, ‘redemption’, or “restoring/repairing the world” is […]

Putin promises to DESTROY all those U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets piloted by Ukrainian soldiers

Putin promises to DESTROY all those U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets piloted by Ukrainian soldiers Any United States-made F-16 fighter jets that are spotted making their way into Ukraine in the coming days, or that are being piloted by Ukrainian soldiers anywhere in the world, are open game for Russia to destroy them, warned Russian President […]

Putin Suggests Moscow Terror Attack Could Be Linked To Ukraine

While acknowledging that radical islamists carried out the terrorist attack in Moscow last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin has also implied that it was Ukraine that gave the order. On Monday Putin said the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall was a clear attempt to intimidate Russia and serves the interests of the Ukrainian government. […]

How Jews OWN Russia And Control Putin

Watch This And Learn…An Insider Jew Explains How Jews OWN Russia And Control Putin – Rense Video 6Mins : Click Link Below: ttps:// Source

After Fooling the People to Reelect Putin, Russia now announces More Cannon Fodder Mobilizations

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced plans to bolster the country’s military might by creating two new combined arms armies, 14 divisions, and 16 brigades by the end of the year. This move, revealed during a meeting with defense chiefs, comes amid growing concerns about Moscow’s aggressive posture following Vladimir Putin’s disputed reelection. Shoigu emphasized […]

Putin Accuses Western Leaders of Pedophilia and Cannibalism

Many Western political leaders are suffering from a type of madness which cannot be treated, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who revealed that the global elite engage in vices including pedophilia and cannibalism. Rumors […] The post Putin Accuses Western Leaders of Pedophilia and Cannibalism appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Ex-Wagner fighters Join Free Russia Army’s Battle to Liberate Russia from Putin Occupation

Amid the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, ethnic Russian volunteer forces have declared their determination to continue their campaign on Russian territory, even as they battle on behalf of Ukraine with the goal to liberate Russia from Vladimir Putin’s dictatorship. Led by Denis Kapustin, the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK) includes former fighters from the […]

Hungary Becomes First EU Country to Congratulate Putin for Winning the ‘Elections’

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s congratulatory message to Russian President Vladimir Putin on his “re-election” has sent shockwaves through the European Union, amplifying concerns about political unity and Orban’s alignment with Moscow’s authoritarian regime. In his message to Putin, Orban emphasized the significance of cooperation between Hungary and Russia, citing mutual respect as the foundation […]

Putin says NATO Troops are already in Ukraine But Russia is Still Winning

    Russian President Vladimir Putin recently stirred concern with his assertions regarding the involvement of NATO soldiers in the conflict in Ukraine, suggesting that they are facing significant casualties. Addressing supporters and the media after his re-election victory, Putin underscored Moscow’s awareness of foreign fighters on Ukrainian soil and issued a stark warning about […]

Putin Says Troops From NATO States Are In Ukraine & Dying In large Numbers

Russian President Vladimir Putin claims that it is no secret that troops from NATO states are on the ground in Ukraine. He also warned that these troops face extremely grim prospects. RT rpeorts: Speaking to his […] The post Putin Says Troops From NATO States Are In Ukraine & Dying In large Numbers appeared first on […]

Putin Warns of ‘Apocalyptic WW3’ if Deep State Sends Troops to Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that if the Deep State in the west sends troops to Ukraine a “full-scale World War III” of apocalyptic proportions will follow. During his election victory speech, Putin responded […] The post Putin Warns of ‘Apocalyptic WW3’ if Deep State Sends Troops to Ukraine appeared first on The People's […]

March 18 – Putin Schools Satanic West

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Although it may be a charade, Putin’s role is Defender of the Faith, humanity’s best hope for sanity and survival. Putin Warns West Russia-NATO Conflict Is Just One Step From WWIII Putin also criticized the use of state power against Trump. Reader- “The West is pushing for WW3 […]

Putin Says US Is Not A Democracy

By criticizing the democratic processes in other countries while suppressing a presidential candidate in its own election, the US has become a global laughing stock, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Shortly after preliminary results […] The post Putin Says US Is Not A Democracy appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Putin Wins Russian Election With 87% Of The Vote

PVladimir Putin has won his fifth term as Russia’s president following an election victory with nearly 88% of the vote. Putin won 87.85%, according to an exit poll which was broadcast on state television late […] The post Putin Wins Russian Election With 87% Of The Vote appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

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