Posts Tagged ‘country’

Guilty verdict fuels Trump’s campaign: ‘Our whole country is being rigged’

NEW YORK — Donald Trump’s conviction Thursday makes him the first former president to become a felon — and he will be the first to assert in a presidential campaign that it’s even more reason to elect him again. That act of campaigning on his criminal conviction began the moment Trump exited the courtroom in […]

Pandemic Preparedness: Coming to a Country Near You

This 60+ pager was issued in late April, mentioned once before, but here is the whole thing in a nutshell. The US Government will be paying 100 countries to implement “pandemic preparedness.” This will include many of the awful provisions in the treaty and amendments, ho ho ho. Similar language as the treaty: reduce regulations […]

Republicans are trying to snuff out climate embers around the country

Leaders across the continent who have embraced aggressive climate policies are facing a political backlash as the programs drive up the cost of electricity, home heating and even ordinary goods. In New York, Washington, Pennsylvania and California — and even Canada — concerns about the costs of curbing greenhouse gas emissions are fueling voter revolts […]

This is how Khazarian bolsheviks shut down any legislation in any country that even appears to favor Russia.


Insurance Company Surveillance: Nearly Every Building in the Country Is Being Photographed, Often Without the Owner’s Knowledge

Cindy Picos was dropped by her home insurer last month. The reason: aerial photos of her roof, which her insurer refused to let her see. “I thought they had the wrong house,” said Picos, who lives in northern California. “Our roof is in fine shape.” Her insurer said its images showed her roof had “lived […]

Ex MI6 Chief Says Brits Must Be Prepared To Be Called Up To Defend Their Country

Brits should be prepared to be called up to fight for their country, according to former MI6 chief Sir Alex Younger. Younger said Britons had been ‘infantilised’ since the end of the Cold War and the Government should consider having the power to ‘compel’ people to serve. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered […]

WHO the HELL – getting your country or state out of the World Stealth Organisation

WHO the HELL – getting your country or state out of the World Stealth Organisation  Fri 11:11 pm +01:00, 29 Mar 2024   posted by Tapestry for clear graphic go to WHO the HELL – England Calling Katherine Watt told us last year what happened, but I wasn’t paying attention. Now she reminds us of […]

Outrage As West Point Drops ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ Motto From Mission Statement

The US Military Academy at West Point has been accused of ‘going woke’ after suddenly removing the iconic motto “Duty, Honor, Country” from its mission statement. The phrase will be replaced with the words, “Army […] The post Outrage As West Point Drops ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ Motto From Mission Statement appeared first on The People's […]

Hungary Becomes First EU Country to Congratulate Putin for Winning the ‘Elections’

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s congratulatory message to Russian President Vladimir Putin on his “re-election” has sent shockwaves through the European Union, amplifying concerns about political unity and Orban’s alignment with Moscow’s authoritarian regime. In his message to Putin, Orban emphasized the significance of cooperation between Hungary and Russia, citing mutual respect as the foundation […]

Canadian foreign minister says country will stop arms sales to Israel

Canada’s parliament voted to stop future arms sales to Israel. “This appears too good to be true,” CJPME Vice President told Mondoweiss. “We need to make sure that Canada stops the transfer of all military exports, period, without any loopholes.” Source


U.S. Military Academy Superintendent Lt. Gen. Steven Gilland announced a major change in West Point’s mission statement Tuesday with the removal of the academy’s motto, “Duty, Honor, Country.” In a West Point press release, Gilland revealed the academy’s new mission statement is, “To build, educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets to be commissioned […]

US has produced more oil than any country in history for six consecutive years

In December, the average U.S. crude oil production hit a monthly high of more than 13.3 million barrels per day. Source

Latvia Begins Deporting ALL Russians from its Country, including citizens

Latvia has initiated the expulsion of Russians who failed to comply with new residency regulations, marking a significant step in enforcing immigration laws. The head of Latvia’s Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (PMLP), Maira Roze, announced that exit orders have been issued to six Russian citizens, two of whom have already left the country. […]

Hunt has handed over country’s finances to Bank Of England exploitation 100%

Hunt has handed over country’s finances to Bank Of England exploitation 100%  Fri 10:15 am +01:00, 8 Mar 2024   posted by Tapestry As readers of this website could see (, I took many ideas to the government in the run up to the budget. Accepting the government was staying with the OBR controls in […]

“The Obamas Are RUNNING the Country” – Victor Davis Hanson

“The Obamas are RUNNING the country,” says military historian Victor Davis Hanson. Barack Obama said he wanted to serve a third term “in my basement in my sweats.” And he’s “living his dream” using Joe Biden as a “cardboard person they cut out,” declared Hanson. “Obama never moved the country as left as he wanted […]

Barbara O’Neil ~ Banned From Her Own Country for Teaching Real Knowledge of Health And Remedies

Short video below of some of Barbara O’Neil’s health advice highlights and exile from her own country Australia. Source

The Administrative State is Destroying our Country

It is clear to me that we are increasingly being governed by an “Administrative State” instead of by our chosen representatives. Indeed, we are more and more becoming a “Regulation Nation” which is a true threat to our Constitutional Republic. What do I mean by that? I mean that we are being governed by regulations and […]

The Work Of Right Wing Watch Is Prominently Featured In ‘God & Country’

As Right Wing Watch previously noted, the roster of Christian nationalists featured on the new documentary “God & Country” reads like a who’s who of RWW coverage over the years. As such, it is not surprising that several clips featured in the film originated with RWW. Below are some of the RWW clips featured in […]

Who’s Who In ‘God & Country’

“God & Country,” a new documentary about Christian nationalism, is set to be released this week. Produced by Rob Reiner and based on Katherine Stewart’s book “The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism,” the film explores that ways in which far-right Christian activists use and misuse religion and the Bible for political […]

‘God & Country’ Documentary Highlights Threat of Christian Nationalism, Stakes of 2024 Election

“God & Country,” a new documentary produced by award-winning filmmaker Rob Reiner, focuses on the threat to democracy posed by the MAGA movement’s aggressive Christian nationalism—and the stakes in this year’s presidential election. The well-timed movie, directed by documentarian Dan Partland, opens in theaters Feb. 16. “God & Country” was inspired by the book “The Power […]

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