Posts Tagged ‘coming’

‘Our D-Day is Coming,’ Warns My Faith Votes Spokesperson Allen West

“Our D-Day is coming,” declared the ominous subject line of an email from former Rep. Allen West sent on behalf of the religious-right voter turnout operation My Faith Votes on June 6, the 80th anniversary of the Allied landing on the beaches of Normandy, France, during World War II. My Faith Votes is one of […]

Pandemic Preparedness: Coming to a Country Near You

This 60+ pager was issued in late April, mentioned once before, but here is the whole thing in a nutshell. The US Government will be paying 100 countries to implement “pandemic preparedness.” This will include many of the awful provisions in the treaty and amendments, ho ho ho. Similar language as the treaty: reduce regulations […]

Bill Gates Coming at World with Bird Flu “Vaccine,” After Child Slaughter in UK, 4,000% Higher Deaths in Vaccinated Children

Excess deaths since 2022 in the UK were primarily in the vaccinated, official UK data show, according to an analysis by The Daily Sceptic. The findings mirror data published by the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) in July 2022, which show that for the time period published, vaccinated persons had a higher risk of […]

BILLIONS still expected to die in coming years from COVID “vaccines,” says analyst

Things are about to get really ugly across our land now that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” have had several years to do the damage they were programmed to do inside the bodies of the tens of millions of people who took them. “Richard’s Substack” reports that an “onrushing death wave” is coming our way that […]

Ivan Raiklin Tells NPR Producer of the “Patriotic & Peaceful” Retribution that’s Coming

Zoe Chace is a producer for a radio show called This American Life that airs on public radio stations, like NPR. She bumped into Ivan Raiklin at a Congressional hearing on Wednesday and wanted to do an impromptu interview with him, noting that he calls himself the “Future Secretary of Retribution” on his Twitter profile. […]

Dr Jane Ruby Is Coming Around; Shout-Out to Sabrina Wallace, Nonvaxer420 & Corinne Nokel

Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact The post Dr Jane Ruby Is Coming Around; Shout-Out to Sabrina Wallace, Nonvaxer420 & Corinne Nokel first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV. Source

Rain is Coming

Mohammed El Kurd on the ongoing Nakba, and the present revolution. Source

COMING SOON: Stasi-like “antisemitism monitors” at U.S. college, university campuses, with the full support of so-called “free speech” conservatives

READ HERE:   Source

Eco-collapse hasn’t happened yet, but you can see it coming

And no excuses, okay? We’ve been given fair warning. Source

COMING SOON: Stasi-like “antisemitism monitors” at U.S. college, university campuses, with the full support of supposed “free speech” conservatives

(NaturalNews) We are almost five months into 2024 and Congress has yet to do one single thing that benefits the American people – but its members sure are doing… Source

Is a massive DEATH WAVE coming to the Covid VAXXED population? Top virologists and immunologists are predicting exactly that

Is a massive DEATH WAVE coming to the Covid VAXXED population? Top virologists and immunologists are predicting exactly that It used to be that vaccine “hesitancy” and “skepticism” amounted from concerns about all the toxins used to manufacture them, including mercury, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate and genetically modified blood cells from aborted babies, monkeys and other […]

David Rodriguez Update Apr 14: “DEW Destruction in Lahaina and What Else Could Be Coming to America”

Juan O Savin joins Nino Rodriguez from Lahaina, Hawaii to survey and discuss the damage. Juan has no doubt that a sophisticated military Directed Energy Weapon was the cause of the damage seen there. Furthermore, Juan says that we don’t have any representation in Congress, so it is up to citizen activists to raise awareness […]

March 28 – Migrants are Coming for Our Homes

Please send links and comments to [email protected]  “You will own nothing and you’ll be happy.” Using migrants to dispossess us. Surprise. Now that the Communists allowed millions of migrants into the country, housing is a problem. Prices are up and people are invading and squatting.  Comments to a video about this have drawn some pretty […]

One-house budgets are coming

With help from Shawn Ness Both houses of the state Legislature are planning to introduce their one-house budget proposals next Monday then pass them sometime before they adjourn for the week on March 14. That will frame the debate around the $233 billion spending plan proposed by Gov. Kathy Hochul as lawmakers ramp up talks […]



Right Wing Round-Up: Coming To A Church Near You

Patrick Svitek @ The Washington Post: Republican House candidate who disparaged Special Olympians says he’s still running J.R. Majewski announced that he won’t end campaign for Ohio’s 9th Congressional District despite facing backlash for his comments on a podcast this month. Telling Jefferson Lies: Whitewashing Jefferson, Part Two This is a continuation of last week’s […]

Interview 1868 – Bill Gates is Coming For Your Memes! (NWNW 546)

This week on the New World Next Week: The CIA have been in Ukraine for a decade; the grim reaper scores a Rothschild; and farmer Billy Gates is coming for your memes! Source

Neil Oliver Warns ‘A Storm Is Coming’ for The Guilty

The Scottish political commentator said on his YouTube channel that millions of lives have been “ruined forever” by Big State, Big Pharma, and Big Media — and that the last four years have been the “most dangerous and blatant assault on freedom and civil rights in the history of humankind.” “It’s palpable that the anger […]

Free speech coming to an END in 2024, warns Paul Craig Roberts

(NaturalNews) A somewhat subtle shift is taking place as the powers that be morph their constitutional role from protecting America’s democratic republic to… Source

U.S. General sounds alarm on Chinese border crossers: ‘They are coming here to kill us’

(NaturalNews) A retired Air Force general warned that America’s enemies, namely China, are laying the groundwork for an attack against the homeland by exploiting… Source

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