Posts Tagged ‘stasi’

COMING SOON: Stasi-like “antisemitism monitors” at U.S. college, university campuses, with the full support of so-called “free speech” conservatives

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COMING SOON: Stasi-like “antisemitism monitors” at U.S. college, university campuses, with the full support of supposed “free speech” conservatives

(NaturalNews) We are almost five months into 2024 and Congress has yet to do one single thing that benefits the American people – but its members sure are doing… Source

East German Stasi kept records on Scholz during 1970s, 80s

East Germany’s secret police kept extensive records on Chancellor Olaf Scholz when he was a senior member of the West German Social Democratic Party’s youth wing in the 1970s and 80s, German tabloid Bild reported Thursday. Files obtained by the newspaper showed the Stasi closely followed his visits to the communist country at a time […]

The American Cyber Stasi Will Suppress All Digital Dissent In Biden’s Dystopia

Posted on May 9, 2021 by Zara Ali By Andrew Korybko Source CNN’s recent report that the US’ security services are considering contracting the services of so-called “researchers” as a legal workaround for spying on average Americans confirms that Biden’s dystopian hellhole is rapidly moving in the direction of establishing a “Cyber Stasi” for suppressing […]

German Doctor Arrested by Neo-Stasi Police While Livestreaming about the New Infection Protection Law

Just the other day Germany passed a law that gives the executive branch unlimited power without needing to ask the parliament anymore and completely nullifies any constitutional rights of all citizens. Under the Infection Protection Law, culture is no longer classified as entertainment. Bayern police broke into Dr. Andreas Noack’s house while he was livestreaming […]

Pub Stasi: UK Rent-a-Mob Patrol Streets to Check if Bars Are Open

In a damning speech to the United Nations Tuesday, President Trump blasted China for covering up the coronavirus outbreak and failing to prevent a global pandemic, adding that the World Health Organisation was complicit. “As we pursue this bright future, we must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague onto the world: China,” Trump […]

Episode #197 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Silicon Stasi’ with Patrick Henningsen and guest Mike Robinson

Episode #197 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on Aug 5th, 2017 as guest host Patrick Henningsen brings you this week’s LIVE broadcast on the Alternate Current Radio Network – covering all the top news stories both at home and internationally… LISTEN LIVE ON THIS PAGE AT THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULED SHOW TIMES: 5pm-8pm UK Time | […]

The Federal Reserve Has Created an Unprecedented Disaster for Pension Funds

When it comes to the Fed, Congress is mired in hypocrisy. The anti-regulation, de-regulation crowd on Capitol Hill shuts its mouth when it comes to the most powerful regulators of all – you and the Federal Reserve. Meanwhile, Congress goes along with the out-of-control, private government of the Fed—unaccountable to the national legislature. Moreover, your […]

Russian airstrikes destroy 472 terrorist targets in Syria in 48 hours, 1,000 oil tankers in 5 days

All Russian aircraft have successfully returned to the Khmeimim airbase near Latakia, Major General Igor Konashenkov, spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, said in a daily briefing. In the last two days, Russian warplanes have been conducting active supplemental reconnaissance, inflicting pinpoint airstrikes on newly exposed targets, he added. “Russian bombers taking off from the […]

DHS Snitch Video Is Throwback To East German Stasi

Fox Business August 19, 2011 Judge Andrew Napolitano and Jack Hunter comment on the recent Homeland Security videos for the “See Something, Say Something” snitch program. Print this page. Comment Rules One Response to “DHS Snitch Video Is Throwback To East German Stasi” There is no confusion here. Napolatano knows she and DHS are crushing […]

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