Posts Tagged ‘silicon’

Haley’s Top Backers Include Democrat Donors, Silicon Valley Billionaires

Authored by Austin Alonzo via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is racking up endorsements from key conservative fundraisers ahead of the 2024 primaries. She already has solid backing from wealthy donors in Silicon Valley, including those who typically donate to the Democratic Party, as well as her network of political […]

Silicon based Photonics is NOT the Quantum Computer you are looking for.

I got an article from a friend today; “Microsoft enters $100M partnership with Canadian firm after quantum breakthrough. Photonics founder and chief quantum officer says the company can bring a quantum computer to market within the next five years.” But Xanadu is already here. Xanadu uses Photonics. Photons. Is Photonics a shell company offshoot from […]

WashPo: Netanyahu Flying to Silicon Valley to Meet With Elon Musk And Discuss ‘Anti-Semitism on X’

In the wake of the #BanTheADL movement catching fire on Twitter/X, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is reportedly planning to fly to Silicon Valley to personally meet with X owner Elon Musk and discuss “anti-Semitism” on his social media platform. From The Washington Post, “Musk expected to meet with Netanyahu as antisemitism controversy rages”: Israeli Prime […]

Was Silicon Valley Bank Attacked by Israel?

Why did Silicon Valley Bank collapse all of a sudden? Could it have anything to do with conflict in Israel over the Likud party’s power grab? Source

RIGGED: Silicon Valley Bank gave its employees bonuses just hours before it collapsed

(Natural News) Employees of Silicon Valley Bank were given their annual bonuses on Friday just hours ahead of the seizure of the bank by regulators. The payments were reportedly bonuses for work conducted last year and were already being processed in the days ahead of the collapse of the bank. In the past, the bank […]

Breitbart Business Digest: Silicon Valley Bank’s supersized depositors got bailed out

(Natural News) Silicon Valley Bet It Could Avoid the Costs of Managing Banking Risk. It Won That Bet. (Article by John Carney republished from Silicon Valley essentially put the cost of ordinary corporate treasury prudence onto the banking system and got rewarded for it when the government broke its own rules and agreed to back even […]

Prepare for governments to push CBDCs in the wake of the Silicon Valley Bank collapse

Prepare for governments to push CBDCs in the wake of the Silicon Valley Bank collapse Never let a good crisis go to waste. By Tom Parker   If you’re tired of censorship, cancel culture, and the erosion of privacy and civil liberties subscribe to Reclaim The Net.Over 100 of the world’s governments are planning to […]

Many pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies that used now-defunct Silicon Valley Bank are firing workers left and right

(Natural News) It might not seem like all that big of a deal to the average person for Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) to go under, but it actually is a really big deal. The 18th largest bank in the United States, SVB is best looked at as the next domino after FTX to fall – […]

Silicon Valley Bank collapse sends investors scrambling toward bonds, gold

(Natural News) The collapse of California-based Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) sent investors scrambling toward bonds and gold to keep their assets safe. SVB failed on March 10 after a bank run depleted its funds. The California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation subsequently seized the bank and put it under the receivership of the Federal […]

Israeli Firms Transfered $1 Billion from Silicon Valley Bank to Israel Right Before Fed Seizure

By If Americans Knew The Times of Israel reports that israeli firms were able to transfer $1 billion from Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) to Israeli accounts just before the bank was seized: “Israel’s two largest banks, Bank Leumi and Bank Hapoalim, set up a situation room that has been operating around the clock to help firms transfer their […]

Silicon Valley Bank Crisis: The Liquidity Crunch We Predicted Has Now Begun

By Brandon Smith There has been an avalanche of information and numerous theories circulating the past few days about the fate of a bank in California know as SVB (Silicon Valley Bank). SVB was the 16th largest bank in the US until it abruptly failed and went into insolvency on March 10th. The impetus for the […]

VOCI – Silicon Valley Bank Collapse

EURO FOLK RADIO VOCI – Silicon Valley Bank Collapse Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Share this: Source

LEHMAN 2.0: Silicon Valley Bank Collapse and Closure Foreshadows……

Dotcom Bubble Burst 2.0 + Silicon Valley BankCollapse = 2023 Market Crash & Second Great Depression Submitted by The Global Gambling Casino AnalystSOTN Exclusive “Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was a commercial bank headquartered in Santa Clara, California. SVB was on the list of largest banks in the United States and was the biggest bank in Silicon Valley based on local deposits, with a […]

Khazarian Agent Jim Cramer Urged Investors to Buy Silicon Valley Bank Stock One Month Before Regulators Shut it Down (VIDEO)

Jim Cramer Urged Investors to Buy Silicon Valley Bank Stock One Month Before Regulators Shut it Down (VIDEO) Source

Silicon Surface Boosts the Output of Autonomous Power Sources

Research from Australia’s Curtin University has discovered an effective way to enhance the output of autonomous power sources commonly used to power essential mining equipment in underground or remote locations with no power points and where batteries are not practical. Published in the journal “Nano Energy”, the research found that using silicon on the surfaces […]

Silicon Surface Boosts the Output of Autonomous Power Sources

Research from Australia’s Curtin University has discovered an effective way to enhance the output of autonomous power sources commonly used to power essential mining equipment in underground or remote locations with no power points and where batteries are not practical. Published in the journal “Nano Energy”, the research found that using silicon on the surfaces […]

Silicon Valley Corporations Are Taking Control Of History

Twitter has imposed a weeklong suspension on the account of writer and political activist Danny Haiphong for a thread he made on the platform disputing the mainstream Tiananmen Square massacre narrative.

The Greek Hub of Silicon Valley Takes Shape

The Googleplex in Mountain View. Credit: Austin McKinley , CC BY 3.0/Wikipedia Commons Covid-19 has delayed discussions with representatives from the Silicon Valley Greek Hub (SVGH) and the Greek government to acquire an organized and institutional presence in the San Francisco area. Scheduled to speak at his alma mater, the University of San Francisco (USF) […]

Pope Demands Silicon Valley “In the Name of God” Censor “Hate Speech,” “Conspiracy Theories”

Pope Francis invoked God in an effort to pressure Silicon Valley giants into censoring more content, including “hate speech” and “conspiracy theories.” Yes, really. The Pope made the remarks during a World Meeting of Popular Movements, a shadowy organization created to promote “social justice” and fight racism with the help of religious leaders. “In the […]

Silicon Valley’s Billionaires Seek to Hack Aging Process by Reprogramming Human Cells

(MIT Technology Review) — Last October, a large group of scientists made their way to Yuri Milner’s super-mansion in the Los Altos Hills above Palo Alto. They were tested for covid-19 and wore masks as they assembled in a theater on the property for a two-day scientific conference. Others joined by teleconference. The topic: how […]

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