Posts Tagged ‘biotechnology’

Can Biotechnology Control Human Behavior?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Every so often you find a study that breaks new ground and advances human understanding. The journal Transplantology has published a paper entitled “Personality Changes Associated with Organ Transplants,” which documents the experiences of individuals who received a range of donated organs including hearts, kidneys, liver, and lungs. It is […]

Biotechnology should be high on the agenda at the Munich Security Conference

Biotechnology’s applications have the potential to alter geopolitical dynamics significantly. China has understood this reality for some time. Source

Isfahan to host intl. WANA congress on biotechnology

TEHRAN – The Second West Asia and North Africa (WANA) Congress aiming to address the main challenges in the field of biotechnology will be held on May 10-11 in the city of Isfahan. Source

Many pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies that used now-defunct Silicon Valley Bank are firing workers left and right

(Natural News) It might not seem like all that big of a deal to the average person for Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) to go under, but it actually is a really big deal. The 18th largest bank in the United States, SVB is best looked at as the next domino after FTX to fall – […]

Biotechnology saves $1.8b in healthcare sector

TEHRAN – The secretary general of the Biotechnology Development Headquarters has said about $1.8 billion have been saved as a result of biotechnological activities in the field of medicine. Source

Puma Biotechnology data leak reveals link to Pfizer

MANY pharmaceutical corporations are deceitful during the best of times let alone during an alleged global crisis. News media companies, some of which are called ‘entertainment’ (e.g. Nine Entertainment in Australia) can also be quite deceitful via omission of ‘facts’ or information to the public. In a court ruling in the United States in November […]

Iranian universities among world’s top in biotechnology

Iranian universities among world’s top in biotechnology – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – A total of 7 Iranian universities have been listed among the world’s top in biotechnology subject, according to the Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS). Tabriz University of Medical Science, Islamic Azad University, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, University of Tehran, Isfahan University […]

Modern Biotechnology Provides Limitless Ways To Kill Billions Of People, Without Them Even Knowing They’d Been Targeted!

With federal authorities urging an immediate pause to the Johnson and Johnson single dose vaccine after several people were reported to become ill within weeks after getting the vaccine with what is being called ‘a rare blood clotting disorder’, we have to take a look back at an interview we posted in this April 11th ANP story titled “‘Eugenicists […]

Caught On Tape: Raw Footage Shows The Moment A Missile Hits Aleppo Hospital

Sadly, a typical consequence of war is that innocent “collateral damage” lives are lost. The civil war in Syria is no different, as over the past week four medical facilities were hit with missiles from fighter jets taking out their targets from the skies, pushing the civilian death toll even higher. One […]

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