Posts Tagged ‘Security’

Whistleblowers: Majority of Trump security detail weren’t bona fide Secret Service agents

(NaturalNews) Majority of the members of former President Donald Trump’s security detail on July 13 were not bona fide members of the Secret Service, according to… Source

Australian Government’s website security appalling

The buffoons in government are sleeping on the job, siphoning taxpayer dollars to keep their extended lunches afloat or just have ‘outsourced’ low quality I.T. workforce. When visiting websites, a quintessential part of internet security is a protocol called https, where data travels encrypted as opposed to non encrypted via http. HTTPS is not new, […]

Former Trump adviser praises previous female lead of his security detail

Former Trump adviser praises previous female lead of his security detail lead image Source

Former Biden Homeland Security Official Criticizes Free Speech, Cites “Disinformation” Impact on Election Security

A former Biden administration official has declared that disinformation around elections is “becoming the norm rather than the exception.” Samantha Vinograd, until recently of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), also asserted that these days, because of what she considers to be election disinformation, “there is an unprecedented level of physical threats” while the US […]

16 Democrats join GOP to pass controversial Israel Security Assistance Support Act

In a surprising bipartisan move, 16 Democrats break ranks to support a GOP-led bill compelling U.S. military aid to Israel, despite President Biden’s veto threat and significant human rights concerns. Source

China Says US Is ‘The Biggest Threat To Space Security’

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has claimed that the US poses the greatest threat to security in space and accused them of being the main instigator of space militarization. “The United States is a powerful driving […] The post China Says US Is ‘The Biggest Threat To Space Security’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Passing the national security supplemental is about preventing war with China 

This national security supplemental is not just about Ukraine, Taiwan or any one democracy. It’s about deterring future conflict.   Source

US National Security Advisor Worried about Russian NUCLEAR FIRST-STRIKE Upon USA


Security Council ceasefire resolution brings ‘little hope’ to Gaza as Israeli genocide rages on

It has been nearly a week since the UN Security Council’s ceasefire resolution, but little has changed in Gaza. When the resolution first passed with a U.S. abstention, it was met with Israeli protests and gave rise to the perception that, this time, Israel would be beholden to the UN. That turned out to be […]

U.N. Security Council passes ceasefire resolution, U.S. abstains

On Monday, the United Nations Security Council called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The United States abstained from the vote, marking the first time the country has not vetoed such a measure. The other 14 council members voted in favor of the resolution. Last week, Russia and China vetoed a U.S. proposal that called […]

UN Security Council finally calls for ceasefire

UN Security Council finally calls for ceasefire BNC Statement The UNSC today finally “demanded” an “immediate” and “lasting” ceasefire, obligating Israel to stop its genocide. March 25, 2024 By:  Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) Source

Draft Resolution Hoax Backfires in US Security Council Debacle

MARCH 23, 2024 Source Mike Whitney After six months of blocking ceasefire resolutions at the United Nations, the US delegation submitted its own draft resolution on Friday ostensibly aimed at stopping the hostilities so humanitarian aid can reach the starving people of Gaza. Unfortunately, the American team linked the proposed ceasefire to the release of hostages and […]

GOP faces internal battle over raising age for Social Security

Republicans are battling among themselves over whether to push reforms to reduce Social Security spending, with some conservatives rallying around the idea of raising the retirement age. Republicans pushing reforms to Social Security argue that raising the retirement age would not cut benefits and would be phased in slowly so as not to affect people… […]

GOP’s ‘fiscal sanity’ plan under fire for targeting Social Security and Medicare amidst 2024 electoral battle

This 180-page document proposes significant reforms to these cornerstone programs, stirring a debate that resonates deeply with American seniors and their advocates. Source

Congressional leaders strike deal on Homeland Security funding ahead of shutdown deadline

Congressional leaders have struck a deal to fund the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through the remainder of fiscal year 2024, a source familiar with the matter confirmed to The Hill, closing out the six bills due by Friday’s shutdown deadline. Negotiators are still working out the details and legislative text of the DHS agreement,… […]

Android 14 introduces first-of-its-kind cellular connectivity security features

Android is the first mobile operating system to introduce advanced cellular security mitigations for both consumers and enterprises. Android 14 introduces support for IT administrators to disable 2G support in their managed device fleet. Android 14 also introduces a feature that disables support for null-ciphered cellular connectivity. Hardening network security on Android The Android Security […]

Sweden joins NATO as war in Ukraine prompts security rethink

Sweden joined NATO in Washington on Thursday, two years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine forced it to rethink its national security policy and conclude that support for the alliance was the Scandinavian nation’s best guarantee of safety. Source

VOTER FRAUD PREVENTION: Why aren’t there watermarks, security threads and serial numbers on voting ballots, just like on cash money?

(NaturalNews) Did you know that ballot paper is blank paper in rolls or sheets that contains nothing to protect it from counterfeit or fraud, not even a certain… Source

CDC Tells People 65 And Older Who Get Social Security to Take More Killer Jabs-SS is Insolvent & Outflow Must Be Cut

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that adults aged 65 and above get an additional dose of the updated 2023–2024 COVID-19 vaccine following a heated debate by an advisory panel on the issue. The vaccination was recommended by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) panel. “The recommendation acknowledges […]

CDC Tells People 65 And Older Who Get Social Security to Take More Killer Jabs-SS is Insolvent & Outflow Must Be Cut

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that adults aged 65 and above get an additional dose of the updated 2023–2024 COVID-19 vaccine following a heated debate by an advisory panel on the issue. The vaccination was recommended by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) panel. “The recommendation acknowledges […]

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