Posts Tagged ‘backfires’

Draft Resolution Hoax Backfires in US Security Council Debacle

MARCH 23, 2024 Source Mike Whitney After six months of blocking ceasefire resolutions at the United Nations, the US delegation submitted its own draft resolution on Friday ostensibly aimed at stopping the hostilities so humanitarian aid can reach the starving people of Gaza. Unfortunately, the American team linked the proposed ceasefire to the release of hostages and […]

U.S. backed COUP in Pakistan backfires, Imran Khan freed by Supreme Court

These were the words of Ukraine’s Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov, who posted a glossy video showcasing Ukraine’s sci-fi-esque future to Twitter. The video boasts of Ukraine’s plans (after its victory over Russia, of course!) to become the “freest and most convenient country in the next 10 years.”  Source

Facebook Fires Thousands of Woke Employees As Mass Censorship Campaign Backfires

Facebook (Meta) has announced large-scale layoffs this week of thousands of ‘woke’ employees amid a severe drop in revenue. Meta currently has over 87,000 employees. According to the WSJ: Inc. META 2.11%increase; green up pointing triangle is planning to begin large-scale layoffs this week, according to people familiar with the matter, in what could be […]

Scandal-stricken Dbeibeh’s ‘marriage gifts’ policy backfires 

The handouts are not meant as loans to be paid back, but simply free money given to people to help them get married. Governments, around the world, help people get married, but only under certain conditions like, for example, to deal with population decline. Such decisions are made after serious consideration and debates among experts. […]

Twitter’s new censorship policy backfires

    A new policy on personal information has apparently backfired, with the platform claiming it had resulted in a large number of “malicious” and “coordinated” reports against users, some of whom were suspended by “accident.” Twitter spokesman Trenton Kennedy said a new rule barring “the misuse of media” such as photos and videos “to […]

Trump trash-talk lying backfires, replaying his disgraces while confirming our need for truth

Image Credit: ROBERTO SCHMIDT/AFP via Getty Images The world’s worst liar dramatizes how reasoned sanity must offset his corrupt ‘truthiness’ Nothing like boorish, endless lying to reinforce the absolute need for truth and accuracy. Nothing like today’s predictable COVID surge to expose the irrational defiance of germ theory, allegedly taught in high school. After unconscionable […]

’Deadly Arrow’ Drill Backfires on “Israel”: Massive Fires in Al-Sheikh Mountain Reserve Halt Exercise

By Staff Days after the “Israeli” Occupation Forces [IOF] launched its military exercise simulating a multi-front war, especially on the northern front [Lebanon and Syria], it seems that the drill is now a case of the biter bit! The multi-day drill has been halted, as the unexpected had happened, especially since the location of the exercise […]

Listen: Israeli lawfare "backfires" in New Zealand

Nora Barrows-Friedman The Electronic Intifada Podcast 8 March 2018 On this episode of The Electronic Intifada Podcast: How Israel’s attempt to chill the boycott movement “has backfired” in New Zealand; Bay Area supporters of imprisoned Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi rally for her release. Oakland protesters demand Ahed Tamimi’s release More than 100 activists gathered on […]

Blind recruitment trial to boost women backfires

     A measure aimed at boosting female employment in the workforce may actually be making it worse, a major study has found. Leaders of the Australian public service will today be told to “hit pause” on blind recruitment trials, which many believed would increase the number of women in senior positions. Blind recruitment means recruiters […]

Ankara’s War Against Syrian – Kurdish YPG Backfires: PKK Declares War Against Turkey

nsnbc : Turkey, this week, escalated airstrikes as well as ground offensives against the Syrian – Kurdish YPG and the Turkish offensive continues and […]

Leaked Memo: Jordan’s King Reveals UK SAS Forces On The Ground In Syria, Israel Supports Nusra

Source By Brandon Turbeville According to a leaked memo obtained by the Guardian in late March, 2016 King Abdullah of Jordan apparently briefed US officials on the fact that Jordanian Special Forces would be deployed to Libya to work alongside the British SAS. In that same briefing, Abdullah also allegedly stated that British SAS had […]

Israel locks down West Bank, Gaza for Nakba Day

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli occupation army has announced plans to totally seal off West Bank, besieged Gaza Strip during 68th Nakba Day, which anniversary on May 15. According to an Israeli army statement, all checkpoints between the West Bank and Israel will be sealed off to West Bank residents expect for “humanitarian” cases. Israeli […]

Israel locks down West Bank, Gaza for Nakba Day

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli occupation army has announced plans to totally seal off West Bank, besieged Gaza Strip during 68th Nakba Day, which anniversary on May 15. According to an Israeli army statement, all checkpoints between the West Bank and Israel will be sealed off to West Bank residents expect for “humanitarian” cases. Israeli […]

Israel locks down West Bank, Gaza for Nakba Day

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli occupation army has announced plans to totally seal off West Bank, besieged Gaza Strip during 68th Nakba Day, which anniversary on May 15. According to an Israeli army statement, all checkpoints between the West Bank and Israel will be sealed off to West Bank residents expect for “humanitarian” cases. Israeli […]

Israel locks down West Bank, Gaza for Nakba Day

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli occupation army has announced plans to totally seal off West Bank, besieged Gaza Strip during 68th Nakba Day, which anniversary on May 15. According to an Israeli army statement, all checkpoints between the West Bank and Israel will be sealed off to West Bank residents expect for “humanitarian” cases. Israeli […]

Israel locks down West Bank, Gaza for Nakba Day

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli occupation army has announced plans to totally seal off West Bank, besieged Gaza Strip during 68th Nakba Day, which anniversary on May 15. According to an Israeli army statement, all checkpoints between the West Bank and Israel will be sealed off to West Bank residents expect for “humanitarian” cases. Israeli […]

Israel locks down West Bank, Gaza for Nakba Day

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli occupation army has announced plans to totally seal off West Bank, besieged Gaza Strip during 68th Nakba Day, which anniversary on May 15. According to an Israeli army statement, all checkpoints between the West Bank and Israel will be sealed off to West Bank residents expect for “humanitarian” cases. Israeli […]

Magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes northwest of Vanuatu

     An earthquake of magnitude 6.9 has struck near the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu, the US Geological Survey (USGS) says. The earthquake struck 109km west-south-west of Sola, Vanuatu, at 6.58pm (NZT) at a depth of 33.7 km, the USGS said. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre did not issue a Pacific-wide tsunami warning. “Based on […]

Syrian Ceasefire: Why situation may ‘Spin Out of Control’

Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmed Davutoglu has called for the US to give his country unconditional support in the fight against Syrian Kurdish militants. Speaking at a press conference held on Saturday, Davutoglu said that the Syrian Kurdish YPG was involved in the recent bombing in Ankara, and Washington, as the country’s ally, should back Turkey […]

URGENT ALERT — ‘Disaster is Imminent’… Constitutional Attorney: "States Have The Legal Authority To Defend Border Under Constitution"

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