Posts Tagged ‘Netanyahu’

‘I Am a Human Being’: A visit with Dareen Tatour

The 33-year old Palestinian poet and photographer Dareen Tatour is currently on trial in Israel for incitement of terror and faces a possible four years in prison. She is one of hundreds of Palestinians who have been targeted for their posts on social media. She was arrested and detained last October and has been confined […]

Israeli rabbi who advocated rape of ‘comely gentile women’ during war becomes chief army rabbi

Just on my way to my flight from Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport, I noticed this cover headline in the Yediot Aharonot newspaper front page: “New IDF Chief Rabbi: It is permissible to rape during war”. Under that: “Major Col. Eyal Qarim has declared in the past “draft of girls is totally forbidden” – and claimed […]

Iraqi political party leader Ammar al-Hakim visits Qom

Holy Qom, July 10, IRNA – Head of Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim visited Qom city on Sunday afternoon. He conferred with representative of Iraqi religious leader grand Ayatollah Sistani in Qom. Hakim reviewed the Iraqi developments with Hojjatoleslam Seyed Javad Shahrestani. He is due to confer with religious leaders including Ayatollah Noori […]

Opioid crisis: How did we get here?

President Obama spoke in Atlanta at a summit on how to curb the opioid epidemic. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque How can it be that nearly half a million people in the U.S. are addicted to heroin and another two million have substance use disorders related to prescription drug abuse? In 2014, opioid overdose killed more than 28,000 […]

EU Commission Seeks to Push Through Free Trade Agreement with Canada (CETA) without Parliamentary Approval

Israeli Author to Le Monde: ‘We Live Under an Apartheid Regime’

“We live under an apartheid regime,” read the headline in Le Monde’s interview with Israeli author Ronit Matalon. The article, which was published on Sunday, drew public attention, with more than 1,500 readers sharing it on Facebook. The interview was held ahead of the publication of Matalon’s book, “The One Facing Us,” […]

Supreme Court Knocks A Little More Off The 4th Amendment; Gives Cops Another Way To Salvage Illegal Searches

The Supreme Court hasn’t necessarily been kind to the Fourth Amendment in recent years. While it did deliver the Riley decision, which instituted a warrant requirement for searches of cellphones, it has generally continued to expand the ability of police to stop and search anyone for almost any reason. Its Heien decision […]

American basketball coach devotes his time to disabled in Gaza

The disabled of Gaza have warmly welcomed the long-awaited visit of American basketball coach Jess Markt. Markt, a 40-year-old disabled basketball trainer, is visiting Gaza for the second year in a row to train wheelchair basketball teams in the besieged coastal enclave. It is hoped that his visit will help establish teams for the paralyzed […]

Fallujah full liberation

     Iraq’s Police Chief on Friday declared full liberation of Fallujah after the two-year-long ISIL control over the strategic city. Commander of Iraq’s Federal Police Major General Raed Shaker Judat appeared on the country’s national TV in an interview carried out at the center of Falluja minutes ago, declaring that the city has been completely […]

En route to Jerusalem for Ramadan, Palestinians feel West Bank closure

Many were prevented from entering Jerusalem after Israel ordered a general closure of the West Bank and Gaza from Friday through Sunday, following a security cabinet meeting convened by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu imposed measures in the wake of the killing of four Israelis in an attack in Tel Aviv earlier this week. The hometown of the two […]

Fukushima medical survey confirms 14 new child thyroid cancer cases

After the latest review of the ongoing second round of medical checkups conducted on almost 300,000 children who were aged 18 or younger at the time of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in March 2011, the prefecture-run program announced that a total 131 people have now been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Fukushima medical […]

Over five million foreign tourists visit Iran

Khorramabad, May 30, IRNA – Deputy of Iran Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO) Morteza Rahmani Movahed said on Monday that some 5,200,000 foreign tourists visited Iranian tourist attractions last year. Every foreign tourist spends about dlrs 1,700 during stay in Iran bringing total revenue of dlrs 8–9 billion a year, he said. Iran […]

Over five million foreign tourists visit Iran

Khorramabad, May 30, IRNA – Deputy of Iran Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO) Morteza Rahmani Movahed said on Monday that some 5,200,000 foreign tourists visited Iranian tourist attractions last year. Every foreign tourist spends about dlrs 1,700 during stay in Iran bringing total revenue of dlrs 8–9 billion a year, he said. Iran […]

Austria presidential race: Nationalists give voters feeling of ‘We have solution to your problem’

The results of the presidential election have paved the way for some “serious findings,” Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern said on Tuesday. The Green Party’s Alexander Van der Bellen won Austria’s presidential election on Sunday, beating Hofer in a neck-and-neck race. A mere 0.6 percent of the mail-in ballot made the difference, with the Interior Ministry’s […]

FDA: Tell Fluoride Supplement Manufacturers & Pharmacies to Stop Selling Unapproved Drugs

Fluoride supplements are sodium fluoride containing drops, tablets, and lozenges that are sold for the purpose of preventing tooth decay. FDA’s Warning Letter makes clear that marketing fluoride supplements as cavity preventatives violates federal law because the FDA has never approved fluoride supplements as safe and effective for this purpose. The FDA’s Warning […]

FDA: Tell Fluoride Supplement Manufacturers & Pharmacies to Stop Selling Unapproved Drugs

Fluoride supplements are sodium fluoride containing drops, tablets, and lozenges that are sold for the purpose of preventing tooth decay. FDA’s Warning Letter makes clear that marketing fluoride supplements as cavity preventatives violates federal law because the FDA has never approved fluoride supplements as safe and effective for this purpose. The FDA’s Warning […]

FDA: Tell Fluoride Supplement Manufacturers & Pharmacies to Stop Selling Unapproved Drugs

Fluoride supplements are sodium fluoride containing drops, tablets, and lozenges that are sold for the purpose of preventing tooth decay. FDA’s Warning Letter makes clear that marketing fluoride supplements as cavity preventatives violates federal law because the FDA has never approved fluoride supplements as safe and effective for this purpose. The FDA’s Warning […]

FDA: Tell Fluoride Supplement Manufacturers & Pharmacies to Stop Selling Unapproved Drugs

Fluoride supplements are sodium fluoride containing drops, tablets, and lozenges that are sold for the purpose of preventing tooth decay. FDA’s Warning Letter makes clear that marketing fluoride supplements as cavity preventatives violates federal law because the FDA has never approved fluoride supplements as safe and effective for this purpose. The FDA’s Warning […]

FDA: Tell Fluoride Supplement Manufacturers & Pharmacies to Stop Selling Unapproved Drugs

Fluoride supplements are sodium fluoride containing drops, tablets, and lozenges that are sold for the purpose of preventing tooth decay. FDA’s Warning Letter makes clear that marketing fluoride supplements as cavity preventatives violates federal law because the FDA has never approved fluoride supplements as safe and effective for this purpose. The FDA’s Warning […]

FDA: Tell Fluoride Supplement Manufacturers & Pharmacies to Stop Selling Unapproved Drugs

Fluoride supplements are sodium fluoride containing drops, tablets, and lozenges that are sold for the purpose of preventing tooth decay. FDA’s Warning Letter makes clear that marketing fluoride supplements as cavity preventatives violates federal law because the FDA has never approved fluoride supplements as safe and effective for this purpose. The FDA’s Warning […]

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