Posts Tagged ‘job’

CIA Rebels Behead Kid And Other U.S. Successes in Syria

Moslem males should be banned from America, because they fantasize about molesting and gang-raping White women the JEWS have given them access to

The two have been accused of using their Uber driver jobs to prey upon gullible White Christian American college students. Ibrahim faces one count of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct in connection with a Feb. 14 incident, according to East Lansing police. He turned himself in March 11 after a warrant had been issued for his […]

United Nations To Impose Martial Law In US

The United Nations have been authorized to deploy foreign troops to American soil under the banner of the U.N. flag to install martial law in the United States.  The U.N. are here to take away citizen’s guns and send user dissidents into FEMA camps. reports: The following is from the Associated Press  It validates […]

South China Sea dispute: Hague Tribunal rules in favor of Philippines, China to ignore decision

     China has caused irreparable harm to the ecosystem of the Spratly Islands and breached the Philippines’ sovereign rights, the Hague Tribunal has ruled. Beijing has ignored the ruling, saying its islands come with exclusive economic zones, where Chinese people have had activities for 2,000 years. The court said in the 497-page ruling that “There […]

Pentagon’s ‘zombie pandemic training’ teaches military nurses how to quarantine civilians, administer vaccines on massive scale

(NaturalNews) You never know when the zombie apocalypse might strike, so it’s a good thing that the Pentagon is training military nurses how to respond in such a situation. At the Uniformed Services University of the Healthcare Sciences, military nursing students are required to take a population health course to earn a family […]

The True Nature Of What We Perceive As Reality & How It Can Transform Or World

Collective Evolution’s Arjun Walia spoke to Pradeep B. Deshpande, Professor Emeritus and former Chair of Chemical Engineering at the University of Louisville, Visiting Professor of Management, Gatton College of Business & Economics, University of Kentucky, and President and CEO, Six Sigma and Advanced Controls, Inc. For the benefit of our readers, how is the ultimate […]

Physicists Successfully Perform Time Travel Experiment

Scientists have conducted the world’s first successful time travel experiment, proving once and for all that time travel is possible. Physicists at the University of Queensland, Australia, have shown that single particles of light (photons) can pass through a wormhole and interact with its older self. reports: The study of closed timelike curves (CTC’s) provides […]

Ashrawi Denounces Plans to Expand West Bank Settlements

IMEMC : PLO Executive Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, Tuesday, strongly denounced Israel’s plan to expand three illegal Israeli settlements around the Jerusalem area, by building hundreds of residential units to accommodate more Israeli settlers. She said, in a press release, “We strongly denounce plans by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman to build […]

Leaked Emails Reveal NATO Plot To Force US-Russia War

Hacked emails reveal that NATO plotted to force President Obama to go to war with Russia by any means necessary.  Emailed leaked by website DC Leaks show that the former supreme commander of NATO forces in Europe, General Philip Breedlove, planned to reverse Obama’s reluctance to wage war with Russia in order to spark World War […]

Israeli Author to Le Monde: ‘We Live Under an Apartheid Regime’

“We live under an apartheid regime,” read the headline in Le Monde’s interview with Israeli author Ronit Matalon. The article, which was published on Sunday, drew public attention, with more than 1,500 readers sharing it on Facebook. The interview was held ahead of the publication of Matalon’s book, “The One Facing Us,” […]

TEPCO admits cover-up of Fukushima meltdown

The information was revealed by Tokyo Electric Power Co. President Naomi Hirose, who released an apology. He confirmed that TEPCO ordered not to use the word “meltdown” when referring to what happened at the crippled plant. “I would say it was a cover-up,” Hirose told a news conference. “It’s extremely regrettable.” Nuclear power plant stays […]

5 More Reasons to Question the Official Story of the Orlando Shooting

As more and more evidence emerges regarding the mass shooting in an Orlando gay club that resulted in the death of at least 52 people and many more injured, signs are increasingly pointing toward the possibility of a false flag operation. by Brandon Turbeville Already, a number of points lend credence to those who might […]

Arizona mom kills and dismembers her 3 children, then stabs herself

     The Phoenix mother had been transported to the hospital covered in blood with stab wounds to her neck and abdomen when police officers searching her house opened a closet to a grim discovery. Inside officers found the partially dismembered bodies of her three young sons. Police discovered the dead boys – who were identified […]

Sayyed Nasrallah: Response to Any ’Israeli’ Attack outside Shebba Farms

Zeinab Essa Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered a speech in which he threatened the apartheid “Israeli” entity that any aggression against any Resistance fighter will make Hizbullah respond outside Shebaa farms. Addressing a large crowd of people at the ceremony held in honor of the Resistance Leader Great Martyr Sayyed Mustafa […]

Norway keen to invest in Iran

TEHRAN, May 17 (Shana) — Norwegian Ambassador to Tehran Aud Lise Norheim said private and state-run companies in his country are willing to invest in different economic sectors of Iran. In a meeting with Mohammad Khazaei, director general of the Organization for Investment, Economic and Technical Assistance of Iran, in his Tehran office on Tuesday, […]

Human And Rat DNA Found in Burgers, According to Lab Report‏

Some burgers that you’ve eaten might not be what you think they are. Americans eat nearly 50 billion hamburgers a year, but a recent report by a food research company has some burger lovers cringing. In both meat and vegetarian patties, Clear Labs found some additional ingredients that may turn the stomachs of the hardiest eaters, according to “The […]

Human And Rat DNA Found in Burgers, According to Lab Report‏

Some burgers that you’ve eaten might not be what you think they are. Americans eat nearly 50 billion hamburgers a year, but a recent report by a food research company has some burger lovers cringing. In both meat and vegetarian patties, Clear Labs found some additional ingredients that may turn the stomachs of the hardiest eaters, according to “The […]

Human And Rat DNA Found in Burgers, According to Lab Report‏

Some burgers that you’ve eaten might not be what you think they are. Americans eat nearly 50 billion hamburgers a year, but a recent report by a food research company has some burger lovers cringing. In both meat and vegetarian patties, Clear Labs found some additional ingredients that may turn the stomachs of the hardiest eaters, according to “The […]

Killer of Palestinian teen gets life, but parents fear he’ll go free

Charlotte Silver Rights and Accountability 3 May 2016 Relatives hold pictures of Palestinian teenager Muhammad Abu Khudair, outside an Israeli court in Jerusalem on 3 May. The ringleader in the boy’s July 2014 murder was sentenced to life in prison plus 20 years. Abir Sultan EPA Nearly two years after 16-year-old Muhammad Abu Khudair was […]

Duggar cult founder plans Kansas ‘retreat’ to set up arranged marriages for teen girls

     Wanna hear a true American horror story? A group of ultra-conservative Christian men are planning to meet up in Kansas later this year to arrange marriages for their pubescent daughters … and they don’t believe their daughters’ consent is actually necessary. Quiverfull patriarch, Vaughn Ohlman, who runs a website promoting early, “fruitful” marriage for […]

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