Posts Tagged ‘nurse’

WITNESS TESTIMONY OF GENOCIDE IN GAZA: American nurse who got out of Gaza describes desperation she saw — video


Hydrogel-Like Substance Found in Vaccine-Injured Nurse’s Blood

Originally Published on Vigilant News The life of Lyndsey, a registered nurse with over a decade’s worth of ER, ICU, and oncology nursing experience, took a drastic turn following her third COVID shot, her Pfizer booster injection, on September 1, 2022. Like many nurses, Lyndsey was mandated to stay “up-to-date” with her COVID shots to […]


Jury Finds British Neonatal Nurse Guilty Of Killing 7 Babies

A jury of seven women and four men deliberated for 22 days before reaching the verdict. Source

Pregnant Ontario Nurse Choses Getting Fired By Commies Rather Than Murdering Her Unborn Child and Committing Assisted Suicide Herself With Killer Jab For Non Existent “Virus”

When the hell are you sheep going to Convene Nuremberg Common Law Courts give all the Mass Murdering Killer Jabbers fair trials followed by fair hangings? They are few, you are many. The problem with sheep is they always want someone else to do it for them. Yeshua, called Jesus in the West, told the […]

VIDEO – Nurse Adopts Teen Mom with Triplets Who Was Parenting Alone: ‘She Amazes Me Every Day’

When Indiana neonatal nurse Katrina Mullen first saw a 14-year-old mom of premature triplets it appeared she was alone in the world. However, their lives were about to change in the best way possible. Source

Christian nurse in Britain suspended from course after saying ‘being white doesn’t make you racist’

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Last week, a Christian nurse from a NHS hospital in the United Kingdom made headlines when she shared her experience of being bullied by ‘woke’ superiors for stating that being white does not make a person racist. The nurse reported that she was filled with “crippling anxiety” after weeks of being undermined […]

Nurse Suspended From NHS Course For Saying ‘Being White Doesn’t Make You Racist”

A Christian nurse has said that she was left with ‘crippling anxiety’ after being ‘bullied’ by woke NHS chiefs for saying that being white doesn’t make you racist. Amy Gallagher, a mental health nurse from […] The post Nurse Suspended From NHS Course For Saying ‘Being White Doesn’t Make You Racist” appeared first on News […]

Nurse Testifies: “Preborn Baby Deaths Have SOARED Since Mandatory COVID Jabs”

A nurse whistleblower has testified that millions of fetal deaths have been recorded in America since the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines for pregnant mothers. According to Michelle Gershman, a registered nurse who spoke with Dr. James Thorp and members of the organization Children’s Health Defense, pregnant women forced into accepting the “experimental gene therapy” program […]

Hero Nurse who Swapped out 8,600 Clot Shots with Saltwater Walks Free from Court in Germany

I am happy this courageous woman will not be doing any jail time, although it is unfortunate that she lost her license. Source

NICU Nurse Whistleblower Shares Damning COVID Vax Harms Being Caused to Mothers and Babies

 November 25, 2022 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next step december 4th. One step at a time, hand in […]

California nurse fired for declining COVID shot testifies against San Diego County’s vax mandate

(Natural News) A health worker terminated for refusing the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) shot gave a strong testimony against the vaccine mandate currently in place in California’s San Diego County. Former nurse Tawny Buettner testified before local administrators during the Sept. 13 meeting of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. Her testimony focused on Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, […]

California nurse fired for declining COVID shot testifies against San Diego County’s vax mandate

(Natural News) A health worker terminated for refusing the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) shot gave a strong testimony against the vaccine mandate currently in place in California’s San Diego County. Former nurse Tawny Buettner testified before local administrators during the Sept. 13 meeting of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. Her testimony focused on Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, […]

California nurse fired for declining COVID shot testifies against San Diego County’s vax mandate

(Natural News) A health worker terminated for refusing the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) shot gave a strong testimony against the vaccine mandate currently in place in California’s San Diego County. Former nurse Tawny Buettner testified before local administrators during the Sept. 13 meeting of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. Her testimony focused on Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, […]

California nurse fired for declining COVID shot testifies against San Diego County’s vax mandate

(Natural News) A health worker terminated for refusing the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) shot gave a strong testimony against the vaccine mandate currently in place in California’s San Diego County. Former nurse Tawny Buettner testified before local administrators during the Sept. 13 meeting of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. Her testimony focused on Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, […]

California nurse fired for declining COVID shot testifies against San Diego County’s vax mandate

(Natural News) A health worker terminated for refusing the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) shot gave a strong testimony against the vaccine mandate currently in place in California’s San Diego County. Former nurse Tawny Buettner testified before local administrators during the Sept. 13 meeting of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. Her testimony focused on Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, […]

President Biden Sad To Hear That Nice Blonde Nurse Who Always Follows Him Around Has COVID

WASHINGTON, D.C. — White House sources say President Biden expressed sadness upon hearing that the nice blonde nurse who always follows him around every day has come down with COVID. Source

YIKES! Anti-vax nurse injects 8,600 with saline instead of COVID vaccine

Anti-vax nurse injects 8,600 with saline instead of COVID vaccine: police By Ben Cost August 11, 2021 | 10:52am | Updated Anti-vax nurse injects 8,600 with saline instead of COVID vaccine: po She gave them a false sense of immunity. A German nurse is being investigated for allegedly injecting thousands of people with a placebo […]

Vaccine Carnage In The ER – a nurse speaks out

Vaccine Carnage In The ER – Australian Nurse speaks out This is how safe the vaccine is, the government (jews) will  pay for your funeral.

Tennessee Nurse Sentenced 3 Years Probation for Fatal Medication Error

A Tennessee judge sentenced former nurse RaDonda Vaught to three years probation after she was convicted in March of a medication error that killed a patient.

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