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Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. – John 8.44

“I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.” Rev 3.9

“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Rev. 2.9

"But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come." Matthew 3:7

“For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God.” – Romans 2:28-29

"I and my Father are one,[31] Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. JOHN 10:30-31

For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea, for you suffered the same things from your own compatriots as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out; they displease God and oppose everyone by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. Thus they have constantly been filling up the measure of their sins; but God’s wrath has overtaken them at last. - Thessalonians 2:14-16

[8] And he said unto me, From Abraham unto Isaac, when Jacob and Esau were born of him, Jacob's hand held first the heel of Esau. [9] For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth. Jews are ESAU EDOM. - 2 Esdras 6:8-18

GOD cursed the Satanic Jews out of Jerusalem for life. Jesus arrived and focused on Jerusalem because it was the most unholy, evil, place on earth... still is today.

The Nomadic Turks (ashkeNAZIS) have been behind all the Evil in the world since Cain's children... using their News Networks to create the News, and set the stage, to blame their opponents, for everything evil they do, across the globe.

Jewish Communist Dictum:- "Accuse the enemy of those crimes you are guilty of"


The Elite Jews create the illness, then sell the Cure. They create Chaos & Terrorism, then sell the solution... for more control and power.

Islam and Christianity have become servants of the Jews. Acting as physical and spiritual cattle for the Jews to harvest in building their Global Satanic Kingdom.

If I converted to Buddhism, does that make me Chinese? If I converted to Hinduism, does that make me Indian? When Khazarians (Turks) converted to Judaism in 740 BC and stole the true Semite Israelite Aegean identity, did that make the counterfeit Jews Hebrew? Well, the Jew World Order seems to think so. They crucified Jesus Christ for exposing them.

The invention of the Muslim Terrorist by our Jewish Governments... to keep us in fear, and to justify raping the World, and slaughtering billions of innocent families in every country for power and control...for their 2 horned Gods.

Every Religion Church and Mosque has been infiltrated by the Jews. How do you know? ... if your Church has not discussed the below phrases by Christ... then it has been compromised.

Greek coins from around the world

Greek coins from around the world

Greek coins from around the world

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

Cave di Cusa was an ancient stone quarry in Sicily, that was the source of stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte.

This site was quarried beginning in the 6th century BC until it was abandoned in 409 BC when the city was captured by the Carthaginians.

Look at the precise laser cuts.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte


Geneticist Traces Mysterious Origins of Native Americans to Ancient Greece

Geneticist Traces Mysterious Origins of Native Americans to Ancient Greece

The idea that Native Americans are descended from ancient Jews, Egyptians, or Greeks has been a controversial one for hundreds of years. Here’s a look at accounts from the 18th century through to today that suggest this may be the case.
A Cherokee boy and girl stand in costume on a North Carolina reservation in 1939. (Wikimedia Commons, background image of DNA via Thinkstock)
Tara MacIsaac



The idea that Native Americans are descended from ancient Jews, Egyptians, or Greeks has been a controversial one for hundreds of years. James Adair, an 18th century settler who traded with Native Americans for 40 years, wrote that their language, customs, and social structures were similar to those of the Israelites.

He wrote in his book “The History of the American Indians”: “It is a very difficult thing to divest ourselves, not to say, other persons, of prejudices and favourite opinions, and I expect to be censured by some for opposing commonly received sentiments, or for meddling with a dispute agitated among the learned ever since the first discovery of America.”



In more recent years, similar observations by Dr. Donald Panther-Yates have even met with what Yates described as “hate mail” from indigenous studies professors.

It is commonly held that Native Americans descended from Mongolians. In 2013, a study published in the journal Nature acknowledged that some ancient European ancestry is possible. The DNA from a 24,000-year-old corpse in Siberia was analyzed. It showed no resemblance to Asian populations, only to European, yet it showed a clear connection to Native Americans. But the mainstream scientific community is far from embracing the theory that Native Americans descended from ancient Middle-Eastern or Greek peoples as Yates and some others have proposed.

Yates is of Cherokee descent, he has a Ph.D. in classical studies, and he founded the genetics research institution DNA Consultants. These three credentials have given him a unique perspective on Native American history as it relates to these ancient cultures, and how DNA testing can support the theoretical link.

Genetic Similarities

Native Americans are generally thought to fit into five genetic groups, known as haplotypes, each named by a letter of the alphabet: A,B,C,D, and X.

Yates demonstrated in a paper titled “Anomalous Mitochondrial DNA Lineages in the Cherokee,” what he calls the fallacy behind many genetic analyses: “[The geneticists say] ‘Lineage A, B, C, D, and X are American Indian. Therefore, all American Indians are lineage A, B, C, D, and X.’ The fallacy in such reasoning is apparent. It could be restated as: ‘All men are two-legged creatures; therefore since the skeleton we dug up has two legs, it is human.’ It might be a kangaroo.”

Any divergence from the expected haplotypes is usually attributed to an intermingling of races after European colonization, not to the genes that came with Native Americans from their origin.

After analyzing Cherokee DNA, Yates concluded, “No such mix could have resulted from post-1492 European gene flow into the Cherokee Nation.”

“So where do our non-European, non-Indian-appearing elements come from?” he asked. “The level of haplogroup T in the Cherokee (26.9 percent) approximates the percentage for Egypt (25 percent), one of the only lands where T attains a major position among the various mitochondrial lineages.”

Yates focused on haplotype X for “its relative absence in Mongolia and Siberia and a recently proven center of diffusion in Lebanon and Israel.”

In 2009, Liran I. Shlush at the Israel Institute of Technology published a paper in the journal PLOS ONE stating that the X haplotype spread through the world from the Hills of Galilee in northern Israel and Lebanon. Yates wrote: “The only other place on earth where X is found at an elevated level apart from other American Indian groups like the Ojibwe is among the Druze in the Hills of Galilee in northern Israel and Lebanon.”


Cultural, Linguistic Similarities

Though much of the Cherokee culture has been lost, noted Yates in his book “Cherokee Clans,” what can still be discovered about the legends hints at ancestors who came across the sea and whose language was similar to ancient Greek. Some linguistic parallels have also been drawn between the Native American languages and Egyptian and Hebrew.

The Cherokee’s white demigod Maui may have his roots in a Libyan leader of a fleet dispatched by the pharaoh Ptolemy III before 230 B.C., Yates explained. “Maui” is similar to the Egyptian words for “guide” or “navigator.” Maui was said to have brought all civilized arts and crafts. He gave the Cherokee their title for principal chief, Amatoyhi or Moytoy, said Yates, which translates as “mariner” or “admiral.”

He recounted a Cherokee Twister Clan legend that named Maui’s father as Tanoa. Yates said Tanoa may refer to a Greek. “Tanoa was the father of all fair-haired children and came from a land called Atia,” he wrote.

Atia may refer to Attica, a historical region encompassing the Greek capital, Athens. Atia was said to be a place “full of high alabaster temples,” one of which “was very spacious, and was built as a meeting-place for gods and men.” At this place, one found sporting competitions, games, feasts to the gods, meetings of great chiefs, and the origin of wars that caused people to spread over the Pacific.

“One could hardly invent a more fitting folk memory of Greek culture,” Yates wrote. “The Hawaiian word that epitomized this lost world is karioi, ‘leisure, ease,’ literally the same word in Greek for ‘amusements.’” Yates notes numerous other linguistic similarities.



“According to the Keetoowah Society elders, the Cherokee once spoke a non-Indian language akin to Hopi, but gave it up and adopted Mohawk to continue to live with the Iroquois. The ‘old tongue’ seems to have many elements of Greek, the language of Ptolemaic Egypt and ancient Judeans,” he said.

Adair noted linguistic similarities between Native American languages and Hebrew.

As in Hebrew, Native American nouns have neither cases nor declensions, wrote Adair. Another similarity is the lack of comparative or superlative degrees. “There is not, perhaps, any one language or speech, except the Hebrew and the Indian American, which has not a great many prepositions. The Indians, like the Hebrews, have none in separate and express words. They are forced to join certain characters to words, in order to supply that great deficit,” he wrote.


A Perspective From the Past

Adair offers a perspective on the culture Yates cannot. Adair interacted extensively with the Native Americans hundreds of years ago, while their traditions were still thriving. Of course, the extent to which he may have misunderstood that culture as an outsider must be taken into account.

“From the most exact observations I could make in the long time I traded among the Indian Americans, I was forced to believe them lineally descended from the Israelites, either while they were a maritime power, or soon after the general captivity, the latter however is the most probable,” Adair wrote.

They had a similar tribe organization, he said. Their manner of delimiting time was similar, as was their custom of having a most holy place, and their designation of prophets and high-priests.

He gave an example of a similar custom: “Correspondent to the Mosaic law of women’s purification after travel, the Indian women absent themselves from their husbands and all public company, for a considerable time.”


The Ancient Name for Scotland has a Greek Connection

Caledonia: The Ancient Name for Scotland has a Greek Connection


Hebrew is Greek

Caledon (ΚΑΛΥΔΩΝ in Greek) is the name of an ancient city-state in the region of Aetolia in Western Greece. The oldest reference to Caledon comes from Homer. Homer mentions Caledon as one of  the Aetolian cities that participated in the Trojan war. Homer also states that Caledon was protected by walls. The Trojan war probably took place during the Mycenaean period 1600 to 1100 BC.  Also excavations in Caledon  show that a city existed during the same period. Some researchers have reached the conclusion that the city was found in the 3rd millennium BC. From all the above, we can deduce that the Caledonian Greeks had a long history and had reached a level of technology that allowed them to  travel long distances.

According to Hughes (1) a wave of Greek migrations took place around 1250BC. One of these groups were the Caledonians  Greek migrated to other areas. Some Caledonians went to the British isles and became the British Caledonians while others moved to East Anatolia where they found the kingdom of Uratu and became known as the Chaldians. There is plenty of evidence (such as the Rillaton Cup) and accounts suggesting that ancient Greek tribes travelled to Britain.

Mainstream history supports that Caledon was just a name given to a large part of Scotland by the Romans. But where did the Romans get the name from? Romans used the Greek location names in most cases but naturally changed it into Latin. It is likely that the name Caledonia was used by the Romans because it was the name already established by the Greeks.

Ancient Greek Pyramid predates Egypt.

Ancient Greek Pyramid predates Egypt.

Greek connections of Norway

Greek connections of Norway

Publisert: juni 26, 2011 i Minoan History and culture

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Did Crete have prehistoric connections with Norway in the Bronze Age? 

A Minoan message on a granite slab in Norway.

 Johan Jarnaes, a citizen of the small Norwegian town of Kongsberg, is the one making this assertion. Kongsberg is situated 80 km to the west of the Norwegian capital of Oslo. Johan Jarnaes holds university degrees in history, archaeology and languages. On a late evening in autumn 1987 Johan was out for a walk in the outlying fields surrounding the small town of Kongsberg. Due to the low sunlight he discovered some strange, unknown, signs on a flat granite slab. The slab was part of a farmyard belonging to a friend of his. Johan had been on the spot many times, but neither he nor his friend, the owner, had seen these signs before. The signs were revealed only because Johan happened to pass there just at the moment the sun was setting, thus throwing a beam of light onto the slab.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

PICTURE 1. Johan Jarnæs and the author on the granite slab.

 After the slab had been cleaned, some engraved characters became visible.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

PICTURE 2 and 3. The 5 characters.

Jarnaes found the characters sensational since they reminded him at first sight of characters from the classical Greek alphabet. Furthermore he discovered 12 circular cup shaped marks with a diameter of 4 to 8 cm as well as a drawing that apparently was an illustration of a boat! There were also other engravings on the granite slab. The engraving techniques indicated that they had originated in various different eras. In addition to the previously mentioned characters, signs and drawings, Johan discovered an even more peculiar one which had no resemblance to any of the others. The lower part Johan later recognised as a “bag for water or wine”. The strangest was, however, that on the outside of the “bag” a horizontal parallel wavelike drawing was visible. Jarnaes came to the conclusion that the wavelike drawing was apparently meant to describe water! On the top of the bag there was an even stranger sign that reminded him of the letter V in the Latin alphabet. The most mysterious in this whole figure was that the three parallel wavelike lines were identical with the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic sign for water!

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

 PICTURE 5,”The Wine Bag”

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

Picture 7. The boat. 

The boat was, for Jarnaes, a familiar drawing on many granite slabs in south-western Norway as well as in the Swedish county of “Bohuslan”. The carving technique was very similar to the above mentioned engravings from Kongsberg. Consequently Jarnaes could determine the time period to be the bronze age,  1500 – 2000 BC.

The enigma.

 Jarnaes was most surprised. What could these inscriptions possibly mean? They reminded him of characters in the ancient Greek alphabet, but there were also clear indications that the characters were almost a 1000 years older. The origin of the Greek alphabet can be determined with great accuracy to 750 BC.

 What happened at Kongsberg before 1623?

 The town was founded in 1623 because a shepherd found a large lump of silver. The silver mining led to the rapid growth of Kongsberg which soon became a town of 10,000 inhabitants. By 1958 the silver load had been exhausted and mining was discontinued. In accordance with “the official opinion”, the town of Kongsberg had had no history before 1623. This opinion was, however, not shared by Jarnaes and hisfriends in the “Kongsberg Archaeological Society”. For more than 30 years the society has carried out its own research in order to establish the fact that the town did have a history before 1623. Amongst Jarnaes’ friends were experts in many fields, such as languages, history, archaeology, geology, and astronomy. Jarnaes has summarised the results of this research in a book.

 “Before Kongsberg was founded”

 This book is very interesting to read. A lot of findings were made, not only from the Bronze Age, but also from earlier periods. The most sensational were the numerous discoveries that showed clear indications of prehistoric mining! It is likely that the silver mines of Kongsberg were amongst the richest inEurope! In addition to that, the silver from Kongsberg is almost 100% pure! The common way to produce silver in the Bronze Age, as it is today, is by smelting ores containing lead and silver, a most costly procedure. The silver produced in this manner will contain a certain amount of lead that gives it a grey colour in contrast to the Kongsberg silver that is bright and shining. Another sensational finding was stone settings carefully positioned in accordance with an astronomical or mathematical pattern! In one case the settings constituted a solar calendar. It is absolutely clear that the population of Norwayat that time was rather primitive and could not possibly have had such skills. This knowledge is characteristic of an advanced culture! From where could the knowledge have come?

 Linear A characters of the writing system belonging to the Minoan civilisation of Crete!

Jarnaes’ idea that the characters could belong to the classical Greek alphabet could not be correct because they were all consonants, whilst the Greek language was particularly rich in vowels. The findings on the granite slab at the farm
“Langkjern” were made in 1987. The enigma remained unsolved until the Norwegian linguist; Kjell Aartun came to Kongsberg in 1994. He is internationally well known in scientific linguistic circles. Amongst others, Kjell Aartun has received a prize from “The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters” for his research on ancient languages of the Mediterranean and theMiddle East. Aartun determined that the characters belonged to the Minoan writing system Linear A, fromCrete.

The first words ever written in Norway, in Artun’s interpretation, were  “The pure and the soft”. Concerning the other strange images, Aartun determined that the two were of the same hieroglyphic signs that were found on the Phaistos Disc;  “The Wine Bag” and “Coral”.  Those who have bought the disc as a souvenir will easily be able to recognize them. In accordance with Aartun’s deciphering, the two signs mean: “The place for visitors” that is, a ritual place to be used by visitors. For Jarnaes one more enigma needed to be solved: The wave-shaped lines on the bag, resembling the Egyptian hieroglyphs. The Minoans had very close trade connection with Egyptand it is most likely that they knew the Egyptian language and writing. The hieroglyphs read: WATER and, in the southern countries of the Mediterranean, water was regarded as the most precious gift. Even if the Minoans did not habitually make petroglyphs, stone carvings, such as the Scandinavians used on their numerous cult sites, were not unknown to them. It is believed that the Scandinavian “Helleristninger” petroglyphs were made in order to call on the favour of the gods.

 “The pure and the soft”

Who could have written these words on a granite slab at Kongsberg 2000 years before the Norwegians knew the art of writing? The Minoans? If so, what were they doing in Norway, and what did the words mean. In Jarnaes’ opinion both of Aartun’s translations could have a clear meaning.  In the Bronze Age, the Minoans were the most skilled tradesmen in the Mediterranean area. They were trading with all countries including the ones in the Middle East. One of their specialties was trading in metals; bronze, gold, silver, lead etc.  We have information from Egyptian hieroglyphs that the Egyptians, who possessed gold in great quantities, were willing to pay twice the weight of gold for one unit weight
of silver. It is not likely that our ancestors, primitive as they were at that time, knew the real trade value of pure silver. The metal was soft and not very useful for practical purposes; what they needed was bronze. That could have made the long journeys extremely profitable for the Minoans. This made it worthwhile to carve the words “The pure and the soft” on that granite slab near Kongsberg! The “pure and soft” was silver of course! The Minoans would have wanted to thank the gods for the costly goods in the same way as their Norwegian “trade counterparts” –  “When in Rome do as the Romans do”!

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

 PICTURE 5 / Bryce‘s list.

 The five characters compared with the catalogue of Minoan Linear A made by William Bryce.

How were the Minoans able to travel to Norway, and how did they know they could find silver there?

For those of our ancestors who lived alongside the DrammenRiver, around 3.700 years ago, it must have been an impressive sight to see the large Minoan Vessels sailing up the river! The boats were at least 35 meters long and the large sails, of the same type as we know from the Viking ships, were 20 meters high. In comparison, the largest Viking Ship, Gogstadskipet, was only 26 meters. Arriving up the river, at the place today named Hokksund, the sails were lowered and the crew started to use the oars. They rowed up the side river to Vestfossen. The land was much lower in the Bronze Age; consequently the waterway was navigable all the way up to Fiskum, only 5 km from where Kongsberg is situated today. From Fiskum there is a small valley and gorge leading directly to the target.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

 PICTURE 6 Map of the area depicting the route.

 On the map you will be able to follow the possible navigable route, The Drammen Fjord, the DrammenRiver up to Hokksund, Vestfossen and on to Fiskum. We know that the Minoans were highly skilled sailors who were constantly navigating the entire Mediterranean. Their ships were already, in the Bronze Age, of a most sophisticated design. They were equipped with a keel so they could sail against the wind. We never did succeed in finding a wreck or even any remains of a Minoan ship. Not until quite recently have we been able to collect sufficient information that enables us to reconstruct a ship with a high degree of probability. In particular, the present excavations at Santorini have given us such information. Large wall-paintings, that were preserved by being buried in lava in some houses there, depict Minoan ships leaving the harbour. This is the largest and most famous of them.


stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte


stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

PICTURE 8: The Flotilla , Wall painting from Santorini,

This wall painting was sealed by the lava in the house where it was found; consequently it is much better preserved than any painting from the Minoan palaces.By analysing the perspectives in all these paintings, the Greek archaeologists have been able to determine the sizes of the ships and to make reconstructions. The paintings can be seen in a museum at Santorini that was built specially for this purpose. A good aid in these reconstructions was the many images of ships found on fragments of pottery as well as on seal stones. If we compare the design of the Minoan ships with the ships of the other seagoing nations of the Mediterranean in the same era, in particular the Phoenicians and the Egyptians,
these were unable to match the ships of the Minoans in seaworthiness and manoeuverability. History has underestimated the ships of the Minoans because the secrets behind their design had been lost. After the fall of the Minoan civilization, many years would pass until ships of an equally sophisticated design could be made, actually 1500 – 2000 years, until the era of the Vikings. It is therefore not unlikely that the Minoans might have left some of their know-how during their stay in Norway. We are almost sure their ships were technically not inferior to Viking ships made 2000 years later. With these the Vikings cruised all the oceans; they often visited the Mediterranean, and they discovered America 500 years before Columbus!

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

PICTURE 10. Norwegian Viking Ship.

 Thanks to the superiority of their ships, the Minoans had complete domination of the sea in this era. They could even defend the long coastline of Crete without coastal fortifications.  The Minoans were tradesmen, not warriors; therefore there was no war in this era that lasted for 1500 years! Their superiority came to an end with the great tsunami caused by the volcanic explosion and eruption at Thera (Santorini). This was the beginning of the end for the Minoan civilisation.

The heirs of the Minoans as seafaring nations, who took over the trade in the area, were the Phoenicians and the Egyptians.  The Phoenicians were also tradesmen. Even if they had less sophisticated ships than the Minoans, we have evidence that they were in Cornwall, England, where they, amongst others, became involved in mining. It is likely that the Minoans, also like the Vikings,used a solar compass to navigate their way on the oceans.  We know the Vikings was in America 500 years before Columbus, why not also the Minoans? I am almost sure that future research will come to that conclusion!

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

Were the Minoans in America 3000 years before Columbus?

How else could one be able to explain the following:

We have evidence that traces of cocaine have been found in Egyptian mummies. We know for sure that the plant from which cocaine is extracted only existed in South America until a few hundred years ago! Who could possibly have brought it there other than the Minoans! They were the only ones who possessed ships with the ability for such an ocean crossing! Do we have evidence for the following? :

1. That the Minoans really came to Kongsberg in the Bronze Age,

2. That prehistoric mining did take place at Kongsberg in the Bronze Age,

3. That the signs on the granite slab really were characters of Linear A,

4. That Aartun’s deciphering is correct.

Nine years have passed since I got involved in what later for me became “The battle of Kongsberg”, the reason I got involved was an article in “Aftenposten”, Norway’s leading newspaper. Since my schooldays I was very interested in the
“Minoan Enigma”. I was lucky enough to have a teacher who was a great enthusiast of Minoan history. The rise of this civilisation is one of history’s greatest enigmas! The fall of the Minoans happened after the eruption at Thera (Santorini), not as a direct result of the tsunami itself but after most of their fleet was lost; they became an easy victim for the Greek warriors from the mainland, the Mycenaeans, who destroyed their palaces and most other traces of a civilisation that was thousands of years ahead of its time. The Greek history is one of war; the Minoan’s was one of peace! Until quite recently we had no indication of from where the Minoans had come. The civilisation was suddenly just there, indicating that the  Minoans must have originated from somewhere in the Mediterranean region, but from where? When I read the article I found it quite natural to involve myself further in the mystery, not necessarily in order to
solve it but to try to understand more.

We have determined that the Minoan ships may have been of a construction sophisticated enough to sail the great oceans but unfortunately this is not enough evidence to establish that they actually were in Kongsberg in the Bronze Age. The characters are there, on the granite slab, but we have no evidence of how they got there. Having involved myself in the mystery for some years I suddenly got unexpected help from our neighbours in the east.

It appeared that the Swedish archaeologist, Oscar Montelius, put this theory forward more than a hundred years ago! What gave him the idea was the narrow time span between the Stone Age and the Bronze Age that really was there “from one day to the next!” Some sudden influence must have been involved. His theory was not immediately accepted, but his idea has occupied the Swedish archaeological class ever since.

In the spring of 2005 a book was issued from Oxford University Press:

“The Rise of Bronze Age Society”  ISBN: 0-521-60466-4

AuthorsKristian Kristiansen, Professor of archaeology at theUniversity ofGothenburg, and Thomas B. Larsson, professor of archaeology at theUniversity ofUmeå.

Both professors had occupied themselves with the subject until they got the chance to start a more comprehensive research project that lasted for 6 years. During the research period the two professors had examined thousands of texts and objects, in particular the stone carvings, (petroglyphs) that are to be found on both sides of the Norwegian/Swedish border in the Norwegian county of Oestfold and the Swedish county of Bohuslan. Kristiansen and Larsson had good support from all the universities in Sweden as well as from the Swedish radio that for a decade been broadcasting a program called “Stenristarne” “The stone carvers”.  This program aimed at educating and motivating the people to be aware of and to report the discovery of objects that could be classified as “archaeological findings”

Résumé of the researches:

In the Bronze Age an advanced culture had suddenly arisen in the southern Scandinavian countries with clear influence from the countries of the Aegean; first the Minoans, later also the Mycenaeans and the classical Greeks. The researchers concluded that it was most likely not only that the areas were visited by people from the south, but also that the population had visited the southern countries over a period that lasted about 1000 years! According to Kristiansen, inscriptions in both Minoan and Mycenaean Linear A and B have been found. Whilst the result did not cause any great surprise in Swedish and Danish archaeological circles, the Norwegians were thoroughly shocked! Therefore this revolutionary thesis has passed unheeded in Norway, even if the truth is that we shall have to rewrite history! The same survey explains and supports Jarnaes’ many findings at Kongsberg, in areas where indications of
old silver mines, astronomical and mathematical stone settings, are strong indications of the presence of an advanced culture.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte


PICTURE 9, Stone carving from OestfoldNorway.

In their book, the two professors claim that the stone carvings, the petroglyphs of Scandinavia, depict ships from theMediterranean.

Se also:

Prehistoric mining at Kongsberg.

I have myself, together with Jarnaes, visited the areas around Kongsberg and made photographs of what Jarnaes claims were residues of prehistoric mining. From several other European countries, we have also found evidence and detailed information of prehistoric mining. The pictures I took are all very similar to findings in Spain and in Serbia. I even had contact by e-mail with archaeologists in Serbia who supported my theories. What is rather special, with the Kongsberg silver, is that it could be found in a pure condition directly on the surface. Who could possibly believe that such findings could remain unnoticed right up to 1623? As soon as the source was depleted, the stone material, that had
been picked out together with the silver, was filled back into the ”mines”.

What surprised me most was that Jarnaes’ finding should cause such a stir in the established archaeological circles that they succeeded in sabotaging further research for many years. To start with, Jarnaes reported the findings to the historical institute of Oslo University. They immediately sent a young archaeologist to Kongsberg in order to examine the site. The young man became very enthusiastic with what he saw. He could establish that the incised mark indicated that the carving was most likely from the Bronze Age. The local newspaper reporter, who was there at the same time, printed the news in the next day’s newspaper, referring to the young man by name. The very next day an extremely angry professor from Oslo arrived on the spot; he was the senior person in the Archaeological and Historical Institute. He demanded that the newspaper reverse all they had written the day before. He determined, there and then, that there were no such things as Bronze Age discoveries or prehistoric mining at Kongsberg. Everything that was printed in the newspaper “was caused by the inexperience of his young assistant!” The Minoan signs were letters of the Latin alphabet and what Jarnaes claimed were prehistoric mines had nothing to do with mining whatsoever!

Death sentence to Norwegian Archaeology and Science

It took me some considerable time to get to the bottom of the motivation and the strange attitude of the established Norwegian archaeological scientists for the categorical rebuttal of Jarnaes’ findings. I will deal with this, in detail, later.

”The Battle of Kongsberg”

Here is a brief summary:

In connection with the “official silver mining of 1623” , a special ”museum of silver mining” was established at Kongsberg. The chief of this museum had spent his life writing “The history of silver mining in Kongsberg”.  If Jarnaes’ claim could be proven, his “life’s work” would totally disintegrate. If, in addition to this, evidence could be found that the Minoans came to Kongsberg for silver, and that the characters on the granite slab were Linear A, the catastrophe would be
complete and the old chap would have made a complete fool of himself! The resistance was so severe that it lasted right up to 2007, until the case came under further scrutiny. Jarnaes never gave up; he continued to send e-mails with pictures and even videos to experts in other countries. In 2007 one of these experts became involved and started further research. Costs were covered from foreign sources! One of the tests that the Norwegians had neglected to undertake, in all this time, was the obvious Radiocarbon 14 dating! The very first test blew “the 1623 limit” miles away!

I am not able to tell anything more at this time, because the research is ongoing. However I have sufficient information to be convinced that Jarnaes will come out of the battle with flying colours! The loser is the Norwegian archaological establishment. They have sabotaged progress on one of the most interesting archaeological sites in the history of Norwegian Archaological science for more than 20 years, for no other motive than to protect a colleague! This case will, in due time, force them to rewrite history!

The five Linear A characters.

It is more than 100 years since Arthur Evans came up with the first clay tablets with Linear characters from Knossos. The name “Minoan” is Evans “invention”. The Egyptians, from whom we have a lot of information about the Minoans, called them:

“The civilisation of the Keftiu”.

The younger Linear B version was deciphered in the early 50ties by Michael Ventris. The older Linear A was more problematic.

During the 20th Century, a lot of work was done by Jean Pierre Olivier and Louis Goddard as well as William Bryce. They made complete catalogues of every known character, around 120. Each character has in some cases several variations

Linear A characters were meant to be written on papyrus or soft clay, not to be cut into stone! Taking that into consideration there is no more inaccuracy to be found in comparing the Kongsberg carvings with the characters in the catalogues, than you find if you compare the main character with the different variations of the same in the Bryce List.

Genetic evidence.

Archaeology has recently acquired new tools, some of them inherited from Medicine, such as radar and laser scanning of archaeological sites and reading molecular DNA of up to 5,000yr old bones. In February 2007, the prestigious
Stanford Research Institute issued a report on behalf of the Archaeological society of the USA. The survey used the new technique of molecular DNA analysis on bones collected from excavations in various countries in the Mediterranean. The DNA patterns were then compared with bones from Minoan tombs.  The result concludes that the origin of the Minoan civilisation is most likely to be the countries east of Turkey, somewhere between Iran and Iraq.  Enough Minoan genetic material was also found in Southern Scandinavia to support the theories of the book, “Rise of Bronze Age society”.

 The leading Athens Newspaper Kathimerini;

DNA sheds light on The Minoans

Crete’s fabled Minoan civilization was built by people from Anatolia, according to a new study, by Greek and foreign scientists, that refutes an earlier theory that said the Minoans’ forefathers had come from Africa. The new study – a collaboration by experts in Greece, the USA, Canada, Russia and Turkey – drew its conclusions from the DNA analysis of 193 men from Crete and another 171 from former Neolithic colonies in central and northern Greece. The results show that the country’s Neolithic population came to Greece by sea from Anatolia – modern-day Iran, Iraq and Syria – and not from Africa, as maintained by US scholar Martin Bernal. The DNA analysis indicates that the arrival of Neolithic man in Greece from Anatolia coincided with the social and cultural upsurge that led to the birth of the Minoan civilization, Constantinos Triantafyllidis of Thessaloniki’s Aristotle University told Kathimerini. “Until now we only had the archaeological evidence – now we have genetic data too and we can date theDNA,” he said.

Is it possible to decipher Linear A?

There have been many attempts to decipher Linear A. The problem, to start with, is that we do not know even what class of language it could possibly be. After almost 100 years of research there seems to be an agreement that 90 % of the characters of Linear B also occur in Linear A. It is also most likely that most of the sound values are identical. The one and only thing the linguists are in agreement about is that the language is not Greek. Some scientists suggest that it is Indo-European, similar to the languages from Anatolia; Huerrian, Uertian, Luvian, Hiti and Indo-Iranian. The second group (Aartun and Cyrus Gordon) is of the opinion that Linear A is a Semitic language.

Having been engaged with the enigma for all these years, I must admit that I have changed my opinion and updated the article several times since it first appeared in the local Cretan newspaper “Anatoli” in 2002.

The reason is first and foremost the new information, the book by the Swedish professors and the DNA report from Stanford.

In addition to that I have spent more time studying the various aspects of the case on my own. Thanks to the Internet, everybody who is interested in the subjects can take part and add information to the discussion.

This website is open to everybody.

Having followed the discussion for some years, I am not very optimistic that we shall be able to decipher Linear A for some time. I believe the situation will not improve until we discover more material.

In Jarnaes own blog,

You will find more information. Jarnaes and I have different views on Aartun’s deciphering.

Kongsberg 2012, 10 years after my first visit.

 10 years ago I wrote my first article about the findings at Kongsberg. The article was published in the Cretan newspaper Anatoli in June 2002.

 A lot of things have happened in the 10 years that calls for an update. I found the best way for an update is a visit to the place. Together with Johan Jarnæs I have looked through most of the same archaeological sites that has engaged me most for the last 10 years. Afterwards we had a thorough discursion. By such an occasion it is natural that the both of us made a summing up.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

Johan Jarnæs and Sven Buchholz on the granite slab July 2012. The Linear A inscription is whitened up with chalk; Note the small size of the characters!

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

The Linear A inscriptions as they are today.

Jarnæs cleaned some dirt away and moistened with water to make the signs more easy to see. Thanks to the very solid rock material the inscription has not deteriorated.The cutting mark alone is sufficient to indicate that the inscription was engraved with a stone in the Bronze Age. The Linear A characters were designed to be written with a pen on papyrus. Cutting with stone is bound to result in some inaccuracies.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

 For photographic sessions a little cleaning and make up is needed.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

 “The wine sack with coral”

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

On this picture it is easy to see that the figure is cut into the rock with a hammer and a ponted instrument.

About this inscription “The wine sack with coral” Jarnæs and I are not in agreement. One can easily observe that the cutting marks are totally different from the stone cut Linear A inscription. It can only have been made with a pointed instrument, probably iron. (se the first picture to make this impression more visible) Look at the pointed cutting marks! Then it may differ as much as 1000 years in time!

Joh. Jarnæs spent a lot of his childhood in Kongsberg. As a boy he loved to play around in the woods and he had since boyhood a highly developed ability to observe. What he discovered as a boy brought him to think further as a mature man.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

 When Jarnæs came up with the statement that what we se here is a prehistoric mine, he brought the entire scientific – historic camp in Kongsberg to scream. In 2007 Jarnæs got foreign experts on prehistoric mining to look at the site. Further investigations, including  ,were carried out with foreign recourses. These tests  blew the 1623 time line tousansands of years away ! Jarnæs and a friend had already at his own expenses carried out a C 14 Radio Carbon testing on a piece of charcoal much erlier. This test already mooved the time barrier back to 300 BC!

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

 The mines are totally overgrown, after they have been excavated.

There is a long shaft underneath that comes up to the surface some 20 behind. In accordance with prehistoric mining habits, the stones were put back in the shaft after the metal had been extracted.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

 Jarnæs shows me that the visible part of the granite slab is only a fracture of what is grass cowered.

 Only a very little part of the slab has been examined till now. The grass layer is not very thick, so it would not have been a big deal to clean it all. The owner is very interested and would give all permissions needed to dig out the entire area. Now, when it is established that it is more then likely that the Minoans travelled to Scandinavia, I would be surprised if there not were more Linear A inscriptions to be found underneath! My hope for the future is that the new generation of archaeologists will have a more open mind and that more and more of them will be finding their way to this unique site so that the entire area will be professionally and thoroughly examined.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

 Piece of pure silver as it came out of a Kongsberg mine.

There could be lumps of 40 – 100 kg! Unfortunately, Norway was “owned” by Denmark at the time, all recourses were robed from us and went directly to the Danish King who used most of it to finance wars! Norway also had rich copper mines like in Røros and other places. The Danes robbed Norway for lots of money during those years! When I hear Norwegians complain about the 5 years we were under Hitler I always ask: What about the “500 year night” we were under Denmark! If we send the bill to Copenhagen one day, I wonder how much it would be!


Where do we stand to day in comparison with in 2002?

Are we closer to being able to prove that Kongsberg had a history before 1623?

Since foreign expertise came to Kongsberg and carried out examinations, a radiocarbon dating alone blew the 1623 mark sky-high.

Did prehistoric mining really take place in Kongsberg?

Examinations are still going on, reports are being written, and therefore excluded from telling  more at the time, but one thing is sure: We have sufficient evidence to claim: Prehistoric mining did take place at Kongsberg!

Is it possible that the Minoans could have travelled to Kongsberg?

Archaeology obtained recently 2 new tools that put the entire science miles ahead. SCANNING and DNA. The DNA evidence proves that this is more than likely!   Sufficient DNA evidence has also been found in Sweden, north westGermany and in the British isles to prove the book: The Rise of Bronze Age Society is based on scientific facts. This also speaks for the Swedish archaeologist Oscar Montelius

who brought the idea up more than 100 years ago! The Minoans were even greater travellers than we have known. The newest discovery is from North West Germany, “Fricia” near the border to Denmark where remaining of a Minoan settlements was found. One of the objects was a seal ring with characters in Linear A! The DNA testing is still going on; new reports are being published all the time. Personally I would not be surprised if we one day will learned that the Minoans travelled even to America, 3000 years before Columbus! (Reference: Kokain in the Egyptian mummies, se abowe.)

Can we prove that the inscriptions on the slate are Minoan Linear A?

With all this new evidence and so much more information than we had only 10 years ago I would say that this is more than likely.  (se picture abowe with comparison Brice List) What about the inaccuracies? I put the question forward to Jarnæs who showed me a fax from professor Cyrus Gordon, which he had received in 1995 where he writes that the first sign is we in Linear A, and the last sign is ti in Linear A. Gordon was not able to identify the other three signs, as he did not recognize the two rare signs which are rendered in the supplementary list of William Brice´s list of the Linear A, namely, the yu-sign and the pi-sign. The pi-sign in the inscription has clearly the interior form of a cup, which identifies it as the syllable pi. (At that time, Cyrus Gordon had not studied the Linear A syllabary since the sixties.) The tu-sign in the inscription is the most difficult sign to peck into the hard gneiss. As the four signs match Linear A-syllables, the fifth sign must also be a Linear A sign, and then it can be no other sign than the tu-syllable. As a matter of fact, there is some likeness, and since the first and last sign are Linear A, what could the signs in the middle possibly be? The signs are pecked into the rock with a blunt instrument, apparently e stone, and the same peck marks are to be found spread out over the surface of the rock, as is common on rock carvings sites in Norway from the Bronze Age. The state of erosion of the signs also accounts for their antiquity. They are impossible to discover without sidelight.

Are we closer to the enigma, the decoding of Linear A?

On this point Jarnæs and I are of different opinions. I do no longer believe in Aartun’s deciphering. I have been reading Aartun’s books over a long period of time. The more I read of them the less I believed it could be correct! I totally disagree with his methods.  In addition to that there are more and more suggestions coming up that the Phaistos disk is a fake! When that is proven Aartun will b in real trouble.


There have been many attempts to decipher Linear A. The problem is to start with, is that we do not know even what class of language it could possibly be. After almost 100 years of research there seems to be an agreement that 90 % of the characters of Linear B also occur in Linear A. It is also most likely that most of the sound values are identical. The one and only thing the linguists are in agreement about is that the language is not Greek. Some scientists suggest that it is Indo-European, similar to the languages from Anatolia; Huerrian, Uertian, Luvian, Hiti and Indo-Iranian. The second group (Aartun and Cyrus Gordon) is of the opinion that Linear A is a Semitic language. We have less than 100 inscriptions that are big enough to convey any meaningful message. Chadvick and Ventris were able to decipher Linear B, they had hundreds of clay tablets with inscriptions in Linear B. In addition to that they had got a certain clue that the language had to be Greek.

We simply have not nearly enough material to make a deciphering under the mentioned circumstances.

Champolion who deciphered the Egyptian hieroglyphs had the Rosetta stone with the same inscription in 3 languages, 2 of them were known! However, Champolion said that he probably would not have succeeded if he had not got a clue to a language related to the ancient Egyptian, Coptic! My only hope is that we find more written material, I have hopes for the Akrotiri excavations on Santorini and in Palaikastro where Sandy Mc Gillivray of the BritishSchool in Athens, by scanning has found evidence of yet another MinoanPalace!


stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

The author with a copy of the 5 signs.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

The authors residence in Agios Nikolaos Crete, Villa Ariadne.

Your questions are welcome to

 [email protected]


“It is certainly no coincidence that the Irish Gaelic word Dun or Dunn means “Judge,” just as Dan does in Hebrew!” –stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte Raymond McNair

The ancient connections between the Irish Tuatha Dé Dannan and the Greek Tribe of Dan have been documented all throughout history.  The “History of Ireland,” in the Peabody Institute, states that the residents, prior to the Tuatha De Dananns, were descendants of 5,000 people from Greece called Foibalges. The next to appear, about 717 B.C., under a king called Nuad, were the “Tuatha De Danann,” said in Irish to be “the tribe of Dan.

This makes sense since the old people of Ireland were once named after their tribe as the Dan-onians, and the most famous Irish ballad is forever immortalized after this tribe in the song “Danny Boy.”

The true Irish saga of the tribe of Dan, “a serpent by the way,” is a fascinating “trail” of waymarks along the path of this tribe’s journey.  These waymarks are the signs and symbols that the Tribe of Dan had left in all the places they had travelled and conquered such as Ireland. They gave their name to  many places that were known biblically as Mahaneh Dan (“Camps of Dan”). In Ptolemy’s map of Ireland we find Dan’s- Lough, Dan-Sowar, Dan-Sobairse, Dan’s resting place, and Dan’s habitation, and Dan-gan Castle (the birth-place of the Duke of Wellington).

Many great scholars and authors on ancient Irish History almost all agree that the Irish Tuatha Danaan were the descendants of the Greek Danaoi, or Danaans who colonized ancient Ireland  and were the first High Kings of the emerald isle. The Irish Tuatha Dé Dannan were the Western Descendants of the Phoenician/Greek “Danaans” who were also known as the “Tribe of Dan (Danaë).”

In the “Annals of Ireland” it is written: “The Dan-ans were a highly civilized people, well skilled in architecture and other arts, from long residence in Greece and their intercourse with the 130 12 Phoenicians. Their first appearance in Ireland was 1200 B.C., [Jud. 5,. ver. 17].” Jeremiah writes: “For a voice declareth from Dan, and publish the affliction from mount Ephraim . . . publish against Jerusalem, that watchers come from a far country, and give out their voice against the cities of Judah ” (4, ver. 15, 16), as if Dan dwelt in a “far country.”

In the Scripture, the Tribe of Dan was originally on of the Tribes of Israel who was the second biggest behind the Tribe of Judah who were named after and who had the territory of Mount Ida on Crete. According to the Book of Genesis, Dan (Hebrew: דָּן, Standard Dan Tiberian Dān; “judgment” or “he judged”) was the fifth son of Jacob with Bilhah. He was Bilhah’s first son. He was the founder of the Israelite Tribe of Dan. Their symbol is the serpent, and the name Dan means Judge.

The 4th century B.C. Greek historian Hecateus of Abdera (quoted by Diodorus Siculus) had written that the Egyptians, formerly being troubled by calamities [the Ten Plagues at the time of the Exodus] in order that the divine wrath might be averted, expelled all the [Israelite] aliens gathered together in Egypt. The worship of the Gods having been neglected on account of the foreigners in Egypt, the Egyptians were warned by a pestilence to drive away the pollution. Of these, some, under their leaders Danuss and Cadmus, migrated into Greece; others into other regions, the greater part into Syria [Canaan]. Their leader is said to have been Moses, a man renowned for wisdom and courage, founder and legislator of the state who led them into Judea. Herodotus had said that the Curetes had come to Crete with the Phoenician Prince Cadmus.

The Danaoi, or Danaans, which had at onetime possessed colonies in the Black Sea region around the mouths of the rivers Danube, Don, and Dnieper.  The chiefs/kings of the Danaoi, or Danaans, who had claimed descent from the ancient Greco-Egyptian Pharaoh Danaus (Tanaus or Dan I), and also Pharaoh Horemheb (Horemhab or Haremhab – meaning Horus is in Jubilation). Before he became pharaoh, Horemheb was the commander and chief of the army under the reigns of Tutankamun and AyThe 3.6 m large naophorous statue of Horemheb (Harmais) Cairo CG 1230 was found at Naukratis, the only Greek city in Egypt before Alexander.

Pharaoh Dan I was the last Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty from either 1319 BC to late 1292 BC, or 1306 to late 1292 BC (if he ruled for 14 years). The English Dan was known by the Egyptian name of Horemheb are Αρμαις (H/Arma-is or Harmais) and Αρμαιος (H/Armai-os or Hormose). I have found that the names of Harmais or Hormose to be very similar to Moses and it was Moses who led his peoples in the exodus from Egypt that is well attested for in the bible.

Herodotus stated that certain people of the ancient Greeks had actually came from Egypt. He claimed that DaNae, the daughter of Acrisus, was  the ancestor of the Dorian princes in southern Greece (Herodotus, VI, 1, iii). Diodorus said the following: “They say also that those who set forth with Danaus, likewise from Egypt, settled what is practically the oldest city of Greece, Argos, and that the nations of the Colchi in Pontus and that of the Jews, which lies between Arabia and Syria, were founded as colonies by certain emigrants from their country . . .” (Diodorus, Bk. I, xxviii, 1-5).

In the mythical story passed down by ancient Greek historians; Pharaoh Sesostris (and Egyptian name of Horemheb), having during his own war-expeditions to foreign lands placed his brother Harmais (Danaus) as regent, or viceroy in Egypt. While Sesostris was on expedition, his brother Horemheb or Harmais (Danaus) had conspired to destroy Sesostris and all his family in order to take the throne. Upon Sesostris learning of the plot and on his return to Egypt, he then expelled his brother Harmais (Danaus) from Egyptian lands. Harmais (Danaus) then led an exodus out of Egypt to Argos and founded there the Danaid Dynasty or more commonly known as the Tribe of Dan, which succeeded that of Inachos.

The Tribe of Dan was said to have conquered the Mediterranean islands of Crete and Cyprus like many other empire after them where they brought the waymark of the serpent. The mythical name of Argos meaning shining and white was just another of the many names for Crete that an island of white sand, white limestone mountains and a shining long history. In Homer’s Iliad the “Danaans” and “Tribe of Danaë,” are referred to as the grandchildren of Belus (Phoenician ‘Baal’) who gave their name to the “Argives.”

Their territory was very close to or exactly in the same place to that of the ancient Phoenicians of Tyre and Sidon in Crete. It is said in the Scripture that they also intermarried with these Phoenicians (2 Chronicles 2:14) which was eventually outlawed in Israel (Deuteronomy 7:3, Leviticus 21:14).The Danaans were the only Tribe of Israel who were known as sailors and a seafaring race which was unusual for the Israelite tribes. This is key in understanding how they not only ended up in Ireland under the name of the Tuatha Dé Dannan, but also in many other countries such as Denmark (Dan-Mark) where they brought the ways of the serpent waymark to these lands.

Irish Historian, Thomas Moore had written that the Tuatha de Danaan (Tribe of Dana), “after sojourning for some time in Greece… proceeded from thence to Denmark and Norway”. Author Geoffrey Keating (ca.1570 1646)had said that the Danaans were a people of great learning and wealth; they left Greece after a battle with the Assyrians, and went to Ireland; and also to Danmark, and called it “DAN-mares”, “Dan’s country.” According to The Essential Teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong, the Tribe of Dan left their serpent waymarks at “Danslaugh,” “Dansower,” “Dundalke,” “Dundrum,” “Donegal Bay,” “Donegel City,” “Dunglow,” “Londonderry,” and ” Dingle,”

The book entitled Hellenosemitica: An Ethinic and Cultural Study in West Semitic Impact on Mycenaean Greece by Michael C. Astour clearly shows that the Greek “Hellenes” and the Israelite “Semites” were closely related. Astour mentions two branches of the Danites (“Danunians” and “Danaans”), and shows that these people once occupied the island of Cyprus. It also mentions the Cyprian “tradition of the Danaan migration from the eastern Mediterranean” (pp. 14, 79).

The Greek myths of the Kings of the Danaoi, or Danaans who had all claimed descent from King Danus; who also had led a migration from Egypt (Israel) to Greece. The beginning of Greek history is often dated to this “exile” from Egypt of the Danaoi, who appear in classical writings as the “Danaans.” You will also find them under other spellings such as the Danaoi (Danaoi used 138 times in the Iliad), Danaus, Danae,Danaans, Danoi, Danaids,or Dananites.

“The Danites ruled about two centuries until the arrival of the Milesians, which took place, 1000 years before the Christian era.’ Thus the date of the arrival of the FIRST COLONY OF DANAANS WOULD BE 1200 B.C., or 85 years after Deborah and Barak’s victory, when we are told Dan had ships…The early connection with Greece, Phoenician and Egypt is constantly alluded throughout the Chronicles [of Ireland] and records of the Irish Dannans” (Dan Pioneer of Israel, pp.30-31, emphasis added). This first batch of Danites that went to Ireland were called the “Tuatha de Danaan.” The word tuath simply means “tribe”—“Tuath… Irish history… A‘TRIBE’ or ‘people’ in Ireland” (New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, vol. 10, pt. 1, p. 441).

In the ancient Annals of Clonmacnoise we read of the Tuatha de Danaan: “Upon them [the Firbolgs] came in the people called Twathy De Danaan out of Greece too. Being a Branch of the same stock that Firbolgs were of and were kinsmen. During the time of Firbolg, which was 37 years, there reigned in Assyria 3 monarchs. . . . Twathy De Danaan after they had spent much time abroad in learning necromancy, magic, and other diabolical arts wherein they were exceedingly well skilled, and in those days accounted the chiefest in the world in that profession.

Landed in the west part of Connaught. Forbolgs hearing of their coming made towards them, and meeting them in a great plain called Moytoyrey in Connaught, fought with them, where Firbolg was overthrown and one hundred thousand of them slaine with their said King Eochy McEirche, which was the greatest slaughter that was hard of in Ireland in one meeting” (Annals of Clonmacnoise From the Creation to A.D. 1408, 1627 edition, quoted by Raymond McNair, in an unpublished manuscript on “The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel,” p. 149).

We can find some of these Ancient Irish Tuatha Dé Dannan kings of Ireland such as Tech- baoithin, Baithen, Baithin, Baithan, Baetin, Baitan Mor (“Baithen the Great”), Boythan, Bothan, Bathan, Baeda, and Baedan. He was also called Mogue or Modoc (Mo-Aedh-og), “the beloved Aidan’” who was Áed mac Ainmuirech high-king of the Northern Uí Néill.

Saint Columba had written on King Baedan;

“To every cow belongs its calf,” Colum Cille said:

0 God, wilt thou not drive off the fog, which envelopes our number,
The host which has deprived us of our livelihood,
The host which proceeds around the cams’!
He is a son of storm who betrays us.

My Druid,—he will not refuse me,—is the Son of God, and may he side with me;
How grandly he bears his course, the steed of Baedan” before the host;
Power by Baedan of the yellow hair will be borne from Ireland on him [the steed].

The Tuatha de Danaan Conclusion

The Jewish Encyclopedia describes how the Tribe of Dan was placed in the North and that the biblical Antichrist will come from this tribe, but will be among the 144,000 saved ones of the twelve tribes:

“Irenaeus (’Heresies’ Vol. 302), Hippolytus (’De Christo et Antichristo’, pp. 14,15), and other Church fathers have a tradition which can not but be of Jewish origin, that the Antichrist comes from the tribe of Dan, and base it upon Jer. VIII.16: ’The snorting of his (the enemies) his horses was heard from Dan’. . . Irenaeus remarks that Dan is, in view of this tradition, not in the Apocalypse (Rev.vii.5-7) among the 144,000 saved ones of the twelve tribes.

Nor is the omission of Dan in I Chron. iv. et seq. unintentional. . . Dan became the very type of evildoing. He was placed in the north (Num.ii.25), this being the region of darkness and evil (Jer. i.14) because of his idolatry which wrapped the world in darkness (Num.ii.).” [Singer, The Jewish Encyclopedia, (“Dan”), p. 423]

We looked for peace, but no good came; and for a time of health, and behold trouble! The snorting of his horses was heard from Dan: the whole land trembled at the sound of the neighing of his strong ones; for they are come, and have devoured the land, and all that is in it; the city, and those that dwell therein. For, behold, I will send serpents, cockatrices, among you, which will not be charmed, and they shall bite you, saith the LORD. – Jeremiah 8:15-17



stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

Pytheas of Massalia (350-285 BCE) was a renowned navigator and explorer who lived in Greek colony which is now known as ‘Marseille’ and forms part of Southern France.  The Greeks had many colonies outside of Greece and formed a presence all over the Mediterranean, and including such places as Italy, France, Spain, Turkey, Russia and North Africa.  Greeks spread-out due to over-crowding, lack of resources, warfare and sometimes banishment, and took their sophisticated culture with them.  No matter where a Greek was born, he or she was considered a ‘Greek’ first and foremost.  As the Greek culture involved the use of logical thought applied to the divine and worldly realm, the exploration (and mapping) of the world was an important element of the development of Greek knowledge.  This exploration by land and sea often involved navigation by the stars, and the understanding of the behaviour of the earth and the sun, etc, as well as predicting weather, climate and the rhythms of the sea.  The Greek cultural influence throughout the world they occupied not only formed the basis for the Latin alphabet (together with Etruscan influence) and contributed (through Roman culture) to the development of European culture.

In around 304 BCE Pytheas set sail from Massalia with the intention of exploring the seas west of the European landmass.  In so doing Pytheas became the first Greek to visit and sail around Britain.  He discovered that Ireland lay further west of Britain, and that Norway was to the north of Britain.  Not only this, but Pytheas is said to have landed in Cornwall and witnessed their tin-mining industry, and travelled all around the island nation.  He said that the British were friendly and hospitable and although there were many different kings and leaders, peace reigned throughout the land.  Pytheas stated: ‘The people of Britannia are simple in their habits and far removed from the cunning knavishness of modern man…  they do not drink wine, but a fermented liquor made from barley, which they call curmi.’  His circumnavigation of Britain took six years to complete which included time taken landing ad investigating various places.  The books of Pytheas entitled ‘The Ocean’ and ‘A Description of the Ocean’ are now lost – but much of his work has been preserved in the writings of others.  Oddly, Pytheas spent much of his life trying to convince his incredulous contemporaries that he had indeed really discovered Britannia – as many were of the opinion that nothing existed west of the European mainland.  It can be said today that Pytheas was the man who discovered Britain!



The oldest written text discovered in Greece 9000 years ago

The oldest written text discovered in Greece 9000 years ago

The sign of Dispilios. The oldest written text discovered in Greece and specifically in Kastoria (Macedonia) 9000 years ago !!!!
stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte
The plate of Dispilio is a wooden plate bearing inscribed symbols dating back to 7260 BC. X. and 5250 p. X. The plaque was discovered in the settlement of Lake Dispiliou in Macedonia (Kastoria) by the professor of prehistoric archeology George Chourmouziadis
The Dispilio plate may be an early form of written speech, as similar symbols etched in clay have been found in the Vinca culture in settlements of the southern Balkans. The clear symbols on the wooden sign, which some believe resemble those of the ancient Greek alphabet in its early form, are undoubtedly a form of communication.
In addition, the engraved inscription was potentially a Linear B script used by the Mycenaeans, as they describe activities of the Neolithic man and his culture.
The disciple sign was an early form of communication
Professor Chourmouziadis suggested that such writings, which have not yet been decrypted, could prove to be any of a variety of forms of communication, including symbols representing the count of goods. Unfortunately, we do not yet have a Rosetta Stone to decipher the pre-existing Line B writing.
Similar engraved symbols to those on the wooden plate have been found on small ceramic plates that have also not yet been deciphered.
The sign suffered partial damage when it was exposed to the oxygen-rich environment outside of the mud and water it was submerged in for a long time.
It is currently under scientific maintenance. From 2021, the full academic study on the Tablet Discipline awaits completion of maintenance work.
The coastal prehistoric settlement seems to have been inhabited for a long time since the final stages of the Middle Neolithic Era (5,600-5,000 BC). X. ) up to the Final Neolithic Era (3,000 b. X. ).
Conventional history states that such neolithic discoveries are merely evidence of the protography—conveying limited information rather than proof of an entire language. However, if additional items appear comparable to the Dispilio tablet, they could completely change the history of writing.
Dispilio: Greece’s coastal prehistoric settlement
The Paralimnios Prehistoric settlement of Dispiliou is one of the most fascinating archaeological sites in northwestern Greece located next to the city of Kastoria.
Near the modern village of Dispilio, a community near Kastoria that shares Lake Orestiada, lies the settlement that offers a lot of information about prehistoric life in the area.
It is located on the Island, on the southern shore of Lake Orestiada, where archaeologists have discovered thousands of objects from the Neolithic Era.
Dispilio plate earlier written Reimagination of family life as lived in the neolithic era in Dispilio, southwestern Greece.
The settlement was discovered in the dry winter of 1932, during which the water level was lower than usual. Remains of wooden puzzle revealed traces of settlement at the point separating a small island from the lake shore.
In 1935 the archaeologist Antonios Keramopoulos conducted a preliminary survey of the area. However, the excavation was not completed as World War II approached.
A systematic excavation work began decades later in 1992 under Georgios Chourmouziadis, professor of prehistoric archeology at Aristotleian University of Thessaloniki. Archaeologists then finally uncovered the ruins of an extensive lake settlement from the Late Neolithic Era, which turned out to be one of the most important and oldest of its kind in Europe.
Thousands of items were found in these excavations, including stone tools, bones and firewood along with animal bones, a discovery that shows the residents were farming, hunting and fishing.
Dispilio sign oldest written Prehistoric settlement in Dispilio. Credit: Greek Reporter
The site found materials used to build the sheds, such as piles of wood in shapes indicating construction work, large clay storage pins and woven baskets.
Ceramic, wooden structures, seeds, bones, idols and personal ornaments were also found by archaeologists. In addition, several cookware — many boat-shaped — along with bone and stone jewelry were found. The most important find of all, however, was a bone flute, which turned out to be one of the oldest musical instruments ever found in Europe.

Jews admit – It Was Greek Culture That Taught Us to Be Jews

It Was Greek Culture That Taught Us to Be Jews

Greeks didn’t teach them to be “jews”.
The Ashkenazi stole parts of the Greek Culture.
Such as Hebrew, which is a Greek dialect, was never “jewish”.
The Ashkenazi stole the menorah as well.
“Jews” actually did not exist until 700AD.

Oldest coins were Greek

Oldest coins were Greek.

Just like the oldest language was also Greek.

Just like the oldest Bible scripts came from the Greeks.

In ancient Greece, bees were used on some of the earliest coins made in Europe.

A silver Greek obol coin minted in Macedon between 412 BCE and 350 BCE, now housed in the British Museum, shows a bee on one side of the coin.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte
An ancient obol from Macedon, dated between 412 BCE and 350 BCE, shows a bee one side.

Bees also feature on coins minted elsewhere in the ancient Greek world, such as a bronze coin minted in Ephesus dated between 202 BCE and 133 BCE.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte
A bronze coin minted in Ephesus, dated between 202BCE and 133BCE, featuring a honeybee.

The use of bees on ancient coins extended for many centuries including widely circulated bronze coins, and new varieties continue to be discovered.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

The True Holocaust. Remembering the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek Genocides.

The True Holocaust. Remembering the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek Genocides by the Turks / Jews (Synagogue of Satan)

On 7 February 2024 the NSW Legislative Council considered a motion on genocide prevention.

Introduced by Liberal Party opposition Whip, the Hon Chris Rath, the motion called for the Upper House to acknowledge that 9 December 2023 marked the seventy-fifth anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and to honour the primary initiator of the convention, Dr Raphael Lemkin, who had been influenced by his studies of the Armenian Genocide and Jewish Holocaust.

Greek coins from around the world

The motion, according to Mr Rath, also called for the expansion of Holocaust genocide education, with the mandatory inclusion of the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek genocides in the curriculum, and the establishment of a genocide museum to create awareness about these genocides.

Approximately 1.5 million Armenians, 300,000 Assyrians, and 350,000 to 500,000 Greeks (including Pontic Greeks) were killed during the genocides committed by the Ottoman and Republican Turkish authorities in the early 20th Century.

Scenes from the Armenian and Greek Genocides images Wikipedia

A number of parliamentarians rose to speak to this important motion which received cross-party support.

From top left and clockwise the Legislative Council Hon members Chris Rath Daniel Mookhey Amanda Cohn Susan Carter Mark Buttigeig Jacqui Munro Anthony DAdam and Stephen Lawrence credit Legislative Council

The State Treasurer, the Hon Daniel Mookhey, confirmed that the NSW Government supports the motion and reminded the House that the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide which was passed by the United Nations on 9 December 1948, was the first human rights treaty in the history of the UN.

Mr Mookhey recalled that the genocide convention was created as a way in which to hold the Nazis accountable for their actions and equally to establish the principle that those who commit the crime of genocide will be held to account by the international community.

The Treasurer informed the House that the NSW Education Standards Authority is currently consulting about the new history syllabuses, including updated context for the Holocaust and acknowledging other forms of genocide.  He also noted that First Nations people are campaigning for an updated version of the teaching curriculum to properly reflect the history and experiences of First Nations people following the arrival of the British.

Mr Mookhey concluded:

“Lots of people in the community are the victims of genocide or the descendants of victims of genocide … It is so important that we make sure we do not forget that history and that, again, we commemorate how great an achievement it was to establish the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.”

Dr Amanda Cohn of the NSW Greens reminded the House that according to the Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention, a United States‑based NGO named in honour of Raphael Lemkin:

“Genocide is a crime in international law and is a permanent moral wound on the body of humanity. There is never a justification for perpetration of this crime.”

Raphael Lemkin credit Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention

As the granddaughter of Holocaust refugees, Dr Cohn stated that the recognition of the Armenian genocide is important for not just Armenians, but “all of us”.  The Greens MP declared that this issue is not only one of principle but one that is personal for her and her family because formal recognition and remembrance of genocide, as well as education, are critical for healing and to ensure that genocide never happens again.

Dr Cohn also instanced the cases of other genocides, including the Rwandan and Tamil genocides, in the context of truth-telling today and pointed out that genocide is not just historical since everyone should be making an active effort to prevent it.

Finally, the Greens parliamentarian observed that the Lemkin Institute issues active genocide alerts when developments occur that it believes show clear signs of genocide in process and cited recent alerts issued regarding the Amhara and Tigray regions of Ethiopia, Sudan, Artsakh (the expulsion of the indigenous Armenian population by Azerbaijan forces) and, most recently, Palestine.

International Court of Justice Credit Olaf KraakAFP Getty Images

In relation to the current conflict in the Middle East, Dr Cohn also referred to the recent decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ]) which ruled that some acts committed by Israel in Gaza appear to be capable of falling within the provisions of the genocide convention.

Dr Cohn reminded the House that the ICJ has ordered Israel to refrain from any acts that could fall under the genocide convention, ensure its troops commit no genocidal acts in Gaza, prevent and punish any incitement to commit genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, preserve evidence related to any allegations of genocide, and improve the humanitarian situation for Palestinian civilians, as well as calling on Hamas and other armed groups to immediately release hostages without conditions.

In conclusion, Dr Cohn stated that in the context of the UN Convention on genocide, Australia has responsibilities to prevent genocide in Gaza.  “Never again” means never again for anyone.

The Hon. Susan Carter, the Shadow Assistant Minister for Attorney General in the Liberal Party, noted that “Genocide” is a word which should be said slowly to give the mind a chance to catch up and understand the enormity of this concept. She added that one cannot visit the Holocaust memorial at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem or the genocide memorial at Swallow’s Fortress in Yerevan without being overwhelmed at the sad and senseless loss of life, at the evil which drove this, and at the indifference of others who looked the other way or allowed it to occur.

Armenian Genocide Memorial complex at Tsitsernakaberd Swallows Fortress credit Aleksey Chalabyan aka Xelgen

Ms Carter ended:

“We need to speak of this annihilation, because if we do not name evil, acknowledge that evil has occurred, and teach our children to eschew evil, history teaches us we will repeat it.”

The Hon. Mark Buttigieg, Parliamentary Secretary for Industrial Relations, Work Health and Safety, and Multiculturalism, informed the House that UN Convention on Genocide was passed just prior to the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and noted that the Chifley Labor Government, and Foreign Minister H. V. Evatt specifically, were hugely significant in the passage of both the Universal Declaration and the Genocide Convention.

Dr H V Evatt at the UN

“I note that the Government recognises the enduring impact genocides continue to have today on people in our communities and the need for students to recognise the horrific nature of genocides … These are scars that are left on populations for generations and generations. It is very important that we recognise these genocides when they occur. “

Mr Buttigieg concluded by urging that we should recognise that genocide can occur in any nation and across any peoples, and should be called out for what it is and condemned, but recognised officially as an international war crime.

The Hon. Jacqui Munro (Liberal) noted that the definition of genocide in the convention means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a)Killing members of the group;

(b)Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c)Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d)Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e)Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

The Liberal MP also noted that there are other acts which are punishable, including direct and public incitement to commit genocide, as part of the UN’s mandate and the demands of our international rules-based order.

Ms Munro stressed the importance of remembrance through institutions such as the Sydney Jewish Museum in Sydney – the Holocaust Museum – and that the same thing should be done with other genocides, including the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek genocides.

Sydney Jewish Holocaust Museum credit Sydney Jewish Museum

The NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Emergency Services, the Hon Anthony D’Adam, rose to inform the House that the timing of the motion was appropriate because of the events in Gaza but also to remind his parliamentary colleagues of the Rwandan genocide, the Bosnian genocide, the Tamil genocide and the Khmer genocide.

Srebrenica Genocide Memorial credit © Mike Norton

According to Mr D’Adam, the genocide convention is a landmark in the evolution of international law and a step to prevent the horrors that occurred during the Second World War, the Holocaust of the European Jewish community, from ever happening again.  Unfortunately, the world has not heeded the cry of “never again”, as evidenced by the genocidal atrocities in Rwanda, Srebrenica in Bosnia and the Sri Lankan Tamil genocide.

The Parliamentary Secretary also reminded the House that there have been 28,000 deaths in Gaza and, noting the ICJ’s decision that found that Israel is at risk of perpetrating a genocide, stated that according to the Genocide Convention in order to liberate human kind from this scourge, international cooperation is required.  According to Mr D’Adam, that means that when genocide is occurring countries like Australia and the rest of the world must take action to prevent it.

Destruction in Gaza AFP

The final speaker to the motion, the Hon. Stephen Lawrence (Labor), who as a barrister once worked in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, declared that it is so important that we teach our children in our schools about the crime of genocide, not only as an expression of human solidarity but also in light of Australia’s own history.  Mr Lawrence recalled that in 1938 the Australian Government’s chief delegate to a conference dealing with refugees from Nazi Germany incredulously told the conference that Australia was not desirous of importing a race problem by encouraging any scheme for large-scale foreign migration.

Mr Lawrence concluded saying that in the context of the motion for genocide recognition it is also important to reflect on contemporary events.  He specifically referred to what he described as the “profoundly moving” judgment of the ICJ and noted that even the ad hoc judge appointed by the Israeli Government concurred with the court’s majority on the issue of provisional measures dealing with incitement to genocide. Whilst noting that the ICJ judgement was concerned with questions of prima facie evidence Mr Lawrence concluded that there is no real question that incitement to genocide has been occurring in Israel by persons of high authority, not to mention the broader question as to whether the mass civilian death in Gaza is, on allegation, a grave breach of international humanitarian law or genocide.

Those contemporary events speak to our common humanity.

In reply, Chris Rath thanked all members who contributed to this important debate, stating that it is incredibly important to acknowledge the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek genocides and to enshrine those genocides in curriculums.

Members of the Joint Justice Initiative

The catalyst for the motion, the Joint Justice Initiative, is a coalition of Armenian, Assyrian and Greek community groups in Australia that lobby for the recognition of these genocides.  For a genocide denied is a genocide repeated.

Professor Melanie OBrien

During the Joint Justice Advocacy Week in Parliament House in Canberra in early 2023, Associate Professor Dr Melanie O’Brien, president of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, and a leading genocide scholar, declared:

“It is crucial that Australia recognise the genocide of the indigenous Armenian, Assyrian and Hellenic populations of the Ottoman Empire by the Ottoman and Republican governments.  It is important to acknowledge the reality of the crimes committed against the victims, survivors and their descendants – some of whom are Australian citizens – and to contribute to the prevention of future genocides.”

As the Lemkin Institute also reminds us, Raphael Lemkin’s broad vision of genocide prevention is a never-ending process of building peace through the rule of law, the historical recognition of victims, and scholarship and practice that is guided by an ethics of the human universal and involves de-escalating identity-based conflicts, working to dislodge deeply rooted conflicts, and building peaceful, inclusive, and just societies.

The NSW Legislative Council is to be congratulated for its forthright debate and unanimous support of the motion for genocide recognition.  It is also a timely reminder of the need to recognise and educate about the unspeakable evils of all genocides and crimes against humanity, from the first genocides of the 20th century to the Holocaust and sadly continuing to the present day.


George Vardas is the Arts and Culture Editor of Greek City Times and is a member of the Multicultural NSW Advisory Board.  He is also a member of the Joint Justice Initiative.  The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author.

Palestine is Greek not Arabic or Jewish

Originally, the name “Palestine” finds its roots in the historical context of the Philistines, an ancient people, possibly related to the Greeks, known as the “Sea Peoples.”

The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century BCE occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast..

It’s not Arabic nor Jewish!

The Palestinians are a people with multiple composite ancestry, which does include Canaanite.

It is believe that amongst their ancestors are the Peleset, Palashtu, Phoenician, and Philistine peoples, some of which are believed to have originated in Mycenaean Greece.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

Modern archaeologists agree that the Philistines were different from their neighbours: Their arrival on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean in the early 12th century B.C. is marked by pottery with close parallels to the ancient Greek world, the use of an Aegean—instead of a Semitic—script

Now, a study published today in the journal Science Advances, prompted by the unprecedented 2016 discovery of a cemetery at the ancient Philistine city of Ashkelon on the southern coast of Israel, provides an intriguing look into the genetic origins and legacy of the Philistines. The research appears to support their foreign origin but reveals that the reviled outsiders were soon marrying into the local populations.

The study analyzed DNA from ten sets of human remains recovered from Ashkelon across three different time periods: a Middle/Late Bronze Age burial ground (about 1650-1200 B.C.), which pre-dates the Philistine presence in the area; infant burials from the late 1100s B.C., following the arrival of the Philistines in the early Iron Age; and individuals buried in the Philistine cemetery in the later Iron Age (10th and ninth centuries B.C.)

The four early Iron Age DNA samples, all from infants buried beneath the floors of Philistine houses, include proportionally more “additional European ancestry” in their genetic signatures (roughly 14%) than in the pre-Philistine Bronze Age samples (2% to 9%), according to the researchers. While the origins of this additional “European ancestry” are not conclusive, the most plausible models point to Greece, Crete, Sardinia, and the Iberian peninsula.

They inhabited the area now known as Gaza and established one of their main cities there. However, like many ancient civilizations, the Philistines eventually faded into history, their distinct identity disappearing around 2,500 years ago.

Approximately six centuries later, the Romans resurrected the name “Palestine” as they suppressed the Jewish Bar Kokhbar revolt between 132 and 136 BC. In the aftermath, they renamed the region that had previously been known as Judea to “Syria Palaestina.” This new province was bordered by Syria to the north and Arabia Petraea to the east and south. Historical inscriptions indicate that during this time, Arabia Petraea was the primary Arabic-speaking region, encompassing Sinai, the Arabah (including Petra), the Transjordan (the region east of the Jordan River), and northern parts of the Hijaz (now in Saudi Arabia).

By the late fourth century, Syria Palaestina was divided into two smaller provinces: Palaestina Prima and Palaestina Seconda, with the latter also incorporating the Transjordan region. The area that had once been part of Arabia Petraea, including Sinai, Negev, and the Arabah, was now referred to as Palestina Salutoris (or Palaestina Tertia). By the time of the Islamic conquests in the 7th century, these three Palestinian provinces were home to a diverse range of ethnic groups, including Greeks, Aramaic speakers, Jews, settled Arabs, and Bedouin Arabs.

The Islamic conquest and subsequent occupation of the Levant in the 7th century by Muslim Arabs led to a process of Arabization, replacing Greek and Aramaic languages with Arabic.

Over the centuries, Palestine has seen waves of migration and settlement from various regions. This includes Arabs, Turks, and in the 19th century, Circassian and Chechen refugees. Additionally, as the local economy began to develop in the early 20th century, driven in part by a growing Jewish population, Palestine attracted economic migrants from different backgrounds.

The Bible’s oldest text teachings came from the Greeks, not from Hebrews

A Jew explains:- The Bible’s oldest text teachings came from the Greeks, not from Hebrews.
The Jewish Bible psyop has finally been debunked!
What he failed to mention is that Hebrew is also a Greek dialect

Cherokees Spoke Greek and Came from East Mediterranean

Cherokees Spoke Greek and Came from East Mediterranean

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

Possum Creek Stone and Anomalous Cherokee DNA Point to Eastern Mediterranean Origins

In memoriam Gloria Farley

Donald N. Yates
DNA Consultants

Keynote address for Ancient American History and Archeology Conference, Sandy, Utah, April 2, 2010

SUMMARY  Three examples of North American rock art are discussed and placed in the context of ancient Greek and Hebrew civilization. The Red Bird Petroglyphs are compared with Greek and Hebrew coins and the Bat Creek Stone. The Possum Creek Stone discovered by Gloria Farley is identified as a Greek athlete’s victory pedestal. The Thruston Stone is interpreted as a record of the blending of Greek, Cherokee, Native American, Egyptian and Hebrew civilization. Keetoowah Society traditions, as captured in The Vision of Eloh’, are adduced to confirm a general outline of the origins of the Cherokee people in a Ptolemaic Greek trans-Pacific expedition joining pre-arriving Greeks, Jews and Phoenicians in the Ohio Valley around 100 c.e.  Recent DNA investigations showing Egyptian, Jewish and Phoenician female lineages and the Y chromosome of Old Testament Priests among the Cherokee are also touched upon. Greek words and customs in the Cherokee are reviewed as time permits. Slide projector requested.

A cave entrance overlooking the Redbird River, a tributary of the South Fork of the Kentucky River in Clay County, Kentucky in the Daniel Boone National Forest, has inscriptions which according to Kenneth B. Tankersley of the University of Cincinnati display a nineteenth-century example of writing in the Cherokee syllabary. A local resident (Burchell) recognizes Greek writing in one inscription (called Christian Monogram #2) but his reading is unsatisfactory for a number of reasons. Evaluation by experts in Greek and Semitic epigraphy identifies two distinct inscriptions, one in Greek and one in Hebrew.  They appear to be contemporaneous with the Bat Creek Stone unearthed in the 1889 excavation of a tomb in East Tennessee by Cyrus Thomas of the Smithsonian Institution.

Another record of Greek-speaking people in ancient America is the Possum Creek Stone, discovered by Gloria Farley in Oklahoma in the 1970s. It is discussed by her in Volume 2 of In Plain Sight as proof that the man history knows as Sequoyah did not invent the Cherokee syllabary.  The inscription can be read as Greek, HO-NI-KA-SA or ‘o nikasa, i.e. “This is the one who takes the prize of victory,” a common inscription for the pedestal upon which victors were crowned at athletic games.  The use is Homeric, and the spelling Doric.

A third piece of evidence helps fill in the background of the arrival of Greeks and their intermarriage with Asiatic and other Indians in North America. In 1870, an engraved 19 x 15 inch limestone tablet was uncovered in a mound excavation on Rocky Creek near Castalian Springs in Sumner County, Tennessee (see Ancient American, vol. 12, no. 77). Dating to an earlier time than its Mississipian Period context, it commemorates a peace treaty between the Cherokee and Shawnee. The Cherokee chief wears a horse-hair crested helmet and carries the spear and shield of a Greek hoplite. His Shawnee adversary clasps hands in a wedding ceremony with a Cherokee woman who bears wampum belts as a pledge of peace, has her hair in a maidenly bun, wears a Middle Eastern-style plaid kilt, and displays a large star of David. In the Red Record or Walam Olum, we learn that before crossing the Mississippi, somewhere along the south bank of the Missouri, the Algonquians or Lenni Lenape (Delaware Indians), who are later allied with the Cherokee, encounter a foreign tribe they call the Stonys. Cherokee legends about Stone-coat demonstrate that the original Cherokee had metal armor and weapons. DNA studies confirm a mixture of “anomalous” East Mediterranean mitochondrial lineages such as Egyptian T, Greek U and Phoenician X with “standard” American Indian haplogroups A, B, C and D in the Cherokee and certain other Eastern Woodlands Indians.

To sum up, the Red Bird Petroglyph is a Greek inscription from the 2nd to 3rd century c.e., not a crude Cherokee scratching of around 1800 as announced recently by the Archeological Institute of America and the New York Times. It occurs above what is, in all likelihood, an inscription in Maccabean-era Hebrew. The Sequoyan syllabary for which these Greek and Hebrew inscriptions were mistaken originated in the Greek world of the Bronze Age along with other syllabaries like Linear A, Linear B and Cypro-Minoan. The Cherokee language, which today is Iroquoian, is the result of a relexification process in the distant past. It contains many relics of words of Greek origin, especially in the area of government, military terminology, mythology, athletics and ritual. Cherokee music also reflects Greek origins.  The Cherokee Indians are, quite literally, the Greeks of Native America.

Possum Creek Stone and Anomalous Cherokee DNA Point to East Mediterranean Origins (PPT)

Greek Words and Customs in Cherokee

huios Dios
illo, illas*
(hoi en) telei
wanderers (in a hopeless sense)
noxious, devouring beast, whale
hairy, shaggy like a beast
things that befall
volunteer settlers
Son of Zeus (title of Herakles)
wrap, twist; rope
base arts, perjury, fraud
straight-edge used by athletes
a chief
stopping place, way-station
titan of Greek mythology
one not killed
declared healthy
ghost, shade
astronomical instrument
those in authority
spectator in a play
theater, assembly
raise a smoke, make sacrifice
eloh’; elohi
Su-too Jee
migrants, wanderers; earth
mythic great fish
hairy water monster
Cherokee; original people
doctor, hunter
mythic strong man
twisted hair clan (cf. Hawaiianhilo)
taboo regulation
scraper used by ballplayers
war chief title
assembly house
speaker, herald
land where the Elohi tarried
rival of Sutoo Jee (Herakles)
name of a dragon or serpent
divining crystal for health
ghost; cedar
name of dangerous serpent
Great Hawk
brave, warrior
Playful Cherokee fairy
ceremonial enclosure
sorcerer, Stoneclad
ceremonial title; firecracker  (s

700,000 years old Skull discovered in Greek cave

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700,000 years old Skull discovered in Greek cave, completely shatters the Out of Africa theory


stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

A skull that has the potential to challenge what we know about human evolution has been discovered in Greece in the 60s but unfortunately we only found out about it now, so we would rather report about it now than never.

We have now received an update directly from the head researcher, Dr Aris Poulianos, who has been working against all obstacles to get the information out about this controversial skull.

In 1959, Dr Poulianos worked under the Greek Government on the discovery of a cave in Petralona, Chalkidiki, where numerous ancient fossils were found, including the important discovery of a human skull that Dr Poulianos dated at 700,000 years old.

The consensus among paleoanthropologists today is that the cranium belongs to an archaic hominid distinguished from Homo erectus, and from both the classic Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans, but showing characteristics of all species and presenting strong European traits.

According to Dr Poulianos, the age of the skull challenges the Out of Africa hypothesis and suggests the independent evolution of Homo sapiens in Europe.

According to Dr Poulianos’ latest update, the Greek government has been making systematic efforts to hide, diminish and discredit his work, as well as blocking him from further research and excavations in the cave of Petralona. They have also requested him not to discuss the finding made in the cave.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

Multiple false accusations have been made by the government to try to spoil his name and his 50 years of research on the cave, yet the European Anthropological Association supports him and has submitted complaints to the Greek Government for this unacceptable situation.

Dr Poulianos has claimed that the government destroys more than 90% of the anthropological evidence found in Greece, and that people who do not hold paleoanthropology qualifications are put in positions of responsibility over important archaeological excavations.

Recently, Dr Poulianos gave a talk at a high school in Athens, and immediately faced an attack from the authorities, which was directed at both him and the high school that allowed him to talk. The Director of the school has since spoken of the “unacceptable and defiant attitude of the authorities” and wrote: “It is really depressing that a government scientific department writes so many inaccuracies, misrepresentations, lies and threats to a head master”.

It is very sad to see the consistent efforts of the Greek government to hide the truth from the public and destroy the life of people that devoted their lives to investigating and researching for the truth.

You can read the official letter in Greek and in English sent by Dr Poulianos to the Greek Government a few days ago.

Ancient Greeks Discovered America Thousands of Years Ago

Carthaginian coins from circa 310–290 BC. Representational image only.

Ancient Greeks Discovered America Thousands of Years Ago


A new book by Italian physicist and philologist Lucio Russo presents the controversial claim that the ancient Greeks discovered America long before Christopher Columbus set foot on American soil in 1492.

Russo, who currently teaches probability at Tor Vergata University of Rome, says the main reason why researchers think America wasn’t known to ancient Greeks is not due to lack of proof, but to scientific dogma. Once a perspective has been accepted virtually world-wide and written with certainty into the history books it is very hard to convince the ‘establishment’ to accept an alternative perspective.

The book presents a wealth of evidence pointing to the ancient Greeks as the first discoverers. The Greeks were, among other things, the only civilization that was able to understand that the Earth was round—an understanding that was later lost.

But if it was the Greeks that discovered America, how did people come to forget this continent? The error, according to the author, is mainly due to Ptolemy, who developed a world map finding a midpoint between the claims made by various ancient sources.

The key problem is the identification of the Fortunate Islands, which the ancient Greeks sometimes referred to, as the Canary Islands (near the West coast of Africa). But the Greeks were actually referring to the Antilles, according to Russo. The misunderstanding was due to the Romans and other post-Greek people’s disbelief and incapability of navigating the oceans.  Ptolemy missed the latitude of Canary Islands by 15 degrees latitude, making them to appear on the point of the map were the Antilles would expected to be.

Scientists and philologists have, according to Russo, welcomed the new perspective with enthusiasm, while geographers and historians have had a harder time digesting the possibility that Columbus’s epic journey had all been done before.

By April Holloway

The Legendary Hyperborea and the Ancient Greeks: Who Really Discovered America?


In his story of Atlantis, written at around 360 BC, Plato mentioned a grand island or continent across the Atlantic, one larger than Libya and Asia combined. This continent was so enormous, he said, “it encompassed (wrapped around) that veritable ocean”. Is it possible that Plato was talking about the American continent and not that of Atlantis, as many automatically assume when they read that story for the first time?

Let’s not ignore that many scholars and researchers also show that proper translation of Plato’s text places Atlantis in the Mediterranean and not in the Atlantic, or some other exotic location. Aside from those claims though, is it conceivable to accept that the ancient Greeks, around the 4th century BC, knew of the American continent across the Atlantic? Interestingly, several clues suggest that this may not be such an outlandish assumption after all.

Roughly twenty years ago, in 1996, Mark McMenamin, a professor of geology at Mount Holyoke College in the United States, discovered and interpreted a series of enigmatic markings on the reverse side of a Carthaginian gold coin, minted circa 350 BC, as an ancient map of the world. In the center of this world map there is a clear depiction of the Mediterranean basin. An image to the right of it is interpreted to represent Asia, while the image to the left is interpreted to represent the American continent. Professor McMenamin also found that all known specimens of this type of coin formed the same type of “world” map. This was an interesting discovery, no doubt; however, what is most interesting about this find, is that this particular Carthaginian coin was minted within the same decade when Plato unveiled the story of Atlantis and revealed that there was a large continent across from the Pillars of Hercules.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

Carthaginian coins from circa 310–290 BC. Representational image only. (Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. / CC BY-SA 2.5 )

The Piri Reis Map

The Piri Reis world map, named after its maker, a Turkish admiral and renowned cartographer (1465-1553), drawn in 1513, merely two decades after the ‘discovery’ of America by Christopher Columbus, depicts the west coast of Africa, Europe, as well as the entire American continent on the Atlantic side. According to Piri Reis, however, his controversial map was based on several other charts, many dating as early as the 4th century BC!

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

Map of the world by Ottoman admiral Piri Reis, drawn in 1513. ( Public Domain )

While by any means the famous map does not come close to a satellite image, it still properly depicts the continents on both sides of the Atlantic, although with one major flaw. It shows the horn of South America turning sharply eastwards, almost at a 90-degree angle, as if South America “wraps around” the Atlantic at the bottom of the map. Of course, some go on to speculate that the horizontal body of that land could be that of Antarctica, thus the controversy, since Antarctica was not discovered until 300 years later.

Although the controversy in Piri Reis’ map significantly diminishes without Antarctica in it, the existence of this map still helps reinforce a couple of assumptions made earlier. If truly Piri Reis borrowed from other ancient maps dating back to the 4th century BC, then unquestionably this reinforces the suggestion that Plato, at 360 BC, could have been aware of the American continent in order to include it in his story.

Moreover, is it possible that the apparent flaw on Piri Reis’ map, which most likely also appeared on the much older originals, explains why Plato was under the false impression that the immense continent across from the Pillars of Hercules “encompassed” (wrapped around) the Atlantic Ocean. Just as in the northern hemisphere, where North America, along with Greenland, Iceland and few other islands seem to encompass the North Atlantic.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

Map by Abraham Ortelius, Amsterdam 1572: at the top left Oceanvs Hyperborevs separates Iceland from Greenland. ( Public Domain )

Legendary Hyperborea

Additional clues, though, not only suggest that the ancient Greeks knew of North America across the Atlantic, but as it appears, they were also familiar with the region around the Arctic Circle—in essence the broken bridge that connects northern Europe to North America. They called this land Hyperborea (a Greek word that means “Extremely North”.)

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

Arctic continent on the Gerardus Mercator map of 1595. ( Public Domain )

Is this possible? While undoubtedly skeptics would dismiss this suggestion, interestingly, the Greeks believed that Hyperborea was an unspoiled territory so far north from Greece, the sun there never sets. Of course, the only place due north where the sun continuously shines, at least six months out of a year, is the region above the Arctic circle, a territory obviously not easily accessible, especially during the winter months. ‘Coincidentally’, the poet Pindar (522 BC – 443 BC) wrote that “neither by ship nor on foot would you find the marvelous road to the assembly of the Hyperboreans,” a statement that further corroborates the inaccessibility of this region.

So, when bearing in mind this place’s location (somewhere “extremely north”,) the fact that is somewhere where the sun never sets, and this is a region inaccessible by foot or boat (most likely due to a frozen Arctic Ocean), where else can a place like this be? Can Hyperborea have been the figment of vivid imagination, or is it possible that there was some truth to this story, as in the case of other stories brought to us from ancient Greece, which involved real places wrapped in mythical elements? Such, among others, was the Palace of Knossos, which it was associated with the Minotaur (a mythical beast of half man and half bull,) the city of Troy which was connected with an epic war fought by demigods, and Mount Olympus, which was thought to be occupied by gods. What about Hyperborea though? Is it possible that the Greeks managed to navigate so far north, or was that knowledge passed down to them from others, such as the Minoans perhaps?

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

The road to Hyperborea and North America

If, according to historians, the Bronze Age Minoans 4,000 years ago were often traveling as far as Scotland and the Orkney Islands to trade goods, is it inconceivable to assume that over time (going back and forth for a thousand years) they may have eventually reached Greenland (the edge of Hyperborea,) only a couple of short island stops away? And, if those ancient navigators managed to reach Greenland via island hopping, is it possible then to assume that they could have gone a bit further and ultimately reached North America, which in essence, is just around the corner?

Clues Buried Around the World

If not, where did thousands of tons of copper from the region around the Great Lakes disappear to during the Bronze Age? Most importantly, how did spices, plants and insects indigenous only to America find themselves in Santorini (a Minoan island) around the period of 1600 BC?

An excavation in the ancient city of Akrotiri, on the island of Santorini, revealed that a tobacco beetle (Lasioderma serricorne), an insect indigenous to America at the time, was found buried under the volcanic ash of the 1600 BC eruption. If tobacco was not introduced to Europeans until around 1518 AD, as history claims (nearly 3,000 years later), how else did this pest of stored tobacco got there.

Furthermore, how were the Egyptians able to obtain tobacco and other plants indigenous to America, like coca leaves, which were often used during mummification? Indeed, in 1992, German studies revealed that one third of all mummies tested, carried traces of nicotine on their hair, skin, and bones. Also, the same tobacco beetle found in Santorini was found inside the mummy of King Ramses II (1213 BC), as well as inside King Tutankhamen’s tomb (1323 BC).

Following the Genetic Trail

If our early Mediterranean ancestors did not know of North America 10,000 to 12,000 years ago, how then did Haplogroup X, a Mediterranean gene, find itself in North America around that timeframe and as Plato claimed?

For those not familiar with genetics, each race around the planet is categorized by scientists according to their particular DNA haplogroup. For example, all American Indians contain haplogroups A, B, C, and D. As haplogroups A, C, and D are also found primarily in Asia, and B mainly in China and Japan, it is highly speculated by anthropologists that these four haplogroups traveled to North America during a glacier period when continents were once connected by ice.

A more recent study, though, on certain Native American tribes, especially those around the Great Lakes, revealed that in addition to the above haplogroups they were also found to carry haplogroup X. If Middle Easterners somehow made it to America 10,000 years ago, why do only tribes around the Great Lakes carry this particular gene? And, most importantly, how did Mediterranean people travel to North America?

If this was some random transfer, as some scientists maintain (see Solutrean Hypothesis), why then did no other haplogroup from at least a dozen in Europe at the time not follow X, as the four Asian haplogroups on the opposite side of the map ultimately followed each other via the Bering Strait? Is it possible that haplogroup X navigated to North America in a contained environment as Plato claimed? Or, is it possible, as the majority of anthropologists suggest, 10,000 years ago Mediterranean people walked to America while ice still connected the Asian and American continents at the Bering Strait?

A huge problem with the scientific claim, though, is that en route from the Middle East to America, the furthest region east of the Mediterranean to carry small traces of haplogroup X is that of the Altai Republic in southern Russia. No traces of haplogroup X (a variation of X, or another European haplogroup) exist further east of that region. We must also not ignore that mtDNA maps show that the highest concentrations of haplogroup X exist on the Atlantic side, around the Great Lakes, and not in Alaska or alongside the west coast, where, according to anthropologists, haplogroup X infiltrated America.

And last but not least, we must not ignore that high traces of haplogroup X strangely exist in Scotland, Orkney Islands, Faroe Islands and Iceland, essentially all the island stops from Europe to North America.

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

mtDNA Map of Haplogroup X

Christos A. Djonis is author of the book “ Uchronia? Atlantis Revealed ”.

Featured image: Is it possible the ancient Greeks knew of the New World thousands of years ago? Courtesy Christos A. Djonis

Unless otherwise noted, images are the Copyrighted Material of Christos A. Djonis and have been used with permission.

By: Christos A. Djonis

July 26 – It’s All a Charade, Folks

(Like schoolboys, they witness their treachery with secret handshakes.) 

Biden is supposedly in favor of a ceasefire and two-state solution which Satanyahu vehemently opposes. But it’s all a charade folks. At the same time, he enables the genocide with munitions.

Look at Biden’s hand. That’s a classic Masonic thumb-on-knuckle handshake. No normal person shakes hands like that. They are all deep state. 

Just like the Secret Serices’ collaboration with Trump in his little Moshiah stunt. Trump’s fight with the Demonrats is about as real as his feud with Rosie O’Donnell. 

Please send links and comments to [email protected]

Chronicling the collapse of civilization is a depressing task, but truth must be told. 

“They that hate you shall reign over you” (Leviticus 26:17).

“The 188th mitzvah is that we are commanded to wipe out — from among all the descendants of Esav — the descendants of Amalek…” –

Chief Chabad Rabbi of Russia & Putin’s personal Rabbi, Berel Lazar: 

“Bibi Netanyahu was in Moscow four times this year. There are 10 flights every day, Moscow-Tel Aviv….a lot of business….Everything that’s happening in Syria, it’s fully coordinated between Israel & Russia.”

It’s all a charade folks.


You’ve heard the famous three shots that caused Trump to grab his ear and duck for cover.
There’s a problem: Those three shots were fired AWAY from Trump. No bullets were ever fired at Trump.
Trump is not a conservative, he’s just a straight up CON.
Video is a snippet of longer video courtesy of MaxResistance:

Not a Christian country anymore

Rabbi Levi Slonim of Chabad of Binghamton had the distinct honor of giving the opening prayer at the United States Congress by invitation of Congressman Marc Molinaro.

Illuminating Inconsistencies and Addressing Anomalies in the Trump Assassination Attempt

Depopulation in action: Reuters published a complete instruction on how to make $3 million worth of fentanyl for $3,600 at home.

Tucker Carlson Praises Noahide Laws: “They’re Great!”

Red/Russian (aka Jewish) Mafiya

Starting in the 1970s and accelerating after the fall of the Soviet Union, thousands of these “Russian” thugs somehow were let into America with the greatest of ease. Robert Friedman wrote, “Thousands of hard-core criminals, many of them released from Soviet Gulags by the KGB, took advantage of their nominal Jewish status to swarm into the United States. The majority settled in Brighton Beach, where they quickly resumed their cruel criminal vocation. The understaffed and ill-equipped Immigration Service,” Robert Friedman reveals, “seemed helpless to stop them.”

Hundreds of former Soviet athletes and Special Forces veterans of the Afghanistan wars, including many retired KGB agents, swarmed into America. It is estimated that 500,000 to 750,000 Russian Jews came in. The FBI at the time called them far more lethal and dangerous than Italian Mafia ever were.
Blue Tooth Mac Address Phenomenon From COVID 19 Shots – Conversation with Dr. Pedro Chavez From COMUSAV. Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 30

In this episode, I speak with Dr. Pedro Chavez, President of COMUSAV from Mexico. Dr Chavez explains his research of the MAC address phenomenon in the COVID19 vaccinated and the unvaccinated who received PCR swabs. He also documented the emission of MAC addresses from grave sites of the injected. His findings were shown in the documentary Bluetruth available here:

Israeli woman dressed like the Statue of Liberty standing in fake blood near the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv, protesting the U.S. unconditional support of the genocide in Gaza, during Netanyahu’s speech to the Congress. Many Israelis oppose their government policies, but like us, they are trapped. 
After months of denials, IDF finally admits responsibility for KILLING Israeli hostages on October 7

The IDF’s gradual release of these stories seems aimed at mitigating the impact of their actions. Recently, Haaretz was permitted to publish a story acknowledging that Israel killed their own people under the “Hannibal Directive.”

Watch this clip from Tel Aviv of a protest featuring thousands of Israelis calling for an immediate ceasefire with the release of all hostages, Netanyahu’s ousting and new elections.

Anne Heche didn’t die in the car crash. Video from Fox shows her trying to escape a zipped body bag.

1.50 min

Wife Of Never-Trumper (((Max Boot))) Caught Spying For South Korea

Despite Boot’s relentless accusations of treason against Trump, it turns out his own wife might be involved in espionage. According to The New York Times, Terry, a respected foreign policy expert, has a taste for luxury, enjoying high-end fashion and fine dining.


Sinaloa Drug Cartel Co-Founder Tricked Into Flying To Small US Airfield, Greeted With Handcuffs

Sinaloa Drug Cartel Co-Founder Tricked Into Flying To Small US Airfield, Greeted With Handcuffs

In a story destined to be dramatized on the big screen, a major Mexican drug lord was tricked on Thursday into flying aboard a small plane that landed near El Paso, Texas, where federal agents greeted him on the tarmac with handcuffs. 

That big prize was 76-year-old Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, who co-founded the infamous Sinaloa cartel with Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman in the late 1980s. El Chapo was extradited to America in 2017 and is serving a life sentence at the federal supermax penitentiary in  Florence, Colorado. El Chapo’s son, Joaquín Guzman Lopez, may become his “so close and yet so far” neighbor at the Alcatraz of the Rockies, as he was also nabbed in the creative scheme — and reportedly participated in it. 

Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, now 76 years old, is said to have co-founded the Sinaloa Cartel three decades ago (Mexico Attorney General/AFP/Getty Images via Wall Street Journal)

Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the arrests in a statement issued Thursday: 

“The Justice Department has taken into custody two additional alleged leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel, one of the most violent and powerful drug trafficking organizations in the world…Both men are facing multiple charges in the United States for leading the Cartel’s criminal operations, including its deadly fentanyl manufacturing and trafficking networks.” 

According the Wall Street Journal’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) sources, El Mayo was led to believe the small aircraft he was boarding would take him to survey covert airstrips inside Mexico. The scheme was months in the making, and was a joint project with the FBI.

Adding to the cinematic intrigue, a high-ranking cartel member is said to have tricked the two into boarding the US-bound airplane. Plot twist: The New York Times reports that it was Guzman Lopez — El Chapo’s son who was also aboard and arrested. Fox News‘ Bryan Llenas reports that a source tells him Guzman Lopez was said to have turned on El Mayo because he blamed him for his father’s apprehension.  

While the DOJ and DEA statements didn’t identify the airstrip, reports from Reuters and KTSM indicate the plane landed at Santa Teresa International Jetport, which is located in New Mexico, just across the state line from El Paso. “One worker at the Santa Teresa airport…[said] that he saw a Beechcraft King Air land on the runway, where federal agents were already waiting,” Reuters reports. 

The accused drug kingpins were flying in a Beechcraft King Air similar to this one (via AOPA)

Since the Sinaloa Cartel is widely believed to be the foremost smuggler of illicit fentanyl, the twin-arrests represent a major triumph for federal law enforcement, and come at a time when Donald Trump and other Republican candidates are sharply criticizing the Biden administration’s performance on that particular drug-war front. 

Another of Chapo’s sons, Ovidio Guzman, was extradited to the US in January 2023. El Chapo’s four sons are known as “Los Chapitos,” and the same name is used by the criminal organization they’ve run, which is one of four that comprise the Sinaloa Cartel. In October, the Sinaloa Cartel reportedly banned fentanyl production and trafficking, but the DEA dismissed the announcement as “probably a publicity stunt,” noting that the volume of fentanyl seized at the border was undiminished.  

“Fentanyl is the deadliest drug threat our country has ever faced, and the Justice Department will not rest until every single cartel leader, member, and associate responsible for poisoning our communities is held accountable,” said Garland. Synthetic opioids — including fentanyl — were responsible for more than 74,000 deaths in the United States in 2023, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

While the DEA crowed that the arrest of El Mayo represents an “enormous blow to the Sinaloa Cartel,” don’t count on it to have a material impact on the flow of drugs into the United States. “We aren’t talking about a structure that depends on a few kingpins — it’s very diffuse and resilient to these kinds of hits,” International Crisis Group senior analyst Falko Ernst tells the Times. In the near term, he adds, the principal result will likely be violence as the cartel’s succession competition plays out. 

It should also be noted that, in a grand example of unintended consequences of government market interventions, the rise of fentanyl is itself a product of the war on drugs. Per Richard Cowan’s Iron Law of Prohibition, “As law enforcement becomes more intense, the potency of prohibited substances increases.” That’s because high-potency drugs are easier to smuggle — giving a 10-pound parcel of fentanyl a far better risk/reward/ROI profile than a truckload of marijuana.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 07/26/2024 – 09:30 Source

WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!! Hasn’t the whole world seen this grand deception before?

The USA is stealthily being set up
as the “Nazi Germany” of World War III

***There’s a very good reason why the Left has demonized Donald Trump as the next Adolf Hitler.

Just as Hitler was a creation of the most powerful and wealthiest Zionists in Nazi Germany, Trump is also a product of his well-concealed Zionist puppeteers here in the states, in Europe and in Israel.

Submitted by Revisionist Historians for World Peace
SOTN Exclusive

Who does not see the uncanny parallels between pre-World War II Germany and pre-World War III United States?

KEY POINT: There are so many telltale signs that the U.S. has been insidiously set up since 9/11 by the same Khazarian banksters who set up and then took down Germany by way of World War II.  Just look at the raging inflation that has decimated the American middle class as well as the the purposefully engineered ruptures in international relations between the USA and nations the world over. See: Top 10 Ways Society Today Is Like Pre-War Nazi Germany

Just as Hitler was installed by the Rothschild banksters to “Make Germany Great Again”, which he did, Trump was enlisted by the Central Banking Cartel and International Banking Crime Syndicate to “Make America Great Again”, which he appeared to do during his first term.

Anyone who has studied the true history of Germany’s rebirth as an international power in the 1930s under Hitler knows that it was a national ‘miracle’ … greased with LOTS of money from the London, New York, Paris and Frankfurt-based banksters.

As a matter of historical fact, Hitler did such a great job of rehabbing Germany after the economic and financial devastation wrought by World War I and the Great Depression that the citizenry allowed him to become a fascist despot, exactly as it was planned out by his hidden Khazarian masters and overt Zionist handlers. Which ultimately led to Hitler quite easily taking away free speech and firearms from the German people.

Well, guess what, this is precisely what Trump is destined to do according to the commands of his Khazarian masters and Zionist handlers after his re-election. Remember, the ONLY reason why Trump won 2016 is because Israel made sure he was installed in the Oval Office to “Make Israel Great Again”, which he did.

The recent assassination attempt in Butler, PA with quite deliberately carried out with a “semi-automatic AR-15 rifle” in order to convince Trump that such firearms are not needed by the average American as they can be effectively used to murder VIPs like him.

Every Republican in the U.S. Congress is also paying very close attention to this transparent false flag psyop hoax so that when Trump is elected, they’re all in on the draconian 2025 gun control legislation that’s already written and ready to pass.

This is how the next POTUS and U.S. Congress are being stealthily set up
to pass draconian gun control laws in direct violation of 2nd Amendment

After that dirty deed is accomplished by Trump and his many RINO collaborators in Congress, they will go after the Free Speech. After firearms are removed from law-abiding citizens, gutting the First Amendment will be relatively easy for these Uniparty traitors to the American Republic. See: Trump will be used to take away our guns just like this.

Incidentally, cancelling the First Amendment has already begun in earnest throughout many states when protests against the horrific Gaza genocide was unlawfully banned.

Everyone knows where Trump stands on the matter of the never-ending Palestinian Holocaust. Hence, any free speech that can be construed as anti-Zionism, anti-Israel, anti-Jewish or anti-Gaza genocide will be labelled as anti-semitic ‘hate speech’.

In other words, no matter what the truth disseminated about the proven war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the apartheid state of Israel, they will be considered criminalized hate speech under the long-planned Trump regime.


That unconstitutional criminalization of once protected free speech will be the initial crack in the First Amendment that will then be exploited by Trump’s regime to slowly abolish all forms of speech which the ZOG-directed U.S. Federal Government finds offensive.

There’s much more to this highly complex and convoluted script than has been written by Trump’s Khazarian masters and Zionist handlers, much of which very closely parallels the Adolph Hitler “Third Reich” narrative, but for now………

~~~ END OF STORY ~~~

Revisionist Historians for World Peace
State of the Nation
July 26, 2024

SOTN Editor’s Note: Two things here: First, that I had a very “bad” experience with developer Donald Trump through my family who lives in West Palm Beach, Florida.  Trump met with my commercial developer brother once and proposed all sorts of great projects that they could work on together.  However, there was a catch.  My uniquely skilled brother would receive no compensation whatsoever for his very hard work, but he could tell everyone in the development community that he works for Donald Trump.  WOW!!!

Secondly, I was an U.S. Army Officer who did a tour of duty in Germany during the early 1980s, and I went there on a mission to understand the true causes and purposes behind World War II, the Holocaust and the Final Solution. It became quickly apparent to me — THEN — that the United States of America was being painstakingly set up to be the Fourth Reich.  And every major twist and turn of American events since then has only validated that quite unfortunate observation.  As The Burning Platform correctly points out at regular intervals: “The Fourth Turning is upon US”.



Beshear becomes Harris’s top attack dog against Vance (But why the cultural marxist soyboy from Kentucky?!)





President Trump RIPS Reprehensible Conspiracy Theorist — FBI Director Chris Wray — After He Suggests that Trump Was Never Hit By a Bullet!


HUGE DEM SELECTION GLITCH! Influential House Democrat Breaks Rank, Says He Is ‘Absolutely Not’ Committed to Kamala Harris

Influential House Democrat Breaks Rank, Says He Is ‘Absolutely Not’ Committed to Kamala Harris





ZELENSKY’S DELIBERATE GENOCIDE NOW EXPOSED! Ukrainian conscripts ‘don’t want to fight’ – Belgian state TV



ISRAELI CYBER-ATTACKS? French high-speed rail network crippled by massive ‘sabotage’ (VIDEOS)



Are there skeletons in the closet of NBC’s VP choice for Kamala?








The FDA’s Disastrous War Against Sleep




Crowdstrike Returns and the Collapse Begins

This may be the most engaging and mind-blowing 90 minutes of vital information that I’ve ever seen on video and I’ve transcribed it, in its entirety, below.

Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss the “CrowdStrike Outage” within the context of the little-known history of the internet’s encryption technology and the role of Dmitri Alperovitch, to explain what’s happening, which they believe is the harbinger of extremely repressive times ahead, with the impending economic collapse and the imposition of the Social Credit Score and CBDC slave system on humanity.

A little background, here, for those not familiar with and the story of McKibben, Founder of Leader Technologies. Michael claims that he was the original developer of the source code that enabled the scalability required to create social media and that this was stolen from him by Mark Zuckerberg, who was attending Harvard University at the same time as his son – a long story, which you can read about HERE.

For years, McKibben was engaged in forensic research to produce indictable evidence for his case against Facebook. Several times along the way, he and his team were absolutely floored by their discoveries about how the world actually works in the spheres of high finance, governments and communications.

A finding around 2018 left him particularly flabbergasted: Hillary Clinton and her cronies have access to all of the Digital Keys for all transactions on the planet. In other words, unless you can build a new internet, you – and say, your cryptocurrencies, for example – are accessible by them. This is literally how they can (and do) “turn off your chip”, in the famous words last of the late Aaron Russo.

Here are some highlights from their revelations, below:

• The father of CrowdStrike Founder, Dmitri Alperovitch, Michael was a top nuclear scientist and cryptologist in Russia, who defected to the US with his family in 1994 with a job at the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), the home of the United States’ Atomic Secrets.

• The TVA turned over to Michael the preliminary experiment with what is now called the Federal Public Key Infrastructure Architecture (FPKIA), which is basically the cryptological codes to get into anything online; military, corporate, domestic, international, etc.

• These Public Key Encryption (PKE) codes are currently under the complete control of Hillary Clinton, Robert Mueller, Michael Chertoff and Dmitri Alperovitch.

• Thus, there is no such thing as a secure system on the internet.

• Young Dmitri gained fame as the world’s greatest hacker but he was actually using his father’s codes. He did corporate hacking and phishing and ransomware and he eventually got arrested (although you won’t see this is not on his Wikipedia page).

• Being that Dmitri had access to the Public Key infrastructure and could open anything, this led to his being hired by James Comey to work with John McAfee to expand Total Information Awareness (TIA), which was essentially about channeling every digital communication into one stream; stringing together all the computers in the world into one source. 

• Although officially defunded in 2003, due to public outcry, TIA’s core architecture continued development, under multiple projects, such as PRISM, which is datamining all communications to create a “Dark Profile” on every individual; everything you say, everything you buy, for the implementation of a Social Credit System, which anybody who’s been kicked off of all social media, such as myself, knows already exists, it just hasn’t been fully implemented, yet.

• Dmitri had access to everything and helped start the war in Ukraine in 2014, where he gave out the codes to websites spoofed to look like the Ukrainian Military Artillery Unit and he gave other access to the Russians – which they thought they had spied and “discovered” – giving conflicting information on Global Positioning Satellite data, causing the Ukrainians to bomb their own people, killing tens of thousands in Donbass. Douglas says, “This was a War Crime – unbelievable, unbelievable, in history – even the Russians got fooled.” 

The 2015 Office of Personnel Management Data Breach, that was attributed to “China” was actually done by Dmitri Alperovitch, using his father’s codes.

• Obama, knowing all of this, would only hire CrowdStrike to do all cyber security, both corporate and Military when he was in office for eight years.

• It was Obama who invited Dmitri to be the only person to look at the DNC server when they said they were hacked. Only CrowdStrike – Obama’s favorite and only cyber security company – was allowed to go in and look at the DNC. They did an analysis over the phone with their proprietary system called “Falcon” and found that the “Russians” had breached their system but they had not exfiltrated anything – but they could, if they wanted. 

• Douglas says, “They weren’t hacked. They had their #1 Guy, who had seen both sides of Hillary Clinton’s template for winning the election, which was on the DNC server and on her server – and by the way, they didn’t tell Hillary to stop using her server after they saw that everyone had access to her server, because Huma Abedin, who now is the [fiancée] of George Soros’s son, Alexander Soros – she was using the password “PASSWORD”, so everyone in the world was getting everything that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was doing. 

• “Why? Because, she was trading guns through the Secretary of State, using not only OPEC money but Secretary of State money and Department of Defense money [and USAID money]. So every country she went to – over a hundred, while she was Secretary of State – she gave weapons to, without anybody’s permission and she got donations to the Clinton Foundation.”

• The official story about the CrowStrike outage, that it was “a simple mistake” by some software engineer, is a lie. Moreover, Michael says it should be called the “CrowdStrike-Microsoft outage”, because it could not have happened without Microsoft’s cooperation.

• CrowdStrike is an evil player against America and Dmitri Alperovitch is a Major League psychopath.

• Douglas predicts it will probably come out in a year or two that Dmitri/his cohorts (Hillary, etc) are the ones who gave the orders for this “update”/crash, because they had to set up the avenues to pull down and to delete the information that could condemn them.

• The Cabal/Pilgrims/”mother-WEFers” are planning an Avian Flu Plandemic that’s 10 to 100 times “worse” than COVID, suggesting $100 trillion in economic losses, considering that COVID caused an estimated $3 to $5 trillion in losses – not including the lost businesses that never came back.

• The CrowdStrike outage is actually an economic attack. Douglas says, “The Reset is now. The Cyber Polygon, it’s now and it’s going to get worse, by the way. This is just the beginning and the economic collapse is here – and they want to blame it on Trump.” 

• The CrowdStrike attack is costing an incalculable billions per day. 

• The Bank for International Settlements has agreed to be the Clearing House for BRICS, which means the American dollar can now fall, because they have a new medium and someone to do the clearing for the Big Oil deals.

• A communications clampdown is coming. They already arrest people in Europe, Canada and China for saying one forbidden word on social media. Journalists are already being arrested in Germany, Brazil, Russia, China, for simply practicing journalism.

• America’s greatest enemy, by far is the British Crown, via the Pilgrims Society and their minions in the Senior Executive Service.

• Michael’s solution to this is his “Quantum-Proof” MySQIF Privacy App, which he assures us, “Absolutely cannot be hacked and in fact, mathematically, it will take three lifetimes of the Universe [10+ billion years], currently to hack one of your files that you send in that way.” It is now available for PC running Windows. If you want to exchange files privately, this is the way to do it and they cannot be cracked. 

• Douglas says we are living through the most prevalent evil in history. The purpose of this communication is to get the word out, so you can get good with God and your spirit can rise above these demonic times. 



(Lightly edited for ease of reading)

Douglas Gabriel: Welcome to the Mike and Doug show. I’m Doug.  Hi, Mike. 

Michael McKibben: Hey, Doug how are you, today? 

Douglas Gabriel: Well, I’m good, because I always love to be able to say, “We told you so” – and Boy, did we tell you so! Not only did we tell you so, we’ve told you so many times, we’re going to tell you again! And maybe, if you’re still dreaming or in a trance consciousness, you might wake up. 

CrowdStrike is an evil, evil player against America and Dmitri Alperovitch is the person we’re going to focus on – but like we always do, we’re not going to just tell you the bad news, we’re going to tell you the solution and the way out – and that’s what Michael McKibben’s come here today to say. 

Michael McKibben: Yeah, isn’t that amazing, how this young company grew to be this Behemoth within a decade? I mean, that just doesn’t happen unless you get help. 

Douglas Gabriel:  We are the only people who can tell you how that happened and I’d be glad to tell you now. Oh, you’d like to know? Well, then I’ll tell you: 

Michael Alperovitch, Dimitri’s Daddy was the #1 nuclear scientist and cryptologist in Russia. He defected, first to Ukraine and then, to Canada and then, to America and later, he and his son, Dmitri became, in fact American citizens. Go and read Wikipedia, it’ll say three times that Dmitri is an “American citizen”. 

Why? because he worked against Russia from Ukraine – and you probably noticed that the Trump tweet from the Old Days – and also, the conversation with Zelenskyy, the transcript from that asks about “a billionaire”, it asks about “CrowdStrike” and it asks about “the server”, OK? …

There were three servers involved. I don’t want to get into Bashears’ server (?) and Imran Awan, which was a Pakistanian complete overtaking of the House and the Senate, completely – 100% everything was, in-the-clear being sent to Pakistan. 

But the DNC and all that, it’s complicated but we have explained this and we’ve attached an article along with this video, so that you can go back and see that what we told you when it was happening is basically a predictor for what happens now. 

But it didn’t take a genius to listen to Klaus the Slob and His World Economic Forum prediction of a Cyber Polygon happening in 2024. He also said that “The Reset” would happen at that time, right?

And so, it’s happened, Folks! I predicted some time ago – multiple times – about Trump and the astrological aspects going on, now. Mars is conjunct Uranus in the Second House and basically, that means there’s going to be a huge economic effect, probably a crash, like an explosion that would happen three days before or three days after July 15th and 16th. 

Well, on the 19th, we got to see Cyber Polygon, which they had already done one simulation after the next with the World Economic Forum. This has been, they knew this was going to happen it’s like the new Avian Flu. 

It’s not Avian Flu . There’s no such thing but they were already having meetings, now to prepare for the “next pandemic”, right,, just like they had the previous pandemic. So, they have this all planned-out.

Now, who are the people? It’s just like the Vatican taught them, it’s just like the Venetian Banker is taught: you have to have one person in charge and then, you have a very small group around them of about three people or so and then 10 around them, that then control the 10 different sections you’ve divided everything up in. 

And we pointed out, it’s the Pilgrims Society and we pointed out who those people are but Dimitri Alperovitch and his father, when they came to America – this is so beautiful – he was a a Defector from Russia and they allowed him into the the TVA, the Tennessee Valley Authority, where all of our Atomic Secrets are and they turned over to him what was basically the preliminary experiment with what is now called the Federal Bridge Authority Public Key infrastructure, which is basically all the cryptological codes that you can get into anything you want; military, corporate – doesn’t matter – internationally – does not matter. 

You can get into anything that is connected to America, especially through commerce and especially through the internet. So, Michael Alperovitch not only started working and arranged the deal – I believe he was personally arranged the deal for Megatons to Megawatts, which was, basically Russians coming over here to disassemble their own Russian nuclear warheads and turn them into atomic energy for America. 

I mean, does this make any sense to you, Folks? But this is these are facts and we’ve proven all of this! 

Michael McKibben:  Well, it does when you know who’s driving the bus! 

Douglas Gabriel:  Exactly. 

Michael McKibben: Up until then, you don’t know. 

Douglas Gabriel: Barack Obama – fake Barack Obama – he’s not even an American. He never was and he doesn’t have citizenship. He never applied, just like Kamala, just like so many of the people in and around the White House are actually foreign agents! These people!

Obama would only choose CrowdStrike to do all cyber security, both corporate and Military when he was in office for eight years. That’s a fact – and then, it was turned into – which you pointed out – Eric Schmidt’s US Digital Service and they had a template for winning the election, which they gave to Hillary Clinton, which was created by – please remind me? 

Michael McKibben: Well – 

Douglas Gabriel: Which Russian? 

Michael McKibben: Hillary paid for Dimitri Salenko [?], I believe. 

Douglas Gabriel: There you go – in India – but wasn’t he, like Ukrainian or Russian or something? 

Michael McKibben: Well, he worked in the US but he went over to India to actually do that template for Facebook. 

Douglas Gabriel: So, what was on the DNC server, that CrowdStrike came in and with their proprietary secret program that goes in and can tell if anybody has broken in and breached your system and exfiltrated anything – and remember, CrowdStrike’s total assessment of the DNC server, which was the beginning – that was the spark that started Robert Mueller’s Star Chamber Special Council Investigation, which was a reset. 

These are resets. When they get caught, they have to have some big event to pull in all the witnesses, get everybody into a Star Chamber, when you have a Special Council. Those people don’t have a lawyer with them and if they testify, then Robert Mueller was able to give them immunity. He gave immunity to everyone involved. 

Michael McKibben: Wait a second, that sounds like the Queen’s Court. 

Douglas Gabriel: Oh, it is the Queen’s Court! And remember, all lawyers in America and over 50% of the Founders of America had taken their vows to the Temple Bar in the City of London. 

Oh well. Why do we allow any lawyers in politics? Why do we allow any corporations? Why do we allow any to get involved in politics through lobbying 

Michael McKibben: And our all of our attorneys and judges are members of something called Inns of Court, which are spread out all over the United States and those Inns of Courts are ultimately, directed out of the City of London in the inner Temple of the the Courts in England. 

Douglas Gabriel: And wasn’t it Huber who was appointed to look into all these criminal charges against Andrew McCabe and James Comey? And what did he find? He found that they were all Guilty – but so what? They did nothing. And he was the guy who went around telling judges how to make their determinations and their judgments, based upon what he told them to do. 

It comes down to, literally, a handful of people who know what’s going on, right? And the rest of us are being duped, because we believe mass media and that’s the problem. If you hear it a hundred times, you begin to believe it, OK? Especially if it’s the exact same words, which you see in all mainstream media it’s all coming from a British-driven – or a company that’s in Britain – that was owned by a corrupt senator in America that basically puts everything on the news and that’s the reason they’re all reading the same script and they saying it’s from the AP or it’s from – 

Michael McKibben: Well, the term, “Mocking Bird Media” is the term that now we use to describe that group and that’s exactly what they are. I’d like a bunch of – I’m going to change the metaphor  –bunch of lemmings marching in lockstep, whenever they have something to say. And when you see that, you know what they’re doing is lying. 

Douglas Gabriel: Yeah, now you and I and Tyla are the only people who seem to know this and we know it, because we have the proof and we put the proofs out there for you to read years and years ago and nothing has changed. None of our predictions have changed. 

We predicted that CrowdStrike would continue to be the most manipulative cyber security company in America that has taken over America and that’s a fact, Folks. Just look. 

And you’ll see that now, his new company, Dmitri Alperovitch’s new company, Silverado is basically doing, now the absolute inner controls that tells CrowdStrike and CloudFlare – 

Michael McKibben: Or Entrust and there there’s a whole string of them, all run by either Hillary Clinton or Robert Mueller or Michael Chertoff or Dmitri Alperovitch. It’s a small group of people that run the PKE infrastructure, which is Public Key Encryption. 

Douglas Gabriel: It’s the crypto codes and we pointed this out before: why would we let Michael Alperovitch come into America, get into our Nuclear Program and then, write the crypto codes for everyone at that time in America ? Corporations and the Federal Government, the military – all of it.

And then his son – I love this! – this is the part I like the best: Dmitri Alperovitch just couldn’t keep himself straight. He took his dad’s secrets and started to become the #1 Hacker and breacher of security systems in the world. Why? Because he got the codes from his daddy. 

Michael McKibben: He has the Public Key infrastructure. When you have the keys, you can open anything. 

Douglas Gabriel: And what did he do? Remember, when it was found out that the Chinese had penetrated every system, from the Office of [Personnel] Management, to the Pentagon, to DARPA – you name it – every corporation in America had been penetrated by the Chinese?

Guess who that was? Dmitri Alperovitch! Period!

Michael McKibben: Exactly. The Chinese are a great Whipping Boy for a lot of these people, when they want to divert attention away from the British, who were running this. 

Douglas Gabriel: And then, what happened? Well, Comey and his gang hired – and before even before Comey – they hired Dimitri Alperovitch to work with John McAfee. Ring any bells? That was the largest cyber security system for a long time, in every single computer, practically that never gives up and keeps trying to sell you services you don’t need and it’s one of the biggest scam routines going on on the internet. 

So if you keep having your malware tell you that, “You need this and that” and then they send you a bill and you accidentally clicked on something, they’re going to charge you 600 bucks for an update.

Michael McKibben: Yeah, they all those malware companies all end up loading McAfee. It’s amazing how often you have to rip it out, because you got a link to a McAfee installation. 

Douglas Gabriel: Now, let’s remember what McAfee was. We’ll digress into the weeds for a second. McAfee started a company – but did he start that? Did he write it? No! He tells us when he went nuts and he went down to South America and started taking ayahuasca and married a native woman and came up here and was totally paranoid, saying he’s going to get killed every day, on and on and on – what did he say? 

He said, “There is no such thing as a secure system anywhere the face of the Earth.”

Michael McKibben: Well, that’s true. 

Douglas Gabriel: Until now, with MySQIF – and that’s not a system, it’s a communication device, which we’re going to give you the solution to all of this in a few minutes. 

But you have to hear this story, because, if you don’t know this, Folks, you forgot your history and you’re being duped into the same exact mistakes. But we predicted this would all happen, because Klaus Slob and the rest of the billionaires, who all fight against each other – they’re no cooperative group – they all fight against each other. They all want control. 

Now, Dmitri Alperovitch then got caught by the FBI and they charged him, because he went off on his own and didn’t just do the Chinese hacking, he started doing other corporate hacking and phishing and doing ransomware and all this kind of crazy stuff, right? So they arrested him. They put him in jail and then the FBI came and said, “Hey, look, you know, you’re pretty good at this you want to work for us?”

So they hired him. Who was his best buddy? John McAfee. They created Total Information Awareness, which was basically channeling every digital communication in America into one stream and this had already been done before but this was an amplifying of that. And so, Total Information Awareness is all driven by McAfee Security Systems and CrowdStrike and all these other ones; Entrust and the other ones we’ve mentioned, OK? 

So, he starts working for TIA. Why? Because he’s got the crypto codes his Daddy wrote. 

Now, why would we allow all the crypto codes to be produced by a man who got them? Where did Michael Alperovitch get them? He wasn’t a cyber security expert he was a nuclear expert. He stole them from Russia. 

Michael McKibben: I think what we need to do is back up and realize what the crypto codes are for. And if we think there for security and privacy, we have been totally hoodwinked, because, in fact, what they’ve been, since the advent of communications – which, what goes back millennia; 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 millennia? – ever since human beings have been communicating with each other, one group wants to get a leg up on another group and so, they create something called “encryption”, which are called “substitution ciphers”, where if the letter is dog, D-O-G, you replace that was some replacement for D, the O, the G and then you you hand that out and nobody knows what you mean. 

Say it’s ABQ, so that means “dog”. So anyway, that’s not new. What is new, now, with the advent of computers and the ability to do this more quickly is the the type of communication that occurs in the internet world, which is binary communication; zeros and ones – lends itself well to different forms of encryption. 

But here’s the problem: ever since we had bankers who wanted to keep their secrets, coming out of Babylon and even before that and to get a leg-up on the on the citizenry and use their lawyers to maintain their advantage, we’ve had spies and bankers and politician who have worked to control encryption. 

And so, therefore, we have this very base sin built into all of our encryption methodologies that goes way back – millennia – and so what we’re now seeing is the latest fruit of the idea that we’re supposed to be protected with encryption. But the fact is, we’re not. 

And so, spies have been embedding backdoor keys into how this encryption works, so that those in the know can always stay a leg-up on everyone else, no matter what they’re doing; stock trades; buying and selling, communicating secrets; trade secrets, private conversations, healthcare information – you name it – there are prying eyes and ears that want to know that about you – and have used encryption as a way to get at that, at will and that’s what Alperovitch is a part of, as was McAfee, as was everyone involved in encryption. 

Douglas Gabriel: Absolutely and they put a backdoor in, just in case they couldn’t break the codes, so they could just go in and take. 

Michael McKibben: They always have two or three ways – in all the encryption systems, there’s always two or three ways to get in, not just one. 

Douglas Gabriel: Yeah. Some of you probably have heard me say this before. I was a cryptologist. One of the – at the time – highest-ranked Spec 7 Cryptologist in the NSA and I understood, at that time – 

Michael McKibben: So, can I just clarify for most people what that means? That means you had President’s Eyes Only Clearance. 

Douglas Gabriel: Which is higher than Q, by the way. Yes, that is correct but I didn’t know the exact way to do – see, I was a software programmer by the time I got out of high school. I had an Associates’ Degree in Computer Programming in 1972 and that’s why I got taken into the NSA and I got to see what they had, at that time and went right up the ranks. 

But the point is, is that until I met Michael McKibben, I didn’t know – even though I had seen Cisco Systems putting in every server a backdoor – a hard, mechanical backdoor – every server that ever left through Cisco. 

At one point, Cisco used to brag “98% of all communications across the internet go through a Cisco server”. That’s what they used to brag. That’s not true now. It’s Microsoft, Apple and Linux. And Microsoft got hit, because of a CrowdStrike update. Now, you’ve probably heard this. 

Now, Dmitri Alperovitch is no fool, because he’s on the Atlantic Council, which is the #1 Propaganda Machine against the Russians and he works out of Ukraine. 

And the reason Trump said, “Could you tell me about the billionaire?” – and that was Fridman, who he was talking about in Ukraine – who was backing Dmitri Alperovitch in CrowdStrike, because at that point, even before the DNC server, according to Trump he thinks it went to Ukraine, what he was saying is all the corruption Cozy Bear and Fuzzy Bear the two Russian GRU groups that supposedly breached the DNC server, those were all fake. That was complete nonsense. 

And only CrowdStrike – Obama’s favorite and only cyber security company – was allowed to go in and look at the DNC. They did an analysis over the phone with their proprietary system called “Falcon” and found that, “Yes, the Russians had breached their system but they had not exfiltrated anything – but they could, if they wanted.” 

They built in the systems to exfiltrate, as they would please in the future, right? So, if you read the two-paragraph nonsense that Dmitri Alperovitch, himself produced for the United States Government, as a report to the Robert Mueller Star Chamber Special Counsel – by the way, the Supreme Court said that is illegal; you can’t appoint someone who’s not part of the DOJ to be a Special Counsel. 

That was nothing more than a reset/sweep under-the-rug of all the evidence that they can collect, just like Hunter Biden’s recent trial – all of these things. 

Anytime you see – it’s like the Warren Commission or it’s like the Chinese investigation into 9/11. Please! It’s nonsense! it’s absolute insanity but the point is, let’s go back to Dmitri. So, Dmitri – before CrowdStrike was asked to look at the DNC server – had been turned to work for the FBI and he had complete access to Total Information Awareness. 

In other words, he could tap into any system, anywhere, any place because his dad knew the Russian codes and basically, built them into the American codes and he knew the difference – and also Chinese codes. 

So essentially, Dmitri had access to everything, at that point. So what did he do? He helped start the war in Ukraine. No, not the war with Russia that we’re talking about now – the first war. 

He gave out the codes to sites that had servers that acted as if they were the Ukrainian Military Artillery Unit and then, he gave other access – which the Russians thought they had spied and found this access – to the Russians and then he gave conflicting information about Global Positioning [Satellite] information about where to bomb. 

And what happened? The Ukrainians ended up bombing their own people. Killed tens of thousands of people in Donbass in the two Donbass regions. This was a War Crime – unbelievable, unbelievable, in history – even the Russians got fooled. 

But that’s the reason the Russians didn’t have any problem going into Donbass, because Dimitri Alperovitch, working through Yanukovych later, Poroshenko, later and now, Zelenskyy is using Ukraine, the well-known worst, corrupt nation on the face of the Earth, where everyone in DC gets a piece of the oil action and the action going on – now, you can see BlackRock is going to rebuild Ukraine, right?

So what did he do? He committed a War Crime and then, Obama, knowing this, invited him to be the only person to look at the DNC server when they said they were hacked. 

They weren’t hacked. They had their #1 Guy, who had seen both sides of Hillary Clinton’s template for winning the election, which was on the DNC server and on her server – and by the way, they didn’t tell Hillary to stop using her server after they saw that everyone had access to her server, because Huma Abedin, who now is the girlfriend of George Soros’s son, Alexander Soros – she was using the password “PASSWORD”, so everyone in the world was getting everything the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was doing. 

Why? Because, she was trading guns through the Secretary of State, using not only OPEC money but Secretary of State money and Department of Defense money. So every country she went to – over a hundred, while she was Secretary of State – she gave weapons to, without anybody’s permission and she got donations to the Clinton Foundation –

Michael McKibben: And USAID money, which used. 

Douglas Gabriel: That’s the one I was thinking of: USAID couldn’t think of USAID. 

So when Comey didn’t investigate the Clinton Foundation, who literally keep all the money except 4.5%, supposedly is used for the purposes of that Foundation – not for-profit foundation, tax-free Foundation – is used. 

She got donated so much money that I’m not even going to go into it but Andrew McCabe took all five cases after Comey was fired, bundled them up, lied, got caught lying five times in hearings and then dropped all cases after they sent an airplane to Little Rock, Arkansas to gather up all the evidence of Hillary Clinton’s crimes as a patent attorney – which would also include Leader Technologies; the theft of their patents. What was the name of that lawyer firm she worked for? Anyway, one of the most corrupt ones in the world. 

And what happened is the FBI collected up an entire airplane full of evidence and we never got to see a spec of it! 

Michael McKibben: Probably was taken to the same place Obama’s evidence is in.

Douglas Gabriel: It all goes to the FBI. That’s why they had to build a bigger headquarters, because they have all four of Hunter’s laptops, they have Huma Abedin’s, whom – 

Michael McKibben: They don’t need a big building to have four laptops! 

Douglas Gabriel: No, no! This is nothing. They have to they have all the evidence! Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, OK? That’s who she worked for. 

Now, that evidence is what the FBI always collects, anytime they need evidence. Now, I’m going to tell you, in a minute I’m going to hit the nail in the head why CrowdStrike did this now. There’s a very good reason they did this now, OK? But I’ll get there in a second. 

Dmitri Alperovitch, then was hired by the FBI – after the crimes in Ukraine, after the false reports at the DNC. Hillary never gave up the DNC server, because it had the template for winning the election, which was illegally paid for with United States Government tax funds – 

Michael McKibben: And it was Obstructing Justice in our patent suit against Facebook. 

Douglas Gabriel: Correct. Now, oh! Isn’t that interesting? Seth Rich was killed because this he said he was going to turn in the evidence from both sides, because there were two sides: There was the side for the template for winning, which is all corrupt and fraudulent and then there’s the economic side, which they went in and they hacked all the Republican Convention’s information, stole the list every list they had, used it against Bernie Sanders, didn’t give Bernie the money – and remember, at that time – what was her name? [Debbie Wasserman Schultz] had to retire. She had to step down, because the DNC is not a government agency, it is a private corporation and the Government said all these were crimes. 

But so what? It’s a corporation. If the head of the corporation steps down, there’s nothing that can be done. Seth Rich was killed because of that, OK? 

Now, that means that Dmitri Alperovitch is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths in Ukraine and Russia, he’s responsible for the whole “Russia! Russia! Russia!” nonsense and for coming up with the concept that “Russian hackers” affected the election on the side of Trump and that Trump was getting money, paid through a Russian bank called Alpha Bank. 

All of that is fake! Go back and read our articles on the 28 treasonous crimes of James Comey and you’ll see all these things spelled out; Franklin Foer and Slate magazine, the whole thing it’s all spelled out there for you. Trump Tower and the Russian lady who came – 

Michael McKibben: Wait, can I stop you, there? Just on the side note, what you’re describing is exactly how effective these people are at using propaganda as Government-by-Journalism. 

Douglas Gabriel:Veselnitskaya and the Russians who came to meet with Trump at Trump Tower. Hillary Clinton personally allowed her to come into this country. She was on a No Fly list and then, No Enter this Country list – and yet, she came in and attended a Congressional Hearing under false auspices and fraudulent auspices. And so we can see the connections all there. Now, what does this mean? 

Now, first off, Dmitri Alperovitch then got Shawn Henry and two other flunkies, who were in the FBI Cyber Security Division that were created, essentially to stop Dmitri Alperovitch’s “Chinese” and “Russian” breaches and hacks. 

No! That was him! He was Fuzzy Bear! He was Cozy Bear! And Falcon has been proven to go in and implant the footprints of really bad, cheap old Russian programs that he says are part of the GRU – that the GRU laughs and says, “Those things are 10 years old!  I mean, why is he using this garbage to accuse us of these things?” 

And then, of course, we came up with “Putin’s Chef was running a disinformation campaign against Hillary Clinton” – and then, Trump was guilty of that. Well, Trump didn’t know nothing about Russia. He would have loved to have got into Russia to have a hotel or whatever there. He had no association with them – but Hillary did! 

Hillary created Skolkovo. Did I say it right? Skolkovo, which gave Raytheon built a a facility there, all the major Military-Industrial Complex groups built facilities to build the weapons that Russia has, that they’re using against us, right now.

Michael McKibben: OK, you mentioned Raytheon. Before you we go off in another direction, we’ve just been reading Raytheon weapon patents for the last day or so – and did you know that Usha Vance’s father is a big-time Raytheon engineer and has over 21 Raytheon patents in the area of jet propulsion and basically, building faster, better, cheaper weapons of war?  He’s from Raytheon. 

Douglas Gabriel: And her cousin, Vivek Ramaswamy, who claims, fraudulently – sorry, I usually call him a derogatory name, so I can’t get his real name straight, because he has come out and said he invented everything. Everything you [McKibben] invented, he says he invented and he’s a liar. 

But how can he get away with that? Because, he works with Dmitri and Dmitri is now on every cyber security committee, every Government Federal US Federal Government Agency, every International agency, he’s on the Atlantic Council; is there cyber security person. I mean, he is the guy, still to this day, he’s one of the biggest criminals on the face of the Earth.

Tyla Gabriel: (Interjects) Are you talking about Vivek Ramaswamy, about being a crook?…

Douglas Gabriel: He’s totally a crook.

Tyla Gabriel: OK, I just want to make sure you weren’t confusing him with that other guy that says he invented email. 

Douglas Gabriel: That’s another liar.

Tyla Gabriel: OK, I’m sorry to interrupt. I want you two to go as long as you need to – two hours – I’m loving this! 

Douglas Gabriel: Don’t tell me that! 

Michael McKibben: We need to get to CrowdStrike, currently but anyway you’re laying the groundwork.

Douglas Gabriel: Without this, you cannot possibly understand what just happened, OK? And by the way, I predicted all this would happen. I predicted it on Substacks, recently, because I looked – my dear wife said “Look at the astrological charts for Trump,” and I said, “Oh, my gosh, he’s got Mars-Uranus on his Midheaven squaring his Natal Mars on his Ascendant.” 

He will be assassinated but they will miss, because the Mars isn’t an exact degree – and by the way, I don’t know whether it’s real or not – I can’t tell you that but I can tell you that the whole world, because it was on his Midheaven, transitting aspect on his Midheaven, the whole world would see it. 

So, I predicted this: the whole world will see this assassination attempt. I predicted it, weeks and weeks or months before and I predicted the exact date, the 15th or 16th, because it goes into the 16th. 

I also predicted that three days before that and three days after that is going to be Hell for the world – and look what happened three days afterwards – and what did I point out? That Mars-Uranus in the chart for just the whole world is in the Second House of money. 

So, I said there will be an attack, like an explosion, that will create such economic havoc, that we will may never even ever recover from it. 

This is the beginning salvo this is the beginning, is what you call a salvo in a war. So, it’s the shot across the bow to let us know The Reset is coming and the reason for CrowdStrike doing this is they had to put the last things in place, so that that they when they The Reset happens, they can go in and the rich billionaires, who are all part of this – and trillionaires – will have it all set up, so that all things will be channeled in the direction they should be channeled. 

And at that point, Eric Schmidt, who predicted that Dragonfly, in the future, when it reached America – and he lied; he said it wasn’t here – it was here and the day that he said it was here, after he went to China and set them up for it. 

So, if you think China’s our enemy or Russia’s our enemy, no, they’re using the same exact stuff that we’re using, OK and they just put a different name on it. 

So then, Eric Schmidt basically said, “In the end, your dark profile will limit you to what you’ll be even able to query on the internet and you will be charged for it ,” because remember, the internet is fake. 

Sir Timothy Burners Lee from CERN on his spare time, on his weekends invented the World Wide Web and just gave it to the world for nothing. Yeah, you believe that, right? I mean, everyone should believe that, because they were told that. 

Michael McKibben: Well, there was a time, I said “Why not?” but now, I know that’s not true. 

Douglas Gabriel: That’s like believing CERN actually has a third collider, the Hadron Large Collider. No, it doesn’t exist. We’ve proven that. So, what is going on there? That’s the head of the CIA, that’s what what I call “Rogue”, what you would call the City of London, Pilgrims Society, intelligence group. That’s who this is. There’s no mistaking what’s going on, here because, once you have this much evidence stacked up – and no one’s pointing at Dmitri. 

Dmitri left CrowdStrike some time ago. He got his money and got out. Now, Shawn Henry who came from the FBI Cyber Security Division, in the last few months – and they’re talking about, “Oh, he drew out 4,000 shares just recently, right before the IT Crash.”

No, he drew out 85,000 shares over $300 a share! I can’t do math that big but that’s what he got out of the company – and that’s just some of his shares and he did that before, so when CrowdStrike would be blamed for doing this, Silverado will now take over. 

Silverado – this is the British thing, OK? 

Michael McKibben: They always have backups when they use one spent vehicle. It’s like a stages of a rocket and they throw off that stage and that’s another shell company that they throw away. 

Douglas Gabriel: Now, if we were told by the World Economic Forum for years that The Reset would come in 2024 and that they have already done simulations on this, over and over and over, again and then Cyber Polygon, they said, “Well, this is going to also happen in 2024, there’s no way around it.”

Now, the trouble is, they give no solutions for either. Zero solutions. All they’re going to tell you is, “Centralize, centralize, centralize,” which is simply giving to the Pilgrims the control that they tried to get with the League of Nations, the United Nations and the Pacific – what’s that other one called? 

Michael McKibben: The Institute of Pacific Relations. 

Douglas Gabriel: The Institute of Pacific Relations. People don’t know that there was a UN before the UN – not only League of Nations but the – say it again – 

Michael McKibben: Institute for of Pacific Relations. That was the precursor…it was created by the YMCA, through the YMCA as the Institute for Pacific Relations and then that became the base from which the United Nations was created in 1947 in San Francisco. 

Douglas Gabriel: Now, we call that in America the CIA but it’s actually British and it was completely British and well, FBI, anything that has to do with intelligence, it’s all British-infiltrated from the beginning.

And also, look at Obama’s parents. Obama’s parents were part of the International Institute in Hawaii, where he supposedly went to Punahou. No, he didn’t. He wasn’t born in Hawaii and he didn’t go there when he was a child. That’s complete nonsense. I worked at that school. No. Didn’t happen. 

Both his parents – his mother, Ann Duncan [Stanley Ann Dunham], whatever her name was, was a CIA agent and we know that, because we know her history and we know where the baby came from. That is not a Kenyan baby. 

Michael McKibben: Who was the Indonesian guy? 

Douglas Gabriel: Soetoro…and if you look at the two of them together, it’s the spit and image. They look twins, right? So she had sex with the guy she was spying on in Indonesia. [I totally disagree that Lolo Soetoro is Barack’s biological father].

Michael McKibben: She was living in Jakarta. 

Douglas Gabriel: He ran Subud. Subud was a CIA-Pilgrims Society front and she was trying to infiltrate, to make sure that the Americans got better control, because, you see, Americans are always Behind the Eightball. We are the ones being manipulated. We are the military arm of the Pilgrims Society, OK? 

We are idiots. We never became sovereign, we did not win the American Revolution, the British still control us, to this day and the Senior Executive Service is the proof of that. 

Andrew McCabe, after lying five times; perjury, felony, perjury – nothing happened to him. No charges, no time and he was still given his retirement from the Senior Executive Service – and if you don’t know what that is, that’s as important as the Federal Bridge Authority Public Key Infrastructure. That’s what controls everything in America. All cyber security is controlled by the PKI – 

Michael McKibben: And Bruce and Nellie Ohr were paymasters, out of the Department of Justice for the SES. 

Douglas Gabriel: Correct. Absolutely. Approved Fusion GPS. Michael Sussman and Mark Elias, they were all around that DNC nonsense; the murder of Seth Rich and the “Russia! Russia! Russia!” hoax, which was really a soft coup against Trump, completely controlled by Britain and Richard Dearlove and Arvinda Sambai and Allison Saunders.

You know, we have been telling people this for so long, it’s like a bad old memory when I bring this up; that no one wanted to listen – but today, I noticed that after we did our report, about a year, some people in Mainstream Media caught on, a little tiny bit – but not anything like we’re telling you to tell you who Dimitri Alperovitch is. 

He’s the worst Russian spy in history, OK? He took and he blamed it on “Chinese” and then he blamed it on the “Russians” and now, basically, what is it going to be blamed on? I love this! “There’s nothing you can do when there’s an IT problem.” 

Michael McKibben: Well, can we roll forward to this latest attack? You have to put CrowdStrike-Microsoft, because this wasn’t just CrowdStrike without Microsoft’s cooperation. This could not have happened and at another level, besides the history, here is the fact that anyone in Network Security hears this story, that “somebody put in a bogus update into the latest updates that were distributed all through the world” and every network engineer will tell you that that is pure poppycock, because that’s not the way distributions of major software like that occur. 

And to cut a long story short, in any kind of software business, when you’re updating software and you’re wanting to introduce a new release, you test it first. You don’t just put it out in the into the public. And so, everyone creates something called “sandboxes”, which are servers, where you can test your changes, to make sure that there are no unknown glitches or hidden glitches or inadvertent glitches or things you introduced in a new feature that breaks something from the past you have to test all of that, before you ever introduce it into the market. 

So this news story that has flooded the planet, that it was “a simple mistake” by some software engineer, it’s a lie. So, the question is, who’s lying? Because, even without knowing the details, anybody in the software business knows that’s a lie, because that’s just not the way it happens, especially for a product, like this, that’s been around for 10 years. 

Has that ever happened with them before? No, they probably have a testing procedure, that for some reason, this time was not followed and somebody at Microsoft and somebody at CrowdStrike made the decision to let it happen and so, the question is: what was the agenda? 

Now, we get back to the people you’re talking about, in trying to determine what would happen but another thing to know is that when people introduce these kinds of vulnerabilities in a in systems all over the world we’re talking – I don’t know, the last number I saw was 30,000 systems around the world – when you introduce something that bad, you better bet every hacker that had any kind of foreknowledge of this was sitting there, waiting to steal, kill destroy, replace any file, anywhere, on any system that they affected – and of course, they’re going to go, “Oh, sorry! I’m sorry!” 

Know that these are demons we’re talking about, here. These are really demonic individuals who let this happen and therefore, violated the privacy and the property of billions of people all over the planet. These are demons.

Douglas Gabriel: Very demonic people, possessed by demons. Those demons give them more control than any human should have through centralization and then what happens? Well, of course they go even worse, they go bad. 

Look at Hillary Clinton. She can’t get enough money. Her Foundation is taking in more money – as a matter of fact, they have continuing agreements with Frank Giustra and Carlos Slim to, basically get  hundreds of millions of dollars for the rest of their life through their Foundation, OK? 

So why are they hard-up for money? Because they keep grabbing. It’s called gluttony; gluttony for greed and that’s what we see with Zelenskyy. That’s what we see in Ukraine. 

Why did Dmitri get involved in Ukraine? Because he knew that Ukraine was getting ready ’cause they saw, with the Yanukovych, and the guy before him and Poroshenko and Zelenskyy, that they were saying, “Oh! We’re with Europe and the Atlantic Council and NATO! Oh! We’re with Russia, because we need their oil! Oh! We’re…” back and forth and back and forth – and literally, we saw an Orange Revolution and the Maidon Revolution in Ukraine, led by George Soros, who is a CIA agent, who, of course is a Pilgrims agent. I don’t know how much of a Pilgrim he is, but – 

Michael McKibben: For sure, he’s a total Pilgrim. He was the one that led that crash of the British Pound, back in the early ’90s. The British were setting him up, way back then. 

Douglas Gabriel: And the Fall of the Soviet Union. He was right there, with Leo Wanta. So anyway, the point is that this has been going on for a long time. So, two Color Revolutions in Ukraine, to make sure that we had the people in there that were the most corrupt that we’re going to allow John Kerry’s son, Christopher Heinz, Hunter Biden on three different committees that controlled all the oil and where it flowed to in Ukraine, which means the oil coming off through four pipelines across Ukraine, which were actually being controlled by Russia but were coming out of other Soviet satellite countries. But anyway, Putin controls that. 

So they were basically messing with Putin and so Putin put two pipelines in Belarus and then, he put in Nordstream 1 and 2. They blew up Nordstream 1 and 2. British Commandos blew up the Belarus most southern pipeline and also the power to two of the pipelines in Ukraine and then, the President of Ukraine, repeatedly – because they were on the side of NATO, – which is basically the corrupt DC politicians who were all getting a piece of the pie of Ukraine; they wouldn’t let them drill oil in two of the largest oil fields in the world in Ukraine. 

And then, they were taking their oil from Russia and running-up a $4.5 billion debt in oil and then what was Ukraine doing? Turning the pipeline off, more and more and more and more. In other words, prompting Russia to go to war. 

And then, of course we know that the Nordstream 1 and 2 were blown up by the British. They tried to blame it on other people. Let’s be real clear about it: First off, the first Nordstream was a private deal between Putin and the daughter of Hitler – what’s her name, who’s the head – Angela Merkel, the daughter of Hitler, as far as I’m concerned. 

She knew it was blown up, because she was cheating all the European Union Nations by bringing the oil in, jacking-up the price and then selling it to them through Nordstream 1, OK? 

So the this kind of corruption used to be just oil. Now – Oh! No, no, no – it’s the flow of information, because the flow of information controls Bank information, it controls the Bank for International settlements, it controls the International Monetary Fund. 

Remember, that Ukraine has defaulted on $27 billion in International Monetary Fund loans from the World Bank, defaulted on 4.5 billion to Russia; has taken in, my calculations – they will say $200 billion from America, just with the recent war – no, no, no, no, no – it’s way more than that. They’ve been given untold billions. 

Michael McKibben: So, now we know this we know the strategy. The strategy is to let the Central Bank have this debt and eventually, take over that country. 

Douglas Gabriel: And all they have to do is change the digits on the debt, because, when it comes down to it, the Bank for International Settlement controls all derivative betting and if they don’t clear a single bet, all banks in the world could collapse and that’s not an exaggeration, because you have to pay off your derivative bets’ debt before you pay off the stockholders, who are in the American Stock Exchange – or any Stock Exchange, anywhere in the world, OK? 

Derivatives come first. So who controls the Bank for International Settlements’ clearing? A computer. Who controls the clearing at the DTCC, the Depositors’ Trust? 

Michael McKibben: Reuters-Rothschild.

Douglas Gabriel: Yes. That’s who that’s so we have found out now controls it. Used to be International Continental Exchange but now, it went to British control. 

Michael, what’s his name in Britain, who controlled Enron? 

Michael McKibben: Oh, Michael Farmer. Candace Owens’ father-in-law. 

Douglas Gabriel: Yeah and now, it shifted up to somebody in Sweden, I think. It’s like they move this stuff around so you can’t find the target. 

Michael McKibben: I made a mistake: it’s Baron Michael Farmer. 

Douglas Gabriel: Oh, come on, you need to remember these titles! And remember that anybody in America who has a title should be uh considered a traitor  – and that means, if you’re an Esquire and a lawyer you are a traitor, OK? Because, the Constitution says you cannot have any titles that, especially come from a monarchy. 

So anyway, the point is that these people in the SES, the people who are the Crown Agents, the people who control – and you already mentioned the people who control all the crypto codes for the Federal Bridge Authority Public Key Infrastructure: Hillary Clinton, Robert Mueller – what’s that the guy’s name? 

Michael McKibben: Michael Chertoff and Dimitri Alperovitch, with the CrowdStrike – 

Douglas Gabriel: And Bravo – what’s his name? 

Michael McKibben: Orlando Bravo

Douglas Gabriel: Orlando Bravo and Entrust and then, it went to it went to what was it, CloudFlare, was it? 

Michael McKibben: CloudFlare, yeah. That’s [Robert] Mueller.

Douglas Gabriel: So Folks, you don’t have an America. So, if you think you’re fighting for something or you’re voting for something you are have been fooled. 

There are no elections in America; haven’t been since a major Pilgrim, named Lord Mark Malloch Brown started OpTech, which controls almost all election voting machines in America and in 17 other countries. 

He determines who wins, period. It’s as simple as that. And who’s his group? He’s on a committee that you’ll never hear the names of. The people on the committee – because that’s the way that the Venetians did it, the Babylonians did it, the Venetians did it, the City of London did it, Cecil Rhodes did it and all of his successors, all the way down through the Royal Institute for international Affairs, the Roundtable, Milner’s Kindergarten and the Council on Foreign Relations. 

They all do the same thing: They all answer to a small group of 3 at the Top and 1 at the Ultimate Top – and it isn’t the Knights of Malta, that are controlled by the Venetians, anymore because there’s Knights of Malta in Britain. 

So, the Pope is no longer in charge. That’s the reason he’s so desperate to try to create havoc and Marxist chaos all over the world. He never stops. He’s one of the worst people in the world. He’s responsible for the deaths of millions, telling them to invade other countries and that the other countries must bow down and kiss their feet and wash their feet and give them more benefits than US Citizens – and especially, soldiers, who have fought and been, harmed killed and basically maimed for life – they don’t get as many benefits as the Invaders to our country. 

And when you look at who’s bringing them into Mexico, then you’re looking at the same people: these are the same Pilgrims. 

So, why did they choose 2024? And why did they choose 2024 for, not only The Reset but also for the Cyber Polygon – and that’s what we can answer, because they all – I do not know a rich person that doesn’t use astrologers to help them predict the ability for them to keep the money that they have. 

All of these things, I know, because I was an adviser to Nancy Reagan, who basically controlled the White House after Ronald Reagan got shot he had Alzheimer’s, which came out at her funeral. Her children said this and I knew it, because I was involved in it. 

Every one of these leaders is going upon astrological information. Matter of fact , the markets are determined by these things. 

Michael McKibben: Let me ask you something Douglas. Can I talk about MySQIF for a minute, before we get off this subject of encryption? Is that OK with you? 

Douglas Gabriel: Oh, please! You have the solution! 

Michael McKibben: OK, so we’ve been talking a lot about encryption. We’ve now discovered and can prove that nothing that is encrypted today, that’s supposedly “trusted” or “safe” or “secure” is, in fact safe, trusted or secure. They’re all insecure! 

And that mechanism is being used to collect, like a garbage scow, all all information on every individual in the world and stick that data in a “Dark Profile”, which is essentially, a database that can be mined in various ways by various people; some of them innocent some of them very malicious. 

But it’s all the same data and it’s being used to manipulate public opinion – that is the main effort that they use that for – how they’re going to manipulate public opinion for the public to believe lies and therefore, make decisions, based on those lies. 

And so, what we did is we met with a group of mathematicians who have developed an an approach to encryption called “Polymorphic Encryption” and the the major difference between what’s out there now, which is driven by a standard called “AES256”, is that AES256 has been cracked since 2013 by one of our mathematicians and yet, despite that truth, they’re still telling the public that their systems are “secure”, “private” and “not hackable”. 

So, what we have done is ,we are introducing a product called MySQIF Privacy App that uses Polymorphic Encryption, which is a way of exchanging unique attributes of each of your devices that cannot be intercepted – and even if they are intercepted, there’s not enough information in the interception to do anything. 

These are one-time keys they grab; unique fingerprints off of your two devices and then, whatever files you exchange through the encryption that occurs by our app absolutely cannot be hacked and in fact, mathematically, it will take three lifetimes of the Universe, currently to hack one of your files that you send in that way. 

Now, three lifetimes of the Universe, I think is a long time out and I’m not sure any information that’s exchanged now will be of much value in three lifetimes of the Universe, which is well over 10 billion years, so that’s the difference.

And the other thing is, after the exchange occurs, the master key disappears, the encrypted file disappears and therefore, each side has the original file but while it was in motion – and that’s really the key, here – while that file’s in motion, no matter where it is in the internet, even if some hacker is sitting right and watching the bits go by, they can’t do anything with that information and therefore, this is the first truly secure encryption system that’s been available to the public, ever. 

And that’s available now at and uh you can go there now it runs on only Windows, right now, Windows 10 or 11 and you can go on load it and then get another person you want to send a file to load it, also as a reader and then you can send these encrypted files and know for sure – and that’s the interesting thing we’ve learned, by the early people that are using the system is they say it gives them a great peace of mind, to realize when they’re exchanging with another person. 

It’s not like them sending it through Gmail or Hotmail or AOL or or Yahoo Mail, when you know – or should know – that all of your messages are being read and being datamined – and all of that’s being stored in your Dark Profile, as well as the Dark Profiles of anyone that’s named in your communications. That’s how bad things are, right now. It’s a complete violation of the US Constitution. 

But with MySQIF, you can send a file and send small messages and know they cannot be cracked. It’s great Peace of Mind tool, if nothing else. 

Now, for the Network Engineers who are dealing with the Microsoft-CrowdStrike debacle, use MySQIF, in that case to give yourself a way to communicate with your colleagues, while you’re working to fix the problem and that’s a unique time, because most hackers use those kinds of disruptions to further snoop on a network and then embed code that can be used for future exploits. But if those Network Engineers are using MySQIF across the world, their plans will not be hacked. 

Douglas Gabriel:  The internet was a DARPA project it was called “Darpanet” and it was a Dark Web to control the criminality of these groups we’re talking about, so they’d have secret communications. 

And then, they said someone went nuts and said “Let’s fake this and say Timothy Burners Lee invented the World Wide Web for all human beings, so that they can all get on it” – 

Michael McKibben: Sir Timothy Burners Lee 

Douglas Gabriel: There, that’s him. I can’t remember fake inventors. Fake inventors don’t log in my brain, OK? This guy’s done nothing! Remember, when he came out and he said he was going to create a “Total secure internet”? Remember that? 

Michael McKibben: Yes, I do. Now, I got to tell you, this is going to disappoint a lot of people I know now, who are using Protonmail. Sir Timothy Burners Lee runs the foundation for Protonmail. So, there you go. Do you need to know more? Get off of Protonmail CIA/MI6 Op. 

Douglas Gabriel: Now, the problem with DARPA – what is it? – the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or something – they put out requests for the most evil weapons – cyber weapons  –that you can imagine. 

If you sat around with science fiction writers and said, “What could we do to control people?” Well, first, we need to beam them their thoughts – first off, we need to biologically make sure they can’t think, anymore and then, we beam so many EMFs through them, that they can’t think and then, we and then we want to manipulate them and then, we want to put thoughts into their brains. It’s happening!

Michael McKibben: Let me interrupt you. Professor James P Chandler, my patent attorney was one of the advisers to DARPA – of course, I didn’t know that ,when I was using him as my patent attorney – but we were talking one day about Good and Evil and amorality and immorality and I was saying that a lot of the inventions coming out of the Defense Department are evil. I said that to him 

His comment back was, “Well, you know, Mike, you know there’s another way to look at that, in that, if it can be invented by a human being, it should be, no matter whether it’s moral or immoral.” 

The issues of morality and immorality, to him would be pushed off into future generations and their duty was: if it can be invented it should be invented 

Douglas Gabriel: The Office of Net Assessment is where most of this originated and that is an office that determines, when they create a weapon just how many people they can effectively kill. That’s no exaggeration. 

Michael McKibben: Chandler was working exactly with Marshall, the guy who ran that – 

Douglas Gabriel: – who was called the “Yoda” of the CIA’s Cyber Program but it was much more than that. I mean, these people sit around thinking up weapons and then they give them to all parties, internationally; transnational groups. These are not kept in America. 

So, they use American tax dollars to build weapons, just like in Skolkovo: they literally gave the weapons to Russia, they gave the weapons to China. 

The cyber weapons being used in China, with their Social Credit System, Folks? It’s already been implemented, here it’s just that they haven’t pushed the last button. 

Michael McKibben: We gave them the older code. 

Douglas Gabriel: Exactly, when they gave internet access to just common people, they thought it was just going to be funny, because then they could spy on them – but then they found out that everyone wanted to do their commerce on that – and then they said, “Well this is what we’ve always wanted! To centralize all power.”

Michael McKibben: That’s when I got into the business. 

Douglas Gabriel: And you created social networking, which then people thought, “Thank Heavens, I can now talk to a lot of people at one time. I can get information, I can do what the Mainstream Media isn’t doing, which is their job, which is to show us the truth, so that the oligarchs, the Corporatocracy, the Pope, the secular and religious groups cannot have control over We, the People.”

Michael McKibben: It levels-out the communication landscape and…they let it out of the box and this idiot, named McKibbe,n who didn’t know better at the time was just a young entrepreneur said, “Well, I can do this collaboration thing better than IBM and Microsoft are doing it,” and of course, I had just come off of rebuilding AT&T’s email system, so the idea of a large-scale system didn’t bother me. 

And in fact, we put together a team of people that invented social networking – but with a difference – what we invented, we focused on fulfilling the Bill of Rights and protecting people’s privacy and their property. 

And what IBM and DARPA and Chandler and David Kappos did, as they came in, they ripped all of the the privacy and property features out of it, so that they could push Facebook – and it wasn’t just Facebook – but everybody used Facebook, so I’ll put that out there, as an example. 

It pushed out a tool that everyone could use but the difference was the person could not manage their privacy, because it was all intended to be public, because our government decided not to follow the Constitution and our Rights to Privacy and Property and therefore, started implementing this this Global Surveillance State that we have today. 

It’s totally evil, in the way they’re implementing it – but even so, there’s enough of the original invention in there to do what you’re saying: others are able to use it for for good, as well. So, I take heart in that, while we look at trying to get paid for work.

Douglas Gabriel: So, who used the Dark Web more than anybody? CIA/FBI and what did they do? Entrapment for pedophilia, entrapment for drug money, entrapment for every kind of crime you can imagine. So, basically money-laundering. It was the source of evil in the Dark World for a long time. 

And then, when social networking was created by you, because they couldn’t figure out the problem how to make it go global and have the scalability. Once that was figured out then, they said, “Oh, now we have to do datamining, so that we can find out who everybody is, so we know who our enemies are, so we can target them and then, the those who aren’t, we can find out how effective our propaganda and our Subliminal Silent Programming is through TVs, through radio – “

Michael McKibben: You know, that’s interesting, I was just having a conversation with an engineer who was prominent, back in the days, when we were inventing social networking and she was a very prominent international network engineer and network designer and she said, in about 2001-2002, everything changed. Everything they had been working on up till then was scrapped and she had to go in and help these people design the next system. 

Well, when now we’ve compared notes, we know what they were designing, they were taking our platform with its data storage model and they were moving it all into a unified approach.

Before, there was plurality in the data networking area. After that, they went for uniformity: a monolithic way of storing data that we have today – and of course, that enabled the spies to then, get into everybody’s knickers. 

Douglas Gabriel: And Eric Schmidt came back and created the US Digital Service for the White House and what happened? Now, it’s all streamlined and in 2001, that’s when Dimitri Alperovitch started CrowdStrike. Isn’t that a coincidence? 

That’s when Gmail started, that’s when Facebook started. It was two more like 2004 but all of these programs started then, because the DARPA people, the Chandler people, the Highlands Forum people were driving the bus, on this side of the Atlantic, the MI6/Pilgrims Society on that side of the Atlantic and they were having regular visits. 

I now know, from public records that Chandler was meeting with Sir Geoffrey Pattie, who was the Holder of the Queen’s Golden Share, at the time inmost of the major industries, including Serco and QinetiQ, that came along in 2001, that Glen Youngkin was the founder of. 

It just so grates me, to see Youngkin up on the stage at the RNC. He is such a traitor to the United States! 

Douglas Gabriel: We used to have these fortresses for the NSA that all information coming into the country, even the AP or Reuters or anything had to go through these fortresses and they came to NSA and we actually determined what news would be allowed to go out to the Mainstream Media, so I was literally there. I was literally striking things that I was told or I believed would compromise National Security. 

Well, at the time when Total Information Awareness was created, basically what was when the NSA became a Corporatocracy. It became what is now – what was then called Cisco – and then, after Cisco, it became all these other systems but for sure, by the the time that it went from the NSA to Cisco, it added – I’m going to say something fancy, now, because Michael taught me this: They added the Elliptic Curve – German Deterministic Elliptic Curve. 

Elliptic. I always pronounce that wrong. See, I still can’t get it right. It’s called the Dual ECG RBG, Deterministic Random Bit Generator. Basically, the backdoor. 

But they put these back doors into the servers they but now, they’re in every single computer, so Microsoft, Apple – all of them – put it into your computer. Everything you do I can be accessed.

Michael McKibben: It was comprehensive: All hardware, software and firmware and the drive for that was the Carnegie Endowment, John Podesta and Professor James Chandler, who became my patent attorney, eventually. 

So, they drove the Backdoor Key, as the internet was developing and then, by 2003-2004, we had introduced what they wanted as an architecture for the entire planet and that’s when this engineer I was just talking to yesterday was saying she she just couldn’t understand what was going on, because everybody was shifting to another model – but they weren’t telling them what it was. Well, it was a way to – I’ve talked, in other videos, before about how to store data without caring where it is – and that was the system that they went to. 

It was a unified approach, so that they could string together all the computers in the world into one source. 

Douglas Gabriel: And the Clintons were in on this, from the beginning and they could see where it was going. That’s the reason she got into getting the Public Key Infrastructures, the crypto codes. 

I mean, every anyone in the digital world, early on, knew – and I would say this – I’d say, “This is all going to fail miserably,” because human beings are not advanced enough to not have the impulse, if they are the creators and the software creators, to build a backdoor in, so they can go and cheat and get and [commit] fraud, themselves; so that they could take advantage of the system they just created. 

And, hello, McAfee is a perfect example of that.

Michael McKibben: Yeah, he is – and oh, by the way, when Hillary took over control of Insure [Entrust?], she specifically had control of over 50,000 FBI Public Keys. So, with the Public Keys, you also, there’s a little little fine print in the Federal Bridge Authority that says, “Oh, we might store your Private Keys, as well, for your convenience.” 

Douglas Gabriel: Now, there’s two people that the Pilgrims hate. One of them, at first was Donald Trump, because, why? He’s unpredictable, he’s a megalomaniacal, narcissistic hugeist ego in the world, only second to, actually Hillary Clinton. 

And Hillary Clinton constantly goes against her Pilgrims handlers, because she wants to grab it all for herself. She wants to be the Queen of America and that’s why the Clintons created the association with China that gave them Most Favored Nation trading status and then they got a piece of everything Walmart did. Well, Walmart, all this stuff is created in China.

Michael McKibben: Oh, I thought that was called the “Chinese Embassy in the United States”? 

Douglas Gabriel: It is and that’s also who Mitch McConnell works for. And so for a while, it was the Chinese and then, she shifted over to the Russians, because she started to see that this was really about technology weapons and information and so she really got that. 

I told you I would tell you why this [CrowdStrike outage] happened now. 

It happened now, because after Trump, they said, “Holy moly, we have to accelerate The Plan! We know that this Solar Maximum is coming. When the Solar Maximum is coming, there’s going to be fantastic climate changes, good and bad and so, we’re going to take a advantage of that, by inventing another ‘Climate Crisis’ and we’re going to try to create a new currency called ‘Carbon Footprint’ and this is all ran out of the United Nations and then we’re going to create a Pharmaceutical World War III for the X Virus.” 

And they called it “X virus” long before anything you ever heard, Folks about this and they’ve been trying to, basically harm people by giving them shots into their blood that have poisons in them. 

And it doesn’t matter, you can analyze the poison all you want but you’ll find a PEG and GO in there and if you know what those two words mean…graphine oxide and polyethylene glycol is in all the shots, because it’s an “inactive ingredient” it’s like the other “inactive ingredients” in most pharmaceutical drugs are poisonous but they won’t list them –

Michael McKibben: You mean, like talc? 

Douglas Gabriel: Talc, which the Fauci Family owned the whole talc industry. 

Finally, Johnson & Johnson settled for what, was it $20 billion or something? Over the talc poisoning of children forever. They’ve known this for 20-some years, that that we were poisoning children by putting talc on them. Talc is in your pills! If you have a pressed pill, it’s got talc in it, OK? 

Michael McKibben: Fauci’s Family, we found, going back to the early 1600s had been mining talc in southern Switzerland and caused an avalanche that killed like 2,500 people then they shifted to a talc mine in China and, of course, we didn’t know yet, when we were doing that research, that this was all part of the Silk Road trade that the Babylonian Radhanites developed thousands of years before Christ. 

And so that’s the heritage, in which both Klaus Schwab and Fauci were grown into and Fauci’s family is a part of the foundation of Switzerland so these guys go way back. 

Douglas Gabriel: The Fauci Family Crest shows a serpent eating a child, OK?

Michael McKibben: Yes, it does. 

Douglas Gabriel: And Klaus’ family, they were Nazis. They were given the highest awards from Hitler for hiding their production of their weapons for Hitler and their facility never being bombed! Klaus Schwab is as corrupt as anybody could possibly be. 

But the point is, is that when you created social networking, you were trying to say, “I want to give everybody freedom! Freedom to express themselves, freedom to collaborate, worldwide connections and basically it opened up commerce, so everybody got on!” 

They got the commerce going and then the idiots who run DARPA, the idiots who run the CIA – unfortunately, the Pilgrims Society are ruthless and vicious and clever but they are not intelligent. They are not creative they are not creative people, so they basically don’t have a good plan. 

So, why did they say it’s going to happen now? They saw happened with Trump, they knew Hillary, if she got in – they made sure she didn’t get in, didn’t they? Ha ha ha. She was their girl. She was going to be the British Queen of America, right? But they didn’t let her in, did they? They let Trump in, because, remember those were selections. Those were not elections. 

And then they let Biden in. Why? They had to get rid of Trump, because he went rogue on them. He took their Intelligence Community Information and became the role that he has become. 

Now, why did they choose 2024? Because they know that Trump would receive the popular vote, if it was a true vote and they know that they’re getting caught manipulating these votes and that’s the reason there was a Plandemic, so that they could have mail-in votes and all kinds of illegalities in every state that have never happened before. 

Some of those loopholes have been closed, now. Most of them have not been closed, so I don’t think you’re going to have a free election. 

So why did this happen? Because they have to take all the criminality that we just described with Dimitri Alperovitch, Michael Alperovitch, the Public Key Infrastructure, the corruption in Ukraine, the DNC server, using, basically digital Warfare against Americans, after the National Defense Authorization Act by Obama transformed the Patriot Act into the what was it, the USA Freedom Act.

Michael McKibben: Prison Planet. 

Douglas Gabriel: Prison Planet says that they are allowed to propagandize Americans [via the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act], as War Actors. Every American is a War Actor, until otherwise proven. 

Michael McKibben: So there, we see why lawyers are a part of this Banker Mafia and are just doing nothing but doing their bidding, as foot soldiers. 

Douglas Gabriel: And so, we know this, because why? The assassination attempt on Trump – don’t get me started on that – let’s just say, “The Assassination Attempt on on Trump” had to all be swept under the rug, didn’t it? So what did they do? They just fired the head of the Secret Service, who was a DEI hire – oh, by the way, Microsoft fired all their DEI hires that were responsible for this mistake and they fired them before it happened, isn’t that interesting? 

And now, the Secret Service is going to fire all their DEI hires and the people they brought from desk jobs from the DHS over to be Secret Service, which is sheer insanity – and then, what did Biden say?

He said that he was informed, supposedly, within one minute of it happening though I don’t think anyone was informed of anything in a minute and then, thet first thing he said is, “This is a National Emergency. This is my job. I am demanding that we put into place what the Congress and Senate and I just signed, the law that says the Presidential Administration can squelch Free Speech on social media. So, I am squelching all communications about the assassination on Trump until further notice.”

And he literally said this. “I am canceling all of my election events and we are basically putting a lockdown on this.” In other words, what was it saying? He’s an idiot. He’s a senile old man, trying to play the role of Joe Biden. 

Michael McKibben: Well, you know he’s not making that up. I mean, it’s other people; his controllers are doing that. 

Douglas Gabriel: And because he always blows it and tells you what he wasn’t supposed to tell you, he told us what he wasn’t supposed to tell us: “The Cyber Polygon’s here. The Resets’ here. The crash is is come.” 

It’s already come, Folks. They’re already estimating – they can’t estimate – how many billions this is costing per day, this new CrowdStrike-Microsoft IT problem – which is not an IT problem, this is an attack. 

It is. And why did they have the simulations from the WEF, beforehand? So the billionaires could get off of Microsoft, using CrowdStrike, before it happened. 

Because, as you pointed out, right now, every system that hasn’t been restored – and they say it could take weeks, if not months – and we have no idea what the cost of this is going to be, until about two months from now and it’ll probably be in the hundreds of billions of dollars, OK?

I predicted it’d be economic and I kept saying: “No. Trump assassination.” That’s in his personal chart – even the guy that they say shot him had Mars conjunct Uranus in his chart, OK? 

So we have four Mars-Uranus aspects; two on Trump, one on that day, that was economic, and one for the shooter, OK? 

They set this person up but the point is, they swept it all under the rug. They literally said: “No communications about this assassination are allowed!” Now, Joe said that – and that proved that he just says what he’s told, as you just pointed out and that he’s insane, OK? 

And now, what do we see? He’s gone, OK? Well, that’s, we suspect that, of course “the COVID” took him out, of course but we know that everyone in DC was exempt from getting COVID shots. Everyone at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, exempt. Everyone at the National Institutes for Health, exempt. Isn’t that a coincidence? 

So what is really going on? That’s all theater, that’s all fake and all of the corruption from Ukraine, which Trump has already said: He wants to go after CrowdStrike, he wants to go after Fridman, he wants to go after Zelenskyy, because he was trying to show that Zelenskyy is as corrupt as Poroshenko, before him. 

And the whole war was all fake British Commandos started that war and Dmitri Alperovitch started the war in Donbass [in 2014], with the bombing misinformation to the artilleries on both sides, that then caused, literally, at this point, they won’t tell you this: 200,000 people in Donbass have been killed by their own Ukrainian Forces. 

This is the worst corruption we’ve ever seen in any modern nation and so, all that – now, why did the Supreme Court come out and say, “Jack Smith was illegally appointed”? Because, so was Robert Mueller, so they can now, sweep that underneath. 

That, then exonerates Comey, who was one of the Star Witnesses. So, therefore, he was fired but he became a Star Witness for Robert Mueller that, then gave him immunity. That’s the reason nothing ever happened. Andrew McCabe testified –

Michael McKibben: These lawyers know how to finagle the laws to protect themselves and their friends. That’s what we see going on, here. That’s why I just have no respect for the legal system. None. 

Douglas Gabriel: But what you attempted to do, from the beginning, Michael, you’ve now done – and I just want to salute this – and I want to say that we told you this was going to happen. We told you about Eric Schmidt and Dragonfly and the Social Credit Score – matter of fact, look, as Tyla keeps pointing out: Do a Google Search. 

What happens? You’re told what you’re supposed to believe and then you’re given a set of questions that you might be actually asking and then they give you the canned answers they want you to have. You have no more freedom in social media. 

America is the last tiny bit of it but the same exact controls that squelch Freedom of Speech in Europe, in China, in Russia – in all these other places – is already in place here, in America. 

So, just get ready, Folks. What we told you is not going to happen – it is happening 

Michael McKibben: It’s starting. We’re starting to see a pattern that you can tell, immediately, whether something’s true or a lie and we’ve mentioned this before but in the Mockingbird Press, in this group of people that are practicing Government-by-Journalism in Britain and America, one of the first ways you can tell if something’s a lie is if all of the Mocking Bird media – that’s a long list and we won’t go over it here – says the same thing, with exquisite detail, even personal attributes to the stories and they do it all, ike immediately after something’s occurred. 

Then you know it’s a lie. They’re going to make it sound good. They’re going to make it sound believable – but the fact is, if they’re all doing it together, it’s not believable, just count on it. 

Douglas Gabriel: We’ve already had the trial run and Trump was at the command. Warp Speed. He allowed viruses to include viral vectors and then he allowed a National Emergency to be declared and then, a Health Emergency and then, the World Health Organization a Planemic Emergency, OK? 

What was that? No one has estimated, yet that I know of how many trillions of dollars were lost during that time. Well, they set Trump up and though he wanted –  he wants peace – well, they don’t want peace, because they make money off of war. 

And then, he pointed at the corruption in Ukraine. Well, they can’t have that, because George Soros is on one of the largest oil companies, there. Hunter Biden was getting so many – untold amounts of money – not only from Russia, from China but also from Ukraine, as well as Pelosi’s nephew, as well as Cofer Black, Mitt Romney’s guy – all the corrupt people are going to get all that evidence swept away, right now. 

So, Silverado and Dmitri Alperovitch – I’m going to predict this and and it will probably come out in a year or two: that they are the ones who gave the orders to do all of this this, because they had to set up the avenues to pull down and to delete the information that could condemn them. That’s what this is all about.

Because they’re scared of Trump, because he’s a wild card, just like Hillary. They can’t control him. And so, are they planning another pandemic? Yes they are. Avian Flu. We’ve already been told it’s 10 to 100 times worse so, what are we talking? $100 trillion? Because, some estimate $3 to $5 trillion was lost, overtly – and that doesn’t count the lost businesses that never came back to life. 

So, we are talking about an economic attack. It’s happened, Folks. And we now know the Bank for International Settlements has agreed to be the Clearing House for BRICS. I had to warn people years ago, the American dollar cannot fall until they get someone to do the clearing for the Big Oil deals, OK?

Bank for International Settlement doesn’t have any money. How can they clear these things? They can’t make up any difference. They can’t make up any losses. They’re a bunch of idiots and they are literally the criminals who took the money from Germany and Japan after the war and started the BIS. 

I mean, they are – it should be ust “BS” – because, they are the worst economic demons on the face of the Earth. 

And now, I am looking at – and I have to say, it’s been a long time coming – my wife has been telling me this is going to happen. I’m saying not until couple things happen, Folks. They’ve happened. 

And the only way you’re going to be able to even communicate; important documents, important information or just to protect yourself, because you said one foul thing against these evil demonic people that, then you are arrested for, like they’re already doing all throughout Europe, all throughout Russia and China. They arrest people for one single word that they say on their social media, one word.

So that’s what’s happening the Reset is now. The Cyber Polygon, it’s now and it’s going to get worse, by the way. This is just the beginning and the economic collapse is here and they want to blame it on Trump. 

Because, he is so preoccupied with himself and now, we know that the money that is behind TRUTHSocial actually comes directly from the British Monarchy. We now know that. Though he might not have been on their side before, he certainly is now and so, get ready. 

These aren’t predictions these are realities, already happening in our time, at this moment and the only thing I know that can save you in these digital realms, which, by the way when I was in the NSA and I got out, I swore I would never get involved in these things. I’d never write another program I’d never write software I’d never invent anything. 

I invented a lot of stuff for the NSA. I promised I’d never, ever do that again and I only use this system now to get the word out, so that your spirit can rise above these demonic times. 

You, alone are the solution. Your homeopathic consciousness is the solution – and we know that because, look at Michael McKibben, sitting right there, in front of you: Out of him his mind and his collaboration with some of the greatest mathematicians of our time, some of the greatest IT people of our time gave us what we needed – but it was turned to the Dark Side. 

And so, MySQIF, at this point is about the only answer that I know if you wish to continue any type of collaborative world communication – or even your life. Sending in your medical records to another person or anything like that. 

So, get ready, Folks: The banks, OK, they had to get the banks. This was the last thing; why the banks – as we know, most large banks in America are all bankrupt, OK? 

The proof of that is the overnight repos are now into I don’t know $20 trillion or something like this it’s like the derivative Market it’s into multiple quadrillions. So these things have gone completely out of control, that’s why the stock market hasn’t gone up and down up and down, like it should. It just keeps going up, because, the people are selling out. 

Just like Shawn Henry did, just like Dmitri Alperovitch did, when they sold their tens of thousands of shares in CrowdStrike, because CrowdStrike is now going to be history and the new system is going to be more demonic than ever; more limiting than ever and it’s going to be what Eric Schmidt created, called Dragonfly, which is the Social Credit System.

Michael McKibben: So, you say we’ve crossed the Rubicon. 

Douglas Gabriel: Absolutely. 

Michael McKibben: You’re actually officially announcing it. 

Douglas Gabriel: Yes, I am. 

Michael McKibben: OK, well I’m gonna make notes of this day. 

Douglas Gabriel: Yes and if you want to know what further to do, just read Gab. Read Tyler’s Gab page, Gabriels_Horn Gabriels underscore Horn, because she’s telling you what to do there and has, for years, because the three of us and a few other people and your team and the Conclave and her team and all these people know this stuff but they didn’t believe it. 

They couldn’t believe it. They can’t believe that evil is this prevalent at this time but it is. It’s the most prevalent evil in history. 

Why? Because we have the machines doing the evil for us. Machines have no morality. They’ll do any evil you want them to do. 

But again, humans are not developed. Think of Hunter Biden. Four times, he took all the evidence for all those crimes on his computer and just left it somewhere, because he’s a crackhead and he didn’t remember, because he was going off to the next horror. I mean, this is unbelievable! 

But look at Joe Biden’s family, look at Clinton. 

Mike, you get the final word. 

Michael McKibben: Yeah, there are a lot of problems in this world and I’ve always wanted to look at solutions, as an engineer and this MySQIF Privacy App just literally dropped in our lab. These mathematicians contacted me and so, it became, with some help of some people that will go unnamed, we were able to develop this and develop the way of exchanging keys that you can do anywhere on the Planet just using a PC running Windows. 

And it’s that easy. The average person can do it. The average corporate manager can do it. The average CEO can do it, without geek help, once you get set up. 

So, I encourage everyone to get it, as a tool in their toolbox. It’s not the solution to everything but if you want to exchange files privately, this is the way to do it and they cannot be cracked. 

Douglas Gabriel: Thank you Michael for your inventions and for your morality.

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The post Crowdstrike Returns and the Collapse Begins first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV.


Crowdstrike Returns and the Collapse Begins

This may be the most engaging and mind-blowing 90 minutes of vital information that I’ve ever seen on video and I’ve transcribed it, in its entirety, below.

Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss the “CrowdStrike Outage” within the context of the little-known history of the internet’s encryption technology and the role of Dmitri Alperovitch, to explain what’s happening, which they believe is the harbinger of extremely repressive times ahead, with the impending economic collapse and the imposition of the Social Credit Score and CBDC slave system on humanity.

A little background, here, for those not familiar with and the story of McKibben, Founder of Leader Technologies. Michael claims that he was the original developer of the source code that enabled the scalability required to create social media and that this was stolen from him by Mark Zuckerberg, who was attending Harvard University at the same time as his son – a long story, which you can read about HERE.

For years, McKibben was engaged in forensic research to produce indictable evidence for his case against Facebook. Several times along the way, he and his team were absolutely floored by their discoveries about how the world actually works in the spheres of high finance, governments and communications.

A finding around 2018 left him particularly flabbergasted: Hillary Clinton and her cronies have access to all of the Digital Keys for all transactions on the planet. In other words, unless you can build a new internet, you – and say, your cryptocurrencies, for example – are accessible by them. This is literally how they can (and do) “turn off your chip”, in the famous words last of the late Aaron Russo.

Here are some highlights from their revelations, below:

• The father of CrowdStrike Founder, Dmitri Alperovitch, Michael was a top nuclear scientist and cryptologist in Russia, who defected to the US with his family in 1994 with a job at the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), the home of the United States’ Atomic Secrets.

• The TVA turned over to Michael the preliminary experiment with what is now called the Federal Public Key Infrastructure Architecture (FPKIA), which is basically the cryptological codes to get into anything online; military, corporate, domestic, international, etc.

• These Public Key Encryption (PKE) codes are currently under the complete control of Hillary Clinton, Robert Mueller, Michael Chertoff and Dmitri Alperovitch.

• Thus, there is no such thing as a secure system on the internet.

• Young Dmitri gained fame as the world’s greatest hacker but he was actually using his father’s codes. He did corporate hacking and phishing and ransomware and he eventually got arrested (although you won’t see this is not on his Wikipedia page).

• Being that Dmitri had access to the Public Key infrastructure and could open anything, this led to his being hired by James Comey to work with John McAfee to expand Total Information Awareness (TIA), which was essentially about channeling every digital communication into one stream; stringing together all the computers in the world into one source. 

• Although officially defunded in 2003, due to public outcry, TIA’s core architecture continued development, under multiple projects, such as PRISM, which is datamining all communications to create a “Dark Profile” on every individual; everything you say, everything you buy, for the implementation of a Social Credit System, which anybody who’s been kicked off of all social media, such as myself, knows already exists, it just hasn’t been fully implemented, yet.

• Dmitri had access to everything and helped start the war in Ukraine in 2014, where he gave out the codes to websites spoofed to look like the Ukrainian Military Artillery Unit and he gave other access to the Russians – which they thought they had spied and “discovered” – giving conflicting information on Global Positioning Satellite data, causing the Ukrainians to bomb their own people, killing tens of thousands in Donbass. Douglas says, “This was a War Crime – unbelievable, unbelievable, in history – even the Russians got fooled.” 

The 2015 Office of Personnel Management Data Breach, that was attributed to “China” was actually done by Dmitri Alperovitch, using his father’s codes.

• Obama, knowing all of this, would only hire CrowdStrike to do all cyber security, both corporate and Military when he was in office for eight years.

• It was Obama who invited Dmitri to be the only person to look at the DNC server when they said they were hacked. Only CrowdStrike – Obama’s favorite and only cyber security company – was allowed to go in and look at the DNC. They did an analysis over the phone with their proprietary system called “Falcon” and found that the “Russians” had breached their system but they had not exfiltrated anything – but they could, if they wanted. 

• Douglas says, “They weren’t hacked. They had their #1 Guy, who had seen both sides of Hillary Clinton’s template for winning the election, which was on the DNC server and on her server – and by the way, they didn’t tell Hillary to stop using her server after they saw that everyone had access to her server, because Huma Abedin, who now is the [fiancée] of George Soros’s son, Alexander Soros – she was using the password “PASSWORD”, so everyone in the world was getting everything that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was doing. 

• “Why? Because, she was trading guns through the Secretary of State, using not only OPEC money but Secretary of State money and Department of Defense money [and USAID money]. So every country she went to – over a hundred, while she was Secretary of State – she gave weapons to, without anybody’s permission and she got donations to the Clinton Foundation.”

• The official story about the CrowStrike outage, that it was “a simple mistake” by some software engineer, is a lie. Moreover, Michael says it should be called the “CrowdStrike-Microsoft outage”, because it could not have happened without Microsoft’s cooperation.

• CrowdStrike is an evil player against America and Dmitri Alperovitch is a Major League psychopath.

• Douglas predicts it will probably come out in a year or two that Dmitri/his cohorts (Hillary, etc) are the ones who gave the orders for this “update”/crash, because they had to set up the avenues to pull down and to delete the information that could condemn them.

• The Cabal/Pilgrims/”mother-WEFers” are planning an Avian Flu Plandemic that’s 10 to 100 times “worse” than COVID, suggesting $100 trillion in economic losses, considering that COVID caused an estimated $3 to $5 trillion in losses – not including the lost businesses that never came back.

• The CrowdStrike outage is actually an economic attack. Douglas says, “The Reset is now. The Cyber Polygon, it’s now and it’s going to get worse, by the way. This is just the beginning and the economic collapse is here – and they want to blame it on Trump.” 

• The CrowdStrike attack is costing an incalculable billions per day. 

• The Bank for International Settlements has agreed to be the Clearing House for BRICS, which means the American dollar can now fall, because they have a new medium and someone to do the clearing for the Big Oil deals.

• A communications clampdown is coming. They already arrest people in Europe, Canada and China for saying one forbidden word on social media. Journalists are already being arrested in Germany, Brazil, Russia, China, for simply practicing journalism.

• America’s greatest enemy, by far is the British Crown, via the Pilgrims Society and their minions in the Senior Executive Service.

• Michael’s solution to this is his “Quantum-Proof” MySQIF Privacy App, which he assures us, “Absolutely cannot be hacked and in fact, mathematically, it will take three lifetimes of the Universe [10+ billion years], currently to hack one of your files that you send in that way.” It is now available for PC running Windows. If you want to exchange files privately, this is the way to do it and they cannot be cracked. 

• Douglas says we are living through the most prevalent evil in history. The purpose of this communication is to get the word out, so you can get good with God and your spirit can rise above these demonic times. 



(Lightly edited for ease of reading)

Douglas Gabriel: Welcome to the Mike and Doug show. I’m Doug.  Hi, Mike. 

Michael McKibben: Hey, Doug how are you, today? 

Douglas Gabriel: Well, I’m good, because I always love to be able to say, “We told you so” – and Boy, did we tell you so! Not only did we tell you so, we’ve told you so many times, we’re going to tell you again! And maybe, if you’re still dreaming or in a trance consciousness, you might wake up. 

CrowdStrike is an evil, evil player against America and Dmitri Alperovitch is the person we’re going to focus on – but like we always do, we’re not going to just tell you the bad news, we’re going to tell you the solution and the way out – and that’s what Michael McKibben’s come here today to say. 

Michael McKibben: Yeah, isn’t that amazing, how this young company grew to be this Behemoth within a decade? I mean, that just doesn’t happen unless you get help. 

Douglas Gabriel:  We are the only people who can tell you how that happened and I’d be glad to tell you now. Oh, you’d like to know? Well, then I’ll tell you: 

Michael Alperovitch, Dimitri’s Daddy was the #1 nuclear scientist and cryptologist in Russia. He defected, first to Ukraine and then, to Canada and then, to America and later, he and his son, Dmitri became, in fact American citizens. Go and read Wikipedia, it’ll say three times that Dmitri is an “American citizen”. 

Why? because he worked against Russia from Ukraine – and you probably noticed that the Trump tweet from the Old Days – and also, the conversation with Zelenskyy, the transcript from that asks about “a billionaire”, it asks about “CrowdStrike” and it asks about “the server”, OK? …

There were three servers involved. I don’t want to get into Bashears’ server (?) and Imran Awan, which was a Pakistanian complete overtaking of the House and the Senate, completely – 100% everything was, in-the-clear being sent to Pakistan. 

But the DNC and all that, it’s complicated but we have explained this and we’ve attached an article along with this video, so that you can go back and see that what we told you when it was happening is basically a predictor for what happens now. 

But it didn’t take a genius to listen to Klaus the Slob and His World Economic Forum prediction of a Cyber Polygon happening in 2024. He also said that “The Reset” would happen at that time, right?

And so, it’s happened, Folks! I predicted some time ago – multiple times – about Trump and the astrological aspects going on, now. Mars is conjunct Uranus in the Second House and basically, that means there’s going to be a huge economic effect, probably a crash, like an explosion that would happen three days before or three days after July 15th and 16th. 

Well, on the 19th, we got to see Cyber Polygon, which they had already done one simulation after the next with the World Economic Forum. This has been, they knew this was going to happen it’s like the new Avian Flu. 

It’s not Avian Flu . There’s no such thing but they were already having meetings, now to prepare for the “next pandemic”, right,, just like they had the previous pandemic. So, they have this all planned-out.

Now, who are the people? It’s just like the Vatican taught them, it’s just like the Venetian Banker is taught: you have to have one person in charge and then, you have a very small group around them of about three people or so and then 10 around them, that then control the 10 different sections you’ve divided everything up in. 

And we pointed out, it’s the Pilgrims Society and we pointed out who those people are but Dimitri Alperovitch and his father, when they came to America – this is so beautiful – he was a a Defector from Russia and they allowed him into the the TVA, the Tennessee Valley Authority, where all of our Atomic Secrets are and they turned over to him what was basically the preliminary experiment with what is now called the Federal Bridge Authority Public Key infrastructure, which is basically all the cryptological codes that you can get into anything you want; military, corporate – doesn’t matter – internationally – does not matter. 

You can get into anything that is connected to America, especially through commerce and especially through the internet. So, Michael Alperovitch not only started working and arranged the deal – I believe he was personally arranged the deal for Megatons to Megawatts, which was, basically Russians coming over here to disassemble their own Russian nuclear warheads and turn them into atomic energy for America. 

I mean, does this make any sense to you, Folks? But this is these are facts and we’ve proven all of this! 

Michael McKibben:  Well, it does when you know who’s driving the bus! 

Douglas Gabriel:  Exactly. 

Michael McKibben: Up until then, you don’t know. 

Douglas Gabriel: Barack Obama – fake Barack Obama – he’s not even an American. He never was and he doesn’t have citizenship. He never applied, just like Kamala, just like so many of the people in and around the White House are actually foreign agents! These people!

Obama would only choose CrowdStrike to do all cyber security, both corporate and Military when he was in office for eight years. That’s a fact – and then, it was turned into – which you pointed out – Eric Schmidt’s US Digital Service and they had a template for winning the election, which they gave to Hillary Clinton, which was created by – please remind me? 

Michael McKibben: Well – 

Douglas Gabriel: Which Russian? 

Michael McKibben: Hillary paid for Dimitri Salenko [?], I believe. 

Douglas Gabriel: There you go – in India – but wasn’t he, like Ukrainian or Russian or something? 

Michael McKibben: Well, he worked in the US but he went over to India to actually do that template for Facebook. 

Douglas Gabriel: So, what was on the DNC server, that CrowdStrike came in and with their proprietary secret program that goes in and can tell if anybody has broken in and breached your system and exfiltrated anything – and remember, CrowdStrike’s total assessment of the DNC server, which was the beginning – that was the spark that started Robert Mueller’s Star Chamber Special Council Investigation, which was a reset. 

These are resets. When they get caught, they have to have some big event to pull in all the witnesses, get everybody into a Star Chamber, when you have a Special Council. Those people don’t have a lawyer with them and if they testify, then Robert Mueller was able to give them immunity. He gave immunity to everyone involved. 

Michael McKibben: Wait a second, that sounds like the Queen’s Court. 

Douglas Gabriel: Oh, it is the Queen’s Court! And remember, all lawyers in America and over 50% of the Founders of America had taken their vows to the Temple Bar in the City of London. 

Oh well. Why do we allow any lawyers in politics? Why do we allow any corporations? Why do we allow any to get involved in politics through lobbying 

Michael McKibben: And our all of our attorneys and judges are members of something called Inns of Court, which are spread out all over the United States and those Inns of Courts are ultimately, directed out of the City of London in the inner Temple of the the Courts in England. 

Douglas Gabriel: And wasn’t it Huber who was appointed to look into all these criminal charges against Andrew McCabe and James Comey? And what did he find? He found that they were all Guilty – but so what? They did nothing. And he was the guy who went around telling judges how to make their determinations and their judgments, based upon what he told them to do. 

It comes down to, literally, a handful of people who know what’s going on, right? And the rest of us are being duped, because we believe mass media and that’s the problem. If you hear it a hundred times, you begin to believe it, OK? Especially if it’s the exact same words, which you see in all mainstream media it’s all coming from a British-driven – or a company that’s in Britain – that was owned by a corrupt senator in America that basically puts everything on the news and that’s the reason they’re all reading the same script and they saying it’s from the AP or it’s from – 

Michael McKibben: Well, the term, “Mocking Bird Media” is the term that now we use to describe that group and that’s exactly what they are. I’d like a bunch of – I’m going to change the metaphor  –bunch of lemmings marching in lockstep, whenever they have something to say. And when you see that, you know what they’re doing is lying. 

Douglas Gabriel: Yeah, now you and I and Tyla are the only people who seem to know this and we know it, because we have the proof and we put the proofs out there for you to read years and years ago and nothing has changed. None of our predictions have changed. 

We predicted that CrowdStrike would continue to be the most manipulative cyber security company in America that has taken over America and that’s a fact, Folks. Just look. 

And you’ll see that now, his new company, Dmitri Alperovitch’s new company, Silverado is basically doing, now the absolute inner controls that tells CrowdStrike and CloudFlare – 

Michael McKibben: Or Entrust and there there’s a whole string of them, all run by either Hillary Clinton or Robert Mueller or Michael Chertoff or Dmitri Alperovitch. It’s a small group of people that run the PKE infrastructure, which is Public Key Encryption. 

Douglas Gabriel: It’s the crypto codes and we pointed this out before: why would we let Michael Alperovitch come into America, get into our Nuclear Program and then, write the crypto codes for everyone at that time in America ? Corporations and the Federal Government, the military – all of it.

And then his son – I love this! – this is the part I like the best: Dmitri Alperovitch just couldn’t keep himself straight. He took his dad’s secrets and started to become the #1 Hacker and breacher of security systems in the world. Why? Because he got the codes from his daddy. 

Michael McKibben: He has the Public Key infrastructure. When you have the keys, you can open anything. 

Douglas Gabriel: And what did he do? Remember, when it was found out that the Chinese had penetrated every system, from the Office of [Personnel] Management, to the Pentagon, to DARPA – you name it – every corporation in America had been penetrated by the Chinese?

Guess who that was? Dmitri Alperovitch! Period!

Michael McKibben: Exactly. The Chinese are a great Whipping Boy for a lot of these people, when they want to divert attention away from the British, who were running this. 

Douglas Gabriel: And then, what happened? Well, Comey and his gang hired – and before even before Comey – they hired Dimitri Alperovitch to work with John McAfee. Ring any bells? That was the largest cyber security system for a long time, in every single computer, practically that never gives up and keeps trying to sell you services you don’t need and it’s one of the biggest scam routines going on on the internet. 

So if you keep having your malware tell you that, “You need this and that” and then they send you a bill and you accidentally clicked on something, they’re going to charge you 600 bucks for an update.

Michael McKibben: Yeah, they all those malware companies all end up loading McAfee. It’s amazing how often you have to rip it out, because you got a link to a McAfee installation. 

Douglas Gabriel: Now, let’s remember what McAfee was. We’ll digress into the weeds for a second. McAfee started a company – but did he start that? Did he write it? No! He tells us when he went nuts and he went down to South America and started taking ayahuasca and married a native woman and came up here and was totally paranoid, saying he’s going to get killed every day, on and on and on – what did he say? 

He said, “There is no such thing as a secure system anywhere the face of the Earth.”

Michael McKibben: Well, that’s true. 

Douglas Gabriel: Until now, with MySQIF – and that’s not a system, it’s a communication device, which we’re going to give you the solution to all of this in a few minutes. 

But you have to hear this story, because, if you don’t know this, Folks, you forgot your history and you’re being duped into the same exact mistakes. But we predicted this would all happen, because Klaus Slob and the rest of the billionaires, who all fight against each other – they’re no cooperative group – they all fight against each other. They all want control. 

Now, Dmitri Alperovitch then got caught by the FBI and they charged him, because he went off on his own and didn’t just do the Chinese hacking, he started doing other corporate hacking and phishing and doing ransomware and all this kind of crazy stuff, right? So they arrested him. They put him in jail and then the FBI came and said, “Hey, look, you know, you’re pretty good at this you want to work for us?”

So they hired him. Who was his best buddy? John McAfee. They created Total Information Awareness, which was basically channeling every digital communication in America into one stream and this had already been done before but this was an amplifying of that. And so, Total Information Awareness is all driven by McAfee Security Systems and CrowdStrike and all these other ones; Entrust and the other ones we’ve mentioned, OK? 

So, he starts working for TIA. Why? Because he’s got the crypto codes his Daddy wrote. 

Now, why would we allow all the crypto codes to be produced by a man who got them? Where did Michael Alperovitch get them? He wasn’t a cyber security expert he was a nuclear expert. He stole them from Russia. 

Michael McKibben: I think what we need to do is back up and realize what the crypto codes are for. And if we think there for security and privacy, we have been totally hoodwinked, because, in fact, what they’ve been, since the advent of communications – which, what goes back millennia; 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 millennia? – ever since human beings have been communicating with each other, one group wants to get a leg up on another group and so, they create something called “encryption”, which are called “substitution ciphers”, where if the letter is dog, D-O-G, you replace that was some replacement for D, the O, the G and then you you hand that out and nobody knows what you mean. 

Say it’s ABQ, so that means “dog”. So anyway, that’s not new. What is new, now, with the advent of computers and the ability to do this more quickly is the the type of communication that occurs in the internet world, which is binary communication; zeros and ones – lends itself well to different forms of encryption. 

But here’s the problem: ever since we had bankers who wanted to keep their secrets, coming out of Babylon and even before that and to get a leg-up on the on the citizenry and use their lawyers to maintain their advantage, we’ve had spies and bankers and politician who have worked to control encryption. 

And so, therefore, we have this very base sin built into all of our encryption methodologies that goes way back – millennia – and so what we’re now seeing is the latest fruit of the idea that we’re supposed to be protected with encryption. But the fact is, we’re not. 

And so, spies have been embedding backdoor keys into how this encryption works, so that those in the know can always stay a leg-up on everyone else, no matter what they’re doing; stock trades; buying and selling, communicating secrets; trade secrets, private conversations, healthcare information – you name it – there are prying eyes and ears that want to know that about you – and have used encryption as a way to get at that, at will and that’s what Alperovitch is a part of, as was McAfee, as was everyone involved in encryption. 

Douglas Gabriel: Absolutely and they put a backdoor in, just in case they couldn’t break the codes, so they could just go in and take. 

Michael McKibben: They always have two or three ways – in all the encryption systems, there’s always two or three ways to get in, not just one. 

Douglas Gabriel: Yeah. Some of you probably have heard me say this before. I was a cryptologist. One of the – at the time – highest-ranked Spec 7 Cryptologist in the NSA and I understood, at that time – 

Michael McKibben: So, can I just clarify for most people what that means? That means you had President’s Eyes Only Clearance. 

Douglas Gabriel: Which is higher than Q, by the way. Yes, that is correct but I didn’t know the exact way to do – see, I was a software programmer by the time I got out of high school. I had an Associates’ Degree in Computer Programming in 1972 and that’s why I got taken into the NSA and I got to see what they had, at that time and went right up the ranks. 

But the point is, is that until I met Michael McKibben, I didn’t know – even though I had seen Cisco Systems putting in every server a backdoor – a hard, mechanical backdoor – every server that ever left through Cisco. 

At one point, Cisco used to brag “98% of all communications across the internet go through a Cisco server”. That’s what they used to brag. That’s not true now. It’s Microsoft, Apple and Linux. And Microsoft got hit, because of a CrowdStrike update. Now, you’ve probably heard this. 

Now, Dmitri Alperovitch is no fool, because he’s on the Atlantic Council, which is the #1 Propaganda Machine against the Russians and he works out of Ukraine. 

And the reason Trump said, “Could you tell me about the billionaire?” – and that was Fridman, who he was talking about in Ukraine – who was backing Dmitri Alperovitch in CrowdStrike, because at that point, even before the DNC server, according to Trump he thinks it went to Ukraine, what he was saying is all the corruption Cozy Bear and Fuzzy Bear the two Russian GRU groups that supposedly breached the DNC server, those were all fake. That was complete nonsense. 

And only CrowdStrike – Obama’s favorite and only cyber security company – was allowed to go in and look at the DNC. They did an analysis over the phone with their proprietary system called “Falcon” and found that, “Yes, the Russians had breached their system but they had not exfiltrated anything – but they could, if they wanted.” 

They built in the systems to exfiltrate, as they would please in the future, right? So, if you read the two-paragraph nonsense that Dmitri Alperovitch, himself produced for the United States Government, as a report to the Robert Mueller Star Chamber Special Counsel – by the way, the Supreme Court said that is illegal; you can’t appoint someone who’s not part of the DOJ to be a Special Counsel. 

That was nothing more than a reset/sweep under-the-rug of all the evidence that they can collect, just like Hunter Biden’s recent trial – all of these things. 

Anytime you see – it’s like the Warren Commission or it’s like the Chinese investigation into 9/11. Please! It’s nonsense! it’s absolute insanity but the point is, let’s go back to Dmitri. So, Dmitri – before CrowdStrike was asked to look at the DNC server – had been turned to work for the FBI and he had complete access to Total Information Awareness. 

In other words, he could tap into any system, anywhere, any place because his dad knew the Russian codes and basically, built them into the American codes and he knew the difference – and also Chinese codes. 

So essentially, Dmitri had access to everything, at that point. So what did he do? He helped start the war in Ukraine. No, not the war with Russia that we’re talking about now – the first war. 

He gave out the codes to sites that had servers that acted as if they were the Ukrainian Military Artillery Unit and then, he gave other access – which the Russians thought they had spied and found this access – to the Russians and then he gave conflicting information about Global Positioning [Satellite] information about where to bomb. 

And what happened? The Ukrainians ended up bombing their own people. Killed tens of thousands of people in Donbass in the two Donbass regions. This was a War Crime – unbelievable, unbelievable, in history – even the Russians got fooled. 

But that’s the reason the Russians didn’t have any problem going into Donbass, because Dimitri Alperovitch, working through Yanukovych later, Poroshenko, later and now, Zelenskyy is using Ukraine, the well-known worst, corrupt nation on the face of the Earth, where everyone in DC gets a piece of the oil action and the action going on – now, you can see BlackRock is going to rebuild Ukraine, right?

So what did he do? He committed a War Crime and then, Obama, knowing this, invited him to be the only person to look at the DNC server when they said they were hacked. 

They weren’t hacked. They had their #1 Guy, who had seen both sides of Hillary Clinton’s template for winning the election, which was on the DNC server and on her server – and by the way, they didn’t tell Hillary to stop using her server after they saw that everyone had access to her server, because Huma Abedin, who now is the girlfriend of George Soros’s son, Alexander Soros – she was using the password “PASSWORD”, so everyone in the world was getting everything the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was doing. 

Why? Because, she was trading guns through the Secretary of State, using not only OPEC money but Secretary of State money and Department of Defense money. So every country she went to – over a hundred, while she was Secretary of State – she gave weapons to, without anybody’s permission and she got donations to the Clinton Foundation –

Michael McKibben: And USAID money, which used. 

Douglas Gabriel: That’s the one I was thinking of: USAID couldn’t think of USAID. 

So when Comey didn’t investigate the Clinton Foundation, who literally keep all the money except 4.5%, supposedly is used for the purposes of that Foundation – not for-profit foundation, tax-free Foundation – is used. 

She got donated so much money that I’m not even going to go into it but Andrew McCabe took all five cases after Comey was fired, bundled them up, lied, got caught lying five times in hearings and then dropped all cases after they sent an airplane to Little Rock, Arkansas to gather up all the evidence of Hillary Clinton’s crimes as a patent attorney – which would also include Leader Technologies; the theft of their patents. What was the name of that lawyer firm she worked for? Anyway, one of the most corrupt ones in the world. 

And what happened is the FBI collected up an entire airplane full of evidence and we never got to see a spec of it! 

Michael McKibben: Probably was taken to the same place Obama’s evidence is in.

Douglas Gabriel: It all goes to the FBI. That’s why they had to build a bigger headquarters, because they have all four of Hunter’s laptops, they have Huma Abedin’s, whom – 

Michael McKibben: They don’t need a big building to have four laptops! 

Douglas Gabriel: No, no! This is nothing. They have to they have all the evidence! Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, OK? That’s who she worked for. 

Now, that evidence is what the FBI always collects, anytime they need evidence. Now, I’m going to tell you, in a minute I’m going to hit the nail in the head why CrowdStrike did this now. There’s a very good reason they did this now, OK? But I’ll get there in a second. 

Dmitri Alperovitch, then was hired by the FBI – after the crimes in Ukraine, after the false reports at the DNC. Hillary never gave up the DNC server, because it had the template for winning the election, which was illegally paid for with United States Government tax funds – 

Michael McKibben: And it was Obstructing Justice in our patent suit against Facebook. 

Douglas Gabriel: Correct. Now, oh! Isn’t that interesting? Seth Rich was killed because this he said he was going to turn in the evidence from both sides, because there were two sides: There was the side for the template for winning, which is all corrupt and fraudulent and then there’s the economic side, which they went in and they hacked all the Republican Convention’s information, stole the list every list they had, used it against Bernie Sanders, didn’t give Bernie the money – and remember, at that time – what was her name? [Debbie Wasserman Schultz] had to retire. She had to step down, because the DNC is not a government agency, it is a private corporation and the Government said all these were crimes. 

But so what? It’s a corporation. If the head of the corporation steps down, there’s nothing that can be done. Seth Rich was killed because of that, OK? 

Now, that means that Dmitri Alperovitch is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths in Ukraine and Russia, he’s responsible for the whole “Russia! Russia! Russia!” nonsense and for coming up with the concept that “Russian hackers” affected the election on the side of Trump and that Trump was getting money, paid through a Russian bank called Alpha Bank. 

All of that is fake! Go back and read our articles on the 28 treasonous crimes of James Comey and you’ll see all these things spelled out; Franklin Foer and Slate magazine, the whole thing it’s all spelled out there for you. Trump Tower and the Russian lady who came – 

Michael McKibben: Wait, can I stop you, there? Just on the side note, what you’re describing is exactly how effective these people are at using propaganda as Government-by-Journalism. 

Douglas Gabriel:Veselnitskaya and the Russians who came to meet with Trump at Trump Tower. Hillary Clinton personally allowed her to come into this country. She was on a No Fly list and then, No Enter this Country list – and yet, she came in and attended a Congressional Hearing under false auspices and fraudulent auspices. And so we can see the connections all there. Now, what does this mean? 

Now, first off, Dmitri Alperovitch then got Shawn Henry and two other flunkies, who were in the FBI Cyber Security Division that were created, essentially to stop Dmitri Alperovitch’s “Chinese” and “Russian” breaches and hacks. 

No! That was him! He was Fuzzy Bear! He was Cozy Bear! And Falcon has been proven to go in and implant the footprints of really bad, cheap old Russian programs that he says are part of the GRU – that the GRU laughs and says, “Those things are 10 years old!  I mean, why is he using this garbage to accuse us of these things?” 

And then, of course, we came up with “Putin’s Chef was running a disinformation campaign against Hillary Clinton” – and then, Trump was guilty of that. Well, Trump didn’t know nothing about Russia. He would have loved to have got into Russia to have a hotel or whatever there. He had no association with them – but Hillary did! 

Hillary created Skolkovo. Did I say it right? Skolkovo, which gave Raytheon built a a facility there, all the major Military-Industrial Complex groups built facilities to build the weapons that Russia has, that they’re using against us, right now.

Michael McKibben: OK, you mentioned Raytheon. Before you we go off in another direction, we’ve just been reading Raytheon weapon patents for the last day or so – and did you know that Usha Vance’s father is a big-time Raytheon engineer and has over 21 Raytheon patents in the area of jet propulsion and basically, building faster, better, cheaper weapons of war?  He’s from Raytheon. 

Douglas Gabriel: And her cousin, Vivek Ramaswamy, who claims, fraudulently – sorry, I usually call him a derogatory name, so I can’t get his real name straight, because he has come out and said he invented everything. Everything you [McKibben] invented, he says he invented and he’s a liar. 

But how can he get away with that? Because, he works with Dmitri and Dmitri is now on every cyber security committee, every Government Federal US Federal Government Agency, every International agency, he’s on the Atlantic Council; is there cyber security person. I mean, he is the guy, still to this day, he’s one of the biggest criminals on the face of the Earth.

Tyla Gabriel: (Interjects) Are you talking about Vivek Ramaswamy, about being a crook?…

Douglas Gabriel: He’s totally a crook.

Tyla Gabriel: OK, I just want to make sure you weren’t confusing him with that other guy that says he invented email. 

Douglas Gabriel: That’s another liar.

Tyla Gabriel: OK, I’m sorry to interrupt. I want you two to go as long as you need to – two hours – I’m loving this! 

Douglas Gabriel: Don’t tell me that! 

Michael McKibben: We need to get to CrowdStrike, currently but anyway you’re laying the groundwork.

Douglas Gabriel: Without this, you cannot possibly understand what just happened, OK? And by the way, I predicted all this would happen. I predicted it on Substacks, recently, because I looked – my dear wife said “Look at the astrological charts for Trump,” and I said, “Oh, my gosh, he’s got Mars-Uranus on his Midheaven squaring his Natal Mars on his Ascendant.” 

He will be assassinated but they will miss, because the Mars isn’t an exact degree – and by the way, I don’t know whether it’s real or not – I can’t tell you that but I can tell you that the whole world, because it was on his Midheaven, transitting aspect on his Midheaven, the whole world would see it. 

So, I predicted this: the whole world will see this assassination attempt. I predicted it, weeks and weeks or months before and I predicted the exact date, the 15th or 16th, because it goes into the 16th. 

I also predicted that three days before that and three days after that is going to be Hell for the world – and look what happened three days afterwards – and what did I point out? That Mars-Uranus in the chart for just the whole world is in the Second House of money. 

So, I said there will be an attack, like an explosion, that will create such economic havoc, that we will may never even ever recover from it. 

This is the beginning salvo this is the beginning, is what you call a salvo in a war. So, it’s the shot across the bow to let us know The Reset is coming and the reason for CrowdStrike doing this is they had to put the last things in place, so that that they when they The Reset happens, they can go in and the rich billionaires, who are all part of this – and trillionaires – will have it all set up, so that all things will be channeled in the direction they should be channeled. 

And at that point, Eric Schmidt, who predicted that Dragonfly, in the future, when it reached America – and he lied; he said it wasn’t here – it was here and the day that he said it was here, after he went to China and set them up for it. 

So, if you think China’s our enemy or Russia’s our enemy, no, they’re using the same exact stuff that we’re using, OK and they just put a different name on it. 

So then, Eric Schmidt basically said, “In the end, your dark profile will limit you to what you’ll be even able to query on the internet and you will be charged for it ,” because remember, the internet is fake. 

Sir Timothy Burners Lee from CERN on his spare time, on his weekends invented the World Wide Web and just gave it to the world for nothing. Yeah, you believe that, right? I mean, everyone should believe that, because they were told that. 

Michael McKibben: Well, there was a time, I said “Why not?” but now, I know that’s not true. 

Douglas Gabriel: That’s like believing CERN actually has a third collider, the Hadron Large Collider. No, it doesn’t exist. We’ve proven that. So, what is going on there? That’s the head of the CIA, that’s what what I call “Rogue”, what you would call the City of London, Pilgrims Society, intelligence group. That’s who this is. There’s no mistaking what’s going on, here because, once you have this much evidence stacked up – and no one’s pointing at Dmitri. 

Dmitri left CrowdStrike some time ago. He got his money and got out. Now, Shawn Henry who came from the FBI Cyber Security Division, in the last few months – and they’re talking about, “Oh, he drew out 4,000 shares just recently, right before the IT Crash.”

No, he drew out 85,000 shares over $300 a share! I can’t do math that big but that’s what he got out of the company – and that’s just some of his shares and he did that before, so when CrowdStrike would be blamed for doing this, Silverado will now take over. 

Silverado – this is the British thing, OK? 

Michael McKibben: They always have backups when they use one spent vehicle. It’s like a stages of a rocket and they throw off that stage and that’s another shell company that they throw away. 

Douglas Gabriel: Now, if we were told by the World Economic Forum for years that The Reset would come in 2024 and that they have already done simulations on this, over and over and over, again and then Cyber Polygon, they said, “Well, this is going to also happen in 2024, there’s no way around it.”

Now, the trouble is, they give no solutions for either. Zero solutions. All they’re going to tell you is, “Centralize, centralize, centralize,” which is simply giving to the Pilgrims the control that they tried to get with the League of Nations, the United Nations and the Pacific – what’s that other one called? 

Michael McKibben: The Institute of Pacific Relations. 

Douglas Gabriel: The Institute of Pacific Relations. People don’t know that there was a UN before the UN – not only League of Nations but the – say it again – 

Michael McKibben: Institute for of Pacific Relations. That was the precursor…it was created by the YMCA, through the YMCA as the Institute for Pacific Relations and then that became the base from which the United Nations was created in 1947 in San Francisco. 

Douglas Gabriel: Now, we call that in America the CIA but it’s actually British and it was completely British and well, FBI, anything that has to do with intelligence, it’s all British-infiltrated from the beginning.

And also, look at Obama’s parents. Obama’s parents were part of the International Institute in Hawaii, where he supposedly went to Punahou. No, he didn’t. He wasn’t born in Hawaii and he didn’t go there when he was a child. That’s complete nonsense. I worked at that school. No. Didn’t happen. 

Both his parents – his mother, Ann Duncan [Stanley Ann Dunham], whatever her name was, was a CIA agent and we know that, because we know her history and we know where the baby came from. That is not a Kenyan baby. 

Michael McKibben: Who was the Indonesian guy? 

Douglas Gabriel: Soetoro…and if you look at the two of them together, it’s the spit and image. They look twins, right? So she had sex with the guy she was spying on in Indonesia. [I totally disagree that Lolo Soetoro is Barack’s biological father].

Michael McKibben: She was living in Jakarta. 

Douglas Gabriel: He ran Subud. Subud was a CIA-Pilgrims Society front and she was trying to infiltrate, to make sure that the Americans got better control, because, you see, Americans are always Behind the Eightball. We are the ones being manipulated. We are the military arm of the Pilgrims Society, OK? 

We are idiots. We never became sovereign, we did not win the American Revolution, the British still control us, to this day and the Senior Executive Service is the proof of that. 

Andrew McCabe, after lying five times; perjury, felony, perjury – nothing happened to him. No charges, no time and he was still given his retirement from the Senior Executive Service – and if you don’t know what that is, that’s as important as the Federal Bridge Authority Public Key Infrastructure. That’s what controls everything in America. All cyber security is controlled by the PKI – 

Michael McKibben: And Bruce and Nellie Ohr were paymasters, out of the Department of Justice for the SES. 

Douglas Gabriel: Correct. Absolutely. Approved Fusion GPS. Michael Sussman and Mark Elias, they were all around that DNC nonsense; the murder of Seth Rich and the “Russia! Russia! Russia!” hoax, which was really a soft coup against Trump, completely controlled by Britain and Richard Dearlove and Arvinda Sambai and Allison Saunders.

You know, we have been telling people this for so long, it’s like a bad old memory when I bring this up; that no one wanted to listen – but today, I noticed that after we did our report, about a year, some people in Mainstream Media caught on, a little tiny bit – but not anything like we’re telling you to tell you who Dimitri Alperovitch is. 

He’s the worst Russian spy in history, OK? He took and he blamed it on “Chinese” and then he blamed it on the “Russians” and now, basically, what is it going to be blamed on? I love this! “There’s nothing you can do when there’s an IT problem.” 

Michael McKibben: Well, can we roll forward to this latest attack? You have to put CrowdStrike-Microsoft, because this wasn’t just CrowdStrike without Microsoft’s cooperation. This could not have happened and at another level, besides the history, here is the fact that anyone in Network Security hears this story, that “somebody put in a bogus update into the latest updates that were distributed all through the world” and every network engineer will tell you that that is pure poppycock, because that’s not the way distributions of major software like that occur. 

And to cut a long story short, in any kind of software business, when you’re updating software and you’re wanting to introduce a new release, you test it first. You don’t just put it out in the into the public. And so, everyone creates something called “sandboxes”, which are servers, where you can test your changes, to make sure that there are no unknown glitches or hidden glitches or inadvertent glitches or things you introduced in a new feature that breaks something from the past you have to test all of that, before you ever introduce it into the market. 

So this news story that has flooded the planet, that it was “a simple mistake” by some software engineer, it’s a lie. So, the question is, who’s lying? Because, even without knowing the details, anybody in the software business knows that’s a lie, because that’s just not the way it happens, especially for a product, like this, that’s been around for 10 years. 

Has that ever happened with them before? No, they probably have a testing procedure, that for some reason, this time was not followed and somebody at Microsoft and somebody at CrowdStrike made the decision to let it happen and so, the question is: what was the agenda? 

Now, we get back to the people you’re talking about, in trying to determine what would happen but another thing to know is that when people introduce these kinds of vulnerabilities in a in systems all over the world we’re talking – I don’t know, the last number I saw was 30,000 systems around the world – when you introduce something that bad, you better bet every hacker that had any kind of foreknowledge of this was sitting there, waiting to steal, kill destroy, replace any file, anywhere, on any system that they affected – and of course, they’re going to go, “Oh, sorry! I’m sorry!” 

Know that these are demons we’re talking about, here. These are really demonic individuals who let this happen and therefore, violated the privacy and the property of billions of people all over the planet. These are demons.

Douglas Gabriel: Very demonic people, possessed by demons. Those demons give them more control than any human should have through centralization and then what happens? Well, of course they go even worse, they go bad. 

Look at Hillary Clinton. She can’t get enough money. Her Foundation is taking in more money – as a matter of fact, they have continuing agreements with Frank Giustra and Carlos Slim to, basically get  hundreds of millions of dollars for the rest of their life through their Foundation, OK? 

So why are they hard-up for money? Because they keep grabbing. It’s called gluttony; gluttony for greed and that’s what we see with Zelenskyy. That’s what we see in Ukraine. 

Why did Dmitri get involved in Ukraine? Because he knew that Ukraine was getting ready ’cause they saw, with the Yanukovych, and the guy before him and Poroshenko and Zelenskyy, that they were saying, “Oh! We’re with Europe and the Atlantic Council and NATO! Oh! We’re with Russia, because we need their oil! Oh! We’re…” back and forth and back and forth – and literally, we saw an Orange Revolution and the Maidon Revolution in Ukraine, led by George Soros, who is a CIA agent, who, of course is a Pilgrims agent. I don’t know how much of a Pilgrim he is, but – 

Michael McKibben: For sure, he’s a total Pilgrim. He was the one that led that crash of the British Pound, back in the early ’90s. The British were setting him up, way back then. 

Douglas Gabriel: And the Fall of the Soviet Union. He was right there, with Leo Wanta. So anyway, the point is that this has been going on for a long time. So, two Color Revolutions in Ukraine, to make sure that we had the people in there that were the most corrupt that we’re going to allow John Kerry’s son, Christopher Heinz, Hunter Biden on three different committees that controlled all the oil and where it flowed to in Ukraine, which means the oil coming off through four pipelines across Ukraine, which were actually being controlled by Russia but were coming out of other Soviet satellite countries. But anyway, Putin controls that. 

So they were basically messing with Putin and so Putin put two pipelines in Belarus and then, he put in Nordstream 1 and 2. They blew up Nordstream 1 and 2. British Commandos blew up the Belarus most southern pipeline and also the power to two of the pipelines in Ukraine and then, the President of Ukraine, repeatedly – because they were on the side of NATO, – which is basically the corrupt DC politicians who were all getting a piece of the pie of Ukraine; they wouldn’t let them drill oil in two of the largest oil fields in the world in Ukraine. 

And then, they were taking their oil from Russia and running-up a $4.5 billion debt in oil and then what was Ukraine doing? Turning the pipeline off, more and more and more and more. In other words, prompting Russia to go to war. 

And then, of course we know that the Nordstream 1 and 2 were blown up by the British. They tried to blame it on other people. Let’s be real clear about it: First off, the first Nordstream was a private deal between Putin and the daughter of Hitler – what’s her name, who’s the head – Angela Merkel, the daughter of Hitler, as far as I’m concerned. 

She knew it was blown up, because she was cheating all the European Union Nations by bringing the oil in, jacking-up the price and then selling it to them through Nordstream 1, OK? 

So the this kind of corruption used to be just oil. Now – Oh! No, no, no – it’s the flow of information, because the flow of information controls Bank information, it controls the Bank for International settlements, it controls the International Monetary Fund. 

Remember, that Ukraine has defaulted on $27 billion in International Monetary Fund loans from the World Bank, defaulted on 4.5 billion to Russia; has taken in, my calculations – they will say $200 billion from America, just with the recent war – no, no, no, no, no – it’s way more than that. They’ve been given untold billions. 

Michael McKibben: So, now we know this we know the strategy. The strategy is to let the Central Bank have this debt and eventually, take over that country. 

Douglas Gabriel: And all they have to do is change the digits on the debt, because, when it comes down to it, the Bank for International Settlement controls all derivative betting and if they don’t clear a single bet, all banks in the world could collapse and that’s not an exaggeration, because you have to pay off your derivative bets’ debt before you pay off the stockholders, who are in the American Stock Exchange – or any Stock Exchange, anywhere in the world, OK? 

Derivatives come first. So who controls the Bank for International Settlements’ clearing? A computer. Who controls the clearing at the DTCC, the Depositors’ Trust? 

Michael McKibben: Reuters-Rothschild.

Douglas Gabriel: Yes. That’s who that’s so we have found out now controls it. Used to be International Continental Exchange but now, it went to British control. 

Michael, what’s his name in Britain, who controlled Enron? 

Michael McKibben: Oh, Michael Farmer. Candace Owens’ father-in-law. 

Douglas Gabriel: Yeah and now, it shifted up to somebody in Sweden, I think. It’s like they move this stuff around so you can’t find the target. 

Michael McKibben: I made a mistake: it’s Baron Michael Farmer. 

Douglas Gabriel: Oh, come on, you need to remember these titles! And remember that anybody in America who has a title should be uh considered a traitor  – and that means, if you’re an Esquire and a lawyer you are a traitor, OK? Because, the Constitution says you cannot have any titles that, especially come from a monarchy. 

So anyway, the point is that these people in the SES, the people who are the Crown Agents, the people who control – and you already mentioned the people who control all the crypto codes for the Federal Bridge Authority Public Key Infrastructure: Hillary Clinton, Robert Mueller – what’s that the guy’s name? 

Michael McKibben: Michael Chertoff and Dimitri Alperovitch, with the CrowdStrike – 

Douglas Gabriel: And Bravo – what’s his name? 

Michael McKibben: Orlando Bravo

Douglas Gabriel: Orlando Bravo and Entrust and then, it went to it went to what was it, CloudFlare, was it? 

Michael McKibben: CloudFlare, yeah. That’s [Robert] Mueller.

Douglas Gabriel: So Folks, you don’t have an America. So, if you think you’re fighting for something or you’re voting for something you are have been fooled. 

There are no elections in America; haven’t been since a major Pilgrim, named Lord Mark Malloch Brown started OpTech, which controls almost all election voting machines in America and in 17 other countries. 

He determines who wins, period. It’s as simple as that. And who’s his group? He’s on a committee that you’ll never hear the names of. The people on the committee – because that’s the way that the Venetians did it, the Babylonians did it, the Venetians did it, the City of London did it, Cecil Rhodes did it and all of his successors, all the way down through the Royal Institute for international Affairs, the Roundtable, Milner’s Kindergarten and the Council on Foreign Relations. 

They all do the same thing: They all answer to a small group of 3 at the Top and 1 at the Ultimate Top – and it isn’t the Knights of Malta, that are controlled by the Venetians, anymore because there’s Knights of Malta in Britain. 

So, the Pope is no longer in charge. That’s the reason he’s so desperate to try to create havoc and Marxist chaos all over the world. He never stops. He’s one of the worst people in the world. He’s responsible for the deaths of millions, telling them to invade other countries and that the other countries must bow down and kiss their feet and wash their feet and give them more benefits than US Citizens – and especially, soldiers, who have fought and been, harmed killed and basically maimed for life – they don’t get as many benefits as the Invaders to our country. 

And when you look at who’s bringing them into Mexico, then you’re looking at the same people: these are the same Pilgrims. 

So, why did they choose 2024? And why did they choose 2024 for, not only The Reset but also for the Cyber Polygon – and that’s what we can answer, because they all – I do not know a rich person that doesn’t use astrologers to help them predict the ability for them to keep the money that they have. 

All of these things, I know, because I was an adviser to Nancy Reagan, who basically controlled the White House after Ronald Reagan got shot he had Alzheimer’s, which came out at her funeral. Her children said this and I knew it, because I was involved in it. 

Every one of these leaders is going upon astrological information. Matter of fact , the markets are determined by these things. 

Michael McKibben: Let me ask you something Douglas. Can I talk about MySQIF for a minute, before we get off this subject of encryption? Is that OK with you? 

Douglas Gabriel: Oh, please! You have the solution! 

Michael McKibben: OK, so we’ve been talking a lot about encryption. We’ve now discovered and can prove that nothing that is encrypted today, that’s supposedly “trusted” or “safe” or “secure” is, in fact safe, trusted or secure. They’re all insecure! 

And that mechanism is being used to collect, like a garbage scow, all all information on every individual in the world and stick that data in a “Dark Profile”, which is essentially, a database that can be mined in various ways by various people; some of them innocent some of them very malicious. 

But it’s all the same data and it’s being used to manipulate public opinion – that is the main effort that they use that for – how they’re going to manipulate public opinion for the public to believe lies and therefore, make decisions, based on those lies. 

And so, what we did is we met with a group of mathematicians who have developed an an approach to encryption called “Polymorphic Encryption” and the the major difference between what’s out there now, which is driven by a standard called “AES256”, is that AES256 has been cracked since 2013 by one of our mathematicians and yet, despite that truth, they’re still telling the public that their systems are “secure”, “private” and “not hackable”. 

So, what we have done is ,we are introducing a product called MySQIF Privacy App that uses Polymorphic Encryption, which is a way of exchanging unique attributes of each of your devices that cannot be intercepted – and even if they are intercepted, there’s not enough information in the interception to do anything. 

These are one-time keys they grab; unique fingerprints off of your two devices and then, whatever files you exchange through the encryption that occurs by our app absolutely cannot be hacked and in fact, mathematically, it will take three lifetimes of the Universe, currently to hack one of your files that you send in that way. 

Now, three lifetimes of the Universe, I think is a long time out and I’m not sure any information that’s exchanged now will be of much value in three lifetimes of the Universe, which is well over 10 billion years, so that’s the difference.

And the other thing is, after the exchange occurs, the master key disappears, the encrypted file disappears and therefore, each side has the original file but while it was in motion – and that’s really the key, here – while that file’s in motion, no matter where it is in the internet, even if some hacker is sitting right and watching the bits go by, they can’t do anything with that information and therefore, this is the first truly secure encryption system that’s been available to the public, ever. 

And that’s available now at and uh you can go there now it runs on only Windows, right now, Windows 10 or 11 and you can go on load it and then get another person you want to send a file to load it, also as a reader and then you can send these encrypted files and know for sure – and that’s the interesting thing we’ve learned, by the early people that are using the system is they say it gives them a great peace of mind, to realize when they’re exchanging with another person. 

It’s not like them sending it through Gmail or Hotmail or AOL or or Yahoo Mail, when you know – or should know – that all of your messages are being read and being datamined – and all of that’s being stored in your Dark Profile, as well as the Dark Profiles of anyone that’s named in your communications. That’s how bad things are, right now. It’s a complete violation of the US Constitution. 

But with MySQIF, you can send a file and send small messages and know they cannot be cracked. It’s great Peace of Mind tool, if nothing else. 

Now, for the Network Engineers who are dealing with the Microsoft-CrowdStrike debacle, use MySQIF, in that case to give yourself a way to communicate with your colleagues, while you’re working to fix the problem and that’s a unique time, because most hackers use those kinds of disruptions to further snoop on a network and then embed code that can be used for future exploits. But if those Network Engineers are using MySQIF across the world, their plans will not be hacked. 

Douglas Gabriel:  The internet was a DARPA project it was called “Darpanet” and it was a Dark Web to control the criminality of these groups we’re talking about, so they’d have secret communications. 

And then, they said someone went nuts and said “Let’s fake this and say Timothy Burners Lee invented the World Wide Web for all human beings, so that they can all get on it” – 

Michael McKibben: Sir Timothy Burners Lee 

Douglas Gabriel: There, that’s him. I can’t remember fake inventors. Fake inventors don’t log in my brain, OK? This guy’s done nothing! Remember, when he came out and he said he was going to create a “Total secure internet”? Remember that? 

Michael McKibben: Yes, I do. Now, I got to tell you, this is going to disappoint a lot of people I know now, who are using Protonmail. Sir Timothy Burners Lee runs the foundation for Protonmail. So, there you go. Do you need to know more? Get off of Protonmail CIA/MI6 Op. 

Douglas Gabriel: Now, the problem with DARPA – what is it? – the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or something – they put out requests for the most evil weapons – cyber weapons  –that you can imagine. 

If you sat around with science fiction writers and said, “What could we do to control people?” Well, first, we need to beam them their thoughts – first off, we need to biologically make sure they can’t think, anymore and then, we beam so many EMFs through them, that they can’t think and then, we and then we want to manipulate them and then, we want to put thoughts into their brains. It’s happening!

Michael McKibben: Let me interrupt you. Professor James P Chandler, my patent attorney was one of the advisers to DARPA – of course, I didn’t know that ,when I was using him as my patent attorney – but we were talking one day about Good and Evil and amorality and immorality and I was saying that a lot of the inventions coming out of the Defense Department are evil. I said that to him 

His comment back was, “Well, you know, Mike, you know there’s another way to look at that, in that, if it can be invented by a human being, it should be, no matter whether it’s moral or immoral.” 

The issues of morality and immorality, to him would be pushed off into future generations and their duty was: if it can be invented it should be invented 

Douglas Gabriel: The Office of Net Assessment is where most of this originated and that is an office that determines, when they create a weapon just how many people they can effectively kill. That’s no exaggeration. 

Michael McKibben: Chandler was working exactly with Marshall, the guy who ran that – 

Douglas Gabriel: – who was called the “Yoda” of the CIA’s Cyber Program but it was much more than that. I mean, these people sit around thinking up weapons and then they give them to all parties, internationally; transnational groups. These are not kept in America. 

So, they use American tax dollars to build weapons, just like in Skolkovo: they literally gave the weapons to Russia, they gave the weapons to China. 

The cyber weapons being used in China, with their Social Credit System, Folks? It’s already been implemented, here it’s just that they haven’t pushed the last button. 

Michael McKibben: We gave them the older code. 

Douglas Gabriel: Exactly, when they gave internet access to just common people, they thought it was just going to be funny, because then they could spy on them – but then they found out that everyone wanted to do their commerce on that – and then they said, “Well this is what we’ve always wanted! To centralize all power.”

Michael McKibben: That’s when I got into the business. 

Douglas Gabriel: And you created social networking, which then people thought, “Thank Heavens, I can now talk to a lot of people at one time. I can get information, I can do what the Mainstream Media isn’t doing, which is their job, which is to show us the truth, so that the oligarchs, the Corporatocracy, the Pope, the secular and religious groups cannot have control over We, the People.”

Michael McKibben: It levels-out the communication landscape and…they let it out of the box and this idiot, named McKibbe,n who didn’t know better at the time was just a young entrepreneur said, “Well, I can do this collaboration thing better than IBM and Microsoft are doing it,” and of course, I had just come off of rebuilding AT&T’s email system, so the idea of a large-scale system didn’t bother me. 

And in fact, we put together a team of people that invented social networking – but with a difference – what we invented, we focused on fulfilling the Bill of Rights and protecting people’s privacy and their property. 

And what IBM and DARPA and Chandler and David Kappos did, as they came in, they ripped all of the the privacy and property features out of it, so that they could push Facebook – and it wasn’t just Facebook – but everybody used Facebook, so I’ll put that out there, as an example. 

It pushed out a tool that everyone could use but the difference was the person could not manage their privacy, because it was all intended to be public, because our government decided not to follow the Constitution and our Rights to Privacy and Property and therefore, started implementing this this Global Surveillance State that we have today. 

It’s totally evil, in the way they’re implementing it – but even so, there’s enough of the original invention in there to do what you’re saying: others are able to use it for for good, as well. So, I take heart in that, while we look at trying to get paid for work.

Douglas Gabriel: So, who used the Dark Web more than anybody? CIA/FBI and what did they do? Entrapment for pedophilia, entrapment for drug money, entrapment for every kind of crime you can imagine. So, basically money-laundering. It was the source of evil in the Dark World for a long time. 

And then, when social networking was created by you, because they couldn’t figure out the problem how to make it go global and have the scalability. Once that was figured out then, they said, “Oh, now we have to do datamining, so that we can find out who everybody is, so we know who our enemies are, so we can target them and then, the those who aren’t, we can find out how effective our propaganda and our Subliminal Silent Programming is through TVs, through radio – “

Michael McKibben: You know, that’s interesting, I was just having a conversation with an engineer who was prominent, back in the days, when we were inventing social networking and she was a very prominent international network engineer and network designer and she said, in about 2001-2002, everything changed. Everything they had been working on up till then was scrapped and she had to go in and help these people design the next system. 

Well, when now we’ve compared notes, we know what they were designing, they were taking our platform with its data storage model and they were moving it all into a unified approach.

Before, there was plurality in the data networking area. After that, they went for uniformity: a monolithic way of storing data that we have today – and of course, that enabled the spies to then, get into everybody’s knickers. 

Douglas Gabriel: And Eric Schmidt came back and created the US Digital Service for the White House and what happened? Now, it’s all streamlined and in 2001, that’s when Dimitri Alperovitch started CrowdStrike. Isn’t that a coincidence? 

That’s when Gmail started, that’s when Facebook started. It was two more like 2004 but all of these programs started then, because the DARPA people, the Chandler people, the Highlands Forum people were driving the bus, on this side of the Atlantic, the MI6/Pilgrims Society on that side of the Atlantic and they were having regular visits. 

I now know, from public records that Chandler was meeting with Sir Geoffrey Pattie, who was the Holder of the Queen’s Golden Share, at the time inmost of the major industries, including Serco and QinetiQ, that came along in 2001, that Glen Youngkin was the founder of. 

It just so grates me, to see Youngkin up on the stage at the RNC. He is such a traitor to the United States! 

Douglas Gabriel: We used to have these fortresses for the NSA that all information coming into the country, even the AP or Reuters or anything had to go through these fortresses and they came to NSA and we actually determined what news would be allowed to go out to the Mainstream Media, so I was literally there. I was literally striking things that I was told or I believed would compromise National Security. 

Well, at the time when Total Information Awareness was created, basically what was when the NSA became a Corporatocracy. It became what is now – what was then called Cisco – and then, after Cisco, it became all these other systems but for sure, by the the time that it went from the NSA to Cisco, it added – I’m going to say something fancy, now, because Michael taught me this: They added the Elliptic Curve – German Deterministic Elliptic Curve. 

Elliptic. I always pronounce that wrong. See, I still can’t get it right. It’s called the Dual ECG RBG, Deterministic Random Bit Generator. Basically, the backdoor. 

But they put these back doors into the servers they but now, they’re in every single computer, so Microsoft, Apple – all of them – put it into your computer. Everything you do I can be accessed.

Michael McKibben: It was comprehensive: All hardware, software and firmware and the drive for that was the Carnegie Endowment, John Podesta and Professor James Chandler, who became my patent attorney, eventually. 

So, they drove the Backdoor Key, as the internet was developing and then, by 2003-2004, we had introduced what they wanted as an architecture for the entire planet and that’s when this engineer I was just talking to yesterday was saying she she just couldn’t understand what was going on, because everybody was shifting to another model – but they weren’t telling them what it was. Well, it was a way to – I’ve talked, in other videos, before about how to store data without caring where it is – and that was the system that they went to. 

It was a unified approach, so that they could string together all the computers in the world into one source. 

Douglas Gabriel: And the Clintons were in on this, from the beginning and they could see where it was going. That’s the reason she got into getting the Public Key Infrastructures, the crypto codes. 

I mean, every anyone in the digital world, early on, knew – and I would say this – I’d say, “This is all going to fail miserably,” because human beings are not advanced enough to not have the impulse, if they are the creators and the software creators, to build a backdoor in, so they can go and cheat and get and [commit] fraud, themselves; so that they could take advantage of the system they just created. 

And, hello, McAfee is a perfect example of that.

Michael McKibben: Yeah, he is – and oh, by the way, when Hillary took over control of Insure [Entrust?], she specifically had control of over 50,000 FBI Public Keys. So, with the Public Keys, you also, there’s a little little fine print in the Federal Bridge Authority that says, “Oh, we might store your Private Keys, as well, for your convenience.” 

Douglas Gabriel: Now, there’s two people that the Pilgrims hate. One of them, at first was Donald Trump, because, why? He’s unpredictable, he’s a megalomaniacal, narcissistic hugeist ego in the world, only second to, actually Hillary Clinton. 

And Hillary Clinton constantly goes against her Pilgrims handlers, because she wants to grab it all for herself. She wants to be the Queen of America and that’s why the Clintons created the association with China that gave them Most Favored Nation trading status and then they got a piece of everything Walmart did. Well, Walmart, all this stuff is created in China.

Michael McKibben: Oh, I thought that was called the “Chinese Embassy in the United States”? 

Douglas Gabriel: It is and that’s also who Mitch McConnell works for. And so for a while, it was the Chinese and then, she shifted over to the Russians, because she started to see that this was really about technology weapons and information and so she really got that. 

I told you I would tell you why this [CrowdStrike outage] happened now. 

It happened now, because after Trump, they said, “Holy moly, we have to accelerate The Plan! We know that this Solar Maximum is coming. When the Solar Maximum is coming, there’s going to be fantastic climate changes, good and bad and so, we’re going to take a advantage of that, by inventing another ‘Climate Crisis’ and we’re going to try to create a new currency called ‘Carbon Footprint’ and this is all ran out of the United Nations and then we’re going to create a Pharmaceutical World War III for the X Virus.” 

And they called it “X virus” long before anything you ever heard, Folks about this and they’ve been trying to, basically harm people by giving them shots into their blood that have poisons in them. 

And it doesn’t matter, you can analyze the poison all you want but you’ll find a PEG and GO in there and if you know what those two words mean…graphine oxide and polyethylene glycol is in all the shots, because it’s an “inactive ingredient” it’s like the other “inactive ingredients” in most pharmaceutical drugs are poisonous but they won’t list them –

Michael McKibben: You mean, like talc? 

Douglas Gabriel: Talc, which the Fauci Family owned the whole talc industry. 

Finally, Johnson & Johnson settled for what, was it $20 billion or something? Over the talc poisoning of children forever. They’ve known this for 20-some years, that that we were poisoning children by putting talc on them. Talc is in your pills! If you have a pressed pill, it’s got talc in it, OK? 

Michael McKibben: Fauci’s Family, we found, going back to the early 1600s had been mining talc in southern Switzerland and caused an avalanche that killed like 2,500 people then they shifted to a talc mine in China and, of course, we didn’t know yet, when we were doing that research, that this was all part of the Silk Road trade that the Babylonian Radhanites developed thousands of years before Christ. 

And so that’s the heritage, in which both Klaus Schwab and Fauci were grown into and Fauci’s family is a part of the foundation of Switzerland so these guys go way back. 

Douglas Gabriel: The Fauci Family Crest shows a serpent eating a child, OK?

Michael McKibben: Yes, it does. 

Douglas Gabriel: And Klaus’ family, they were Nazis. They were given the highest awards from Hitler for hiding their production of their weapons for Hitler and their facility never being bombed! Klaus Schwab is as corrupt as anybody could possibly be. 

But the point is, is that when you created social networking, you were trying to say, “I want to give everybody freedom! Freedom to express themselves, freedom to collaborate, worldwide connections and basically it opened up commerce, so everybody got on!” 

They got the commerce going and then the idiots who run DARPA, the idiots who run the CIA – unfortunately, the Pilgrims Society are ruthless and vicious and clever but they are not intelligent. They are not creative they are not creative people, so they basically don’t have a good plan. 

So, why did they say it’s going to happen now? They saw happened with Trump, they knew Hillary, if she got in – they made sure she didn’t get in, didn’t they? Ha ha ha. She was their girl. She was going to be the British Queen of America, right? But they didn’t let her in, did they? They let Trump in, because, remember those were selections. Those were not elections. 

And then they let Biden in. Why? They had to get rid of Trump, because he went rogue on them. He took their Intelligence Community Information and became the role that he has become. 

Now, why did they choose 2024? Because they know that Trump would receive the popular vote, if it was a true vote and they know that they’re getting caught manipulating these votes and that’s the reason there was a Plandemic, so that they could have mail-in votes and all kinds of illegalities in every state that have never happened before. 

Some of those loopholes have been closed, now. Most of them have not been closed, so I don’t think you’re going to have a free election. 

So why did this happen? Because they have to take all the criminality that we just described with Dimitri Alperovitch, Michael Alperovitch, the Public Key Infrastructure, the corruption in Ukraine, the DNC server, using, basically digital Warfare against Americans, after the National Defense Authorization Act by Obama transformed the Patriot Act into the what was it, the USA Freedom Act.

Michael McKibben: Prison Planet. 

Douglas Gabriel: Prison Planet says that they are allowed to propagandize Americans [via the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act], as War Actors. Every American is a War Actor, until otherwise proven. 

Michael McKibben: So there, we see why lawyers are a part of this Banker Mafia and are just doing nothing but doing their bidding, as foot soldiers. 

Douglas Gabriel: And so, we know this, because why? The assassination attempt on Trump – don’t get me started on that – let’s just say, “The Assassination Attempt on on Trump” had to all be swept under the rug, didn’t it? So what did they do? They just fired the head of the Secret Service, who was a DEI hire – oh, by the way, Microsoft fired all their DEI hires that were responsible for this mistake and they fired them before it happened, isn’t that interesting? 

And now, the Secret Service is going to fire all their DEI hires and the people they brought from desk jobs from the DHS over to be Secret Service, which is sheer insanity – and then, what did Biden say?

He said that he was informed, supposedly, within one minute of it happening though I don’t think anyone was informed of anything in a minute and then, thet first thing he said is, “This is a National Emergency. This is my job. I am demanding that we put into place what the Congress and Senate and I just signed, the law that says the Presidential Administration can squelch Free Speech on social media. So, I am squelching all communications about the assassination on Trump until further notice.”

And he literally said this. “I am canceling all of my election events and we are basically putting a lockdown on this.” In other words, what was it saying? He’s an idiot. He’s a senile old man, trying to play the role of Joe Biden. 

Michael McKibben: Well, you know he’s not making that up. I mean, it’s other people; his controllers are doing that. 

Douglas Gabriel: And because he always blows it and tells you what he wasn’t supposed to tell you, he told us what he wasn’t supposed to tell us: “The Cyber Polygon’s here. The Resets’ here. The crash is is come.” 

It’s already come, Folks. They’re already estimating – they can’t estimate – how many billions this is costing per day, this new CrowdStrike-Microsoft IT problem – which is not an IT problem, this is an attack. 

It is. And why did they have the simulations from the WEF, beforehand? So the billionaires could get off of Microsoft, using CrowdStrike, before it happened. 

Because, as you pointed out, right now, every system that hasn’t been restored – and they say it could take weeks, if not months – and we have no idea what the cost of this is going to be, until about two months from now and it’ll probably be in the hundreds of billions of dollars, OK?

I predicted it’d be economic and I kept saying: “No. Trump assassination.” That’s in his personal chart – even the guy that they say shot him had Mars conjunct Uranus in his chart, OK? 

So we have four Mars-Uranus aspects; two on Trump, one on that day, that was economic, and one for the shooter, OK? 

They set this person up but the point is, they swept it all under the rug. They literally said: “No communications about this assassination are allowed!” Now, Joe said that – and that proved that he just says what he’s told, as you just pointed out and that he’s insane, OK? 

And now, what do we see? He’s gone, OK? Well, that’s, we suspect that, of course “the COVID” took him out, of course but we know that everyone in DC was exempt from getting COVID shots. Everyone at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, exempt. Everyone at the National Institutes for Health, exempt. Isn’t that a coincidence? 

So what is really going on? That’s all theater, that’s all fake and all of the corruption from Ukraine, which Trump has already said: He wants to go after CrowdStrike, he wants to go after Fridman, he wants to go after Zelenskyy, because he was trying to show that Zelenskyy is as corrupt as Poroshenko, before him. 

And the whole war was all fake British Commandos started that war and Dmitri Alperovitch started the war in Donbass [in 2014], with the bombing misinformation to the artilleries on both sides, that then caused, literally, at this point, they won’t tell you this: 200,000 people in Donbass have been killed by their own Ukrainian Forces. 

This is the worst corruption we’ve ever seen in any modern nation and so, all that – now, why did the Supreme Court come out and say, “Jack Smith was illegally appointed”? Because, so was Robert Mueller, so they can now, sweep that underneath. 

That, then exonerates Comey, who was one of the Star Witnesses. So, therefore, he was fired but he became a Star Witness for Robert Mueller that, then gave him immunity. That’s the reason nothing ever happened. Andrew McCabe testified –

Michael McKibben: These lawyers know how to finagle the laws to protect themselves and their friends. That’s what we see going on, here. That’s why I just have no respect for the legal system. None. 

Douglas Gabriel: But what you attempted to do, from the beginning, Michael, you’ve now done – and I just want to salute this – and I want to say that we told you this was going to happen. We told you about Eric Schmidt and Dragonfly and the Social Credit Score – matter of fact, look, as Tyla keeps pointing out: Do a Google Search. 

What happens? You’re told what you’re supposed to believe and then you’re given a set of questions that you might be actually asking and then they give you the canned answers they want you to have. You have no more freedom in social media. 

America is the last tiny bit of it but the same exact controls that squelch Freedom of Speech in Europe, in China, in Russia – in all these other places – is already in place here, in America. 

So, just get ready, Folks. What we told you is not going to happen – it is happening 

Michael McKibben: It’s starting. We’re starting to see a pattern that you can tell, immediately, whether something’s true or a lie and we’ve mentioned this before but in the Mockingbird Press, in this group of people that are practicing Government-by-Journalism in Britain and America, one of the first ways you can tell if something’s a lie is if all of the Mocking Bird media – that’s a long list and we won’t go over it here – says the same thing, with exquisite detail, even personal attributes to the stories and they do it all, ike immediately after something’s occurred. 

Then you know it’s a lie. They’re going to make it sound good. They’re going to make it sound believable – but the fact is, if they’re all doing it together, it’s not believable, just count on it. 

Douglas Gabriel: We’ve already had the trial run and Trump was at the command. Warp Speed. He allowed viruses to include viral vectors and then he allowed a National Emergency to be declared and then, a Health Emergency and then, the World Health Organization a Planemic Emergency, OK? 

What was that? No one has estimated, yet that I know of how many trillions of dollars were lost during that time. Well, they set Trump up and though he wanted –  he wants peace – well, they don’t want peace, because they make money off of war. 

And then, he pointed at the corruption in Ukraine. Well, they can’t have that, because George Soros is on one of the largest oil companies, there. Hunter Biden was getting so many – untold amounts of money – not only from Russia, from China but also from Ukraine, as well as Pelosi’s nephew, as well as Cofer Black, Mitt Romney’s guy – all the corrupt people are going to get all that evidence swept away, right now. 

So, Silverado and Dmitri Alperovitch – I’m going to predict this and and it will probably come out in a year or two: that they are the ones who gave the orders to do all of this this, because they had to set up the avenues to pull down and to delete the information that could condemn them. That’s what this is all about.

Because they’re scared of Trump, because he’s a wild card, just like Hillary. They can’t control him. And so, are they planning another pandemic? Yes they are. Avian Flu. We’ve already been told it’s 10 to 100 times worse so, what are we talking? $100 trillion? Because, some estimate $3 to $5 trillion was lost, overtly – and that doesn’t count the lost businesses that never came back to life. 

So, we are talking about an economic attack. It’s happened, Folks. And we now know the Bank for International Settlements has agreed to be the Clearing House for BRICS. I had to warn people years ago, the American dollar cannot fall until they get someone to do the clearing for the Big Oil deals, OK?

Bank for International Settlement doesn’t have any money. How can they clear these things? They can’t make up any difference. They can’t make up any losses. They’re a bunch of idiots and they are literally the criminals who took the money from Germany and Japan after the war and started the BIS. 

I mean, they are – it should be ust “BS” – because, they are the worst economic demons on the face of the Earth. 

And now, I am looking at – and I have to say, it’s been a long time coming – my wife has been telling me this is going to happen. I’m saying not until couple things happen, Folks. They’ve happened. 

And the only way you’re going to be able to even communicate; important documents, important information or just to protect yourself, because you said one foul thing against these evil demonic people that, then you are arrested for, like they’re already doing all throughout Europe, all throughout Russia and China. They arrest people for one single word that they say on their social media, one word.

So that’s what’s happening the Reset is now. The Cyber Polygon, it’s now and it’s going to get worse, by the way. This is just the beginning and the economic collapse is here and they want to blame it on Trump. 

Because, he is so preoccupied with himself and now, we know that the money that is behind TRUTHSocial actually comes directly from the British Monarchy. We now know that. Though he might not have been on their side before, he certainly is now and so, get ready. 

These aren’t predictions these are realities, already happening in our time, at this moment and the only thing I know that can save you in these digital realms, which, by the way when I was in the NSA and I got out, I swore I would never get involved in these things. I’d never write another program I’d never write software I’d never invent anything. 

I invented a lot of stuff for the NSA. I promised I’d never, ever do that again and I only use this system now to get the word out, so that your spirit can rise above these demonic times. 

You, alone are the solution. Your homeopathic consciousness is the solution – and we know that because, look at Michael McKibben, sitting right there, in front of you: Out of him his mind and his collaboration with some of the greatest mathematicians of our time, some of the greatest IT people of our time gave us what we needed – but it was turned to the Dark Side. 

And so, MySQIF, at this point is about the only answer that I know if you wish to continue any type of collaborative world communication – or even your life. Sending in your medical records to another person or anything like that. 

So, get ready, Folks: The banks, OK, they had to get the banks. This was the last thing; why the banks – as we know, most large banks in America are all bankrupt, OK? 

The proof of that is the overnight repos are now into I don’t know $20 trillion or something like this it’s like the derivative Market it’s into multiple quadrillions. So these things have gone completely out of control, that’s why the stock market hasn’t gone up and down up and down, like it should. It just keeps going up, because, the people are selling out. 

Just like Shawn Henry did, just like Dmitri Alperovitch did, when they sold their tens of thousands of shares in CrowdStrike, because CrowdStrike is now going to be history and the new system is going to be more demonic than ever; more limiting than ever and it’s going to be what Eric Schmidt created, called Dragonfly, which is the Social Credit System.

Michael McKibben: So, you say we’ve crossed the Rubicon. 

Douglas Gabriel: Absolutely. 

Michael McKibben: You’re actually officially announcing it. 

Douglas Gabriel: Yes, I am. 

Michael McKibben: OK, well I’m gonna make notes of this day. 

Douglas Gabriel: Yes and if you want to know what further to do, just read Gab. Read Tyler’s Gab page, Gabriels_Horn Gabriels underscore Horn, because she’s telling you what to do there and has, for years, because the three of us and a few other people and your team and the Conclave and her team and all these people know this stuff but they didn’t believe it. 

They couldn’t believe it. They can’t believe that evil is this prevalent at this time but it is. It’s the most prevalent evil in history. 

Why? Because we have the machines doing the evil for us. Machines have no morality. They’ll do any evil you want them to do. 

But again, humans are not developed. Think of Hunter Biden. Four times, he took all the evidence for all those crimes on his computer and just left it somewhere, because he’s a crackhead and he didn’t remember, because he was going off to the next horror. I mean, this is unbelievable! 

But look at Joe Biden’s family, look at Clinton. 

Mike, you get the final word. 

Michael McKibben: Yeah, there are a lot of problems in this world and I’ve always wanted to look at solutions, as an engineer and this MySQIF Privacy App just literally dropped in our lab. These mathematicians contacted me and so, it became, with some help of some people that will go unnamed, we were able to develop this and develop the way of exchanging keys that you can do anywhere on the Planet just using a PC running Windows. 

And it’s that easy. The average person can do it. The average corporate manager can do it. The average CEO can do it, without geek help, once you get set up. 

So, I encourage everyone to get it, as a tool in their toolbox. It’s not the solution to everything but if you want to exchange files privately, this is the way to do it and they cannot be cracked. 

Douglas Gabriel: Thank you Michael for your inventions and for your morality.

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The post Crowdstrike Returns and the Collapse Begins first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV.


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Virus, Bacteriophage & Single “Virus” Genomics

July 23 2024


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If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, treatments, maybe this could help you:

If you want to fight back better:

Find the others:

The Time for Silence is Over

If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what you know vs. a license, a job, etc., is too great. “Just following orders” or fear of scrutiny won’t cut it anymore. Several have come before you to lay the groundwork so you, too, can be brave.

If you are the every-man, there are still people you haven’t spoken to. Call them today. Don’t wait. Prepare your information, and get it ready for an email or text. Sit with them and discuss it. Have them over. Watch an interview or seminar. Make them stay out of respect for you because you are respecting them; you are trying to save their life.

If you are the every-man with a bit more nerve, go stand outside of your nearest school with a packet of information to hand out to parents on the car line. Do it until they threaten to arrest you, and get arrested if you must. It is that serious. It must be done. Go to a mall and flier the windshields of every car in the parking lot. Create a landing page or send people to a reputable site with the needed information. Get your boots on the ground. Do it today. Do not wait. Your fellow human needs you right now.

We are in the midst of one of the greatest psychological operations in human history.

The third step is to unsubscribe from all mainstream media outlets. Delete the apps from your phone, laptop, and tablet and unfollow all of their social media and YouTube channels. Try to avoid mainstream media for at least one week, even if the headline is intriguing.

In the same time why not removing all the big tech tracking/spying/social credit system around you: (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Whatsapp, Zoom, Linkedln, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, Myspace, etc.)

The fourth step of the global walkout is to move as many accounts as you can to a union or local bank.

Spike Protein Protocol 

McCullough MD (aug 2023):

He recommended three supplements to mitigate harm and degrade spike proteins:

1. Nattokinase – 2000 units twice a day. Breaks down spike protein.
2. Bromelain – 500 milligrams once a day. Also breaks down spike protein.
3. Curcumin – 500 milligrams twice a day. Reduces inflammation and spike protein damage.

Glutathione (most important for body detoxification) or better
NAC = N-Acetyl-Cysteine 600-750mg (causes the body to produce glutathione itself)
Astaxantin 5mg (also improves vision)
vitamin D3
Milk thistle (also liver and stomach protection)
Melatonin 1mg to 10mg (against 5G)
Alternatively CDS/CDL and zeolite

Myocarditis: Nicotine

Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol contains Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Zinc, Vitamin D3, and Quercetin.

Fasting cures everything!

How to find the truth :

Search engine:,, Searx (choose the server that you want) or

Facebook style: or



Interview 1894 – AI Ring of Steel Descends on Paris (NWNW 563)

This week on the New World Next Week: Biden drops out of the (s)election race while congress genuflects to their real leader; the Crowdstrike fiasco was a win for evil online disinformationists (say the establishment stooges); and Paris nabs 1000 dastardly spies in the lead up to the AI drone surveillance Olympics. Source

Remembering Eman Qamom

Eman QamomMy best friend, Eman Qamom, was martyred in December by an Israeli attack. She had told me she didn’t want “to be killed and forgotten.” I am here to remember Eman. I hope she has found peace in a better place. Source

Right Wing Round-Up: He Was Never Gonna Change

  • Media Matters: Daily Wire host Matt Walsh attacks VP Kamala Harris for having a career
  • Walsh: “She’s a woman who has chosen to dedicate her life to her own personal ambition and career advancement. She has lived a very self-serving life. The lack of children is a symptom of that.”

  • Laurie Roberts @ AZ Central: Holy cat lady, Blake Masters agrees with J.D. Vance that childless people can’t lead us
  • Arizona congressional wannabe Blake Masters says childless people have no stake in this country. Yeah, now I’m remembering why he didn’t win his 2022 Senate race.

  • Zachary Folk @ The Daily Beast: Trump Says He Won’t Change After Assassination Attempt: ‘Not Gonna Be Nice!’
  • At a rally in North Carolina, Trump also rambled about J.D. Vance’s memoir, Kamala Harris’ bar exam, and the fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter.

  • Andrew Prokop @ Vox: J.D. Vance has made it impossible for Trump to run away from Project 2025
  • He wrote the foreword for a new book by Project 2025’s architect — and has backed some of its most extreme ideas.

  • Arthur Delaney @ HuffPost: JD Vance Wrote Book Blurb For Jack Posobiec, Far-Right Influencer Of Pizzagate Fame
  • The book, “Unhumans,” suggests progressives aren’t really people.

  • Alex Bollinger @ LGBTQ Nation: GOP candidate calls gay people “pedophiles” while raging at Democrat’s rainbow flag
  • Missouri secretary of state candidate Valentina Gomez was in D.C. yesterday and she stopped by Congress, apparently to get mad at the flags one congresswoman flies in front of her office.

  • Tessa Stuart @ Rolling Stone: Trump Allies Sure Are Talking A Lot About Civil War
  • The former president’s supporters keep raising the idea there’s violent conflict in America’s future.

Every day, Right Wing Watch exposes extremism to help the public, activists, and journalists understand the strategies and tactics of anti-democratic forces—and respond to an increasingly aggressive and authoritarian far-right movement. The threat is growing, but our resources are not. Any size contribution will help us continue our work and become more effective at disrupting the ideologies, people, and organizations that threaten our freedom and democracy. Please make an investment in Right Wing Watch’s defense of the values we share.

The post Right Wing Round-Up: He Was Never Gonna Change appeared first on Right Wing Watch.


Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Hitler Energy

  • Gab founder Andrew Torba reports that he has “learned that Thomas Crooks, the deranged Joe Biden supporter who attempted to assassinate President Donald Trump, may have had an account on our platform.” For the record, Torba’s platform is a haven for far-right extremists and not Joe Biden supporters.
  • C. Jay Engel lauds former President Donald Trump for reportedly regularly using the N-word and saying that disabled people “should just die.”
  • Nick Fuentes misses the Trump from 2016 when he had real “Hitler energy.”
  • Mario Murillo shares a warning about Kamala Harris: “As a Christian, voting for her will be the most reckless thing you will do in your life.”
  • Gordon Klingenschmitt says that “Kamala Harris will be the first ‘traded-money-for-sex’ prostitute to become President.”
  • Ali Alexander has some thoughts: “Jews hate everyone who ever enslaved them. Because they hate God. Their CONSTANT war with Him (Daddy issues) is so exhausting. Like: GET OVER IT. MOVE ON. Damn.”
  • Finally, Jack Hibbs asserts that “well over 90 percent of people who opt for the homosexual experience were molested as a young child and/or were exposed to heavy pornography.”
Every day, Right Wing Watch exposes extremism to help the public, activists, and journalists understand the strategies and tactics of anti-democratic forces—and respond to an increasingly aggressive and authoritarian far-right movement. The threat is growing, but our resources are not. Any size contribution will help us continue our work and become more effective at disrupting the ideologies, people, and organizations that threaten our freedom and democracy. Please make an investment in Right Wing Watch’s defense of the values we share.

The post Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Hitler Energy appeared first on Right Wing Watch.


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