Posts Tagged ‘witness’

How Hope Hicks went from Trump confidante to key prosecution witness

Hope Hicks was known as Donald Trump’s gatekeeper, a calming force for the former president who has been by his side for years as a loyal confidante. She is now playing a key role as a witness in his trial. On Friday, Hicks took the stand as a witness for the prosecution in the New […]

A Jew Lie??- OH MY GOD!!!-NY Times Debunks Own ‘Hamas Mass Rape’ Hoax, Admits Key Witness Fabricated ‘Rape’ Claims

The New York Times released a bombshell article on Monday debunking their own atrocity propaganda report on “Hamas mass rapes” by admitting that a key witness from an Israeli paramilitary unit lied about two sisters being raped. From The New York Times, “Israeli Soldier’s Video Undercuts Medic’s Account of Sexual Assault”:New video has surfaced that […]

Lahaina, a perfect storm or a perfect crime? (a new book by a local eye witness to the Lahaina fires – Corbett Report)

Burn Back Better with Shelby Hosana SHOW NOTES AND MP3: Hosana, co-founder of, joins us to discuss her new book, Burn Back Better, detailing her experience on Maui during the recent Lahaina fire and what the investigation so far has uncovered about the dark agenda behind the tragic events of August 8, 2023. […]

WITNESS TESTIMONY OF GENOCIDE IN GAZA: American nurse who got out of Gaza describes desperation she saw — video


Bearing Eternal Witness to a Scam

When I was growing up in the 1960s-70s, we often played late summer and fall football games in various locations: on streets, vacant lots, school fields, suburban yards, a grocery store parking lot (under the lights) or in parks. In the games on grass surfaces, we played tackle. Often, ten-plus boys participated. It was a […]

Discredited January 6 Witness Cassidy Hutchinson Claims Giuliani Groped Her

Cassidy Hutchinson, a star witness for the January 6 Committee whose claims were later discredited, now says in a new book that Rudy Giuliani, who was a lawyer for President Donald Trump, groped her before the Capitol riot. Source

Congressional Witness: Liberals Siding with Corporations to Keep Wages Down via Mass Immigration

Liberals are siding with corporate America over the nation’s workers in their promotion of mass immigration, a key tool in keeping wages down, Center for Immigration Studies Director of Research Steven Camarota told lawmakers this week. Source

Palestine refugee camps witness to historic resistance, Israel aggression

The Israeli army, on 5 September, carried out a massive military operation at the Nour Shams refugee camp in Tulkarem city, northern Occupied West Bank, leaving one Palestinian dead and several others injured, and badly damaging the camp’s infrastructure. The Israeli military has been regularly targeting certain refugee camps across the West Bank since early […]



DOJ Denies Trying To Jail Hunter Biden Witness Before Tomorrow’s Testimony

Update (2030ET): The DOJ has responded to allegations that they want Hunter Biden witness Devon Archer arrested before tomorrow’s testimony, saying in a statement: “To be clear, the Government does not request (and has never requested) that the defendant surrender before his Congressional testimony,” reads a Sunday night filing. “For the avoidance of all doubt, the Government requests that any surrender […]

Material witness tweeted in 2020 that PM Justin Trudeau committed statuatory rape at WPGA

A recovered tweet from the suspended PRESS Core Twitter account @presscoreca informs us that a material witness tweeted in a reply that Justin Trudeau had committed statuatory rape when he was a teacher at WPGA. That means the 2019 federal election campaign rumors were true. That Justin Trudeau sexually assaulted a student when he was […]

The Final Hours: Witness Pompeii’s Catastrophic Demise (Video)

As Mount Vesuvius erupted violently in 79 AD, the skies above Pompeii turned dark and ominous. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Europe Video History Important Events Read Later  Source

Chemically poisoning you isn’t new: Witness Ivon Watkins Dow & Dioxin in NZ

A repost and update of this old article from 2017. The video was censored from NZ television. Dioxin is featuring right now with the train spill in the US and the town of Palestine in Ohio. It has all the appearances of cover up of course. Listen to this young woman speaking out on that. […]

Star Witness Cassidy Hutchinson’s Credibility Questioned After January 6 Materials Released

Cassidy Hutchinson, a star witness at the January 6th Committee’s scripted public hearings, is being called out for alleged inconsistencies in her testimony following the release of the committee’s final report on Thursday. Source

Kari Lake Expert Witness Who Certifies Maricopa Machines Says Tabulator Mishaps Deliberate, No “Possibility of Human Error.”

Image: Defective Maricopa County ballot on left, found almost exclusively in Republican-leaning precincts. Source Recall that on election day in Arizona 30% to nearly 60% of tabulation machines suddenly had problems, almost exclusively in Republican-heavy precincts. Maricopa County attorneys said in the trial that even if the machines had broken down, voters could go to […]

A journey of revolts: bearing witness to the world outside us

Hurriyah Ziada reflects on how the Arab uprisings and Palestinian youth movements revealed the best and worst of society. Source

Video: Yet Another Democrat Witness Claims Biological Men Can Have Pregnancies

For the umpteenth time, a witness called to testify by Democrats during hearings on abortion laws claimed that biological men are capable of getting pregnant and giving birth. They’re the party of science! During a House Oversight Committee hearing Thursday, Planned Parenthood’s Medical Director for Primary and Trans Care (yep that’s a thing) made the […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness

 ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY 12/31!  For 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence grows, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a year-end donation to keep this critical work going. 3X-MATCH my donation of:  ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY […]

WA Gears up for International Travellers to Witness the 2023 Solar Eclipse

Hundreds of residents in a Western Australian town will be allowed to offer accommodation to visitors for a total solar eclipse scheduled for next year in 2023. Exmouth, a small town in WA’s north with a population of about 2,000, will be one of the best viewing spots in the world for the Ningaloo Eclipse […]

from TUT: Kristol Clear Judah-ism– ‘We shall soon witness the demise of our enemies and miracles far surpassing those of the exodus from Egypt’

Kristol Clear Judah-ism– ‘We shall soon witness the demise of our enemies and miracles far surpassing those of the exodus from Egypt’ July 28, 2022tuteditor The three stages of the Redemption–Standing at the borders of the Holy Land, then and now. ed note–again, one of the most important–IN AN APOCALYPTIC WAY–OpEds flitting about the internet […]

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