Posts Tagged ‘expert’

Voting Machine Expert Sounds Alarm: CrowdStrike Outages ‘Perfect Cover’ For Election Hack

As news continues pouring in about “IT outages” across not just the country and the globe, a voting machine engineer and investigator has revealed that the CrowdStrike outage has provided the “perfect cover” for an […] The post Voting Machine Expert Sounds Alarm: CrowdStrike Outages ‘Perfect Cover’ For Election Hack appeared first on The People's […]

Bilderberg Expert Advises Trump: He Must Destroy the Intelligence Apparatus

Daniel Estulin joins Alex Jones live to reveal the war raging between the US intelligence Deep State and President Trump. Daniel offers his analysis, as a 24-year Russian military counterintelligence veteran. From his point of view, recent events in the US appear to be propelling the world toward the “Multipolar World Order” championed by Vladimir […]

Berkeley Election Expert Says “Impossible to Determine” if Biden Won Georgia in 2020, GA Reprimands Fulton County for Double Counting Votes

A Berkeley professor whose integrity may be gauged by the fact that he has displeased both the left and the right at various times, says it is “impossible to determine who really won an election contest” in Georgia, in a lawsuit which contends that Trump won the State of Georgia in 2020. Georgia was one […]

Expert reveals trillions spent on stock buybacks post-Trump tax cuts

It resulted in significant corporate stock buybacks rather than investments in workers or innovation. Source

Financial expert Ray Dalio urges investors to move assets out as he forecasts more than 1 in 3 chance of civil war in America

(NaturalNews) With the current political and economic situation in the United States, billionaire investor Ray Dalio has urged investors to move some of their… Source

Expert charges DOJ actually is ‘a threat to the Republic’

Expert charges DOJ actually is ‘a threat to the Republic’ Source

Top immunology expert warns that everyone who got COVID-19 jabs could die within a few years

(NaturalNews) One of the world’s top immunology experts is cautioning that individuals who received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines could die within the next five… Source

How Israel violates International Law in Gaza: expert report

An independent expert report lays out how Israel systematically violated U.S. and International Law in Gaza, concluding that Israel launched indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on civilian areas due to “extremely relaxed rules of engagement.” Source

Expert warns: Banks will claim that your money is no longer yours, may freeze bank withdrawals

(NaturalNews) Hedge fund manager and macro-economic expert Hugh Hendry has alerted the banking system and the American economy as a whole.”President Joe… Source

Disinformation “Expert” Tells People To Only Use “Trusted Sources,” Avoid “Doing Your Own Research”

Related: Pennsylvania Collaborates With DHS and CISA To Monitor Online Election-Related Speech “One thing everyone can do to make sure they are seeing accurate information is to use trusted sources. So in elections that means using the Department of State, that means using your county elections office, it means using media organizations that follow, that adhere, […]

UN Expert Says Situation In Haiti Has Reached ‘Apocalyptic’ Levels

The UN’s top expert on human rights in Haiti has warned that Haiti has become an open air prison with apocolyptic violence tearing it apart. Human rights observer William O’Neill said conditions in Haiti were rapidly moving towards becoming “like Somalia in the worst of its times” after a criminal uprising displaced tens of thousands […]

Expert Says Gaza Seaport is to Facilitate Mass Migration of Palestinians to Europe

by Paul Joseph Watson | Mar 16, 2024 | 7 comments Above: long held as an ideal by hard line Zionists, Greater Israel includes all the Palestinian lands of Gaza and the West Bank. Plus parts of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Paul Joseph Watson – March 15, 2024 A Middle […]

Censorship expert Mike Benz says 2020 election RIG for Biden was planned at least SEVEN MONTHS ahead of time

(NaturalNews) The Pentagon led a massive censorship campaign to stop Donald Trump from winning the 2020 presidential election, explained censorship expert Mike… Source

Expert warns: Gaza faces unprecedented famine in decades as Israel tightens grip

Experts alarm over the rapid deterioration of life in Gaza, citing Israel’s stringent blockade as a catalyst for a famine crisis unseen in modern history. Source

Election systems expert demonstrates how easy it is to HACK voting machine USING ONLY A PEN

(NaturalNews) An election technology expert successfully hacked into a Dominion Voting Systems electronic voting machine using only a pen.This happened during… Source

BREAKING: Professor and Election Expert J. Halderman Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine Tabulator in Court on Friday in Georgia in front of Judge Totenberg USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS

BREAKING: Professor and Election Expert J. Halderman Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine Tabulator in Court on Friday in Georgia in front of Judge Totenberg USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS Source

An international law expert explains why South Africa’s case at the ICJ is so important

A ruling by the International Court of Justice in favor of South Africa, which has accused Israel of genocide, could mean saving thousands of lives in Gaza. The alternative, however, could be devastating and further embolden Israeli violence. Source

Will hackers cripple America with a cyberattack? Expert says it might happen in 2024

(NaturalNews) The currently fictitious subject matter of the new apocalyptic dystopian thriller film “Leave the World Behind,” a project of Barack Obama’s “Higher… Source

‘RED ALERT’: Legal Expert Warns New ‘Reform Bill’ Is the ‘Biggest Expansion of Surveillance’ Since the Patriot Act

Originally Published on Vigilant News Network “Buried in the House intelligence committee’s Section 702 ‘reform’ bill, which is scheduled for a floor vote as soon as tomorrow (12/12/23), is the biggest expansion of surveillance inside the United States since the Patriot Act,” warned Elizabeth Goitein in a viral and disturbing X thread. Elizabeth Goitein is […]

Live Blood Dark Field Microscopy Analysis: Conversation with an Expert in the UK

What it can do & changes seen after the Covid “Vaccine” ANITA BAXAS,MD NOV 19, 2023 I had a very informative and pleasant conversation with Shirah Mustarde near Brighton in the South of England. She is a nutritionist and dark field microscopist since many years. She runs an online training class for health professionals who […]

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