Posts Tagged ‘impossible’

Berkeley Election Expert Says “Impossible to Determine” if Biden Won Georgia in 2020, GA Reprimands Fulton County for Double Counting Votes

A Berkeley professor whose integrity may be gauged by the fact that he has displeased both the left and the right at various times, says it is “impossible to determine who really won an election contest” in Georgia, in a lawsuit which contends that Trump won the State of Georgia in 2020. Georgia was one […]

Why it’s impossible for Trump to get a fair jury

It is preposterous to suggest that any American citizen called as a prospective juror could be “unbiased” when it comes to Trump. Source

The True Costs Of Net-Zero Are Becoming Impossible To Hide

Authored by Mike Shedlock via, Our net zero lesson of the day is from the U.K. but it applies universally. It’s increasingly difficult for Biden and the EU to hide the true costs of net zero mandates. Britain Boiler Tax Scandal In the latest green fiasco, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak created a quota […]

You Can Change Gender at Will, But Scholars Say ‘Simply Impossible’ to Change Your Race

Kevin Nadal, an activist, comedian and expert on microaggressions who teaches at City University of New York, agreed saying “There is a privilege in being able to change your race or to say that you’re changing your race.” Source

California’s “impossible” electric truck mandate could put logistics companies completely out of business

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) With California’s deadline for zero-emissions vehicles looming, logistics companies are growing concerned that compliance will be impossible.Under the new mandate, which goes into effect on January 1, 2024, all new trucks that are bought for servicing distribution centers, ports and rail yards must be zero-emission … [Read More…] Source

Right Wing Round-Up: Almost Impossible

For over the past 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence continues to grow, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a donation now to keep this critical work going and help support our end of month fundraising […]

“This Kind Of Growth Is Almost Impossible For The Human Brain To Comprehend” & ChatGPT is behind AI!


History Channel’s – That’s Impossible – Episode 3: Weather Warfare

VIDEO LINK Note: This video was originally on Youtube, now removed however was fortunately posted at … a timely post in light of current heavy rainfall and flooding in the north of NZ… EWR From The_Conspiracy_Reality @ This show premiered on July 7, 2009 on The History Channel. See our Geoengineering pages, main […]

SDG7: The Impossible Energy Transformation

The alleged purpose of the United Nation’s (UN’s) Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) is to “ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.” In keeping with Agenda 2030, the target date to achieve this goal is, as you might expect, 2030. As previously discussed, UN documents are couched in fluffy rhetoric. The […]

In 2023 It Will Be Nearly Impossible to Avoid Facial Recognition in the U.S.

As more airports in the United States adopt facial recognition technology, the privacy of Americans is once again threatened. In early December, The Washington Post reported that the U.S. Transportation Security Administration is beginning to test new facial recognition tools at 16 major domestic airports. The WaPo reported: “The Transportation Security Administration has been quietly […]

Ethiopia: peace is impossible while TPLF roam the land

For peace talks to be positive both parties must want the conflict to end. Source

Faina Savenkova: It is impossible for such a site to exist

August 22, 2022 by Faina Savenkova It is impossible for such a site to exist, and its owners are not responsible for their actions.Journalist Daria Dugina was killed in Russia on Saturday night. I would hardly have known who she was if my friends hadn’t told me that she and her father, Alexander Dugin, were […]

The Impossible Statue: The Marvelous Marble Net of Il Disinganno

​The impossible sculptural feats within the Sansevero Chapel Museum in Naples will take your breath away. Amongst them, the famed statue known as Il Disinganno, was carved out of one single block of marble. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History Famous People Read Later 

Extreme covid fascism in Lithuania is making it impossible for the unvaccinated to live

Extreme covid fascism in Lithuania is making it impossible for the unvaccinated to live / Ethan Huff (Natural News) The Baltic country of Lithuania has entered its eighth week of highly restrictive “Covid Pass” tyranny, and the fascism is off the charts. According to reports, the unvaccinated in that country face increasing ostracization and […]

‘Ridiculous demands’ and ‘impossible requests’: Life outside Cuomo’s pandemic war room

Elizabeth Dufort, a former medical director for the Division of Epidemiology who was identified as “State Entity Employee #2” in one of the transcripts released by the attorney general’s office, told investigators that working conditions had gotten so bad at the Department of Health that some employees had asked the Public Employees Federation, one of […]

Swedish Politician Prosecuted For Stating Sudanese Migrants With 65 IQs ‘Impossible To Integrate’

(RMX News). Bertil Malmberg, a regional politician from the populist Sweden Democrats party, has been convicted of “racial incitement” after expressing his concern that South Sudanese immigrants had such extremely low IQs that it would be impossible to successfully integrate them into the Swedish economy and society: Last month, the Nyköping District Court fined Bertil […]

UN Claims to ‘Climate Truth’ Impossible

Commentary Missing from most, if not all, coverage of last month’s climate science report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was the fact that their most important conclusions are impossible—not merely contested or exaggerated, but literally impossible. Consider the following from the IPCC full Working Group I report, “Climate Change 2021: […]

The Atlantic Says Expecting Vaccines to Give You Immunity is ‘Asking The Impossible’

The Atlantic now says that expecting vaccines to give you immunity from covid is “asking the impossible.” From The Atlantic (Archive): We’re Asking the Impossible of Vaccines Complete protection against infection has long been hailed as the holy grail of vaccination. It might simply be unachievable. By Katherine J. WuSEPTEMBER 9, 2021 […] Some people hoped the […]

Democrat Lawmaker Claims Its Impossible for Illegal Aliens To Spread Coronavirus

Democratic Rep. Cindy Axne claims that illegals crossing the border are somehow unable to spread coronavirus in America. During the Let’s Talk Guthrie County podcast, the host asked Axne about possible coronavirus cases coming in via illegals crossing the southern border: “Customers and Border Protection have apprehended more than 176,000 migrants from July 1st to July […]

Pacific Northwest heatwave virtually impossible without human-driven climate change, finds study

People turn to extreme measures to keep cool in an extreme heatwave. (Getty Images) The historic heat wave that struck the Pacific Northwest and killed hundreds of people would have been “virtually impossible without human-caused climate change,” an international team of climate researchers said in a new report. The World Weather Attribution’s analysis, published July 8, 2021, Wednesday, […]

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