Posts Tagged ‘recognition’

Facial Recognition Software Reveals that the Current President Is an Imposter

by Shepard Ambellas (SQAUK) — Recent investigations have raised doubts about the current occupant of the White House, who identifies himself as President Joe Biden. Facial recognition software, known for its precision, has concluded with over 99% probability that the current “Biden” is a different individual altogether. These findings have ignited fervent debate and suspicion […]

After Skool Illustrates George Carlin’s Astute Recognition of Manipulation Through Changing Language

This is a clip of a live show in the 1990’s. The raucous laughter can be a bit off putting. Just think what George Carlin would have to say about more recent manipulation using language!  I need not point out … Read the rest Source

BAN THE SCAN: Civil rights groups call on the state of New York to outlaw facial recognition

(NaturalNews) Thirty-two civil rights groups, under the leadership of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (STOP), have called on the state of New York to… Source

Car Manufacturers to Require Face Recognition to Drive Their Vehicles in the Near Future

Make no mistake this is global… EWNZ From The automotive industry is moving quickly now to take away one of the last freedoms most Americans still have: the ability to get in one’s own vehicle and drive anywhere one wants, whenever they want to. In an announcement this week, Biometric Update reported that almost […]

US Avoids Recognition of BRICS II

Renee Parsons  As existence of the BRICS accelerates, it will become more obvious that the US government has been working against the long term political and economic interests of the American people; most notably relying on imported foreign oil, allowing a warped neo con regime to dictate foreign policy and abuse of its dominion over […]

Massachusetts Taking Action on Banning Facial Recognition Cameras, Cradle of Freedom

Above image: Statue of Paul Revere at Boston’s Old North Church Liberal Massachusetts, Cradle of the American Revolution, is acting to ban or greatly limit a technology which is inextricably linked to visions of a dystopian future, all-seeing, pervasive facial recognition cameras which will track all humans from morning to night. The two lead sponsors […]

‘Artificial Intelligence’ Is (Mostly) Glorified Pattern Recognition

This somewhat funny narrative about an ‘Artificial Intelligence’ simulation by the U.S. airforce appeared yesterday and got widely picked up by various mainstream media: However, perhaps one of the most fascinating presentations came from Col Tucker ‘Cinco’ Hamilton, the Chief of AI Test and Operations, USAF, who provided an insight into the benefits and hazards in […]

Thwarting Facial Recognition – #SolutionsWatch

4TLeser says: Who owns our facial representation? image, digital or whatever…Last time I checked it could be verified all governance are corporate entities and not civil authorities at all.Where is the contract demanding You or me to fulfill terms; did we get tricked into forced submission? Can this be Law? Not at all, Law is […]

Clearview AI Scraped Billions Of Facebook Photos For Facial Recognition Database

Facial recognition firm Clearview has built a massive AI-powered database of billions of pictures collected from social media platforms without obtaining users’ consent. In late March, Clearview AI CEO Hoan Ton-That told BBC in an interview that the company had obtained 30 billion photos without users’ knowledge over the years, scraped mainly from social media platforms like […]

FBI Facial Recognition Confirms Majority of Initial Capitol Breachers Were Federal Agents

» U.S. Govt. Made Duplicate Payments to Wuhan Lab in China, Potentially Losing Tens of Millions of DollarsYesterday at 12:08 pm by PurpleSkyz » Two Spectacular Solar Eclipses will Cross the United States in 2023 and 2024Yesterday at 12:05 pm by PurpleSkyz » Bad-clown Rising – ASTRAL REALMYesterday at 12:00 pm by PurpleSkyz » Why Are More Children Identifying As Transgender & […]

FBI has been testing facial recognition software on Americans for YEARS without their knowledge or consent

(Natural News) The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is suing the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for illegally spying on and surveilling Americans using advanced facial recognition software. Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), in speaking to The Washington Post about the suit, explained that Americans deserve to be able to go about their lives in peace… […]

US Military Signs Contract to Put Facial Recognition on Drones

The United States is set to deploy facial recognition technology on drones. The tech, called SAFR, is owned by the company RealNetworks. According to a contract between RealNetworks and the U.S. Air Force, the facial recognition software will be used on small drones as part of special operations missions. The Air Force paid RealNetworks $729,056 […]

Finland passes new, progressive trans rights laws on gender recognition

The legislation gained overwhelming support from all five parties in Sanna Marin’s coalition government, as well as many opposition MPs. Source

Researchers are testing biometric recognition of newborns for vaccinations

Researchers are testing biometric recognition of newborns for vaccinations Date: January 5, 2023Author: Nwo Report Adding newborns to a biometric database. Posted BY: Didi Rankovic – Reclaim the Net Work has been underway for a while in the US – and research and reports say it is progressing well – to achieve an effective level […]

In 2023 It Will Be Nearly Impossible to Avoid Facial Recognition in the U.S.

As more airports in the United States adopt facial recognition technology, the privacy of Americans is once again threatened. In early December, The Washington Post reported that the U.S. Transportation Security Administration is beginning to test new facial recognition tools at 16 major domestic airports. The WaPo reported: “The Transportation Security Administration has been quietly […]

The Recognition Of Monarchy Through History

The well-known story of the Roman Emperor Hadrian’s rebuke at the hands of the petitioner whom he had rebuffed is significant. Read more Section:  News Premium Preview Read Later  Source Lied About Its Facial Recognition Tech, Congress Says

The controversial facial recognition firm hired by the US government during the height of the pandemic is being slammed by members of Congress, who say the company misrepresented how its technology works and downplayed excessive wait times which stopped Americans from collecting unemployment benefits. New evidence shows that “inaccurately overstated its capacity to conduct […]

The facial recognition firm mining YOUR data!

nov 17th 2022 The facial recognition firm mining YOUR dataImagine this: a tool that lets anyone track your face through the web, and with just one click, find out where you work, socialise, or live. YouTube marks the official World Government Summit video about a new world order as spreading a conspiracy theory. _______________________________ The […]

Palestinian factions to PA: Abort Oslo, recant ‘Israel’ recognition

September 13, 2022 14:28  Source: Al-Mayadeen By Al-Mayadeen English  Palestinian factions reaffirm position to liberate all of Palestine. 29 years after Oslo Accords, Palestinians have not given up on liberation. Hamas movement urged on Tuesday the Palestinian Authority to take the initiative and announce the end of the Oslo Accords and recanting the recognition of the […]

Sinister-Looking, Facial-Recognition CCTV Cameras Quietly Installed Across Britain in Recent Months

Sinister-Looking, Facial-Recognition CCTV Cameras Quietly Installed Across Britain in Recent Months It looks like a street lamp in a leafy London road… but this is actually a Chinese-made facial recognition camera – one of millions of sinister-looking CCTV cameras quietly installed across Britain in recent months Cameras made by a chinese-state affiliated company have been installed […]

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