Posts Tagged ‘manufacturers’

The FDA and Vaccine Manufacturers Refuse to Show Us Their Work

When it comes to mRNA injections for Covid, Americans are 100% dependent on the FDA and vaccine manufacturers to assess and confirm purity and consistency. That might be okay if the testing methodologies that manufacturers and the FDA were still fully transparent, but they’re not anymore. Not only are the test results confidential, even the […]

RFK Jr. Explains Why Vaccines Are a ‘Dream Product’ for the Manufacturers

In the early 1980s, vaccine manufacturers were losing BIG money. For every $1 they made off the DTP vaccine, they were losing $20 to injury lawsuits. So Wyeth (now Pfizer) went to the Reagan White House and demanded liability protections with the threat of getting out of the vaccine business. President Reagan asked Wyeth why […]

Proven ADULTERATION of COVID jabs means Americans can now SUE vaccine manufacturers – and FDA is REQUIRED to take action by pulling them from market

(NaturalNews) Investigative journalist Steve Kirsch spoke with Prof. Byram Bridle and Dr. Robert Malone recently about the contamination issue with Wuhan… Source

Car Manufacturers to Require Face Recognition to Drive Their Vehicles in the Near Future

Make no mistake this is global… EWNZ From The automotive industry is moving quickly now to take away one of the last freedoms most Americans still have: the ability to get in one’s own vehicle and drive anywhere one wants, whenever they want to. In an announcement this week, Biometric Update reported that almost […]

The lies of manufacturers and reviewers on Solid State Drives

What’s the BEST drive for gaming? What drive is for ‘content’ creators, you know OnlyFans? What SSD is best for workstation type loads? Is 7300MB per second too slow for my games? There are many misconceptions and ‘lies’ used to promote a manufacturer’s wares, in order to be the sales kings of the industry. It’s […]

Gov. Ron DeSantis Says He Plans to Hold mRNA Vaccine Manufacturers Accountable

December 7, 2022 “We are going to work to hold these manufacturers accountable for this mRNA because they said there were no side effects and we know that there have been a lot. We are going to have some announcements over the next three or four weeks.” _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A […]

The lies and marketing hype of SSD manufacturers

Hard disk manufacturers NEED you to purchase their new products at the (high) introduction price in order for you to sponsor their R&D departments. They will quote insane read speeds that are literally useless for 99% of the people they are reaching. They will quote drives that are specficially designed for gamers or creators, which […]

Government Clarifies Vaccine Injured Can Sue Manufacturers Despite Indemnity

Government Clarifies Vaccine Injured Can Sue Manufacturers Despite Indemnity Date: November 16, 2022Author: Nwo Report  Posted BY: Daily Sceptic The Government has responded to a petition calling on it to “remove indemnity from the manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines, to allow individuals to pursue claims for compensation against them” by clarifying that “individuals’ right to sue the producers […]

U.S. Judge Dismisses Mexico Lawsuit Against Gun Manufacturers

The Mexican government argued that the companies know their practices contribute to the trafficking of guns into Mexico and facilitate it. Source

Electric vehicle market Imploding as Manufacturers cut Production Goals, Raise Prices

The one principle of capitalism that drives innovation and, ultimately, profits, is “supply and demand.” When there is a demand for a product or service, then those who can sufficiently supply that demand will do well. Those who cannot, won’t. And that principle alone is why the electric vehicle (EV) industry is already imploding. The […]

Poll: Nearly 60% of U.S. Manufacturers See Inflation Leading to Recession

Almost six in ten American manufacturers believe ongoing inflation will lead to a recession in the United States, a new survey from the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) finds.

‘Inflation Is Killing Us,’ Manufacturers Tell Kansas City Fed

Manufacturing activity slowed in the central U.S. while inflation pressures remained very high.

TV War “Experts” Revealed As Paid Shills For Weapons Manufacturers

Why Liability Protection For Vaccine Manufacturers Is A Terrible Idea

    Why do vaccine manufacturers have liability protection? Because in the 1980s, the four vaccine manufacturers got together and threatened to stop making vaccines unless the lawsuits stopped. Congress obliged and we have the system we have today where, if you are vaccine injured, getting the compensation you deserve can be a hit or […]

New report ranks 17 major US food manufacturers on their actions to reduce growing risk of pesticide use

Image Credit: Pesticide Action Network As scientific research continues to connect pesticide exposures to harmful human health effects, a new report ranked the efforts of 17 major U.S. food manufacturers to reduce pesticides in agriculture. The report was conducted by As You Sow and found General Mills, Lamb Weston, Del Monte, and PepsiCo to score […]

Can We Trust Vaccine Fact Checkers? Vaccine Manufacturers Create FACT Checkers LOL

by Admin · Published October 9, 2021 · Updated October 9, 2021 [embedded content] Comment: With these ZIONISTS it’s ALWAYS about the Profits! Source

Prepare for food price increases, warn Israeli food manufacturers, retailers

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

WHO: Vaccine manufacturers will have to adjust vaccines to variants

Vaccine manufacturers will increasingly have to adjust vaccines due to the new coronavirus variants that have emerged, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Monday. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that the emergence of mutated versions of the virus had “raised questions” about their impact on vaccines particularly after South Africa decided […]

NZ govt asks how to convince doubters to get a Covid-19 vaccine … maybe explain the manufacturers’ liability exemption & the numerous deaths & adverse reactions to date?

The NZ government is wanting us all to accept the new untested covid vaccine. They cite the data that one in four will not. How to change that? As stated, tell us why the manufacturers have no liability for any damages caused. Secondly, instead of enlisting prominent community figures to twist our arms, they could […]

Manufacturers suggest Trump’s removal as business groups condemn violence

“This is sedition and should be treated as such,” Timmons said in a written statement. “The outgoing president incited violence in an attempt to retain power, and any elected leader defending him is violating their oath to the Constitution and rejecting democracy in favor of anarchy.” The blunt statement stood out even on a day […]

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