Posts Tagged ‘accountable’

Thacker: Congress Must Hold The CDC Accountable For Cozy Ties To Pharma

Authored by Paul Thacker via The Disinformation Chronicle, Congressional leaders with the House Energy and Commerce investigative subcommittee will question CDC Director Mandy Cohen tomorrow in what should be an interesting hearing on restoring public trust. The hearing “should” be interesting, because this committee has a long history of holding corporate and government leaders accountable. […]

Something Is Very Wrong With The #MauiFires & FDA Claims It Cannot Be Held Accountable For Misinfo

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/15/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

No More Indemnity – We Will Chase You Until You Are Held Accountable!

11 aug 2023 Rapper Zuby, in a very well-delivered address in 2022 at CPAC, observed that most politicians don’t care if people die—and he is correct. Most politicians don’t care if people die. There’s no royal commission. There’s no Senate inquiry. There’s no access to contracts—they’re commercial-in-confidence we’re told. Years after they were signed, they’re […]

“Adam Schiff Cooked Up this Bullsh-t Story… We Have to Hold Him Accountable” — US House Rep.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna: “Adam Schiff Cooked Up this Bullsh-t Story… We Have to Hold Him Accountable” Source

DeSantis Says ‘War Criminal’ Putin Should Be ‘Held Accountable’ Days After Saying Ukraine Not a ‘Vital’ U.S. Interest

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis toughened his stance on Russian President Vladimir Putin, calling Putin a “war criminal” who should be “held accountable” for the invasion of Ukraine, just days after he claimed the Ukraine war is not a “vital national interest.” Source

McCarthy on Twitter Files: We Need the Ability to Hold FBI Accountable Through Funding, Plan to Have Wray, Garland Testify

On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) reacted to the latest Twitter files release by saying Republicans plan to have both FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Source

Gov. Ron DeSantis Says He Plans to Hold mRNA Vaccine Manufacturers Accountable

December 7, 2022 “We are going to work to hold these manufacturers accountable for this mRNA because they said there were no side effects and we know that there have been a lot. We are going to have some announcements over the next three or four weeks.” _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A […]

DeSantis promises to hold Pfizer, Moderna accountable for making false claims about covid “vaccines”

DeSantis promises to hold Pfizer, Moderna accountable for making false claims about covid “vaccines”12/09/2022 / By Ethan Huff Speaking at a private gathering of the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) over the weekend, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis indicated plans to hold pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Moderna accountable for making false claims about their respective covid […]

DeSantis Says He Will Hold Pfizer, Moderna Accountable For Side Effects Of Covid Jabs

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has said that he plans to hold vaccine makers “accountable” for making false claims about their jabs He argues that the makers of the mRNA ‘vaccines’ have not been transparent about their side effects. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. You can unsubscribe […]

The Dam Breaks: DeSantis Says He and FL Surgeon General Will Hold Vaccine Makers “Accountable,” “Made Claims…That Weren’t True,” People Injured

After nearly two years of the attempted suppression of data such as Pfizer’s request that a court delay full release of clinical trials safety data for 75 years, a growing swell of doctors and scientists are adding their voices to accusations that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines were anything but safe and effective in […]

12 Ways The New Congress Should Hold Big Pharma Accountable For Covid Evils

READ HERE:   Source

EU special tribunal ‘important’ to show Ukraine that Russia will be held accountable for invasion

The creation of a special tribunal able to charge the Russian leadership with the crime of aggression — the invasion of Ukraine — will show Kyiv that Moscow can be held accountable for violating its sovereignty. Source

A Judge is About to Rule on Pfizergate Case to Hold Big Pharma Accountable for Covid Vaccine Fraud

by Kyle Becker October 22, 2022 The last shred of hope for holding Big Pharma accountable for fraud now rests on a lawsuit against vaccine manufacturer Pfizer. In an update provided to Becker News, a judge is soon expected to issue his ruling on whether or not the ‘Pfizergate’ fraud case proceeds to trial. “The judge […]

Hamas calls on world to hold Israel accountable for crimes

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement has hailed a UN report after an investigation of Israeli practices, documented crimes and violations against Palestinians and Arabs. "These crimes included cold-blooded killings, systematic torture of Palestinian detainees, forced deportations, discrimination, racial segregation, house demolitions and colonial settlement expansion," said Hamas. The movement pointed out that the Israeli crimes […]

US Must be Held Accountable for Spreading Coronavirus

According to a report recently published by the World Health Organization, the real number of victims of the COVID-19 pandemic is 15 million – almost three times the number previously claimed by official figures. Meanwhile, WHO indicates that 68% of excess deaths are concentrated mainly in a dozen countries. Thus, according to the report, almost […]

Israel covered up killing of journalist Murtaja, so why would it be accountable for Abu Akleh? — MSNBC

The American government continues to express faith in Israel’s ability to investigate the killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, but the good news is there is widespread contempt for such credulity. On MSNBC, Mehdi Hasan interviewed Shireen’s niece, Lina Abu Akleh, who said of State Department statements: “How many Americans have to be killed […]

Hochul: Social Media Company CEOs ‘Need to Be Held Accountable’ for Hate Speech on Platforms

Governor Kathy Hochul (D-NY) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that social media company chief executives should be held accountable if hate speech is not monitored and removed on their platforms.

Jamie Raskin’s plan to hold Trump accountable

On what should’ve been the focus of Trump’s first impeachment “Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t because I had any doubts about impeachment, but I thought that the central impeachable offense and the original sin of the Trump presidency was that he had converted the presidency and the entire executive branch into a money-making operation. […]

Lightfoot: We Must ‘Do More to Push our Courts and our Prosecutors to Hold Dangerous Violent People Accountable’

On Monday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street,” Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) stated that courts and prosecutors have to do more “to hold dangerous violent people accountable” and criticized the large amount of dangerous violent offenders who are out on bond. Lightfoot said, “[W]e’ve got to do more to push our courts and […]

Airlines Insist Flights Aren’t Being Canceled, They’re Being Held Accountable

U.S.—Following news reports that another 2,800 flights had been canceled on Tuesday—after more than 6,000 were canceled on Christmas Eve and thousands more over the weekend—spokespersons for numerous airlines came forward to protest that flights are not being canceled at all. “When a flight doesn’t take off due to problematic crew shortages, that is not cancellation,” […]

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