Posts Tagged ‘tribunal’

“COVID-19”, “BIRD FLU”, “SWINE FLU”-The Preventive For All These Is To Convene Nuremberg Tribunal Courts, Give Fair Trials, Fair Hangings To All Lying assed “Elites” and Their 30 Shekel Minions

Want to stop all these wars, Scamdemics, the systematic culling of the human herd

When Nuremberg Tribunal Common Law Courts are Convened

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After Dorsey & Musk Both Receive Fair Nuremberg Tribunal Common Law Trials & Are Both Convicted of Accessory To Mass Holocaust, Hang Both Over One Limb using Each Other For Counter Wieght

In September 2021 during the Scamdemic for a mythical virus we know does not and never existed, 221 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever On Jack Dorsey’s Twitter Litter I was locked out of my account for trying to warn folks it was a […]

Tribunal upholds bodily autonomy rights – TEDS winning here

WEU wins significant case – Tribunal upholds homeopathic lifestyle and bodily autonomy in the right to determine whether to have Covid vaccination POSTED BY: ADMIN 30/01/2024 In Paul Edward Bailey – v – West Midlands Ambulance Service – Case No. 1302139/2022 the Midlands West Employment Tribunal has upheld that the Claimant has a protected philosophical belief under […]

“Dr.” Robert Malone Will Need To Be Given A Fair Nuremberg Common Law Tribunal Trial, Followed By A Fair Hanging

Gatekeepers and controlled opposition are made great use of by those doing the mass Holocaust of Humanity with the Killer Jabs, Instigated wars . If one does not understand most every “news” outlet to include most “alternative” media sites or blogs on the net are controlled opposition which took the 30 shekels to make war […]

The Belmarsh Tribunal, 20th January 2023

The most recent Belmarsh Tribunal took place in Washington DC on 20/01/2023 featuring speakers including WikiLeaks Editor-in-chief, Kristinn Hrafnsson, British MP Jeremy Corbyn and Investigative Journalist Stefania Maurizi. Source

Von der Leyen’s Special Tribunal As Fascist Theatre

On Wednesday November 30, Ursula Von der Leyen, the German president of the European Commission, stated that the European Union will set up a specialised tribunal, backed by the United Nations, to investigate and prosecute possible war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine. The French foreign ministry and Kiev regime echoed her remarks. “We are […]

EU special tribunal ‘important’ to show Ukraine that Russia will be held accountable for invasion

The creation of a special tribunal able to charge the Russian leadership with the crime of aggression — the invasion of Ukraine — will show Kyiv that Moscow can be held accountable for violating its sovereignty. Source

Military Tribunal Convicts & Executes Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel

Military Tribunal Convicts Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel By Michael Baxter – November 15, 2022 Monday, 11/14/2022. 10:00 a.m. EST. The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps and Office of Military Commissions had difficulty finding three impartial panelists to hear evidence against Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel, for every interviewee knew someone whose life the vaccine had […]

Ukraine war: Zelenskyy calls for a special tribunal to punish Russia for its invasion

A special tribunal should be created to punish Russia for its aggression in Ukraine, the country’s president Volodymyr Zelenskyy told the UN General Assembly. Zelenskyy, speaking in a pre-recorded video, also called for Moscow to have its power of veto removed at the UN Security Council.  “Ukraine demands punishment for trying to steal our territory,” said […]

Tribunal rules UK school ‘indirectly’ discriminated against pastor over tweet opposing pride events

Photo Credit: Christian Concern/YouTube CAMBRIDGE — An employment tribunal in the U.K. has ruled that a primary school “indirectly” discriminated against a pastor who served as a caretaker at the institution when leaders sent a written warning following complaints over his personal tweet opining that homosexual pride events should not be attended by Christians…

Don’t Ignore The 2021 Tribunal On Genocide

When I walked through the doors of the Shabazz Center for the Spirit of Mandela Tribunal that took place on October 22-25th, I was not greeted by police or any other capitalist/white supremacist security force. Instead, after checking in, I was greeted by brothers that felt like my dad, like my uncles, like my high school track coach or […]

International Tribunal Seeks To Charge US Government With Crimes Against Humanity

Above Photo: Kevin “Rashid” Johnson, political prisoner. ‘In The Spirit Of Mandela.’ In this era of police violence, pandemic worries, and economic crisis, it is no surprise that U.S. (and local) government agencies have a poor track record of sharing information honestly and directly—especially information about their own complicity in actions and policies that […]

Will a Military Tribunal Against Gates Be Next? What About the Rest of the Cabal Gates Works With?

by Admin · Published October 12, 2021 · Updated October 12, 2021 Source

Uyghur Tribunal: US Lawfare at its Lowest

The so-called “Uyghur Tribunal” is promoted across the Western media as an “independent” tribunal. AP claims that it seeks to lay out evidence that will “compel international action to tackle growing concerns about alleged abuses in Xinjiang.” The tribunal – having no legal basis or enforcement mechanism – will clearly be used to help bolster […]

Ideological Aggression Against China Intensifies – The Uyghur Tribunal

On the 24th of July an article appeared on the weblog OpinioJuris written by two British lawyers named Mandelbaum and Borda and a German lawyer named Stegbauer, with the title, “Legitimation Crisis Or Access To Justice? On The Authority of International People’s Tribunals.” It appeared simultaneously on the Uyghur Tribunal website, the website of the […]

BL – 1919 Military Tribunal on the Protocols, Part 4

EURO FOLK RADIO BL – 1919 Military Tribunal on the Protocols, Part 4 Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Share this: Source

BL – 1919 Military Tribunal on the Protocols, Pt3

EURO FOLK RADIO BL – 1919 Military Tribunal on the Protocols, Pt3 Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Share this: Source

‘Uygur Tribunal’ Is A Lie-Maker

Above Photo: Local residents walk in a street at a scenic spot in the ancient city of Kashgar, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, May 16, 2020. Xinhua. Another political farce aimed at discrediting Xinjiang. The so-called Uygur Tribunal is a lie-maker that has nothing to do with the law or the truth, it’s another […]

A closer look at the symbolism of the ITNJ (International Tribunal of Natural Justice)

SymboliekA closer look at the symbolism of the ITNJ (International Tribunal of Natural Justice)By Ella Ster  on  6 december 2019       The symbolism of the ITNJ is full of references to Jesuits, the Vatican, black nobility and Freemasons. Some imagery is totally inappropriate for victims because it can trigger memories of the traumatic […]

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