Posts Tagged ‘january’

Unveiling the Brennan-Clapper Files: How January 6 Shifted Surveillance Powers

America First Legal (AFL) has published another batch of documents (referred to collectively as “Deep State Diaries”) originating from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) advisory outfit, Homeland Intelligence Experts Group. AFL refers to this body as the “Brennan-Clapper committee” since it included former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John […]

D.C. National Guard whistleblowers say Trump was about to deploy them on January 6 but Pentagon held them back

D.C. National Guard whistleblowers say Trump was about to deploy them on January 6 but Pentagon held them back In a hearing scheduled for next week, whistleblowers from the Washington, D.C., National Guard will tell Congress that Donald Trump wanted them deployed during the January 6 Capitol riot, but the Pentagon interfered with that deployment. […]

CIA deployed bomb techs, dog teams to D.C. on January 6, records unearthed by Judicial Watch show

CIA deployed bomb techs, dog teams to D.C. on January 6, records unearthed by Judicial Watch show In a bombshell announcement, Judicial Watch says it received 88 pages of Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive (ATF) records from the Department of Justice (DOJ) via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request showing that the […]

Producer prices and consumer prices both came in hot in January

Wholesale and retail prices rose more than expected in January, data pointing to the stubbornness of inflation that could lead the Federal Reserve to put off cuts to interest rates. The producer price index (PPI), which measures how much businesses pay to each other for goods and services, rose 0.3 percent in January, above expectations… […]

Housing Starts Collapsed In January – Biggest MoM Decline Since COVID Lockdowns

After single-family home starts plunged in December, analysts did not expect much of a bounce back in January as rates remain high and some regions were affected by weather. Analysts were way off. Housing Starts puked 14.8% MoM in January (vs unchanged exp), but December’s 4.3% MoM decline was revised up to a 3.3% MoM […]

Producer Prices Surged In January As Services Costs Soared

After the hotter-than-expected CPI (which has been shrugged off entirely by the stock market), Producer Prices were expected to rebound very modestly MoM but continue to slow on a YoY basis in January. Instead, like CPI, it re-accelerated with headline rising 0.3% MoM (+0.1% MoM exp), which left PPI up 0.9% YoY (down from December […]

Oil Shorts Squeezed As Cushing Inventories Tumble To Historic Low For January

With 22-year-old portfolio managers shorting energy stocks and commodities beyond record levels to avoid “career risk” and fund NVDA longs by jumping on the biggest bubble bandwagon since the days , the inevitable short squeeze will be a sight to behold, and according to Reuters it may have started. As Reuters energy analyst John […]

January 24 – Netanyahu Could Destroy Israel

DAVID HEARST, Editor of Middle East Eye, a Jew, says the war has been a military and political disaster for Israel. He predicts Jews not Arabs will leave Israel.  Before Oct 7, Palestinian statehood was on the back burner. Now it’s on everyone’s lips. Israel was normalizing relations with its neighbours. Kiss all that goodbye. […]

Journalist Glenn Greenwald Destroys the Leftist Narrative That January 6th Was a Coup (VIDEO)

Journalist Glenn Greenwald Destroys the Leftist Narrative That January 6th Was a Coup (VIDEO) Source

Tomorrow—January 22, 2024— NATO to hold biggest drills since Cold War with 90,000 troops

From Mark Crispin Miller The US under “Joe Biden” is a rogue state doing all it can for world depopulation, through incessant WAR all over From Russell “Texas” Bentley in Donetsk: I wrote the following article a few days ago. It was published in a somewhat watered down form by Sputnik International News. (MSM is […]

Ministerial oaths, 1st Commonwealth Ministry. Barton Ministry, 1 January 1901 to 24 September 1903.


Dry January? These Are The Most Popular Cocktails For 2024

Dry January might be be required to recover from the excesses of the holidays, but a whole new year beckons with more successes, milestones, and achievements, perhaps requiring more or less libations, depending on the country one is from. But what are people craving from their alcohol mixes? Visual Capitalist’s Marcus Lu charts out the most […]

January 2024

Political cartoons from the desk of Matt Wuerker. Source

Daily Horoscope: January 2, 2024

Confusion is in the air as the moon in Virgo clashes with Mercury in Sagittarius and faces off with Neptune in Pisces at 3:54 AM and 9:50 AM, respectively. We’re seeking truth, though we might feel like we’re on a scavenger hunt to discover it. We might communicate a bit roughly, with a little too […]

Globalist Agenda Watch 2024 – January Updates

I strongly advise readers to save an offline copy of this page on removable media (how to), as well as copies of these two [1, 2]. For a beginner’s course on the globalists’ true agenda, scroll down to An Introduction to What’s Really Going On in Our World (or click here). And if you are […]

Monthly Horoscope: Pisces, January 2024

You’re focused on your goals and hopes for the future as the sun moves through your chart’s house of hopes and dreams during Capricorn season, which began on December 21. This can put you in touch with your friends and network, the people who make your dreams come true. New Year’s celebrations may be confronted […]

Monthly Horoscope: Aquarius, January 2024

Capricorn season which began on the winter solstice, December 21, marks a quiet time of contemplation and solitude as the sun moves through a quiet, spiritual, and secretive sector of your chart. From here, you can gain some perspective before the sun enters your sign.  Love planet Venus clashes with your planetary ruler, Saturn, showing […]

Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn, January 2024

The sun in your sign from December 21 marks Capricorn season: This is your personal new year, a time to recenter yourself and your vision as you happily take the lead! You’re working through tricky emotions as love planet Venus clashes with serious Saturn on January 1. Confronting hidden feelings can be heavy. Time to […]

Monthly Horoscope: Libra, January 2024

Capricorn season, which began December 21, centers on your home and family life. The place you call home and your roots are an important part of the story. Your planetary ruler Venus is in your chart’s house of communication until late January, connecting you with your relationships to your siblings, roommates, and neighbors. You’re making […]

Monthly Horoscope: Virgo, January 2024

Capricorn season activates your chart’s house of leisure and pleasure, connecting you with your social life and hobbies beginning December 21. This is also the sector of your chart that relates to children, either your own or the ones in your life. Take time to enjoy yourself! Sacrifices or responsibilities in your home and family […]

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