Posts Tagged ‘barton’

David Barton Vows to Ensure the Republican Platform Aligns With the First Twelve Chapters of Genesis

As he has multiple times in the past, Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton will once again serve on the committee responsible for drafting the Republican platform ahead of the Republican National Convention next month. Addressing the responsibility on his radio program today, Barton said that his mission is to see that the Republican Party platform […]

Tim Barton Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

There is no myth that Christian nationalists love repeating more than the claim that the Bible was the source most frequently cited by the Founding Fathers. And Tim Barton of WallBuilders has a particular love for spreading this false claim, which makes sense given that it originated with his father, Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton. […]

Tim Barton Endorses Right-Wing Challenger to Top Republican in Pennsylvania State House

Christian nationalist Tim Barton was the featured speaker at a campaign event last week for Dave Nissley, whose primary challenge to the top Republican in the state House of Representatives is being backed by local far-right groups, Lancaster Online reported Monday. “If we don’t start getting the right kind of people, who know there’s a […]

A Case Study In The Spread Of David Barton’s Christian Nationalist Disinformation

Recently, Warren Throckmorton launched a podcast called “Telling Jefferson Lies” that chronicles the career Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton and exposes the ways in which Barton misrepresents and misuses history to promote his far-right political agenda. The podcast is centered about the new second edition of the book Throckmorton co-authored with Michael Coulter called “Getting […]

Ministerial oaths, 1st Commonwealth Ministry. Barton Ministry, 1 January 1901 to 24 September 1903.


David Barton Blames Slavery in the U.S. on ‘Progressives’

One of the problems encountered by Christian nationalist pseudo-historians like David Barton is how to address the issue of slavery. After all, the core of Barton’s message is that the Founders of this nation were good Christian men who intended to create a good Christian country but this narrative conflicts with the simple fact that […]

Tim Barton’s Misleading Effort to Claim the Declaration of Independence Condemned Slavery

Tim Barton, son of Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton and president of his WallBuilders organization, shares his father’s penchant for spreading lies and misinformation about the founding of this nation. Earlier this week, Barton spoke at an “Awakening Night” event in Corpus Christi, Texas, where he engaged in a misleading effort to prove that the […]

David Barton Says Democrats Are Not ‘God-Fearing’ And Thus Have ‘Less Moral Restraints’ About Cheating in Elections

When Donald Trump ran for president in 2016, Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton played a key role in promoting his campaign to evangelicals, declaring that Christians had a biblical obligation to vote for Trump because he was “God’s guy.” Barton continued to praise Trump throughout his term in office, even predicting that Trump could go […]

David Barton Doesn’t Just Lie About History. He Lies About Current Events Too

Right Wing Watch has spent years exposing and debunking the false history promoted by Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton of WallBuilders. While a lot of our focus has been on correcting Barton’s lies about the founding era and the creation of this nation, Barton also has a tendency to lie about contemporary issues that can […]

Debunking David Barton’s Favorite Falsehood About the Bible and Circuit Courts

It has been well-documented that Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton routinely misuses and misrepresents both American history and the Bible in order to promote his right-wing political agenda. For decades, Barton has worked diligently to convince conservative Christian activists that the Founding Fathers intended for the United States to be an explicitly Christian nation that […]

Barton’s Bible Bunk: More Evidence of How David Barton Misuses History and Scripture for Political Purposes

Earlier this month, we published a piece exposing how religious-right pseudo-historian David Barton routinely misrepresents history and scripture to support his Christian nationalist political agenda. In that case, we examined how Barton distorted a speech delivered by Benjamin Franklin during the Constitutional Convention to claim that it was filled with Bible verses. As we have […]

David Barton’s ‘History’ Simply Cannot Be Trusted

When the Family Research Council held its annual “Pray, Vote, Stand” summit last week, Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton was given a prime speaking slot, along with dozens of right-wing pastors, activists, commentators, and members of Congress. While introducing Barton, FRC’s president Tony Perkins declared that what critics deride as Christian nationalism is simply true […]

14 Bible Verses: How David Barton Misuses History and Scripture for Political Purposes

There is perhaps nobody more responsible for the widely held belief among right-wing activists that the United States was founded to be an explicitly Christian nation than religious-right pseudo-historian David Barton. Despite the fact that Barton’s misuse and misrepresentation of both American history and the Bible have been well-documented, his work has played a key […]

David Barton Misrepresents Charles Finney to Claim Political Involvement Is Key to Bringing About National Spiritual Revival

Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton delivered a presentation last week in which he misrepresented a lecture delivered by 19th century evangelist Charles Finney to argue that the only way to bring about spiritual revival in this nation is for conservative Christians to get more involved in politics. Speaking to the religious-right organization City Elders last […]

David Barton Says the Second Amendment Guarantees Your Right to Own a Nuclear Bomb

Religious-right pseudo-historian David Barton is a Second Amendment absolutist, meaning that he believes there should be literally no limits on what sort of weapons private citizens can possess, including tanks and fighter jets. Under Barton’s interpretation of the Second Amendment, the “right to bear arms” was designed to guarantee that citizens are adequately armed to […]

Like Father, Like Son: Tim Barton Spreads His Father’s Lies That the Constitution Is Filled With Bible Verses

On Monday night, Tim Barton appeared on the Truth & Liberty Coalition’s weekly livestream, where he repeated many of the same false claims regularly made by his father, the pseudo-historian David Barton, such as the bogus assertion that the Constitution is filled with “phrases that are almost verbatim from the Bible.” “The Founding Fathers referenced […]

David Barton Says the Bible Instructs Religious Leaders to Recruit Political Candidates for Office

Religious-right activist David Barton is currently traveling the country as part of the Faith Wins “American Restoration Tour,” spreading his right-wing pseudo-history in churches in an effort to mobilize conservative Christians heading into the 2022 midterm elections. On Monday, Barton spoke at Mountain View Baptist Church in Cowpens, South Carolina, where he claimed that the […]

David Barton Praises Hungary’s Latest Anti-LGBTQ Crackdown

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Watch Live: Alex Jones Leads Barton Springs Swimming Protest In Defiance Of Austin Lockdown Orders

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GOP Lawmaker Joe Barton Apologizes For Leaked Nude Photo On Twitter

Texas Congressman Joe Barton has apologized after the release of a sexually explicit photo which is now circulating online. The graphic image was revealed by a Twitter user who claims to also have several videos of Barton masturbating. The Twitter user censored the image, and revealed a sext reading, “I want u soo bad. Right now.” […]

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