Posts Tagged ‘leaked’

UPDATE: Israel Not Clear Why Pentagon Leaked Info to Media on Isfahan Attack – Embarrassing Iran – Potentially Escalating Conflict

UPDATE: Israel Not Clear Why Pentagon Leaked Info to Media on Isfahan Attack – Embarrassing Iran – Potentially Escalating Conflict Source

Leaked audio PROVES FBI involvement in Gretchen Whitmer false flag “kidnapping plot”

Leaked audio PROVES FBI involvement in Gretchen Whitmer false flag “kidnapping plot” It went largely unnoticed after the Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “kidnapping plot” failed, but there were plans in the works around the same time as the January 6 “insurrection” at the United States Capitol to also storm the State Capitol in Michigan. Just […]

Germany to investigate leaked recording of Luftwaffe generals’ Crimean Bridge attack plan

(NaturalNews) Germany is set to launch an investigation into how an audio recording of several German generals discussing helping Ukraine attack Russia was… Source

Germany Confirms Leaked Audio Of Its Top Generals Discussing Blowing Up The Crimean Bridge

In a huge development and absolute smoking gun revelation, the government of Germany has confirmed the authenticity of a leaked audio recording file published by Russia’s state-backed RT. The leak was first published by RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan, who described that she received it from Russian security officials. Source

Audio recording leaked from AstraZeneca: Covid was classified a national security threat by the US Government/DOD on February 4, 2020.

Recorded at an internal executive meeting at the end of 2020. This recording has not been published previously anywhere. SASHA LATYPOVA FEB 7, 2024 On Feb 4, 2020 – AstraZeneca and other pharma companies participating in the DOD Pandemic Preparedness consortium received a phone call from the DOD saying that “novel covid virus posed national […]

Leaked video reveals FAA Officials discussing ways to actively reduce the number of white males in the aviation industry

Leaked video reveals FAA Officials discussing ways to actively reduce the number of white males in the aviation industry Angela McCullough, the acting deputy chief operating officer for the Federal Aviation Administration, (FAA) revealed RACIST motivations for hiring and firing pilots. In a Zoom call with senior officials from the FAA’s Flight Program Operation division, […]

WEF Admits Disease X Will Be Leaked in 2025

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has declared that ‘Disease X’ will be unleashed onto the public by the year 2025 – and the consequences will be devastating for humanity. Last week, global elites met at […] The post WEF Admits Disease X Will Be Leaked in 2025 appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

The NZ data leaked by whistleblower Barry Young is unassailable proof the CV vaccines increase your risk of death

From Steve Kirsch @ Substack They will do everything to gaslight you into believing otherwise. The one thing they won’t do is have a civil debate with me on the time-series analysis or explain to anyone how it is wrong. Executive summary No country has ever disclosed patient record-level data on any vaccine ever before […]

Leaked German Military Document Details Countdown to World War III

    The German military is apparently preparing for an attack by Russia following the 2024 election that may escalate into a wider global conflict. A classified Berlin Ministry of Defense document obtained by Bild, called “Alliance Defence 2025”, details a timeline of escalating conflict with Russia following its “hybrid attack” on NATO’s eastern flank. […]

Bill Clinton Officially Named As Epstein’s ‘Most Prolific Pedophile’ in Leaked Court Documents

Bill Clinton is officially listed as one of the “most prolific pedophiles” in an upcoming release of court documents that names and shames VIP child rapists connected to Jeffrey Epstein. According to a report by […] The post Bill Clinton Officially Named As Epstein’s ‘Most Prolific Pedophile’ in Leaked Court Documents appeared first on The […]

Leaked EU Files Reveal ‘Fast Vax’ In Development For ‘Next Pandemic’ Caused By ‘Disease X’

The European Union (EU) has admitted it is urgently developing a cutting-edge “fast vax” in anticipation of “pandemics on the horizon” including the mysterious “Disease X” which has been included on a list of “analyzed […] The post Leaked EU Files Reveal ‘Fast Vax’ In Development For ‘Next Pandemic’ Caused By ‘Disease X’ appeared first […]

NZ Whistleblower Released on Bail as Scientists Debate Leaked Vaccine Data

Scientists and statisticians continue to debate the accuracy of a large database of COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths released less than two weeks ago by a New Zealand Ministry of Health whistleblower. WORLD COUNCIL FOR HEALTH DEC 14, 2023 This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website. Scientists and statisticians continue […]

Shocking Leaked Videos Reveal MH370 Was ‘Disappeared’ Using Nazi Technology

It has been described as the greatest mystery in aviation history. When Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared on March 8, 2014, the entire world was fascinated by how a Boeing 777 airliner with 239 people onboard could possibly go missing without a trace. Nine years later, the official narrative has not changed. Apparently we are […]

YouTube Censors Reporting On Leaked Trans Shooter Manifesto

YouTube has removed reporting by Steven Crowder on the pages of the withheld manifesto of the Nashville mass shooter that he managed to obtain, claiming that they “think it violates” their policy on “violent criminal organizations”. Whatever that means is anyone’s guess. Crowder shared the development with a screenshot from his YouTube account, commenting “Investigative […]

Transgender shooter’s manifesto leaked; Nashville police flip out

(NaturalNews) The first three pages of the manifesto attributed to the Christian Covenant School shooter have been leaked to the media, providing valuable… Source

Leaked Israeli Govt Plan: Expel All Palestinians From Gaza And Send Them to Europe and Canada

By Chris Menahan A leaked Israeli Intelligence Ministry document reveals the goal of their war with Gaza is Source

Leaked Canadian Broadcasting Corporation email orders reporters NOT to refer to anybody in Israel-Palestine conflict as “terrorists”

(NaturalNews) According to a leaked email allegedly written by George Achi, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s (CBC) director of journalistic… Source

Former IRS contractor pleads guilty on Trump leaked tax returns

A former IRS contractor pleaded guilty Thursday to charges of leaking tax information about former President Trump and others to news outlets between 2018 and 2020. Charles Littlejohn, 38, was charged by the Justice Department last month for disclosing tax return information on “thousands of the nation’s wealthiest individuals” to a news organization as well as passing… […]

Afraid of Leaked Nudes? This Storage Service Says They’ll Be Safe and Sound

Every friend group has one: the hot person with a tote bag full of Elf Bars, a dog-eared copy of The Four Agreements, and no more storage space left on their phone. That last issue really sucks all the time, but especially when they have to delete those precious thot shots from their phone in […]

Leaked Documents Reveal US and Zelensky Recruiting ISIS Terrorists To Fight in Ukraine

Ukraine President Vololdymyr Zelensky is trying to recruit ISIS fighters from Iraqi and Syrian prisons to join the Ukraine Armed Forces and fight against Russia, according to leaked documents published in the Middle East. The […] The post Leaked Documents Reveal US and Zelensky Recruiting ISIS Terrorists To Fight in Ukraine appeared first on The […]

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