Posts Tagged ‘reporting’

Antisemitism Czar Scolds WashPost for ‘Fostering Antisemitism’ by Reporting on Jewish Donors Pushing Protest Crackdown

US Antisemitism Czar Deborah Lipstadt used her bully pulpit on Tuesday to scold the Washington Post for publishing a factual story exposing how wealthy Jewish donors were part of a secret group chat which pushed NYC Mayor Eric Adams to crackdown on pro-Palestine protests. Source

Reuters Has Ulterior Motives For Reporting That Iran Tipped Russia Off Before The Crocus Attack

Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, This narrative is being pushed to deflect from the evidence tying Ukraine to the Crocus terrorist attack and to discredit the Russian security services… Reuters cited three unnamed sources to exclusively report on Monday that Iran had allegedly tipped Russia off about a then-impending major terrorist attack after learning about […]

Laith Marouth Reporting from Lebanon

Laith Marouth Reporting from Lebanon  Sat 1:39 pm +01:00, 30 Mar 2024   posted by danceaway [embedded content] The excellent Garland Nixon has this man on his programme frequently, which is where I have come across him. This is a different interviewer. Laith has Canadian citizenship, but is of Palestinian/Arabic birth. Post Views: 37 […]

Federal Agents Arrest Journalist For Reporting on Jan 6 and Exposing Government Role

FBI agents have arrested journalist Steve Baker for covering the January 6 protests and daring to challenge the official narrative surrounding the event. The Blaze journalist was arrested on Friday morning by FBI agents and […] The post Federal Agents Arrest Journalist For Reporting on Jan 6 and Exposing Government Role appeared first on The […]

Biden Demands That The Media Start Reporting ‘The Right Way’

US President Joe Biden has blasted the media and told them that he wants more favorable coverage of his economic policies Heading off to his Christmas holiday vacation on Saturday, Biden stopped briefly to talk […] The post Biden Demands That The Media Start Reporting ‘The Right Way’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

The NZ Police made changes to the sudden death reporting form in May 2021, relating specifically to the covid injection

This interesting interview is from Liz Gunn speaking with former Snr Police Constable Dan Picknell. The changes were by verbal order, not officially on paper. The tweaks to the form included the number of covid (experimental) jabs the deceased had received, the time frame for those, the batch numbers, who administered them and the time […]

ESG, DEI, and the Rise of Fake Reporting

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL We know that the modern West has developed a jaw-dropping degree of totalitarianism, wherein the bureaucracies of the state and the corporate sector coordinate together to cripple humans outside their power networks and media channels. But what are the mechanics of this coordination? To understand one of the games they […]

YouTube Censors Reporting On Leaked Trans Shooter Manifesto

YouTube has removed reporting by Steven Crowder on the pages of the withheld manifesto of the Nashville mass shooter that he managed to obtain, claiming that they “think it violates” their policy on “violent criminal organizations”. Whatever that means is anyone’s guess. Crowder shared the development with a screenshot from his YouTube account, commenting “Investigative […]

Years of Incarcerated Journalist’s Reporting Deleted by Notorious Prison Telecom ‘Inadvertently’

Securus Technologies, a prison telecommunications company previously reported on for its predatory business practices, deleted incarcerated users’ draft emails in a system reboot on Monday. One incarcerated journalist says they use the draft box to do critical reporting and lost years of work as a result of the wipe, and that the company silenced important […]

Al Jazeera Journalist Still Reporting After Israel Kills His Family In Gaza: ‘It Was My Duty’

Gaza Bureau Chief Wael Dahdouh said it was his “duty” to return to work and cover the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, despite his massive loss. Source

Peruvian Villagers Are Reporting Nightly Attacks by 7ft Shapeshifting Reptilians Resembling Green Goblin

Terrified villagers in a rural district of Alto Nanay, Peru, claim they are under attack by 7ft tall shapeshifting reptilians which they have dubbed “face peelers” or “pelacaras,” which are strange beings believed to feast […] The post Peruvian Villagers Are Reporting Nightly Attacks by 7ft Shapeshifting Reptilians Resembling Green Goblin appeared first on The […]

Physician Assistant Fired After Reporting Adverse Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccine to VAERS

Physician Assistant Fired After Reporting Adverse Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccine to VAERS Date: March 21, 2023Author: Nwo Report Posted BY: Jasmine | NwoReport Deborah Conrad, a physician assistant in New York, was fired from her job after reporting COVID-19 vaccine adverse reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). 100 Percent Fed Up – […]

Dr’s Assistant Fired After Reporting Adverse Reactions To The Covid Jabs To VAERS

A physician’s assistant in New York was fired from her job after reporting adverse reactions to the Covid-19 jabs to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). According to100 Percent Fed Up – In 2021, […] The post Dr’s Assistant Fired After Reporting Adverse Reactions To The Covid Jabs To VAERS appeared first on News […]

Woke CNN Reporter Robbed in San Francisco While Live on Air Reporting on Street Crime

CNN reporter Kyung Lah visited San Francisco with the intention of addressing rumors regarding voter discontent in the Democrat-run city due to the high level of street crime. Ironically, while she was was broadcasting live on air, the woke reporter became a victim of street robbery in broad daylight. In a report published by the […]

The New Ground Zero: East Palestine Workers Reporting ‘Migraines And Nausea’

More workers in East Palestine at the site of the toxic train derailment are reporting intense headaches and nausea, prompting fears that the cleanup could constitute a new ‘ground zero’ health disaster. Meanwhile, Joe Biden casually stated that he might visit the town “at some point” and again claimed that he’s spoken to “every official” […]

MSM journalist lands on Ukraine hit list after reporting that most Crimeans are pro-Russia

(Natural News) A reporter for a mainstream media (MSM) outlet found himself on a Ukrainian government “hit list” following his report that most Crimeans support Russia. English reporter Keir Simmons, who works with American MSM outlet NBC, traveled to the Crimea region in Ukraine to cover the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. During his visit, he interviewed […]

‘War and loss is all around us’: The Ukrainian women reporting from the front line

“We don’t really have a choice of burning out or not,” Ukrainian journalist Alya Shandra told Euronews. “If we burn out and who’s left?” Source

Kroger shoppers reporting “a lot of empty shelves” across supermarket chain locations

Kroger shoppers reporting “a lot of empty shelves” across supermarket chain locations Monday, January 09, 2023 by: Ethan Huff This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author (Natural News) Social media is brimming with reports of missing food items at Kroger supermarket locations across the country. A repeat of early […]

The official NZ Guide for reporting potential ‘terrorists’

Should you have suspiciously acting neighbours, associates or whomever, the NZ Secret Service has compiled a little booklet for you to peruse in deciding whether they should be reported to the authorities or not. This will make NZ a safer place to live. Note this website does not support or promote violence in any way. […]

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